On the Pursuit of Pussy in the Age of Decline Part 1

Upon the highest hill in the land of my fathers was a burning bush and it spake unto me in a resonant voice saying, “Seek ye my kinsman, the burning platform, and go hither unto the men that dwell upon it and bring this knowledge unto them, for thou shalt betray thy sex that these men shall know of the three sacred tenets needful for them to be saved from all peril in the pursuit of pussy.”

And I said, “Okay.”

1. Women want to please men, but modern media keeps telling them they shouldn’t want to please anyone but themselves, and most modern women are addicted to modern media.

2. Women are angry because they suspect (and cannot afford to admit) that it’s a man’s world and that most of their power still and always will derive from pleasing men.

3. Women Still Think Like Slaves. This is why:

• For the past five millennia 49.76% percent of Earthlings were considered to be the legal property of their father or male head of the household. Ultimately, they married for a negotiated price and became the legally transferred property of their husbands.

• Up until the final few decades of the 20th century, it was the husband’s right to force his wife into sexual intercourse. There was no legal recourse available to the female—it wasn’t recognised as a crime.

• One hundred years ago, a woman defying her spouse or father could be legally beaten to within an inch of her life, committed to a madhouse or imprisoned in a convent.

• One hundred years ago, failure to conceive a child in wedlock was grounds for divorce with no guarantee of financial settlement.

• Miscarriage or deformity in a newborn was universally assumed to be the entire fault of the woman and the consequence of sin or character flaw on her part.

• One hundred years ago, women had no vote.

• Historically, every time a woman reclined for any reason other than sleep, she risked death: of reputation, from sexually-transmitted disease, or from complications in childbirth or infection afterwards.

• The only employment options open to an unmarried woman were servant or prostitute; post-Industrial Revolution, you could add mill worker to the list.

• If a woman found herself in charge of un-entailed property and income (having outlived every possible male inheritor), and if beyond childbearing age and thus undesirable as a wife, and lacking the protection of a noble title in her own right, then she would find herself vulnerable to any male willing to publicly declare her incompetent, mad, or a witch. She would be stripped of all assets, with the spoils being divided between those who had orchestrated her downfall who might then dispose of her by locking her away, turning her out on the road to starve or burning her at the stake.

No one can shed millennia of cultural conditioning in just a generation or two, and like any group of former slaves most modern women haven’t exercised real agency long enough to learn to cope in positions of power with any reliable degree of responsibility or grace.

Women tend to operate underhandedly, from the shadows, behind other people’s backs, excelling in the tactics and strategies of emotional guerrilla warfare. They have the long memory of slaves and can nurture a grudge that will be passed down for generations.

Traditionally, unhappy women set up a non-stop, low-level drone of discontent interspersed with episodes of harpy-like fury. This tendency is the hallmark of any human convinced at a molecular level of their own powerlessness. Like toddlers. And liberals.

Young women tend to employ honey rather than vinegar to get their way, until the day they discover their sweetness has no more allure. They appear fun and free for a while, but Time lurks like a spectre in the doorway, tapping his foot and checking his watch, and the pressure to cultivate and secure economic and emotional payback rises with every sexual transaction young women undertake.

Women of a certain age and predilection may pounce, devour and move on with the insouciance of a libertine, but it’s an act—I assure you, it’s always an act. Modern women’s minds have been pounded, poured and vacu-formed by the liberal entertainment cartel to believe that being a floozy is not only their right, but their sacred obligation, to show the world… to show the world… something something empowerment something…

These woman are emotional ticking time bombs. What makes older women particularly dangerous is that they have experience combined with a backlog of rage sufficient to slash and burn a man’s entire life to the ground, and the frequency and severity of payback meted out by angry women rises with time and notches on the headboard. Most are jaded party girls or bitter divorcées with a lifetime’s worth of transacting sex for attention and increasingly coming up short-changed. They begin to confuse bullying with being strong; caustic insults with wit; narcissism with self-esteem, fascist policing of others’ behaviour with being a good citizen and the current classic, blaming Straight Western Anglo-Saxon Males for everything they don’t like.

For every modern woman wandering the perceived wasteland of her fourth or fifth decade it begins like this: one day she wakes up and decides to go shopping. The man behind the cash register seems distracted as he absentmindedly completes the transaction and it suddenly occurs to her that it’s because he’s continually glancing at the younger, radiantly lovely woman in line behind her. Or, after a lifetime of men offering to carry that heavy parcel to the car, the day comes when they stop and they never do it again, unless it’s their job and they are tipped handsomely afterward. These women can run to the surgeon but they cannot hide from the creeping epiphany that most men aren’t very nice to women they don’t desire.

It’s enough to make a woman throw every chip she’s got on the gaming table, then burn down the casino when she realises she’ll never hold a winning hand again.

Historically, the cost of procreation included risking an agonising death during childbirth, expiring afterwards from infection, or being abandoned and cast out to die in either the poorhouse, the whorehouse or the asylum. Nowadays, the first two dangers are alleviated by modern medicine; the latter, by socialism.

Women are now able to spawn with impunity, yielding an army of feral dole babies who grow up to… spawn with impunity. And vote to continue the gravy train that foots the bill. In most of the United Kingdom having six kids from as many fathers is seen as a career move, and all with the full and rancid support of liberal policies. This is a running scam on borrowed time and any moment now the patched and mended safety net of social services will snap from the strain. In procreation, these women have become a force for destruction.

Modern women now insist upon total risk-free acquisitiveness as their right. This is why nearly every sexual encounter Straight Western Men undertake is accompanied by either a demand for emotional security or material recompense; material doesn’t necessarily mean cash—young women will happily settle for swiping your shirts as a trophy.

Like any slave, most women can still be had for the right price; their overriding concern after a certain age is landing the richest and most powerful master, preferably within the bonds of matrimony, then sealing the deal by conceiving as soon as possible.

The current generation of females lacking loving fathers or other healthy male influences are most likely lost, and we have to let them go. But there is good news: human nature always prevails.

Compared to collectivist ideologies, (which history has shown requires repeated applications of an iron-toed boot to the face in order to maintain) capitalism is a much better fit with human nature and is why the most vibrant part of the moribund communist regime of Soviet Russia was the black market. In much the same way, human nature dictates that every upcoming generation rebels in an attempt to form a personality distinct from their spawners. It’s as reliable as a patellar reflex, virtually every kid goes and does the polar opposite of whatever they’ve been taught; or at least the healthy ones do. From sea to shining sea, the joyous refrain will someday ring out: Take off the pussy hat, Mom, it’s embarrassing.

But until that day what does a Western man do when faced with a modern woman? You can’t come on too strong, can’t come on too tender, you are weary of being belittled and blamed, can’t fight the system that seeks out and exploits every low female impulse for commercial gain—it’s too vast, too entrenched, and most modern women haven’t been free long enough to even recognise there’s a Matrix to unplug from.

We’ve arrived at this sorry pass after half a century of increasingly onerous legislation all in order to avoid upsetting The Lay-deez. Look around, does anyone over the age of two look happy to you?

For the time being, forget about pleasing women. It will never work. Instead,

Be a Man.

It was a good evening. You laughed, you drank, you flirted, she smelled amazing. You end up at her place.

Her kiss makes the world go out-of-focus. She is the very definition of curves and angles and softness, with pliant, satiny skin taut over the toned muscles of a dancer. Full breasts in a lace bra—it’s like perusing a dessert tray.

Your lips chart the arcane geometry of the place where her neck meets her shoulders, and you feel her pulse jumping under your tongue. You are both moving towards the bed, dropping clothing as you go. She lies back and as you follow her down she places both hands on your chest, applies a little pressure and says,


The moment she says that word, a Man will stop. Then, a Man will stand up, collect his clothes, shoes and keys, and leave. On the way out the door, a Man will flash his most winning smile and say, “Nobody has to tell me twice, darlin’.”

And then, A Man Will Never Come Back. She gets one shot at you—that’s it.

If she pulls this lever you need to be out the door and on your way like your ass is on fire, yet at peace in the knowledge that you just dodged a 50 caliber round.

Why so final? Why so cold? Picture this: hearts are pounding, breasts are bouncing, sap is rising and she says, stop— she’s either conflicted or she was only trolling for flattery the whole time.

Straight Men of the West, this may be difficult for you to hear but it could be that the entire evening was one long con. Sorry. You’re not the first in history to fall for it and you won’t be the last. Whenever any woman pulls this she is one of two things: uncertain of what she wants or working an agenda. Either way, she is not to be trusted—she has the  problem and you need to leave.

The only power she has is that stop. Your power is allowing her to stand by that command and eventually, hopefully, someday regret saying anything she kinda-sorta-maybe doesn’t mean ever again.

But you have an erection, and you think you could still tip the balance in your favour. It’s worked in the past, right? You’re persuasive—maybe you are just the man to convince her. You could beg. Or sweet-talk her. You could do that sexy thing you practiced in the mirror. Or make her laugh. You could try a hundred different things and you might actually close escrow, but once it’s done and heart rates slow there’s going to be a sinister shift in mood.

Ever heard of buyer’s remorse? If you have to convince a woman to engage in coitus it is no longer an act of pleasure mutually desired by two adults, it’s a transaction. She will either demand emotional payment from you in the form of your continued interest for the foreseeable future, or she’s going to extract revenge. This revenge could run the gamut from the mosquito-like buzz of invasive questions all the way to a court date and possible conviction. If you’re determined to contract a transaction then engage the services of a professional and pay with legal tender. In the long run it’s cleaner, and more honest.

