I’ve been frequenting a little blog for several years now that offers a daily break from the doom porn and ugliness of the world. It’s mostly pictorial with little in the way of printed word or comments.

The owner travels some obscure innerweb back roads to source most of this stuff and I think it will suit most TBP regulars eclectic tastes. Hot chicks with Freckles and Cabin Porn are regular features. The MORNING MINDFUK picture I posted this morning came from his weekly OPEN ROAD FRIDAY feature.


The blog is called The Daily Timewaster. Be sure to peruse the first five or six pages or until you come to the video interview with John Sununu then watch the vid. Add it to your favorites and visit any time you need a break from the Doom Porn or Morans! Enjoy!


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June 4, 2017 7:44 pm

That site is exactly what I need, crazy about the cabin and what a pretty girl. Maybe the smart folks will create an alternate world for themselves with peaceful images to escape the loons. The news is toxic to human health.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
June 4, 2017 7:54 pm

Change of Pace:

The wife came home early and found her husband in their bedroom making love to a very attractive young woman and she was upset. ‘You are a disrespectful pig!’ she cried. ‘How dare you do this to me — a faithful wife, the mother of your children! I’m leaving you. I want a divorce right away!’
The husband replied, ‘Hang on just a minute, love, so at least I can tell you what happened.’

‘Go ahead,’ she sobbed,’ but they’ll be the last words you’ll say to me!’

And the husband began — ‘Well, I was getting into the car to drive home, and this young lady here asked me for a lift. She looked so down and out and defenseless that I took pity on her and let her into the car.

I noticed that she was very thin, not well dressed and very dirty. She told me that she hadn’t eaten for three days.

So, in my compassion, I brought her home and warmed up the enchiladas I made for you last night, the ones you wouldn’t eat because you’re afraid you’ll put on weight. The poor thing devoured them in moments.

Since she needed a good clean-up, I suggested a shower, and while she was doing that, I noticed her clothes were dirty and full of holes, so I threw them away.

Then, as she needed clothes, I gave her the designer jeans that you have had for a few years, but don’t wear because you say they are too tight.

I also gave her the underwear that was your anniversary present, which you don’t wear because I don’t have good taste.

I found the sexy blouse my sister gave you for Christmas that you don’t wear just to annoy her, and I also donated those boots you bought at the expensive boutique and don’t wear because someone at work has a pair the same.’

The husband took a quick breath and continued – ‘She was so grateful for my understanding and help that as I walked her to the door, she turned to me with tears in her eyes and said …………..

‘Please … Do you have anything else that your wife doesn’t use?

June 4, 2017 10:33 pm

IS – thanks. Damn, but dogs are funny.

My big babies are tattle tales. They each have their own beds. If another dog gets in their bed, they come over and cry, bitch and moan until we boot the offender out. They do everything but point their paws at the trespasser. Hell, one even damn near talks – oorooroo arrarrooroo – telling us that his bed has been taken. Too funny. Once they get their own bed, they are happy.

June 4, 2017 10:35 pm

Lord O Mighty, to the corrupt most sin fullest let me personally tell you what truly did happen to me.

There is a loving God and there is a hateful demons…

It’s the way of the life…

We have free choice and if you do the work of Demons you shall one day soon never ever exist again…

Heh it’s your life and your choice but no matter how deep in shit you are with Satan you can still be saved…

Be honest with God and seek forgiveness for your sins for I am a sinner who continuously seeks God forgivenesss so you are not alone for If I can just save only just one of you well my time here was well spent!

Those of you who actually think you can bullshit God well watch this:

As for me the sooner I am out of this fucked up world the better but until then by the grace of God I go!!!

I and God see you for who you truly are and hiding shall never save you!

Allah In….

June 4, 2017 10:43 pm

What a waste of makeup on that beautiful lady…

June 5, 2017 2:09 am

Wow, thanks very much for those kind words and the link. I was wondering why I suddenly had a bunch of new followers! CW

June 5, 2017 8:06 am

Indent Service ,you need a good Cat.Best pets in the world.I believe this is one of the reasons you are so unhappy.You need to smile more ,be kind more often especially to people you don’t know.You also need to be grateful and have more gratitude towards God.A Cat will help you with all this .

June 5, 2017 3:48 pm

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