TBP Candidate? Or not?

Carol Sue Kirken, a 75 year-old, wealthy grandmother from Michigan was killed recently by a hippo while on a safari in Tanzania. The article I read gave absolutely zero details about how this tragedy occurred. None.

Predictably, most of the people who commented on the article asked the same questions. Did she not know that hippos are the most dangerous mammals on Earth and kill an average of 3,000 people annually? How did she ever get too close to the killer hippo in the first place? Where were the safari guides when this happened and what security protocols were used for all members of the safari? Pretty reasonable questions.

Then there was this comment from BozoPolitics, which I found to be outrageously funny and just about as politically incorrect as you can get. He would be an ideal candidate for membership in the TBP community. What do you think?

BozoPolitics said, “I’ve had some hippos chase me out of some bars late at night…..if I’d have fallen they would’ve probably gotten me….. Whew!”

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rhs jr
rhs jr
August 12, 2017 1:49 pm

Darwin Award?

August 12, 2017 1:53 pm

He ‘s a sissy for running from them.
The bars close here at 3am. By last call,if I hadn’t found something better I was making goo goo eyes w/a hippo,just hoping none of my buddies saw me leave w/her.
To answer your question,he’s one of us.

August 12, 2017 3:00 pm

Yup he gets a gold star.

August 12, 2017 2:41 pm


August 12, 2017 5:49 pm

Was she really killed by a hippo? Could she have been robbed and thrown into a river by her ‘guide’? How thorough is an investigation by the Tanzanian police? I would no more go on an African safari than I would visit certain neighborhoods in America. You invite trouble in both cases.

August 12, 2017 6:18 pm

United 472 , that’s is what crossed my mind .She was probably murdered then tossed to the hippos. I don’t think a white person has any business in Africa but that’s just me.

August 13, 2017 4:15 am

If you are 75 years old and go to a shithole like Tanzanigger, well you got what was coming to you. No pity, no remorse here. I guess the son is happy, he gets the geezer’s money. I suppose next year she might have taken a safari to Baltimore….