No man should ever settle for less than a woman who knows exactly what she wants and gives enthusiastic consent throughout the entirety of the encounter, though even this is not without risk. But perhaps this woman is someone you’ve lusted after for a while or someone—for whatever reason—you’re apt to trust. If you’re willing to give her the benefit of the doubt or if you are unsure about the nature of the stop, ask her.

If she demurs, prevaricates, takes longer than .07 seconds to produce a credible explanation, get out. Best case scenario, she’s playing you like a chew toy. Worst case, she’s capable of anything, including throwing accusations that may ruin the rest of your life.

Leave—just go, and take consolation in the fact that she will never forget the one who got away. Your power lies in staying away.

You’re out the door and on the way home. You have just passed one of the most difficult tests of your life: completely reversing course and walking away when your penis is erect.

After years of being played, some men snap. They lash out, they commit sexual assault, they give vent to the thunderhead of anger years of rejection and game-playing has built up. You didn’t. You walked. You win.

Women only have two fantasies: taming the uncontrollable beast and being wooed by multiple men.

Uncontrollable Beasts Include Mr Darcy, Rhett Butler, Edward Cullen, Christian Grey, Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan, Hannibal Lector, Mr Rochester, Superman, Spiderman, Tarzan, The Phantom of the Opera and The Beast in Beauty and the Beast. Modern women have almost completely ruined Western Men with the blunt instrument of legally-sanctioned feminism so now they have to go further afield and import low IQ feral males from dusty third-world shitholes to get the thrill of the beast.

Multiple Men After One Woman Include Buffy, Spike & Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Bella, Edward and that dog boy, can’t be bothered to look it up, in Twilight. Stefan, Damon and Elena on The Vampire Diaries. Claire, Jamie and Frank in Outlander. The same theme again and again. Sookie, Bill and Eric on True Blood. Katniss, Peeta and Gale in The Hunger Games. Guinevere, Arthur, Lancelot…

Though women yearn to be pursued and possessed by the remote, unattainable romantic hero, modern media and advertising persuades them that they must, by law, be ‘equal’ with men in all things. The resulting cognitive dissonance serves to make pharmaceutical companies rich as sales of mood stabilizing and desensitizing drugs skyrocket. Capitalism doesn’t care—women can spend their money on Poldark or Prozac, it’s a win for some corporation either way.

I remain unconvinced that women have evolved to the point of making good policy decisions beyond the sphere of home, immediate family and cottage industry. The risk-free acquisitiveness endemic to all females bodes ill for the long-term stability of any Western culture wherever women are installed in positions of political influence.

I urge you to take a look at the number of childless females currently occupying the highest seats of political power and ask yourself how they are able to profess beyond empty rhetoric a dedication to the welfare of future generations.

These women believe they are justified in calling the shots that place men in combat abroad despite never taking up arms to defend country, commonwealth or kingdom themselves. In some strange perversion of compassion these women also support policies allowing invaders to stream in domestically, debasing the currency of citizenship, destroying the notion of nationhood, and placing all our lives in the line of fire (or the blast radius) for generations to come.

Darkness is rising, Ragnarøkkr is fast upon us, and monsters—right after picking up their dole cheque—are loosed upon the earth. At the rate female policy makers and their enablers are importing actual beasts determined to put women right back into into slavery nothing will ever be good or fun, joyous or free, silly or happy or truly loving again.

Men of the West, women need and desire dominant men in their lives—stop the presses, right? If it’s not you, it’s going to be a howling mob of 7th century cavemen.

I choose you.

It’s like dancing in a minefield having anything to do with females who still think like slaves. Like Dementors, government-sanctioned feminism nourished by the poisoned apple of socialism has sucked most of the joy from life. This will change, though probably not for the better until some fundamental—possibly catastrophic—shift occurs.

My Men of the West, it is once again up to you to save the world. Namely, by not being ashamed of who you are, by not allowing anyone to destroy your pride, by no longer trying so hard to please women, and by avoiding every snare set by The Evil Fuckers in Charge to trap and claim your Soul.

It is Anglo-Saxon Western Men who have built empires, won wars, cleared fields and roads, built cabins and cathedrals, envisioned the atom, rescued women from burning buildings, protected their families, painted the great works of art, captured and tamed electricity, written the timeless works of literature, directed films that changed for the better the way we see ourselves, and perfected indoor plumbing, refrigeration and general anaesthesia—arguably the three greatest improvements of the past hundred years. This is still, and always has been, a man’s world. The solution is determining that you are going to reclaim your place in it no matter what any woman or currently installed political system might say.

I’m calling for a revolution, and unlike any that came before this one must begin from within, because I don’t think the problems we face are going to be solved by politics.

This essay is dedicated to Reg Bannister, loving father

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May 25, 2017 8:40 am

The picture of the gal with the Anti_Flirt banner: Looks like she could eat corn-on-the-cob through a knot hole in a fence.

Should never have given them the right to vote.

May 26, 2017 11:50 pm

Should never have given’m shoes!

Ed Brault
Ed Brault
May 28, 2017 8:24 am

Never should have taught them to SPEAK!

May 27, 2017 2:39 pm

she could pick a lock with those teeth.

May 28, 2017 6:25 am

I’m kind of old fashioned about the role of women. Here’s the one I agree with:

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 29, 2017 12:05 am

Should never have given them their own blog.

Count Zero
Count Zero
May 25, 2017 8:50 am

Way too wordy, even if mostly true (from a female’s perspective).

  Count Zero
May 25, 2017 12:46 pm

Eat s*** and die preferably very soon

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 25, 2017 10:51 pm

Holly’s is a more eloquent exposition of Clammy’s expose’.
You should read that one Hondo.
You should also find another moniker as you do not do that one justice.
Try “dickweed”.
We’ll know who you are.

  EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 6:40 am

My grandma keeps telling me to go overseas but she ain’t goin herself. And If I am goin overseas, it’s to protect the white South Africans.

  Count Zero
May 29, 2017 5:13 pm

I enjoyed the wordiness for its literary quality. I’m in no hurry, and enjoy reading anything that’s clearly had a lot of thought put into it. Could it have been shorter? Sure, but it’s from the heart and it’s both very well done and very accurate. I’d love to write something like that for TBP and here you guys lay into it. I never get tired of reading things like this. It’s what’s kept me coming back all these years.

May 25, 2017 8:57 am

Enjoyed it, thanks for posting.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2017 9:07 am

There exists no more efficient and effective organization than a man and wife working in harmony together. Each brings a unique set of experiences, skills and inborn aptitudes which compliment one another in a manner that makes virtually every challenge in life both manageable and profitable.

A woman is as effective as a man as a screwdriver is as a pencil. And visa versa.

Reg did an awesome job.

May 25, 2017 9:13 am

Well…. all right, then. The woman’s view that this is a man’s world kind of belies the fact that men, even powerful men will do the most insane things in hopes of pussy. I call it the IHOP principle.

When a man does something inexplicable and retarded, I just assume that he did it IHOP.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 25, 2017 11:08 pm

As my buddy Roberto said, Ugly dudes will do stupid things for ugly chicks.

Airman Pangloss said, It was the pussy talking to him.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
May 25, 2017 9:31 am

TLTR. You’re kidding, Right ?

MGTOW is Freedom.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  Alter Boyz
May 25, 2017 11:33 am

MGTOW is just as sterile as homosexuality. I can understand it, though, as a reaction to divorce courts that rule against capable males so that incapable females can escape their irrationality, as a reaction to PC rules in colleges that make being male equivalent to being guilty, and as a reaction to a lack of rational females to explore life with.
But either way, MGTOW or homosexuals are not building families, which is what civilizations should be doing. And don’t give me “Heather has two mommies” either; what Heather has is a living tragedy, and she will grow up tormented, frustrated and incapable of raising a family of her own.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  james the deplorable wanderer
May 25, 2017 1:55 pm

“Heather has two mommies” is just another way of saying “Heather has no daddy.” The fact is, Heather really needs a father.

  Jason Calley
May 27, 2017 4:03 pm

My daughter is a hs junior.
Last Sunday she went to a graduation party 4 a boy who is on the yearbook staff w/her.
He & his brother have 6 “moms.”
They are both adopted,different birth moms,by a lesbian couple.The couple “divorced”and both “married” again.
They are expected to consider each one their mom.

Good article Holly.

Th3o Moore
Th3o Moore
May 27, 2017 10:42 pm

A friend got himself fixed. Well an acquaintance anyway. There is a latent period when even a successful operation is not yet enough. On the other side about a year later the girl he had been living with for three months told him she was pregnant. He did not say anything other than “So I’m gonna be a father?” “Ummhumun” After a short time of not yet sweet marital bliss he told her that he was fixed, and could not have children, at all, or ever. Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman.

Yet there is a good answer to this conundrum, and that there are indeed men and women willing to listen and value and trust. If you have not yet met one you may just be looking in the wrong place.

I met one. Well I most likely have met more than one. I married one, and have met others since. Which do not count because I already had met one and she was all I had ever wanted. She is not all I want moment by moment, but she is all I have ever wanted year by year. She was gosh awful neat when I met her. Forty years later she is not only neat but much much neater indeed than the girl whom I had met all of those years before. Over the stretch of forty years she is /has grown into/ my heart’s desire.

Thomas Ryan
Thomas Ryan
  Jason Calley
May 27, 2017 8:40 pm
  james the deplorable wanderer
May 25, 2017 11:10 pm

Some men have tried….tried so very hard, and failed because modern women are insane. Where will the fix come from? Neither the left nor the right give a shit about the rights of men and fathers. No fix. MGTOW doesn’t need to wait for a just system. MGTOW is about self ownership and self preservation……..in a world where self sacrifice is punished. Seriously….how could the response be any different? Sterile? So fucking what! You watch your father, you brothers, uncles, friends, get burned over and over….. Seeing your kids every other weekend… Paying child support so high it makes you a slave… Fuck it!!! Fuck it ALL!!!!

