Via Knuckledraggin

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October 12, 2017 7:54 am

That’s a tough one! You damn sure couldn’t tell the wife about it AND you might go blind!

I picture rednecks “going in together” on a tricked out bass boat. Not good!

October 12, 2017 8:42 am

Could I go back and start the challenge when I was 16?

October 12, 2017 9:19 am

option #2, Option #1 not worth the money.

Jack Mehoff
Jack Mehoff
October 12, 2017 9:22 am

Take the $100 per time, boys. Twice a day and you’ll be at a million bucks in 13.69 years.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Jack Mehoff
October 12, 2017 9:30 am

If you’re middle aged with a bit of a heart condition its also likely to kill you in the process. Tread carefully.

October 12, 2017 9:23 am

10,000 * $100 = $1,000,000.

At 1,000 (that’s only 3 times a day) times a year – you only need 10 years to total a million.

October 12, 2017 9:29 am

Fuck that #2 shit. I used to love working on cars then I got paid to work on cars now I hate working on cars.

I am not going to take that risk……..


October 12, 2017 10:44 am

Do you have to use your own hands?

October 12, 2017 11:37 am

$1,000,000 buys lots of hoes.

At $400 twice a week (no-one here is getting it that much) you could get QUALITY hoes for the next 24 years. Or once a week for the next 48 years. Or twice a week at $200 per session for the next 48 years.

October 12, 2017 12:02 pm

#1. Pay someone if needed with the million.

October 12, 2017 1:07 pm

So the first thing I thought is would I have to pay to play or get paid to play.

Assuming it is cash in hand I would

I’d pick number 1.
Get the money
Then go back to Lying and denying….
A win-win!

October 12, 2017 1:54 pm

$1 million invested at any of the top 10 mutual funds will earn you enough interest to buy a ho for $150 a day.

October 12, 2017 1:56 pm

At 71+, cash-in-hand definitely seems better than “dick-in-hand”. Then the $1M will assure an early-but-heavenly death-in-the-saddle/massive coronary – with the assist of some coke and amyl poppers – at “critical-mass-moment” while “Bang[ing]kok in upper thigh/Thailand.

October 12, 2017 2:14 pm

At a hundred bucks a pop I’d be yanking in ten grand a week, easy.

October 12, 2017 2:23 pm

2X or 3X a day…..

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October 12, 2017 3:16 pm

Since I’ve never done it once,# 1 is the obvious choice for me since I won’t miss it.
Btw,do any of you guys find that you’re squinting more and more and even in the summer when it’s hot you’re growing more and more hair on your palms?

October 12, 2017 3:27 pm

Come on Red! It’s there, you have two hands and it costs nothin’ to rub one off..

Next you are going to tell us all that you raise unicorns..

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October 12, 2017 7:46 pm

my mama told me that nice boys don’t touch themselves “there”,and mama is always right–

