The Death Of American Manufacturing In 1 Simple Chart

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Manufacturing’s share of all U.S. employment fell to an all-time record low of 8.48% in May. While blame has been laid at the foot of globalization and technology, in fact it has been an almost non-stop decline since the end of World War 2.

So how do we ‘make America great again’?

The answer seems simple to some in Washington – World War 3?

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muck about
muck about
June 4, 2017 7:08 pm

No.. The answer is simpler and much less deadly. Strangle the Federal and State Governments so they stop paying people to do nothing.

Remember Bob Heinlein’s TANSSAAFL?? “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”

Second old saw, “Pay a man to do nothing and he will continue to do nothing in order to be paid.”

There are judges who award people full 100% disability of 98% of cases brought before them. No physician’s statements necessary.

We are destroying this country from the inside out by making non-work, not participating in the work force, sucking up disability, unemployment, SNAP and numerous other freebies (i.e. money for vote buyers) and it will ruin us all in the not long future. Cut out the freebies except for physician certified disability and handicap. Then have a Cabinet Level Office with nothing to do but make sure that even the disabled, mentally crippled and all the others that collect a dime for doing nothing get SOMETHING TO DO and WORK for it.

Anyone who collects the dole of any sort has a work requirement attached – no matter what, when, who.

An able bodied man who chooses not to work because he can squiggle a higher standard of living sucking sugar tit from all the giveaways is a piece of shit and deserves nothing. Any woman who gets pregnant on purpose to collect all the freebies now being showered upon them by the government are simply whores earning money a new and different way. Instead of making money by the fuck, these whores make a career out of raising fatherless children and most do it so poorly that the kids have no role model to teach them the right American way to live. Those who take in foster children, collect money from the State and neglect the kids deserve a horse whipping job and be forbidden to ever have a foster chid in the care..

Then make world trade a level playing ground so those who use slave labor or pollute or sell manufactured things at less than cost get their products stuffed up their butt. Let work ethic and technology determine the best product, not government subsidy, slave labor or pollution.

Muck’s rant – there will be a Minute on the subject..

  muck about
June 4, 2017 7:53 pm

Muck- That is how you bring down a country and destroy it to the point of takeover. It is by design and those who swear to destroy these policies actually do the opposite while they make money manufacturing outside the US.

We are lost if people don’t stop protecting the perps. Amerika First my ass!

  muck about
June 4, 2017 8:10 pm

Nice to see you back, Muck. Missed your voice of reason.

I See
I See
June 4, 2017 7:34 pm

There is a way to make the United States of America great again.
The problem is that we won’t do it. So the consequences will be inevitable.
The first step is to repent and return to being a nation under God. That means that everyone must realize that they must pray, and ask God to forgive their sins. Then they must study the word of God in order to recognize their sins. Everyone must pray for the strength to overcome their sins.
How many people will? Only in times of great catastrophe do people turn to God.
The second step, as harsh as it may seem, is to remove Islam from our country. I know that there may be some very innocent and good Muslims here. Our problem is, how do we tell which ones they are. I think the Muslims need a couple of Mid-eastern homelands. One for the Sunnis, one for the Shia, and at least one for any others. We could arm them each equally, and let them figure it out.
Third step would be to change the education system. This step would entail getting the central government out of it. There is a system of education that few people know about because the present liberal left has oppressed it. The system is far better than the BS system that is presently in place. That’s a subject for another time.
The fourth step is to educate the entire citizenry of the nation in the Constitution, the law, and their real rights. That won’t happen. Want to know about your citizenship?
Read the article at the link here:

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 4, 2017 7:44 pm

The sad situation that Trump is trying to change with the rejection of the Paris Accord is that America is far behind in the matter of the real world, the business world. America is not competitive.

Trump’s MAGA is not about making whites great again, it is about making Americans work for a living again.

There are plenty of idiots pointing the finger in the other direction but the fact is that too many people of all colors, creeds, sexual orientations and facebook status are collecting free money that China provides IHOP, in hopes of power.

MAGA is all about bringing back smog and polluted rivers, child labor and the exploitation of women, blacks and wetbacks. The special snowflake era is ending. there will be no pass for pajama boys, no free lunch or pussy. Minimum wage, what’s that? White privilege, hah! Work makes free.
OMG, I love the smell of suffering in the morning.

  EL Coyote
June 4, 2017 8:14 pm

EC – I am convinced that only by eliminating welfare can the world be righted. We must do that, in order to restore family and family values and local community values.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 4, 2017 11:46 pm

It seems the welfare treadmill has three speeds forward and none in reverse. When folks see the Jones family driving a new car and getting EBT, they start to think they’d do better to get theirs instead of working.