Let it burn. Let it all burn!!!

May 27, 2017 10:03 am

Exactly, brother. The Wanderer’s mind is wandering.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  james the deplorable wanderer
May 25, 2017 11:16 pm

jamie, it’s a progression of the feminist disease. I had delineated this cancer by decade starting with the 60’s but it could easily cover earlier cycles. I got no reply, as usual. I will have a good cry about that shortly. It was the outline of a possible blockbuster on par with The Fourth Turning.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Alter Boyz
May 25, 2017 11:20 pm

Alter Boy has taken his toy dick and left the game. What a sore loser. You need to man up, Sunshine.

May 25, 2017 9:35 am

Ayn Rand claimed that man viewed himself in relation to nature, whereas women self-identified in relation to man (paraphrased).

Betty Friedan wrote in her book, Feminine Mystique, that “respect” was the answer to Freud’s eternal question of “what do women want?”

And Willie Nelson once said that before he ever got married again he would find a woman that hates him and buy her a house.

Although some men believe women lack logic, reason, and accountability; through my own observations, however, I believe they will never entirely conquer the world because they have no balls and they can’t get along with each other.

Your above piece is a love letter. Thank you.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 25, 2017 11:27 pm

Unrequited, please stop quoting fucking Ayn Rand. If you were to judge her according to her fruits, she gave us Greenspan.

Your the kind of moron who would watch Metropolis instead of Chaplin’s Modern Times. How I wish BW would come back just once to castigate your moronic taste in writing; I can’t call Atlas Farted ‘literature’. What other garbage do you have in that bathroom library of yours?

  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 3:10 pm

Can we do books and a song? I was thinking Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22” and the Eagles “Hotel California”. It’s about a blogger who gets lost in the ether during World War III and can’t escape. He keeps stabbing it with its steely knives but he just can’t kill the beast. How about that? Would that satisfy your delicate sensibilities? Because Ayn Rand said that Frederick Nietzsche said the noble soul has reverence for itself. That’s why, beeeatch. BTW – where the FUCK is Stucky?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 6:15 pm

Uncogito ergo sum, are you suggesting I’m illiterate just because I don’t read anything written before 1970? If I’m so dumb, why aren’t I president?

  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 6:18 pm

“If I’m so dumb, why aren’t I a billionaire and president?”

Fixed it for ya EC.

i forget
i forget
  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 3:32 pm

Captain Kangaroo, hired, gave us Mr. Greenjeans. Rand did not give anybody Greenspan.

May 26, 2017 8:05 am

“respect” was the answer to Freud’s eternal question of “what do women want?”
Ah ha ha …good one.


May 27, 2017 1:09 am

What do women want? More. More….forever….until you are bankrupt.

Women are children. Women should not have the right to vote. Indeed…why would they need it when so many male politicians pander to the female voter……the feeler, not the thinker.

When the crisis comes, when civil society…civilization itself falters, Feminism will disappear in a single day. Feminism was only ever the goodwill of men, who…in a society of peace and plenty, wanted to give their women everything they wanted (a fallacy because the wants of women are unlimited).

This wisdom was known to the ancients, but has been forgotten. So….alas, the lesson must be relearned.

Survival of the fittest. Where do you think single moms fit on that equation? The answer will be absolutely hilarious.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 2:02 am

Vek, any relation to Hannibal?

I already have got the beautiful blonde’s number. She allows you to get her new stuff but is reluctant to part with the old. She talks the talk of a libber but likes to play the part of a flirt to get moar stuff for free.

So if feminism spread it is because the girls found it a convenient weapon to add to their arsenal. You can coax free shit out of men and also guilt them into providing moar free shit.
Therefore, libbers are like the rest of the free-shitters in that they want to take as much as possible and give as little as possible.

May 27, 2017 4:12 pm

Man’s eternal question,as exemplified in the above photo-why do only the ones with lousy bodies strip in public?

May 28, 2017 2:37 pm

See three “men” among the butter faces? Who says men aren’t survivors? Here we see three losers with strategies to get laid, no matter how much shit they have to eat. When you figure these girls never learned that underwear is worn under wear, they juust might have a shot with the fattie with the duct tape on her nipples.

God, what a long way to go from wanting the right to study, work, and vote to calling themselves SLUTS on purpose. Equality, I understand; who doesn’t want to be treated with respect and dignity? Actually fighting for the right to be whores seems completely incomprehensible to me. I thought women didn’t want to be treated like objects, so why would they debase themselves like this and call it success?

I love women. Hell, I even married one. And I treat women, even ugly ones, even mean ones, with basic civility and respect. So why does it seem like this isn’t enough? And why do I feel like this would offend these “women?” I’m mystified, because I thought what I was doing was what they originally wanted in the first place. What is left for these chicks to fight about?

May 26, 2017 8:56 am

Respect, she said.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 6:22 pm

You have no idea what respect means. It’s deadly like a cobra or a black mamba.
Are you telling me that’s what women want? That’s like saying all that men want is pussy.

May 27, 2017 7:31 pm

Women seldom know what they really want. They always seem to suspect, however, that it is never what they actually have at the moment.

May 25, 2017 9:45 am

What does a tornado, a hurricane an earthquake, a flood and a woman all have in common? Sooner or later, they’ll get your house.

i forget
i forget
May 26, 2017 2:44 pm

That insatiable bitch, the state, already has “your” house.

May 25, 2017 9:51 am

A great rant and Willie Nelson is a wise man

Mongoose Jack
Mongoose Jack
May 25, 2017 9:52 am

Hmmm…..you are a brave soul.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2017 9:53 am

Freud was mistaken.

The answer to that question is children.

i forget
i forget
  hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2017 2:47 pm

Standardized tests have standardized answers.

May 25, 2017 9:54 am

Took me 2 tries— But— If you finally find the “right” woman as I have-
-Its a fantastic wild ride day and night!!!

May 27, 2017 11:11 pm

They’re all *right* until they ain’t.
Been with mine 34 years and she still ain’t right.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
May 25, 2017 9:58 am

Some of what you write is indeed very true, but I think you have an overly narrow and therefore dim view of the role a woman can and has played in the family and society. How would Abigail Adams; my name sake — Mercy Otis Warren, Dorothy Day, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Katharine Drexel, Camille Paglia and a myriad of other extra-ordinary women (whose internal strength and courage holds millions of families together each day) play into your equation?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Mercy Otis Warren
May 25, 2017 10:02 am

They are called outliers. Exceptions to the rule. We have become so intensely focused on accommodating the exception that we have tossed the mean onto the bonfire of the vanities.

  Holly O
May 27, 2017 7:14 am


A great quote

Tossed the mean into the Bonfire of the Vanities.

I have been giving it some thought for past few days.

Perfectly sums up the means to the motivations of Critical Theory and The Frankfurt School.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2017 11:14 am

@HSF & Holly O: granted that they are the exception to the rule, but I am afraid I do not understand the rest. Shouldn’t we be intensely focusing on the exception such that it becomes a celebrated example for the mean to aspire to? It seems we are not really accommodating the exceptions much at all but rather celebrating the wrong examples — like the feminists who deny the natural differences and compliments of man and woman. When the nature of things is denied, bad things seem to happen. As Holly O said, thank goodness nature alway wins!

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 25, 2017 3:45 pm

The problem lies in that it’s counterproductive to do things that are in opposition to human nature.

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 27, 2017 4:17 pm

How many of those were contemporary women?

i forget
i forget
  hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2017 5:56 pm

Exceptions that prove the rule also disprove the rule. If the unexceptional would leave the exceptional alone, contain themselves to messing only with each other, there’d be fewer problems. Outliers are to be thankful for.

But, the mean has long & often sought to bonfire the exceptions so as to “accommodate” their own vanities (insecurities) at someone else’s expense. Homogenize down: got pasteurized milk? The mean is the C-average gang. Gore’s piece today rx’s staying away from them. I agree. They tend to be crazy full of themselves, & worshippers at the altar of might makes rite: Oxbow Incident’ers.

“Tradition,” in the main, traduces brains, both IQ’s (intellect & integrity); it’s a kind of auto-pilot•cruise-control•self-driving car. I don’t care if the mean drives, or passengers. I’m not focused on accommodating them, or anybody. Or being accommodated. It’s none of my business or concern. Unless & until they nock their Oxbows my way. Some of which i can do something about, some of which i can’t (so, again, not my concern).


  Mercy Otis Warren
May 28, 2017 2:42 pm

I think Paglia is fascinating. I read her columns when I can because it’s interesting to get her point of view on things. I’m not sure what you would call her- an anti-feminist feminist? A lesbian pro-male anti-female feminist? I don’t agree with her on a lot of things, but somehow I feel like she would be interesting to talk to.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 25, 2017 10:12 am


I think you and my Mrs. would get along well.

There is something to be said for marrying a woman only one generation removed from a traditional culture like the Mennonites. She is modern is some sense, but still a lady in the traditional. She never confuses self-respect with narcissism or confidence with arrogance. She is the other half of the equation and keeps me civilized (can you imagine what a man like me would live like without a woman like that? I’d never eat vegetables and the kids would die of malnutrition!) and I keep her safe.

I often muse that she is the general manager of the household, making sure everyone is in their places at the appropriate time, clean, fed and watered. I am the head of finance and security. It works well and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. If I could wish anything for western men it would be that they could have what I have. I’m a fortunate guy.

Anyways, thanks for writing. I hope it gets shared far and wide.


Was thinking while I was making breakfast that your writing here is something like opening the windows for the first time after a long winter on the first warm day of spring. Keep it coming.

