Should White Progressive Liberal Women be Disenfranchised???

By Francis Marion

A period of twenty years without white men in the world’s parliaments and voting booths will allow legislation to be passed which could see the world’s wealth far more equitably shared. The violence of white male wealth and income inequality will be a thing of the past. Shelly Garland – Huff Post

Based on the title I know what you’re thinking, “Francis you’re a damned genius,” or “Francis you are a complete and utter asshole”. Either way, you could be right. But hear me out anyway.

Every time I watch this video I want to call a buddy of mine, a conservative Jew, and tell him one thing: your chicks are selling you out. They’re going on national television with their crazy ass ideas and stirring up some serious shit. But I refrain. Because it’s not just white Jewish women (and yes they are white, even the Jewish ones), it’s a lot of white, progressive liberal women in general.

So let’s review shall we? How is having white, liberal, progressive women voting and in positions of political power in general, stacking up and working out for the western world?


Sweden is arguably the capital of progressive, liberal ideology, spurred on primarily by the progressive, liberal female who now controls and directs the nation’s political business. From the government of Sweden’s website:

Sweden has the first feminist government in the world. This means that gender equality is central to the Government’s priorities – in decision-making and resource allocation. A feminist government ensures that a gender equality perspective is brought into policy-making on a broad front, both nationally and internationally.

Interestingly, Sweden also has the second highest recorded rape rate in the world, which the BBC explains is the result of the manner in which attacks are reported.  The primary reason the number is so high we are told is that each individual incident of rape that is reported is counted. So a woman who was raped by her boyfriend on say six different occasions but who reported all six crimes on one occasion counts as six separate incidents and not just one like it would in other nations. Apparently. So that number shoots up to number two on the planet based on the difference in reporting methods? Ok then.

Interesting then that the article and the Swedish government does not compare current statistics by breaking them down into their base number and stacking them against similar statistics from ten or twenty years ago, before you know, the Swedes had unfettered immigration.

The astute of course will point out that even if we still found a significant rise in the incident of rape during this period, all things being equal, that correlation is not causation. Of course, I would simply suggest that critics spend some time in a Muslim ghetto, a few days should do it, and then we’ll talk about whether or not the rise in rape that is correlated with the influx of a foreign culture that views women as property is what is causing the problem to begin with or not.

Ladies, any takers?

I didn’t think so.


Germany, a nation run by a woman who is so left wing that she is embarrassed to hold her own damn flag.

Of course, she is happy to allow millions of unscreened foreigners into the country, most of whom have no intent of ever assimilating and whose first loyalty is to the nation of their birth and its leader. So much so that they frequently take to the streets with their native flags and are happy to denounce the very country in which they reside. Why? Because German authorities won’t allow foreign politicians to stage rallies in their countries either electronically or in person.

That’s showing some backbone Ang! Nothing like closing the barn door AFTER the horses have bolted.

Meanwhile, Merkel wannabe progressive victims welcome more “migrants” because not being able to go outside after dark or into large gatherings because it is no longer safe is apparently a good idea.

Well done ladies.

Which brings me back to the BBC article on the rape rate in Sweden (and the nugget that sparked the question) which states that although South Africa does not keep statistics on rape that as many as one in four men has admitted to committing the crime. From Swedens Rape Rate Under the Spotlight

a total of 63 countries don’t submit any statistics, including South Africa, where a survey three years ago showed that one in four men questioned admitted to rape.

So what has this got to do with reason impaired and mathematically challenged women?

I thought you’d never ask.

Well the population of South Africa is as follows (numbers are approximate and based on 2011 & 2015 data):

  • Population: approximately 55 million people.
  • Males Consist of Approximately 49% of the population
  • Females Consist of Approximately 51% of the population
  • 80 % of the population is black
  • 8% of the population is white
  • 12% of the population is Asian or ‘other’
  • 25% of the men in the country admit to being guilty of rape (allegedly according to the BBC)

Now assuming that the incidence of rape from one race to the next is equal the odds of getting raped by a black male in South Africa are still remarkably higher than any other race if for no other reason than population imbalance and frequency of contact. In fact, if my calculator is working correctly and given that the numbers above are reasonably accurate (thank you Wikipedia) then that means that of a population of 55 million people approximately 5.4 million of its male black inhabitants are guilty of sexual assault of some type or another. If I had more time and the inclination I’d look at rape rates throughout the western world by race and apply a similar weighting to the numbers in South Africa and see what we find.

Regardless of the outcome, I’d suggest that if we are going to suspend the voting rights of white males in South Africa (and elsewhere) based on poor behavior as a group that the same should apply to blacks based on the one in four number being equal. I’m a magnanimous kind of fellow so I’m happy to give my black brothers the benefit of the doubt and do that.