The IRS marriage penalty discouraged couples from tying the knot. Child credits and income limits have a similar effect. It makes more sense, financially, to go on welfare with kids than to work a minimum wage job. The old saw about taking in each others laundry has been updated to taking in each others kids. The government pays Jones to raise the Smith kids while the Smiths are fostering the Jones kids.

  EL Coyote
June 5, 2017 7:38 am

OK, El. Now you’ve done it. I resent the misuse of my brilliant and original acronym IHOP. I demand that you change yours to In Pursuit Of Power, or I will be forced to pull a driveby on your ass.

IHOP stands for In Hopes Of Pussy. Remember that.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 4, 2017 9:46 pm

My support for President Trump has never weakened from his first bid to now . Now comes the “BUT” ? The real detailed answer to my questions : With decades of eroding and collapsing industries and millions of trained industrial people from welders , machinests , tool & die makers , metal fabricators , crane operators , mill rights and on it goes… all tossed away like dixiecups and no trained people to fill the void and why would they after witnessing their parents and grandparents bankrupted and cheated out of modest pensions and health benefits after 20/30/40 years of work , pick a number of years there is a group of fucked over would be retirees still working and hanging by a thread . So much for the rant !
Make America Great Again with what and by who ? The majority of people in my age bracket who are comfortable retirees all had government jobs , a few got lucky privatly most got the shaft ! Let’s not forget bonuses for wizards of Wall Street for total economic failure . I wish I could have recieved bonuses for totally fucking up but no , I actually had to produce successfully every day and better have good reasons should I fall short !

  Boat Guy
June 5, 2017 8:30 am

Nobody said it was going to be easy, or quick.

Or that there wouldn’t be intense resistance.

You didn’t expect it to be, did you?

June 4, 2017 10:41 pm

Do you know one of the biggest reasons the south lost the CW?

June 5, 2017 12:18 am


June 5, 2017 12:35 am

wip- Same as the topic, no manufacturing. Plenty of niggers and cotton but no cannon factories.

Never good to let your factories close and decay. So why is this problem not getting better?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 5, 2017 1:08 am

Lee fucked up at Gettysburg and the no industry like cannon factories sounded good in Gone With The Wind but that was hardly the reason the South Lost

Marsh Rabbit
Marsh Rabbit
  Boat Guy
June 5, 2017 7:00 am

Boat Guy raises an important point with his cannon factory reference. The image is Bethlehem Steel ship output between 1939 & 1944. If we face a crisis like World War II again, who will build the ships? I realize the technology of warfare has changed, and we will not need a WWII size navy; my point is our sagging industrial base may now be a national security issue. [imgcomment image[/img]

  Marsh Rabbit
June 5, 2017 7:14 am

Industrial output as % of GDP is same as it ever was. Just needs lots fewer people.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 4, 2017 10:49 pm

Nobody getting any Welfare should have a higher standard of living than anybody working for a living and paying taxes for Welfare. The BLS should survey workers each year to determine the minimum earned full time and the Total Benefits received by each Welfare Individual. Anyone getting Welfare over the bottom workers should be cut back.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  rhs jr
June 5, 2017 1:15 am

The minimum wage should be set by the lowest paid government job including benefits . No one should be taxed to supply a wage and life style for others better than their earned income can provide for themselves . This means you senator …!

Marsh Rabbit
Marsh Rabbit
  Boat Guy
June 5, 2017 6:44 am

Wouldn’t that mean Air Traffic Controllers and VA physicians would receive the same pay as a Wal-Mart greeter? If so, I’ll be taking the train in the future. lol

June 5, 2017 4:30 am


I proudly manufacture here in the USA. I could probably double my profits were I to move to China or, perhaps, India. I can’t do it though because I still feel a sense of pride in American ingenuity and I refuse to take part in the off-shoring of our manufacturing knowledge base. We’re royally screwed should we ever forget how to make things. We’ll be powerless in a hostile world.

June 5, 2017 7:59 am

Nickel – the issue is not the manufacturers. The issue is that idiots buy foreign shit. If they never did that – guess what? Not negative balance of trade. Exports would rule.

June 5, 2017 8:46 am

A lot of times there is no choice.

Many items are only available from foreign sources since they are no longer made in the US for various reasons.

i.e. I had to put new wheel bearings in my truck a while back. The only ones available were either Mexican, Japanese, or German made ones. They are no longer made in the United States (it wasn’t a price issue, it was an availability one).