  Francis Marion
May 25, 2017 6:15 pm

FM what you describe is exactly what I have, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I feel like the luckiest man in the world with her and the kids. I even have a bonus few of my even happily married friends seem to have – I like and get along great with her entire family. Spending time with a woman’s father before you even think about marriage is essential. Most women either marry someone very similar to their father, or they in some cases want to rebel against the father, and marry the polar opposite. The ones who want the polar opposite often times are with a particular man only as an act of rebellion, which is never a healthy foundation for a relationship. First thing my wife to be, future father in law, in myself did together aside from infrequent conversations was shoot sporting clays. Always a good sign.

May 25, 2017 7:05 pm

One thing I’ve observed is that white women that allow a black man to sex them hate their fathers.

  Francis Marion
May 25, 2017 9:50 pm

My wife is also Mennonite stock, strong and practical. She keeps me on an even keel, we believe in prayer. The children are out of the household, and we enjoy the second childhood of retirement. When I was younger I met the females that were soft at first but revealed claws later. Feminism is its own worst enemy, you can’t have it all, you have to learn to share and understand humanity needs principles!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Francis Marion
May 27, 2017 2:07 am

FM nearly had me fooled up until I decided to pull his man-card for cooking breakfast. Nice apron pattern, though.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 9:44 am

Careful EC or I’ll start posting picks of me in the apron… and nothing else 😮

  Francis Marion
May 27, 2017 4:26 pm

Most of the time Foxy I’m glad this is an unmoderated site but there’s times I wish it was moderated.Please stick to pics of naked bears,not naked men.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 5:45 pm

Yeah, that’s T4C’s bailiwick.

  Francis Marion
May 29, 2017 6:46 pm

Real men cook for their wives. Full stop. I love cooking. Since we are talking breakfast, that’s her thing, I don’t really do breakfast, but I frequently do dinner. Of the many things I intend on teaching my son, which he seems eager to learn, is the art of cooking.

  Francis Marion
May 28, 2017 2:43 pm

Marrying a foreign woman is also a good option.

May 29, 2017 4:29 am

Why would you downvote that?! I married a girl from Eastern Europe and she’s awesome. She’s… good. She’s wayyy better than every single American woman I’ve ever dated.
The best part is she puts up with my bullshit, even when I’m at my worst. And despite my being at my worst, I don’t worry she’s going to sneak off to snipe me on fakebook or go bang her loser coworker. And she’s not going to slice bits of me off when I’m asleep, either. Or clock me in the head while I’m asleep with a pan, like one of my relatives who married a lunatic redneck bizatch.
One of the great unmentioned parts of a stable relationship, to me, is those little things you can only rely on a spouse to do for you. Like when you feel like utter shit and your kid(s) is out of control and driving you crazy and they tell you “I got this, go rest.” That*is*Awesome.
If you’re single, who else can you trust to check you for ticks after a day outside?
We got 11 Years of Loyal Marriage this month!
She’s a good mom.
She’s a loyal spouse.
She doesn’t require pills to function.
Oh, and she’s smart. We can carry on intelligent conversation.
She wants to homeschool with me.
She can cook, too.
I’m sure out of 150+/- million American women there are a lot of good ones, but I didn’t have much luck finding them before I outsourced for my spouse.

So downvote deez nuts.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 25, 2017 10:17 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

Miles Long
Miles Long
  hardscrabble farmer
May 26, 2017 1:04 am

Jeezis Kreist… that picture stopped the clock on the wall.

  Miles Long
May 26, 2017 3:11 pm

Old photos are like that. Long exposure time (very slow shutter speed) meant that people had to hold the same facial expression otherwise the photo would come out blurry. That’s why they seldom smiled but rather come across looking mean.

May 29, 2017 9:49 pm

This woman must have been extremely talented to look in two directions simultaneously during the long exposure.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Miles Long
May 26, 2017 7:51 pm

Miles, that is exactly what women used to look like before men undertook, like Pygmalion, to mold them into gorgeous sexpots who could keep house and raise kids. Unfortunately, they broke out of the stable.

Now, women rule over men who worship their dyed hair, painted faces, fake boobs and plumped derrieres. Who can say no to these sadists in stilettos?

  hardscrabble farmer
May 27, 2017 10:22 pm

Egad!……… That looks like Donald Rumsfeld in Victorian drag.

May 25, 2017 10:22 am

Howdy HollyO. Is always nice to meet the “extra” ordinary TBP readers who write.

May 25, 2017 10:27 am

I asked for MOAR, and looky here……………..wonderful!


May 25, 2017 11:00 am

I was born in the old south where chivalry was still alive and men tipped their hats at the older ladies and carried their packages OUT OF RESPECT. Southern cities are lost but small towns in the south still have the remnants of this respect between the sexes. This will never go “out of style” for me, it is who I am.

Now, do we “owe” modern women the right to hold equal stature with men in today’s world? After all, we now expect them to work full time, be Martha Fukkin Stewart in the home, do the shopping, raise the children, care for older family members, and NOW…….pick up a weapon and go off to WAR. If you ask that much of women, what should we expect from them…..seriously?

It would suit me completely to go back to the days of women staying home to raise the children but I am a dinosaur from another time. The family unit is a construct from God and the loss of the tight knit family unit has not been good for our society.

May 25, 2017 2:33 pm

“It would suit me completely to go back to the days of women staying home to raise the children but I am a dinosaur from another time.”

I’m not that old yet but would say a good majority of my male friends in their 30’s-40’s would agree with that comment. Many (most) men today have been emasculated. No real red-blooded man wants that for himself. The only problem is the retaliation for any kind of push-back is so severe many men just have accepted it. We reap what we sow.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 25, 2017 11:39 pm

And they as well. When you can’t play nice with others, you end up alone.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 1:08 am

“…usually about 2:30 in the morning you’ve ended up takin’ advantage of yourself.”

DaBirds (The day the music died...)
DaBirds (The day the music died...)
  Miles Long
May 27, 2017 1:10 pm

Ahhh, Tom Waits….

“I’m not weird about it, I don’t tie myself up first…”

May 28, 2017 5:06 am

> Real red-blooded man
> Want to work hard so some woman doesn´t have to.

Pick one!

The only “retaliation” you will face is the prospective housewife correctly points out these whims are unrealistic in the real world. -)
If you are so unhappy with the modern world then your life purpose should be to struggle to change it for the better, not be a “provider” human ATM and weakling.

May 28, 2017 4:32 am

“It would suit me completely to go back to the days of women staying home to raise the children”

That makes you a loser, thought.

Already as a child I knew that wasn´t an option so it kind of makes me smile in amused contempt when adults today complains about that.

Your lot complain about the effects of cultural-marxism but when it was easy to stop, as it was their duty, generations of men and women did nothing, why? Because of their delusions, their consumerists whimes and precious little individual lives was just too important. The desire for true purposes and curiosity as to how the world works just too weak.

Even now, with the Hillary Presidency and war with the Russian Federation barely avoided (for now), the misguided mourns the past when their duty is to struggle relentlessly and mercilessly to have a future worth having and they have the gall to complain that their country women are prone to emotions and frivolity? “Red blooded men” unironically want to import “traditional” third-world prostitutes and gold-diggers??! -D

It is not an accident your “good old days” gave us Cultural-Marxism and unwittingly doomed Western Civilization as we know it. No disease can be cured with its cause.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
May 25, 2017 11:26 am

Fabulous, HollyO. Keep it up!
What ordinary families do is to reinforce and build civilization. Along the way, someone may invent something useful like light bulbs, electricity and phonographs (for one example); someone might build an industry; someone might discover something like penicillin. All good, but the business of families is civilization; the business of civilizations is to protect and encourage families.
What shall we say of those who try to break down families?
We are in for a world of hurt before the survivors rebuild. I hope to be part of the rebuilding. We’ve had enough general decay and degradation (in all its forms!) for an era!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  james the deplorable wanderer
May 25, 2017 11:43 pm

jamie, could it be that the earth is taking care to reduce the population? For all the independence man feels from nature, his mind has subconsciously turned to population control via abstinence form marriage and procreation.

Big Dick
Big Dick
May 25, 2017 11:35 am

Sorry to say the female creatures of today have only one thing ” The power of the P”, and sadly feel that they are not equal, but superior and in control. The worst part is that the male in nature, as is true in all animals, is constantly sniffing that scent.

  Big Dick
May 25, 2017 11:57 am


This is where the females will go from “Hero to Zero” in a universal split second as the invention of the sexual bot just gave them some competition. If driods are refined to the point that they are so human-like, men will partake.

LaLa Blood
LaLa Blood
May 25, 2017 11:41 am

Did April Fool’s Day come late this year?

  LaLa Blood
May 25, 2017 3:46 pm

If you have a useful critique, let’s hear it.

Otherwise, you’re just trying to be a twat.

May 25, 2017 12:47 pm


I’ve got to say I disagree with some of your premises. I do concur that the modern angry woman is sad and frustrated and probably more opportunistic than is healthy.

Women are “burdened” shall we say with the biological impulse to seek protection, nurturance, and motherhood. Rid them of estrogen and oxytocin and this might go away. Men, likewise, have their own issues with testosterone, driving them to seek sexual satisfaction in a sometimes careless way. Reproduction will ensue for good or ill. I believe these biological imperatives are ignored or deliberately minimized in the campaign to create the hep modern girl; she is encouraged to satisfy her needs in complete sexual freedom or if she must, in serial monogamous (unmarried, of course) relationships. If she must be a mother, single motherhood is a great choice – no irritating male around to deal with.