Of course, that’s not why silly, liberal progressive women want to do things like deny white men the right to vote. Because, apparently, rape is no reason to suspend voting privileges (or they’d be asking for black men to be sanctioned as well), the ownership of property and the color of one’s skin is.

Perhaps it is time for us to recognize what the real problem here is?

A lack of reason.

To ignore the epidemic of crime unleashed on the western world by way of unfettered immigration is suicidal in the broadest sense of the term. See Sweden, Germany and most of western Europe. To blame those who have championed universal suffrage (as imperfect as we may be) for the problems of the world simply because you know, we own shit and are the wrong color, is a logical fallacy the likes of which our predecessors couldn’t have imagined.

Of course, we have been here before in other parts of the world and at other points in time. Russia, most of Eastern Europe and much of Asia have experimented with this ideology over the past one hundred years and it has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent people. The only question that remains to be asked is, “Should we allow it to happen again?”

And if the primary champion of this evil, nihilistic and destructive philosophy happens to be primarily white, progressive, liberal females should we continue to allow them to vote? Given the explosion in violent crime across Europe and South Africa of late would it not be fair, for their own good and everyone else’s, to deny them suffrage since they appear to be the ones encouraging their own destruction?

It’s an important question and for the good of the planet, it is one worth answering.


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April 14, 2017 1:26 pm

When god cut off eve’s dick, the brains slipped out. This is why women lack reason today. It’s genetic.

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 14, 2017 1:28 pm

Stupid is as stupid does.

April 14, 2017 1:30 pm

“And if the primary champion of this evil, nihilistic and destructive philosophy happens to be primarily white, progressive, liberal females should we continue to allow them to vote? Given the explosion in violent crime across Europe and South Africa of late would it not be fair, for their own good and everyone else’s, to deny them suffrage since they appear to be the ones encouraging their own destruction?”

There are many true conservative women who are fighting to conserve our civilization and stopping the dispossession of western man by mass invasion from the third world. However, unfortunately, the law of averages is what we need to be concerned with, not the actions of a minority, since the majority of women are working overtime to destroy the European peoples. Their primary target is White men and the civilization built dominantly by them and this act of national suicide is driven by a visceral resentment and hatred fanned by a subversive main stream media, Hollywood culture and schools and universities. So in answer to your question, I have concluded for some time that giving women the vote was a monumental mistake that must be reversed, otherwise we are finished. Another reason is that women because of their basic biology are much more susceptible to indoctrination and influence by the forces of subversion and destruction, better know as the Deep State.

As good as it gets, Jack Nicholson, “How do you write women so well?”, Nicholson responds, “I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability”.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
April 14, 2017 11:55 pm

If you want to know where the responsibility really lies, I suggest looking into the works of Kevin MacDonald. He is prominent on the Occidental Observer website.

I’d also suggest giving a little thought to how Muslim cultures treat their women. Get past the programmed kneejerk reaction, and think about the questions Marion asks, and it suddenly doesn’t appear as dreadful as we’re told.
There’s two cultures on earth that are showing real staying power. We aren’t one of them. Jews and Muslims will be scrapping over what’s left when we destroy ourselves.

I pray that we are pushed too far too quickly, and react accordingly. But it doesn’t seem to be happening. We seem to be rolling over and presenting our naked underbelly. Kipling’s “When the Saxon begins to Hate” isn’t looking too real right now.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
April 14, 2017 1:47 pm

Francis, good article. I will not be sharing it with my white, liberal wife.

BTW, being a damned genius and a complete and utter asshole are not mutually exclusive traits.

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
April 14, 2017 2:21 pm

The only way this could be accomplished is if civil war breaks out. And even then it might not happen because there is no shortage of leftist shit heads in the military and government. Basically, a large culling of leftists needs to happen.

April 14, 2017 2:22 pm

Women were made from one of Adam’s ribs, not part of his brain.

April 14, 2017 2:33 pm

You non-thinking bible thumpers can’t tell the difference between parables and reality. Is your IQ below 80?

April 14, 2017 3:12 pm

Do you ever post a thoughtful comment instead of personal ad hominem attack? Or are you only capable of personal insult?

If you can, you should. It would better display your intelligence, thinking, and why you consider it right than just insulting anyone you don’t want to agree with or consider.

April 14, 2017 3:19 pm

I reply any fucking way I choose.

I’ve chosen to kick you in the balls every time you make a dumb fucking comment.

You are keeping me quite busy.

I notice you ignore every comment where I destroy your narrative with unequivocal facts.

You’re a one trick pony Trump cheerleader who believes in bible fantasy stories.

