Via Branco

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June 15, 2017 6:40 am

I asked my two young liberal millennial’s that work in my office, “Did you hear Bill Maher called himself a house nigger? Isn’t that raycist?”

“No, that was just a joke”

“But, I said, we’ve had this conversation before, and you both told me that I can’t say the word nigger even though rappers say it and sports players say it, I as a white man, can’t say the word, I’m not allowed.”

“It’s all in the context, he called himself a house “N-word” as a joke, he wasn’t directing the slur against anyone else”

“Christ, you liberals make this shit up as you go along!”


June 15, 2017 7:34 am

I’m getting weary of the the term “white priveledge”. Even in posts like this that use it in jest because it legitmizes the term and in some way plays a part in making it a real thing. I see examples of black priveledge every day whether it’s a black-specific show on my local PBS station (Black Issues Forum), a TV network dedicated to blacks (BET), beauty pagents for blacks only, Congressional cacuses for blacks only, etc. etc. Seems a lot like black priveledge to me. If whites were priveledged, we’d be able to have those things, but we are not. It is not any kind of priveledge to be additionally restrained compared to other races. Similar priveledges exist for women and LGBTQs. The facts are that ptetty much any group that can safely label themselves as a “community” and not be publically castigated has more priveledge than white males. I’m not advocating for a “white male community” to be an acceptable thing, unless it is used to point out the obvious ridiculousness of the other so-called “communities” and leads to aboloshment of all of them, such that we can exist just as humans and each be judged by our own actions, deeds and thoughts. Robert Gore’s recent post about facts and truth is spot on. The world is filled with magical thinking right now and it seems to be threatening the very idea of actual thought and facts.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 15, 2017 9:49 am

When we Whites as a group have had enough of the Leftist’s Fascist’s boots on our necks, payback won’t be our privilege but it will be one of our greatest pleasures and I want to get my full share. Liberals, when you start the real fight and the SHTF, don’t even expect a single tear from me.