Teaching girls to deny their biology may be one of the causes of much of the latent anger that appears. Combine that with cultural ideals of the independent career woman who wouldn’t dream of hitching herself to a man while popular media celebrates the sex kitten who draws men like flies, and girls find themselves in a morass of confusion. Maybe it would be easier to just be a lesbian. I can assure you if you started asking every 12-year old girl you meet what she wants to do with her life, NOT ONE would reply that she wants to be a wife and mother. So I am wondering if your thesis about the consciousness of slavery being a factor in modern women’s perceptions, and the inability to alter that in a few generations, would also hold for the millenia of consciousness of motherhood, considering that culturally speaking, that is now seen as a demeaning role.

The truth is, happy and healthy human beings do not live shallow, self-centered lives. Women today are propagandized to believe that fulfilling themselves in the marketplace will bring them happiness and joy. When they follow this yellow brick road, it leads them to the truth of Oz, it is all an illusion. Except now it’s too late to make the choices that were once available.

As far as the victimization meme, I have little patience for it. Everybody is a victim of something. A sure-fire way to destroy potential is to assign victimhood to an individual or group and then encourage their helplessness. A quick study of some inner cities imparts the truth of this management technique. Now this identity is being freely assigned to whichever groups our owners wish to manipulate, but chief among them is women. Perhaps this is the real slavery that we should fear.

The last thing I would ever think of is making excuses for my failings and limitations because I am female. In my young life I was surrounded by strong women who made good – not perfect – lives for themselves without complaint. And they all liked and got along well with men, even the ones they settled down with to make babies.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Holly O
May 25, 2017 11:54 pm

She said women today are confused by the propaganda of the left. They hear they are victims who have to have it all. However, men aren’t the answer to that goal or goals. Gayle is not in agreement with this fable.

Maybe Margaret Cho is right and other women are the perfect answer to their emotional needs if not their reproductive needs.

  Holly O
May 26, 2017 5:37 am

That kind of snark wasn’t dished out to you. Why are you doing it to Gayle. I had no trouble at all understanding her, which is a lot more than I can say about your windy TLTR pieces.

  Holly O
May 26, 2017 8:57 am

That response is so diplomatic of you!
Your writing is crafted and cogent, and your
content resonates well with men and women.
Thank you so much for this and other contributions.
Please continue, I really appreciate your perspective.


I wasn’t clear what your basic point was, yet
it was still a viable read.
One exception: there is no word “hep” but
hip, “I’m hip to that.” Hip, “I’m hip” comes
from the black lingo roster, and maybe among
band groups sounds okay. Women don’t use
the expression, and today’s women (largely)
are brainwashed and are not hip to very much
that makes being a woman worthwhile.
As HSF stated, country life is more family oriented
and relations between sexes more conforming
to nature. Also, one starts within their own
My man played rough contact sports and zoomed
across the country on his motorcycle. I adore him.
That is true because he is a fine kind person, and
a computer genius. It is my pleasure to take care
of him and labor over a great meal, because =
love and respect.

Yo, thanks for the reprint. We get the point.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 3:53 pm

Suzanna, where did the term Hep Cat come from? Obviously you never watched that Oscar winning movie – The Nutty Professor – the original one with Jerry Lewis.

Holly’s wasn’t a diplomatic reply, it was snarky, and read like this: What ARE you talking about?

And all because Gayle contradicted her screed on the infantile female. Do you have a slave mentality? Do your fantasies consist of doing a football team like Clara Bow? Are you in favor of the Alt Right position that women belong in the kitchen and men should rule over them like Trump over Melania?

Good Hearted Gayle cuts in with a tender excuse me and she gets squashed like a bug by Good Golly Miss Holly.

  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 7:30 pm


What is TBP about if not snarky replies? Holly is demonstrating her ability to mix it up with the shit-flinging moneys with the best of them. I appreciate your defense though.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 7:38 pm

I gave up white knighting long ago. I enjoyed her article last night. I woke up with a different view of things after reading her reply to you. I wondered if she is that obtuse even after writing a lengthy article. I compared the stances and seeing who she agrees with, I categorized her into a reactionary camp.

Her caricatures of men and women are captivating but shallow.

We agree for now, Gayle. Beware, lest you cross my path against the grain. Heh.

  EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 1:03 am

Well at least you’re off the hook to save civilization ’cause you’re not Anglo-Saxon.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 1:29 am

There were other prophets before the authors of The Fourth Turning. They said that what has been will be. If this civilization ends, another will rise to take its place. It must be hard to carry the weight of the world around on your collective white shoulders. There’s not much white man can do at this point.

Our dear leaders will have to destroy civilization to save it. The options are:

a. earth-shattering meteor
b. nucular holocaust
c. world-wide pandemic
d. cessation of international trade

May 26, 2017 7:24 pm


I looked up hep in the dictionary and it is a synonym for hip. Because I am old and doddering, I come from a time, possibly the late Medieval era, when that word was used frequently. I will try to get with the times.

I simply do not see the world as Holly O. does (in her mind a “woman of a certain age” like me is dangerous to any man because I have both experience and a backlog of rage. Who knew?) I think this is an example of many of her other vast generalizations about women and men which may or may not be true, but are presented as fact.

I believe in the possibility of an unconscious collective memory. I do not believe the “long memory of being slaves” is the main problem carried by contemporary women. For one thing, what we, from this vantage point, view as slavery may not have been perceived the same way by those actually living in eons past. I do not agree that unconscious memory, if we even begin to understand it, has more influence on the emotional health of anybody than the immediate environment in which life is lived out. Furthermore, I can’t imagine how you could prove it one way or another. The yammering of 21st century feminists is the far bigger problem.

Holly starts by being sympathetic to women given their low status over the course of history. Then a long time is spent criticizing them for what she interprets as their responses, which are not only damaging but dangerous to themselves, their lovers, and even their countries, should they lead them. I found the two tones paradoxical and was not sure who really has her sympathies. I guess I could sum it up in her statement, “Unhappy women set up a non-stop, low-level drone of discontent interspersed with episodes of harpy-like fury. This tendency is the hallmark of any human convinced at a molecular level of their own powerlessness. Like toddlers. And liberals.”

As for men, statements like “Most men are not very nice to women they don’t desire” are a bit disconcerting. I guess that nice man who offered to help me pick up the 40 pound bag of dog food at Costco last week was lusting after me?

The closure, “Men of the West, women need and want dominant men in their lives” seems to negate much of her argument about the suffering of women over the centuries. Maybe Part 2 will clear it up.

The other issue I thought was pretty clear in my response to Holly is that she neglects the influence of biology on women, men, and the dances they do.

I hope I have somewhat clarified why I responded the way I did. What I love about TBP is discussions like this.

May 26, 2017 8:28 pm

It may be that a lot of this (rage, anger, resentment) is a by-product of being lied to – for decades. Suppose you are told that there is someone special waiting for you, who will love you, be devoted to you and take care of you for the rest of your life as your parents did when you were young.
Now, suppose that person never materializes. It doesn’t matter if they were killed young in an accident or war or disease, never met you by fate or simply was driven away by hostile personality. It doesn’t matter – you were LIED TO. Prince Charming isn’t here and isn’t coming, and YOU were cheated.
Married life should be a partnership of love – and both partners need to demonstrate a whole lot of maturity, discipline and dedication to the marriage. Both your ties to each other and to the children you raise need constant feeding and care to continue – and there will be (days)(weeks)(months!) that you don’t get everything you want or need from your partner, life or anywhere else. You carry on, and hope for a better tomorrow.
But if you go through life carrying an ENORMOUS chip of resentment on your shoulder, you will likely pass through it ALONE. Resentment drives people away, even when it is righteous and deserved; people can feel / sense / read that, and you will repel those who might otherwise like you.
And that’s what I get from the “Slutwalk” photo above – these people have a tremendous resentment for those they feel are “objectifying” them, “judging” them and “categorizing” them. Newsflash: nearly everyone who is doing so DOESN’T CARE about your opinion! If you shave half your head and dye the remainder purple, you are making a statement, and deliberately so. If someone doesn’t want to start a debate with you, they will not stand around to be lectured. If they see your shaven / purple head from a distance, they will never come near.
Oh well, this is too long and rather rambling. Life does not guarantee your Prince (or Princess) Charming will come; you will have to go looking for them, be charming yourself in order to attract their attention, and you might have to settle for Count or Countess Charming if you don’t want to die single. That rude, uncompromising, uncomfortable and unpleasant truth will not go away, no matter how much purple hair dye you use; you are in COMPETITION for capable, attractive and interesting mates, and the more you handicap yourself with your own appearance, the tougher it will be.

May 26, 2017 9:05 pm


About three years ago I commented that one of the biggest problems for girls is the Disney Princess industry. The princess is troubled (or asleep) until Prince Charming, literally amount a white horse, appears to rescue her, solve all her problems, or worse yet, WAKE HER UP, so she can live happily ever after. Yes, these tales are lies.

At the time, I got mostly down votes. I assume people think these stories are sweet and harmless, and let their daughters watch them over and over.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 10:06 pm

Gayle, You remind me of the old redneck that told his wife, “I said ‘I love you’ back when we got married and nothing’s changed.”

You need to get a hobbyhorse and defend your position lest the hairy-apes decides that women do indeed need to regress to the time when women washed and scrubbed men’s underwear. This is what Holly-O is promulgating as the solution to America’s problems.

I suspect in her part 5, she will call for secession where men give women 80% of the country just to be left alone. Not that that doesn’t happen already on a smaller scale.

May 28, 2017 5:02 pm

You nailed it.

May 28, 2017 5:00 pm

How did miss this comment for 2 days. I must have been in front of the mirror again having multiple orgasms over my brilliance and wonderfulness.
Any way it was perfect, thanks.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
May 25, 2017 1:12 pm

“I can assure you if you started asking every 12-year old girl you meet what she wants to do with her life, NOT ONE would reply that she wants to be a wife and mother.”