regarding the other comment & picture,doesn’t the evidence speak for itself?
in the western us & canada,there are large ranches dedicated to breeding/raising cattle–
there are other ranches for raising/breeding horses such as the mustang ranch in nevada–
because of the tourist/beach atmosphere most non floridians do not realize that the vast majority of florida’s population is along the coasts and that we have huge amounts of agricultural activity here–
the interior of florida is where i have established the unicorn project,a ranch dedicated to the recovery of the unicorn,which has been nearly wiped out by the arrogance and hubris of man–
the project is going well and i believe that within several years we will have a large enough herd that we will be able to sell some of these unique animals to collectors and zoos–
we started the project by acquiring several white liipizzan stallions–
jimbo is a very focused young stud who despite his stubbornness keeps plugging away until the job is done–
francis is very methodical and is very good about getting the girls into heat–
bb we brought in for his energy and conformation but he just doesn’t seem to be doing his job-
not sure if he has performance problems or if he’s shooting blanks–our stallions all came w/guarantees so when we contacted the breeder they said if he doesn’t breed one soon to send him back,they’ll just geld him and turn him into a work horse–
for our female breeding stock we are going with mostly white rhinos along with the occasional black rhino to maintain conformity–
the white rhinos are roseanne and hillary(as a matter of fact the pic you grabbed off our website & posted is our most successful breeding to date-the sire is jimbo and the dam is hillary-his registry name is hillyjim but we affectionately call him little robby)–
the black rhinos are sheila and maxine,both conform very much to type and we are expecting great things from them–
maxine is due to foal any day now-the ultrasound showed that she is carrying a colt and since the zoo we got her from is in holland we are naming her colt dutch–
as i’m sure you can see rins,breeding is one of my passions in life,as opposed to fake breeding–
hopefully i haven’t bored you too much,and if you ever want a progress report as to how the program is going,just ask.
unlike many of you on here,i am not a wealthy man so if any of you would like to contribute to the monthly oats & hay bill here,your contributions will be appreciated–you can direct the contribution to the general feed bill or direct it to a specific animal and we will send you a picture of him or her.
just look for the donation button on the right and contribute as much as you like–
remember,all contributions are tax deductible,and for all of you who donate and then tour the facility,we have “perks” for you.

October 12, 2017 9:32 pm

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A great comment Red! Ya made me have a chuckle. Just thought I’d give an update about the Bears. Seems with this Globull warming the fuckers got stranded here for summer. Isn’t climate change a bitch.

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Gotta say I am sure glad that weather is turning colder. Dem fuckers don’t make great neighbours and I am running out of gullible American tourists to feed to them. Can’t send any money right now but I appreciate your appeal. Reason being as that I am low on cash because the Bears ate all the Beavers. Consequently I have no pelts to trade with Hudson Bay..

Mercifully it will all be over soon. Then the rivers and land will freeze over and my plan is too hook up the dog sled and head out into barrens for the annual Caribou Hunt.

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As to your claim about being the Master of Yer Domain. Well I have heard that one before but I understand that you don’t want to be caught lying to yer Momma.. Shame and all I can say is you are missing out on one of the only things in life that are free! I used are instead of is because God gave me two hands fer a reason.

And then I thought of this song.

One of my favourites to give me a hand up when I feeling down..

A Song for the Most Virtuous Red de Tampa!

October 12, 2017 10:51 pm

i sure hope that that’s a female bear straddling that ice sticking out of the water–
better not let stucky or indecent servant see that–
i sometimes like the music you post,sometimes not–i was cussing you a couple of weeks ago because one of your local groups kept coming up in my playlist after i clicked on it one time–
however,you can post charly mcclain anytime,even if it is for the wrong reason,though there is definitely a bunch of inspiration there–
i sure hope her marriage was a happy one,as she walked away from a career that was on the verge of ascending into the stratosphere for the love of a man–
now let’s talk about your $ problems-i try to be a creative problem solver–
you said the bears ate all your beaver?
you need to kill the polar bears and sell the meat online as polar burgers–take the skins and make blankets and coats out of them–that should tide you over until the beaver come back and you can supplement the supply w/caribou meat,nobody will know the difference and since the country of origin is canada,not china,nobody will question it–
now head over to the donate button–little dutch needs you–

October 13, 2017 8:41 am

Will do!

October 12, 2017 5:59 pm

Take the mill and use it to cover any shortfall in rents.
What rents?
Find a banker and a contractor and start building a 4 family apt. building a month for the next 10 years.
In 25 years they will be paid for and the 500 units will throw off 500 times .75 times $700 = $280,000 a month for the rest of your life.
Your net worth will be $35 million.
Use the money from the garage rental to buy some sex.

October 12, 2017 11:56 pm

Depending on the start time (around here, average 55 years old?), in 25 years you’ll have no use for sex.

Diaper changing services maybe, but not sex.

October 12, 2017 11:49 pm

In my younger years I’d have taken the 100 per pop…..they didn’t call me machine gun fer’ nothing !