I will obliterate you at every opportunity.

Got it anondouche?

April 14, 2017 5:00 pm

Guy, you need to get more based.

You’re losing it.

April 14, 2017 10:02 pm

“Based”? What are you, twelve?

Fergus, ex SGR
Fergus, ex SGR
April 14, 2017 3:52 pm

The administrator demonstrates that 80 is his goal in life to achieve. Fat chance.

  Fergus, ex SGR
April 14, 2017 3:56 pm

See ya later douche.

Mike Murray
Mike Murray
April 14, 2017 2:29 pm

Not male or female, limit the vote to property owners.

  Mike Murray
April 15, 2017 11:02 am

one vote per household,no matter the # of adults–

April 14, 2017 2:49 pm

“Perhaps it is time for us to recognize what the real problem here is?

A lack of reason.”

I disagree with this conclusion Francis. Although this may be the case for some, there’s a deeper and darker conclusion to be drawn here. A deep-rooted hatred and Will To Power, under any and all circumstances, seems a more accurate conclusion. I believe this because even when they are presented with reasoned, logical argumentation that any child could understand, they remain belligerent and willful and oppositional.

April 14, 2017 3:19 pm

“which could see the world’s wealth far more equitably shared.”

…. The world’s wealth, a cornerstone of liberal thinking. How about rephrasing that to the more accurate…….”The world’s labor”? As in the wealth that is created by someone’s efforts. Take away that effort and see how much “wealth” can be found laying around waiting to be picked up.

RT Rider
RT Rider
April 14, 2017 3:32 pm

One of my favorite movie line from Jack Nicholson, playing Melvin Udall.


April 14, 2017 3:43 pm

The Devil is very smart and wanted to dominate God but God is smarter and stronger; we thank God for that. Some women are very cunning stunts and want to dominate everything (horses, dogs, men, other women, homes, jobs, governments etc); the Devil makes them do it. God gave men physical power, courage and passion (esp for women); men naturally rule, protect and provide by strength. God gave women a power over men, insight and a mother’s tender compassion, wisdom and patience. God made women’s powers so they only work with love; hate and greed turns their power to dust. rhs jr

April 14, 2017 4:33 pm

Nice article, FM. Shelley Garland describes herself as an “activist and a feminist” student who is “working on ways to smash the patriarchy” in South Africa. She is trying to strike a blow against “the political and social influence of toxic white males” and “toxic white masculinity.”

That’s so special given the occurrences of black rape in South Africa, which you very well pointed out, but also when one considers the genocide of the white people (that she so fervently hates), and especially white farmers, ever since the end of apartheid and the emergence of the Black Jesus, Nelson Mandela. Yes, the bitch rails about toxic whites while the President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma (father of twenty including – a love child or two) who has been charged with rape, racketeering and corruption openly incites genocide by singing the “Shoot The Boer Song” for the world to see. But those damn “toxic white males” are the real problem with South Africa, and if we can keep them from voting for a generation then our progressive ideals will rule the day. Right, bitch. Progressives and feminists, can’t live with them and can’t shoot them…..yet.

April 14, 2017 4:58 pm

Nice article, FM. Always fun to read about the left wing lunatic fringe.

Shelley Garland describes herself as an “activist and a feminist” student who is “working on ways to smash the patriarchy” in South Africa. She is trying to strike a blow against “the political and social influence of toxic white males” and “toxic white masculinity.”

That’s so special given the occurrences of black rape in South Africa, which you very well pointed out, but also when one considers the genocide of the white people (that she so fervently hates), and especially white farmers, ever since the end of apartheid and the emergence of the Black Jesus, Nelson Mandela. Yes, the bitch rails about toxic whites while the President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma (father of twenty including – a love child or two) who has been charged with rape, racketeering and corruption openly incites genocide by singing the “Shoot The Boer Song” for the world to see. But those damn “toxic white males” are the real problem with South Africa, and if we can keep them from voting for a generation then our progressive ideals will rule the day. Right, bitch. Progressives and feminists, can’t live with them and can’t shoot them…..yet. “This is open season, but you won’t get too far.”

April 14, 2017 8:44 pm

Equitable share of wealth = those who make it keep it.

Taking from those who create wealth and giving it to someone else is theft.

April 14, 2017 9:12 pm

No. But re-education camps might be in order.

April 15, 2017 2:04 am

When the it hits, what good will they be, no skills bank card doesn’t work, what good will they be. Nada. Wouldn’t make good concubines, muzzies might toss em off a roof. Probly wouldn’t even make good slaves, if you gave them away, you probly make enemies. If you ever shot one probly wouldn’t even make good bait, then you woulda wasted good powder n lead.