Here is funny clip on a wife and a mother: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEbZrY0G9PI

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 25, 2017 1:30 pm


In a way you are correct. The twelve year olds are not longing to become a wife and mother (this applies to white girls). The black and white trash girls start planing a slew of offspring around that age as that is a career move for them with section 8, EBT, welfare, medicaid etc.

What I have found over and over Otis is that by mid thirties these white females begin to have second thoughts and want to have the mothering experience and most of them want to marry. They begin to shop for a mate with a frenzy as they feel the clock ticking. Beginning this process of motherhood in the late thirties and early forties is quite common.

May 25, 2017 1:44 pm

The barren womb cries out!

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
May 25, 2017 1:47 pm

@BL: that was Gayle’s quote; sorry for not referencing. I just included a link to a comedic piece by Jim Gaffigan, which celebrates motherhood.

  Mercy Otis Warren
May 25, 2017 1:51 pm

I enjoyed that, especially since after two less-than-stellar hospital experiences, I had the third kid at home.

May 26, 2017 12:13 pm

“The truth is, happy and healthy human beings do not live shallow, self-centered lives.”

Ah, the clarion call for self-sacrifice for the benefit of the many? Or was that not your meaning?

I think a very strong self-interest/self-centeredness is essential to living a fulfilling life…but I don’t claim it to be “The Truth” for all of humanity. Hence I go my own way.

I See
I See
May 25, 2017 12:49 pm
May 25, 2017 1:09 pm

A woman’s greatest fear is loneliness in any of its many forms. Hence staying away is our best weapon.
A mans greatest fear is embarrassment in any of its many forms, like STOP. She just cut his nuts off by implying that he did it wrong thus far or he’s a chump.
The worst kind of porn in the world are those magazine covers in the checkout line that tells Jane doe that if she isn’t a blonde anorexic model she’s a schmuck. It tells John doe that if he doesn’t have an anorexic brain dead model hanging on his arm he’s a schmuck and he couldn’t really have her anyway because he doesn’t make enough so he might as well date Pinky Palm and her 5 sisters or go brokeback mountain.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 12:06 am

Flea, I used to be a woman-pleaser. I should form a self-help group.

Anyways, I have seen the light thanks to the ball-cutter premiere, my co-worker.
She loves to point out any minor mistake in an effort to make me feel like a schmuck.
She is very nice to herself though. she’ll just blow it off as, “I had a blonde moment”.

I have learned to ignore, as much as possible, questions that lead up to her pointing out an imaginary mistake.

Here’s one example where I used the Joker’s “I didn’t ask” line:

Bitch – You might break that.
Coyote – I didn’t ask.
Bitch – What? (‘What’ is shorthand for, Did you just sass me, motherfucker?)
Coyote – I didn’t ask, which is a polite way of saying shut the fuck up.

Coyote 1, Bitch 0

May 25, 2017 3:03 pm

Men of the West…go East. Studies have shown that American women make the worst wives while American men are the most desirable.Get out of this culture when looking for a mate. head to Asia for starters

May 26, 2017 11:15 am

South America

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
May 29, 2017 11:16 pm

Central America is a better choice. Not so stuck up as Colombianas or Argentinas and the good looking ones are just as good looking, more trusting and patient- fewer Latina, clock radio, kitchen ware, steak knife throwing temper tantrums.
From my experience anyhow.
Nobody is fighting the patriarchy in Central America.

May 25, 2017 3:11 pm

It is tough to really add anything here because this is a no win situation. If you fall for one of these women you end up losing everything. Your offspring end up in a broken family where this demonic system influences them 100 times more than you possibly could, and you have to bear witness to that (which is a punishment in itself). If you go MGTOW then your genes simply die off. But at least the state doesnt get them! Looking at this no win situation, it becomes obvious why we have wars. There isnt going to be any sort of anti-liberal ideological uprising. Because the trash is outbreeding by massive margins. War is the only thing that will cleanse the land of this rampant stupidity. Perhaps the neocons arent entirely wrong in wanting to turn the entire world into a giant battlefield?

May 25, 2017 3:21 pm

You write like an incoherent scumbag, which you probably are, and no real man would ever give credence to such rubbish as you spew out, as if you actually had a brain….whew, my wife just went outside to talk to a neighbor, instead of looking over my shoulder,,,must type quickly, keep up the good work, loved the article, hung on every word, and shall employ in my life (as soon as she gets through paying off the mortgage). God Bless and thanks for job well done.

May 25, 2017 4:25 pm

The best part of Hondo ran down his daddy’s leg.

May 25, 2017 8:22 pm

Did you read all the way to the end of his comment?

May 27, 2017 4:45 pm

He’s the real Hondo that The Duke meant to portray.

May 27, 2017 9:08 pm

Sorry to disappoint you but my father didn’t give birth to me. But I consider the source…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 9:18 pm

That’s true, I’ve always heard it said as ‘..ran down his mamma’s leg’.

May 25, 2017 3:51 pm

Today’s women have much to look forward to.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 25, 2017 4:19 pm

He’s the one you will see pushing a stroller 3 paces behind the pig in lipstick on the left. The stroller has a toddler she had by a Hipster sperm donor (not him though) while he breast feeds an infant she just had by a one eyed black porn star who resembled Tarzans chimp in real life but you only see one eye in the movies. Her dad is the one just to the left of stroller pusher.

May 25, 2017 4:26 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 25, 2017 4:27 pm

You guys can avoid the Western Female’s major massive incorrigible unsolvable problems by marrying an appreciative traditional Pinoy, Latino etc. You’ll save your marriage, house, kids, support money, retirement, heritage and sanity. Do it and thank me later.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
  rhs jr
May 29, 2017 3:22 am

Wow and all I lose is my genetic legacy! No more blue-eyed, redheads in my “vibrant” family! I can’t wait to feel the shame of having children that look nothing like me, I get to feel like a cuck! The 3rd world always has all the answers!

May 25, 2017 4:39 pm

I count myself fortunate. I have a magnificent wife. We seem to compliment each other almost perfectly. We have each others backs and work towards the same goals. I attribute that to having honest discussions and being on the same page BEFORE we got married. It really is amazing what a man and woman, in sync, can achieve.

It’s an incredibly rare thing too in my experience. I can count on one hand the number of men I know who are faithful to their wives. The rest are a bunch of horn dogs that would fuck a knothole in a tree if it were moist or any skank that sauntered on by and never think twice about it. Me? I don’t care how hot a woman is, if there aren’t a few functioning brain cells upstairs ‘ol smoothface refuses to participate.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 12:17 am

I’d hate to visit the Indentured’s. They’d be complimenting each other all night.

-You’re the best
-Thanks to you
-No, I mean it, you’re perfect
-No, I’m not, you are.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 1:44 am

Exactly why did 3 morans give me thumbs down for a silly joke? Are you that petty? Is there a pasha caste here that you can’t even joke about?

Fucking butthurt brigade probably had their hands over their mouth in shock. Wait til Stucky comes back to ream your elastic assholes. Simper Fie, you fucking Maroons.

  EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 2:17 pm

El C.
Right.. What’s that about, that was funny to me because Iv’e done it. Can’t tell jokes anymore without an oversensitive thin skinned little prick getting his pink panties bunched up. Made a dumb joke about Thelma’s 66 T-bird and and some over serious zealot had to tell me she didn’t Sarandon and the T-Bird didn’t really die or crash in the movie.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 9:22 pm

Flea, these are the zombies that come here and try to convert us oldster to their sensitive worldview. Rdawg has been doing a knockout job of shutting them down. Otherwise, we will soon be exchanging blowjobs along with these assholes.

As they say in Austin, Keep TBP Weird.

May 25, 2017 4:49 pm

Holly O
Iv’e been pondering this article since this morning because something just didn’t seem to jive. Like you told Gayle, “I’m not sure I am able to pick through everything you wrote and cobble into something I can actually wrap my head around.
Women have been conditioned to slavery for the past 5,000 years etc.. What about the 125,000 before that? The first half sounded to me like thinly veiled feminism. The second sounded like you were angry at the conclusions you had drawn.
I knew a woman who got mad at god every time she saw an apple because of Eves curse. I think at least she had the right source of her anger. Eve was cursed with desiring mans attention and difficult childbirth. I know plenty of women who resent God and Eve both over that.
If I am missing something I’m open to correction.

  Holly O
May 25, 2017 5:35 pm

Ok. I get that. The family had a rule at our reunions of no joke telling after 7 pm because I wouldn’t get the punchline till everyone was nicely dozed off and start laughing hysterically.
I wandered in the desert of the “Non Male” bs put out in the 70’s before I said enough and went back to being a macho Irish prick. Never been so happy and my late wife couldn’t get enough of it. First I had to clean house and get rid of the urge to punish women over every perceived slight.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
  Holly O
May 25, 2017 9:15 pm

I am not sure about this:

-I have met several happy feminists (as long as they are not the kind that deny nature).

-If a male politician is in any way interested in making correct judgements regarding the world, he darn well better consult his wife. She will have an indispensable perspective. (See the aforementioned relationship between John and Abigail). Joan of Arc was also a pretty interesting (and some may say effective) political figure (See Mark Twain’s biography.)

-I do not share this faith especially if the real attributes and beauty of womanhood are not included in the equation.

n.b. I am a man; just couldn’t find a better anti-federalists than MOW when I was selecting a pen name. And if I am missing your point entirely, please forgive me.

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
  Holly O
May 26, 2017 9:39 am

Thanks. I will work on my reading comprehension for next time 😉

i forget
i forget
May 25, 2017 5:47 pm

“No one…cultural conditioning (of everyone)…”

Lowest common denominator logic works with ciphers\numbers, & even generalizes to lots of people. But it doesn’t cover, engulf, every individual. All swans are white blows up in the presence of even one black swan.

