Degradation as Procedure

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Have you noticed that it’s become common – if not practice – for armed government workers to force people to the ground, knee in the back – guns trained on them – as part of seemingly every arrest?

Violent men, okay. They are potentially a “threat” to the “safety” of armed government workers. But what about men not violent? Women not “resisting”? Junior high kids?

They are being “taken down” just the same.

It is apparently part of the new protocols. Armed government workers have been trained to use what amounts to Shock and Awe (remember?) techniques against any indig – whoops, citizen – who even questions their authority – let alone resists it.

Here’s an example I found after all of 6 seconds of searching on YouTube.

Yes, I timed it.

The video shows the “takedown” of a motorist who, having been stopped by armed government workers – apparently was found to be motoring on a suspended license. It’s a whole ‘nother thing as to whether we – allegedly free people – ought to have to beg the government’s permission for a license to travel freely by car. The government having made it all-but-impossible to travel without a car.

In pre-car days, one did not have to have a permission slip to operate a horse – or a horse and buggy. The roads were common right-of-ways and it was taken as self-evident that free people had the natural right to travel upon them without begging permission or needing “papers” to do so. The idea that “public safety” demands that people carry around government permission slips is as risible now as it was then. A horse and buggy could run you over just as easily as a car and could be driven recklessly and by a “dangerous drunk,” too. The difference now vs. then is that people back then valued their liberty while today’s masses tremble in fear of risks which have always existed but are now neurotically obsessed over. And of course, value liberty as much as a fish pines for the desert.

Anyhow, the motorist’s trip is interrupted by the armed government workers, who demand to see his license/permission slip and discover that it is expired or suspended. When the motorist “resists,” he is taken violently to the ground by two armed government workers, who handle him like bar-room bouncers. Aren’t armed government workers supposed to be “trained”?

But that is not the meat of the video.

The truly marbled portion comes after the male motorist disappears under a scrum of armed government workers. And as his girlfriend/wife becomes the object of their attentions.

She is, first of all, female and not large. She isn’t “threatening” the “safety” of the armed government workers. She merely stands near the scrum, pleading with the armed government workers to stop the beatdown. She is agitated, certainly – and probably is using some choice words. But – as the video shows abundantly – the woman makes no “aggressive” move toward the armed government workers.

And yet, a bullet-headed one of them rushes her very aggressively, wrenches her arms backward and then gratuitously – but likely procedurally – face-plants the woman on the tarmac.

It’s a brutal tactic – intended to brutalize. To degrade and show who is boss. To be thrown onto the pavement, face-first, is humiliating. Which is precisely the purpose of this tactic. There can be no question of this when the object of the face-plant is not “resisting” or violent and when the armed government workers haven’t even asked the person to “turn around put their hands behind their back” and give them the opportunity to comply without being face-planted – as used to be procedure and protocol.

Face-planting and bullet-heads barking to “get on the ground, now!” are recent developments, part of the transformation of police into law enforcers. Emphasis on enforcement.

Even when contrary to law.

It is not an exaggeration, much less hysterical, to state that armed government workers are degenerating into a beer-bellied American SA, the once-infamous but increasingly less famous to government “schooled” Americans street thugs deployed by the National Socialist Workers Party (most Americans are similarly ignorant of the socialist component of “Nazi,” for the same reason) to bash heads in.

Encouraged to do so by the leadership.

The leader – it sounds better in German – Herr Trump (whose real name is apparently the more Germanic-sounding Drumpf) recently did exactly that, publicly egging on today’s SA to not be overly “gentle” with the hoi polloi.

He also just rescinded the previous semi-ban on equipping civilian law enforcers with military hardware, including armored (and heavily armed) vehicles meant to deal with IED-deploying indigs, which are now us, too.

It is a measure of just how far we are down a very dark road that both of these ugly eructations passed like a minor blip on the radar screen. No Big Deal. We grow used to such things.

There were a few negative comments here and there – almost exclusively in the liberal press and only because the to call to thuggery as policy was made by a right-winger (Herr Drumpf). Very much of a piece with the Rote Kampf Bund communists’ harangues about the abuses of their national socialist adversaries, that long time ago.

The same liberal (left-wing) press would cheer the same call to thuggery if urged by one of their own against those not of their own.

Very precious few Americans appear to be appalled by thuggery in principle.

Most appear to want more – and so will get it.

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September 2, 2017 9:40 am

When will The Andy Griffith show be banned?

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
September 2, 2017 9:49 am

The tape recorder episode was perhaps the finest half hour of commercial TV ever. (and yes, I include the many fine Twilight Zones).

September 2, 2017 9:59 am

I have been lucky most of my life. Never any bad experiences when dealing with cops.I just treat them with respect and corporate .You are not going to win fighting the the police on the streets .Corporate and then have your day in court if you must.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
September 2, 2017 9:19 pm

I am not familiar with that word.
Is that like, put your body on the ground or start a business?
I don’t start any business with copfucks.
yessir, nossir, may I have another?
That’s about it.
Unless I’m in Nicaragua, then it is like, “here is $7, fuck off”

September 2, 2017 10:04 am

Police always had the option to get ‘physical’ with recalcitrant citizens but it does seem to have become the default setting now.

Of course two MORE cops were gunned down in St. Louis yesterday so Obama/Holder and their BLM Trayvonites bear some of the responsibility for this as does Civil Forfeiture. Let’s face it, most blacks do not cooperate with police and, with police afraid of being accused of ‘racism’ if they don’t treat all citizens equally, they tend to treat every citizen as the lowest common denominator- the hoodrat with a gun. Can’t be polite to the white lady in a stolen car if you are rough with the tattooed ex con doing the same.

