DNC acknowledges their rigged primary

From Lee Travis of Defiant Thinking

In theory, our political parties would work on a majority-rules basis: Since the party wants to win elections, they would select their candidates based on who gets the most votes from party members. But in reality, our two parties regularly subvert the will of the people in order to hand-pick the candidates that party officials want.

Take the Democratic National Committee as an example. Many liberals feel that the DNC rigged the primary and stole the party nomination from Bernie Sanders so that Hillary Clinton, the big-money corporate candidate, would run in the general election.

For many Sanders supporters, that’s more than a feeling: They’ve banded together to sue the DNC for rigging their primary, arguing that they donated to Sanders under false pretenses and were therefore materially harmed by the DNC’s actions.

The party’s response? You’re damn right we rigged the primary process, and it’s your own fault if you believed otherwise. According to a report on the DNC’s response to the lawsuit:

The attorneys representing the DNC have previously argued that Sanders supporters knew the primaries were rigged, therefore annulling any potential accountability the DNC may have. In the latest hearing, they doubled down on this argument: “The Court would have to find that people who fervently supported Bernie Sanders and who purportedly didn’t know that this favoritism was going on would have not given to Mr. Sanders, to Senator Sanders, if they had known that there was this purported favoritism.”

Sanders supporters counter by noting that the DNC promised that the nominating process would be fair and impartial, and in fact that those exact words are found in the DNC’s charter. The DNC response:

Later in the hearing, attorneys representing the DNC claim that the Democratic National Committee would be well within their rights to “go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.” By pushing the argument throughout the proceedings of this class action lawsuit, the Democratic National Committee is telling voters in a court of law that they see no enforceable obligation in having to run a fair and impartial primary election.

The DNC attorneys even go so far as to argue that the words “impartial” and “evenhanded”—used in the DNC Charter—can’t be interpreted by a court of law.

If you think the Republicans are any better, they’re not: Ask Ron Paul supporters what happened in 2012.

So for anyone who doesn’t want a corporate-owned, pro-war party, better get your walking shoes on: The DNC and the RNC have made it clear that they don’t want you.

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May 2, 2017 2:00 pm

You, your mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and countrymen are fucking Dirt fuckers. Get over it. You are dirt motherfuckers.

norman franklin
norman franklin
May 2, 2017 4:19 pm

Wip, truer words were never spoken. Maybe if we covered ourselves in ‘magic dirt’ like those who come here to do the jobs whitey won’t do, then maybe the dims wouldn’t hate us.

  norman franklin
May 3, 2017 9:12 am

Yeah, but I’m comfortable with the DNC/GOP hating me. If they didn’t, I’d know something was wrong with me.

May 2, 2017 2:12 pm

What’s really scary is that Bernie would probably be president right now!

May 2, 2017 3:07 pm

I live in a microcosm of corruption. Towns only got 84 residents and the political corruption is as naked as it gets. Wtf do you expect at the national level. I expect more of the same and I am never surprised or disappointed.

Hollow man
Hollow man
May 2, 2017 5:30 pm

The corruption is at all levels and it’s everywhere. Each passing minute brings us closer to our just reward. May God bless us

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
May 2, 2017 11:18 pm

The Ds and Rs can select whatever a-hole they want as their candidate. But what pisses me off is that we taxpayers pay for the charade that is the primary elections.

May 3, 2017 2:00 am

No less corrupt or dirty than the 2012 RNC primaries when Paul was given the same treatment. The one constant between both primaries was the complicity of MSM to pillary, no pun intended, the populist candidate. Everyone underestimated Trump, whose ego is bigger than theirs. Never tell a billionaire they can’t do something.

If Congress is viewed as obstructionist or dysfunctional, expect some mid-term turnover, with Trump supporters gaining seats.

Has the MSM reported anything accurately, ever?