As for slaves & slavery, that’s a relative more or less, this or that person, but it is still gender neutral. Wo\men have not exercised much real agency, ever. Neither, in the main, wants to. Appeals to tradition exoskeletons are an example of that lack of desire.

Is this a piece of p…andering, to a certain male demographic? Misogynists & the misandrists who love\hate them?

Lucky at cards (poker, blackjack, are not games of luck, but if that’s the way you play, you’re not lucky), unlucky in love.

“How unlucky I am that this should happen to me. But not at all. Perhaps, say how lucky I am that I am not broken by what has happened, and I am not afraid of what is about to happen. For the same blow might have stricken anyone, but not many would have absorbed it without capitulation and complaint.”
― Marcus Aurelius

“Most criminals were dumb, and he took the view that the whole science of criminology was essentially flawed, since much of its theory was based on the study of criminals who had been caught, and were therefore either stupid or unlucky, as opposed to the study of those who had not been caught, and were therefore smart and had a little luck on their side, but just a little. Luck ran out, but smart was for life.”
― John Connolly, The Burning Soul

Hey, Stellaaaah!

Jumbo brando

Have you ever really…?

May 25, 2017 6:07 pm

WTF am I reading? I’m not a feminist by any means, but this guy says some ridiculous things. And he leaves unclear about what it is to reclaim manhood. It’s about being strong, the protector, making decisions clearly in the face of adversity. Women can says nowadays many men are not fully mature men, and so leave the job up to women to fend for themselves. But still want the benefits. That’s where it doesn’t work. Then women could think of men as just for sex as men do for women. Doesn’t make a health society in the long-run. The concept of trust and family is being destroyed.

May 25, 2017 6:13 pm

Wife at home with the kids, it’s natural and doable. But only if you are willing to put in the work. Also, be the fucking man of the house and don’t take any shit from the wife or kids. In short, be a leader for your family.

May 28, 2017 3:20 am

Why do that work, thought? So you get to feel like a man? Sad! -)

May 25, 2017 7:12 pm

Like a trip around the Escherian Stairwell, no mater how many ways you navigate the steps you end up in the same place……..men griping about women, women wanting more from life and men, it is the never ending staircase. Video embedded.


i forget
i forget
May 25, 2017 8:27 pm

Women, can’t live with them, can’t live without them. ~ Desiderius Erasmus (1436-1536) – but he didn’t come up with it, he just included that bit in his compilation of far older Greek & Latin proverbs

Ellis: Whatcha’ got ain’t nothin new. This country’s hard on people, you can’t stop what’s coming, it ain’t all waiting on you. That’s vanity. ~ Ellis, “No Country for Old Men”

Had a girlfriend was into Escher. Got her a number of framed pieces. She was a good woman. Nothing like what’s being complained about here. She went into hospital. Flu dehydration. MRSA was waiting. “And that was that, as they say.” (Ellis, again)

May 25, 2017 7:38 pm

A lot of this is the breakdown of roles in Western society. Many people, both men and women, chafed and felt stifled in the gender-assigned roles that traditional society assigns. Ambitious women and unmotivated men struggled with acting the way they were expected to. The sexual revolution and various innovations like dependable birth control, more women in the workplace (both by choice and by necessity), fewer extended families to provide backstop / support for the nuclear family and so forth made vast changes in society; but, on the whole society itself was being weakened. We see the results.
I’m not for forcing anyone to be what they cannot be; or even, what they really don’t want to be. However, large numbers of people are nearly impossible to deal with. These societal roles allow us to reliably interact with strangers: if you open the door for a woman and she SNARLS at you, “I don’t need you to open doors for me!” then civil interaction has not occurred. How does this help anyone?
I am becoming more impressed with the Japanese system of “face”; you open the door and smile, pick up a dropped object and return it with a smile, reach something from a high shelf for a short person and smile. Hopefully, the other person smiles back and you both leave relatively intact.
If the other person SNARLS at me for trying to help them, then they have probably forgone any help from me ever again – and we all need help, now and then. What goes around comes around.

i forget
i forget
May 25, 2017 8:36 pm

Those roles didn’t materialize in a vacuum (or a burning bush). So what about the breakdown of the casting calls – & couches – of *assignment* of roles? Flashing on dubya. Talk about a bush with no fire. “I’m the decider & I decide what is best.” Born under a bad sign, called a caste system? Hinduism (hind-u-ism) by any other name smells just as bad.

  i forget
May 25, 2017 8:55 pm

I think I disagree with what I think you meant.
If you are going to take a whole system down then you must replace it with a SYSTEM. Saying, “I’m special and my friends are special and everyone’s special so no one can tell me what to do or how to behave” leads to a frustrated society. Especially since what replaced it – fifty genders, more? Each with preferred pronouns and expectations of everyone else using them? Crap, some schoolkids never get taught proper language as it is, and now?
I would never approach or even speak to that strange looking “foxkin” creature from the Knuckledraggin’ article earlier today. I would have no idea how to address it, or even if it wanted any kind of conversation with me. Typical SJWs get a wide berth from me, and likely always will. I might be losing out on something here – but it’s not worth the effort, to me. They will go their way and I will go mine – until reality intervenes.
My relatives and society (Deep South) taught me what was expected of me. It still works, mostly, but I worry that my kids get so many conflicting signals they won’t know what to do in many situations. Oh well, the Crunch will likely reset a lot of these problems, but it will get messy as those who think they are special – learn they are not. Probably painfully.

i forget
i forget
May 26, 2017 1:49 pm

Am I, are you, is anybody, taking down a system? Really, any chance of that at all? I’m just exercising my…system. And it is mine. Even if it is nothing special. Or nothing special to anyone else. (Not that that’s proven to be the case.)

As far as I can tell, the only traction those 50 genders are getting is via gendarmes. Color of law. (I saw a couple of that Canadian prof’s, Jordan Peterson, demolitions of this.) But hell, all color of law is easily demolished; this gender stuff isn’t anywhere near the head of that line (of bs).

The 50, at the hot gates of Thermopylae, isn’t what this essay’s about. But I don’t give a hoot how those people cast\e themselves. Self-casting, unsubsidized, but also un-trifled with, un-trespassed against by others – many, if not most, of whom such triflers & trespassers are themselves subsidized – is incomparably better than Hindu god niches & casting couches & PigglyWiggly shelfspace. Same as I don’t care about women opting for non-traditional roles. Or lovelorn men whining about women – or even other men, for those that go that way.

My society is personal, not conceptual, & it does not arrogate to itself high-holy instruction, let alone insistence backed by force or threat, what your, or others’ “system” should be, will be. Because that’s none of my business. Because my prerogatives don’t include a nose that knows what yours or others noses “should be” scent (of a woman, or whatever) preferential to. Those that claim such noses are Pinocchio’s.

So here’s the “replacement”: My prerogatives are the same as yours, anybody else’s. Comport accordingly. Else expect a deserved nose-job. It takes will•age, not a village. But nervous systems are born, not made – & that’s the catch-22. The promised coming of the “singularity” may change that, but my singularism’s already set.

*I spent a lotta’ years down south. SC (graduated HS there) epitomizes south: Tariff of abominations? Fuck off. Relieve\reinforce Fort Sumter in sovereign Charleston harbor? Fuck off. Tell me what my system should\will be? Fuck…off. Abide the inherent prerogatives, & live & let live? Welcome.

May 25, 2017 7:45 pm

Damn. This is good work. It reminds me of the advice I gave my son, USAF, just back from Baghdad, stand-up blue-collar type guy: Don’t marry a white Western woman. I suggested Sub-Saharan Africa, the Philippines or some other local not infected by feminism. It used to be, even a generation ago, that you could find good, working-class Southern girls, but not so much any more. Like I told him, the non-Wesstern ones still like being women and actually like men. Get one who complements you and is not in competition with you. It’s this type of stuff I come back to TBP for. Thanks.
Me, I got lucky the second time around. But that’s rare:

May 26, 2017 8:24 am

“I suggested Sub-Saharan Africa….” where the average IQ is 68. Good advice there Clevus. Hope you didn’t procreate over once.

May 26, 2017 1:53 pm

IQ as measured by our tests? I doubt it. Anyway, if you prefer a Wellsley gal, more power to you; at least the African lady has a 50/50 chance of being a Christian.

May 25, 2017 7:51 pm

Fantastic! The title implies there’s more to come on the subject…When do we get to read part 2?

May 25, 2017 9:09 pm

Thank you for your wisdom, Holly. At 52, I believe I now know to just finish it out alone.

St. Peter of Petrol
St. Peter of Petrol
May 25, 2017 11:07 pm

Well thought out piece. But. When I hear “thousands or hundreds of years of cultural conditioning” I quiver. Is not the cultural conditioning of an individual limited to the downloaded culture of the preceding generation raising/influencing? At least before mass media. The author admits as much saying. “In much the same way, human nature dictates that every upcoming generation rebels in an attempt to form a personality distinct from their spawners.” If this is true, the shackles of generational conditioning is an awfully loose underpinning. What’s more likely and left unsaid (even if implied) is the precariously different hard-wiring of the brains between the sexes. A dangerous place to go in modern culture for it would warrant an intellectual examination of the DIFFERENCES between the sexes in that regard. Taboo, says the huddled masses. Ironic too as said masses fight against historical taboos of a cultural nature. The truth most likely, logically, lies in the area which humans (now that we have the capability) are most terrified to explore – the physiological sphere. Culture is far easier to refute than chemical responses as one lies in the realm of symbolism and semantics vs. math and science. The chemicals in my brain says this makes sense. Did it?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  St. Peter of Petrol
May 26, 2017 12:25 am

Peter, men do not quiver. What you mean is you shudder.