Then there is ‘Civil Forfeiture’. If your basic hoodrat KNOWS a few dime bags of weed on him will lead to the police confiscating all the cash he has on him ( and its likely all the money he has in the world) why not resist arrest or flee? You might get away. If the lout whose had a few drinks KNOWS the police are going to seize his car if he is stopped why not floor it and see if you can get away?

I really think if we did away with Civil Forfeiture and revoking drivers licenses for non payment of court fines and making a motorist subject to arrest for having a suspended license, over time, the public, even hoodrats and tattooed thugs, would be less likely to resist arrest or attempt to flee.

John Coster
John Coster
September 2, 2017 10:23 am

I found this lecture about the deep state vs the shadow government very helpful to an understanding of how the United States Constitution has been discarded by treasonous elements within the government. Like Tolkien’s dark Lord their ring of power grants them invisibility from which numerous evils accumulate. The degrading activities illustrated in this article are the natural consequence of the secrecy invoked by the National Security State. It’s not surprising that the only enemy capable of destroying the United States is internal. Since their successful elimination of JFK, these psychopaths have been weakening the nation like unseen parasites while posing an enormous threat to civilization itself. Perhaps with enough light shining into the dark corners they will scatter like cockroaches, but they are a resilient pest.

  John Coster
September 2, 2017 10:44 am

First off, it is not them, it is ultimately us. “They” just see the opportunity to exercise their sociopathic tendencies. We gave them the power. Eric made a very salient point when he wrote: “The difference now vs. then is that people back then valued their liberty while today’s masses tremble in fear of risks which have always existed but are now neurotically obsessed over. And of course, value liberty as much as a fish pines for the desert.”

When you see people that are so pleased when the government “does something” about this group, or that group. The most dangerous phrase I have heard from my neighbors is “someone needs to make a law against….”. Over the years, this continuous chorus of believing government can solve our problems, instead of ourselves, and a general apathy among the sheeple, has brought us a beast that now creates problems just for its continuous existence. The monster we have wrought has turned on us. Everyone says they want “law and order”, well the problem with that is that the law has become whatever the person applying it decides it is. Try speaking with an inmate sometime about how much “law and order” there is in the system. While many deserve their fate, others happen to be just at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Or simply looked like an easy mark for an over ambitious DA. And those jury’s, that are supposed to keep the “system” honest. Well, they are the very same sheep that believe in “law and order” in many cases, and expecting any intelligence out of them is a long shot….at best.
Now we are getting the Government we deserve – good and hard.

September 2, 2017 11:54 am

well maybe true for sheep,
but we are in the post 9/11 paradigm,
and nobody asked for the results of
that orchestrated fiasco. The patriot
act was written well before the event.
A “free” society was not the goal…
subjection, destruction of constitutional
rights, and the looting of financial assets
was the goal. It is a hard thing to accept.
Try to assist those of like mind…do not
denigrate us please.

  John Coster
September 2, 2017 11:45 am

Kevin has been reporting for a while now.
He was (and family) tortured (and nearly
murdered) by his cohorts that sought to
destroy him. Thus he spoke out.

Great video, so thank you. He was a guest
speaking about gov tactics a short while back,
and again last night on the Hagmann program.

There are great guests, sometimes too many
commercials, sometimes maybe “overly”
religious stuff. The content however is 70%
solid. Great to listen to while doing housework,
or puttering in the shop.

September 2, 2017 11:00 am

“A pig is a pig and that’s that.”
– The Plasmatics

By allowing the government to maintain their monopoly occupation army, we have empowered them in ways that NO government should ever be empowered. ONLY a truly free, open, competitive marketplace of private security services will EVER provide the accountability and customer respect that we ALL deserve in this important facet of our society. So long as these monopoly departments exist, no one is truly safe from their government at the local level.

September 2, 2017 1:56 pm

When you take the people of Wal-Mart and then add a copfuk sandwich…..nothing good will come of it.

This is society today

September 2, 2017 6:22 pm

No solution but one has a chance of people living together in agreement with what government is necessary to them: enclaves. Everything else is noise as there is no way to control a big and powerful bureaucracy. No amount of protest, marches, letters, phone calls, and meetups are ever going to change something so entrenched as even a state gov’t. Too many sheep. Why can’t decent, liberty-loving people can come together to form a gov’t of covenants that each person has signed onto? The problem then becomes where with an end to all the fighting those who die wanting to worship the State.

In a way we do deserve the gov’t we have. Sitting around typing out protest statements and otherwise revealing the condition in which we find ourselves has to end with some kind of radical action. Do we all need to move to New Hampshire?

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
September 2, 2017 9:25 pm

Read the ‘Diamond Age’ by Neal Stephenson.
The world, I hope, will break down into Phyles soon enough.

I cannot recommend that book enough.

September 3, 2017 6:34 pm

Eh, I’ve arrested all types of folks. When you put your hands behind your back for the cuffs, I thank you, take you to the pokey and let you work it out in court. Without a scratch on you and sometimes a decent conversation on the way there. When you run and resist and fight, all bets are off. I’ll probably call my friends too. Sorry gang, I don’t like burglars and thieves. I’ll also be damned if I don’t go home to my kids.

The video itself is like something I’d see on The Young Turks. Show me the 30 seconds prior to “those awful police” attacking that good boy…..