Old Pangloss said that when he got through making love to a woman, she would just lay there quivering. On hearing that, our secretary shuddered at the thought.

i forget
i forget
  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 3:16 pm

That thing slung over Errol’s shu(l)dder is a quiver. & it’s a unisex piece of equipment.

May 26, 2017 8:21 am

Manboobs gonna’ hate- Yeah, he’s out there, lurking in the digital shadows like a brain damaged butt hurt behemoth- but I concur with Holly O. Women are governed by emotion and if allowed to run amok will do so unto the point of total destruction of family , tradition , religion, culture and everything else Western men hold dear. There was a reason fathers used to choose women husbands.. Great read Holly O. You’re a natural fit the TBP shit flinging primates.

  Holly O
May 26, 2017 9:42 am

There’s reason for that.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 26, 2017 9:47 am

and John Lott’s research has shown the direct effect of the emoter vote on the growth of government without a doubt.

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May 26, 2017 9:18 am

Fabulous post, excellent responses.
We are in a propaganda induced pickle jar,
and we all need support from our fellows
to see it through. Thanks to all.

May 26, 2017 10:11 am
May 26, 2017 2:42 pm

This is all part of the divide & conquer. Convincing white women to fight against white males has reached fever pitch just when the economy is not producing enough jobs and the effect has now hit white males. It is all part of trying to distract everyone from the fact the politicians have no answers. Now they’ll have us all fighting for the scraps, the crumbs. If everyone understood economics, all whites, minorities, illegals, everyone not the elite 1% would march on DC & hang these traitorous bastards from lamposts & get out the guillotines French-style. Occupy Wall Street had the right idea, but notice the government smashed that quickly, then the elites ran the 2 most polarizing candidates possible in the last election. Coincidence? Of course not.

No matter who’s in office, you get more wars, inflation, and slowly cutting up the Constitution until you’re in a full-blown police state. Only question is which side will hold the Presidency & the majority in the 3 branches of government. I’d say the public has more of a fighting chance if it’s Republicans as the crazy liberals have no understanding of private enterprise. They’ll just institute some degenerate liberal version of the Soviet Union and strangle the economy to death.

Maybe an Uncivil War is unavoidable as the liberals won’t stop pushing their idiotic agenda.

Susan Davis
Susan Davis
May 26, 2017 3:26 pm

@ Holly O: Original perspective. Appreciate the effort to connect the dots. Agree and disagree.

How to explain our current “state of affairs”?

A lack of INTEGRITY, AUTHENTICITY, and DISCERNMENT by all – male and female.

Men and women surrender their power by living in the past (i.e. angry, violent, and depressed) or by living in the future (i.e. unrealistic, detached, and depressed).

As you point out, we are shaped by numerous inputs including history. Roles change, influences change, experiences happen. The ability to UNDERSTAND – to TRANSLATE life’s experiences, to take RESPONSIBILITY for one’s actions/inactions and the results/impact that those actions/inactions have in the world – is rare, yet essential.

The primary ROLE of males and females is to support one another. To do this with LOVE and RESPECT is the ultimate expression. Peace is the result.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 26, 2017 3:35 pm

Pussy pursuit? I’ll drink to that!

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[imgcomment image[/img]

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Rise Up
May 26, 2017 4:06 pm

Rise-Up, these women are exactly what El Doggy is referring to when he calls out Zorras.
They are the female version of players; 35 yo boys without a shred of responsibility.

He says, fuck them if that’s all you came looking for, but don’t marry them, they will make horrible companions and will turn you into a Mandilone, a guy who wears an apron and does all the housework in return for the promise of potential perfunctory pussy, see: Dutchman.

  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 5:07 pm

Good one EC and some great pics Rise!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 5:42 pm

In part 3 Holly opens fire on the men who keep the bitches down by telling them who they can have kids with and what size dress they should wear.

Maybe not, she seems a little cozy with our resident misogynist flash. Does that make her a traitor to her gender, a ‘cuck’?

Who cares, right? This is reactionary central, TBP.

Now get off my lawn.

  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 5:55 pm

EC- Shit stirring a little early this evening? Again, HollyO sachets in and there is no newbie abuse period???

Just kidding HollyO, glad you are here and writing with such style, your words are like a symphony. (Meanwhile Clammy is seething)

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 6:06 pm

Sashays, but she does spice the rancid air with her florid floral folio.

Clammy is more down to earth, she earned her stripes here. H.O. has yet to feel the lash of the libertarians.

  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 6:14 pm

EC- Well fuck me ……….you know I can’t spell worth a shit. Yes, her words do fill this locker room with a sachet of pleasing flora.

  EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 7:34 pm

El C.
Might smell nice but too much verbiage just to say “Man the hell up and take your job back from the fems and male castrati.
Just call me Vinny Barbarino “Ooh my head hurts”

  EL Coyote
May 28, 2017 10:44 am

Naw, not a traitor, but a cliche. Misogynists will always love women like Holly. She’s internalized all of their hatred and saved them the trouble. It’s her end run around the choices she thinks women have – Being fuckable, opportunistic, and crazy, or being no-longer fuckable, desperate, and crazy.

She’s the ultimate platonic friend – sharing the outrage at the bitches, understanding the struggle, cooing her love and support. You know, not like the other girls.

It’s as manipulative as the scenarios she presents in her piece. She wants a cookie, and a pat on the head.

May 28, 2017 6:27 pm

Haven’t heard from you for a long time.

May 29, 2017 1:03 pm

Hiya Gayle. I swing by every once in a while ?

  Rise Up
May 26, 2017 5:58 pm

Riser is back in the saddle again!!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 26, 2017 6:08 pm

He never left it, he was just hogging all those pics.

May 27, 2017 10:21 am

some times you just have to make it short and sweet….

May 27, 2017 2:16 pm

This is probably interesting but 2-3x longer than it should be. And the narrow format stinks.

However the one point I could understand, I agreed with: Society better understood women’s capabilities 100 years ago. Not all of it was right but most was at least unlikely to end western civilization as the modern practice of claiming men and women are interchangeable in every regard except procreation.

Muslim society may just win because of our view of women: THEY have successfully adapted women to the sexual role.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 2:24 pm

How, Walt? You offer a teaser and don’t follow through. Should we put women in burkas and snip off their uvula? Then we fuck sheep to get an appreciative bleat?

  EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 10:23 pm

For more than a teaser, see below.

I don’t favor snipping ANYTHING on a woman. But neither can I reliably predict the future. The unreliable effort is below.

i forget
i forget
May 27, 2017 3:50 pm

The coyote asks how. There is no how (know how). But here’s why: anthropomorphizing a concept, like “society” (or lynch mob), & then conflating that with some sort of individual that goes on to “analyze” another construction a la strawwo\man like “women’s capabilities” is a desire, or need, for oversimplification. Instead of Occam’s hand guiding a razor, it’s false Truman dropping nuclear annihilation & “letting god sort ‘em out.”

“Interchangeability” has nothing to do with it. Resistance to individuality – too much effort, thinking, necessary with that – is part of it. Bigotry is the rest of it. What motivates the bigotry, mostly I think, is insecurity\dishonesty\crony•phony tribal conformity.

“100 years ago” Lise Meitner was 2nd of her gender to receive a physics doctorate from University of Vienna. After graduating, she convinced Max Planck to allow her to study with him – & old Max had never even allowed women to sit in on his lectures. Later she collaborated with Otto Hahn. Their most important discovery was nuclear fission. Hahn, but not Meitner, received the ’44 Nobel prize in chemistry for that. Give ‘em hell Harry, & the rest of those dumbasses, also received accord, by & from the same god-sort types, “successfully adapting” those Hiroshima\Nagasaki Japanese to nuclear fission, the world to mutually assured destruction, reactors in quake zones by the sea, & waste “storage” a la Hanford.

Women, largely, were chattel. All that time. What goes around comes around. If you get into the ring & discover you can’t take the punches, can’t go the rounds, then the ring isn’t for you. (Suggestion: don’t ding-ding-ding anymore diamond rings.) I think it’s a viable rule of thumbring that all those arguing that women used to be chattel but aren’t now & so let’s all time-machine back to a simpler, feebler, time have no business in the ring, have already had their brains beat out (if they had any to begin with).

Those who subscribe to the evenly yoked, nose-ringed, bended knee proposition, of course, can continue reading that magazine, loading & discharging that magazine, at home, with\at each other…but, insisting that ménage à trios – the happy couple & the church\state – be norm•imposed on everyone is no small error. And the time machining back to “adapted women in the sexual role,” perhaps including machining away of female parts, is just whiny insanity, pining for that good old Stockholm syndrome codependency…in which case, who, really, are the quivering punk-ass bitches, Butches? Lol….

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 5:41 pm

forgetful, I’m not sure I am able to pick through everything you wrote and cobble it into something I can actually wrap my head around, but the parts I did get I have no argument with.

  EL Coyote
May 27, 2017 10:34 pm

forgettable may very well be the undisputed King of Word Salad here on TBP. It’s a toss-up (pun intended) between he and Michael Keane (©, 5/27/2017 All Rights Reserved).

i forget
i forget
May 28, 2017 2:58 pm

Rdawg…Salad’s one of the dinner courses here, most nights. But ou\r dog, an Aussie Shepherd, does not partake, is unable to – she couldn’t digest it if she tried. Not that she would ever try: unlike a lot of people, she knows her limitations. She’s simpler that way; one dimensional diet. But not dumb. Smarter than some people, in fact. For her, only raw meat, but especially tripe, will do. She digests that perfectly.