Image result for gotta wear shadesDonald Trump tells me our best days are ahead. Once his tax cut plan is passed, the future will be so bright I’ll have to wear shades.

Sometimes a single chart reveals the truth being obscured by the Deep State propaganda machine, working overtime selling their economic recovery narrative. The economy most certainly is booming for Wall Streeters and D.C. parasites sucking on the teet of Federal government largess. But for the average working deplorable, this supposed recovery has passed them by.

The cognitive dissonance is strong, as average Americans want to believe what their “leaders” are telling them to believe, but their personal financial situation contradicts the narrative. Even using the highly manipulated data peddled by the BLS, any critical thinking individual can see through the lies, misinformation and bullshit.

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Let’s examine what has happened since 2015 and assess the truthfulness of the purveyors of propaganda running the Deep State looting and pillaging operation.

  • There are 5.7 million more Americans employed since the beginning of 2015, a pitiful 3.9% increase. Meanwhile, 2.7 million left the workforce because they supposedly don’t need a job to make a living.
  • The amount of Federal individual income tax collected by the government only rose by 3% between 2015 and 2017. If the number of employed was up 3.9% and wages supposedly grew by 5%, how could the government’s take only go up 3%? Maybe it’s because the jobs “created” were low paying shit service jobs and part-time jobs.
  • The average workweek is lower today than it was in 2015. Does this jive with 3% GDP growth? If the unemployment rate is really 4.1%, shouldn’t workers be putting in overtime and driving the weekly hours upward?
  • Now for the best data point of them all – real wages. According to the captured government drones at the BLS, real wages are up a cumulative 1.5% over the last two years. The supposed non-existent inflation has reduced your real wage increases by 70%. And let’s remember the inflation numbers put out by the BLS have been massaged so hard to achieve a happy ending, the BLS drones could work here:

Image result for massage parlor happy ending

In reality, recognizing a true inflation rate of at least 5%, the average worker has seen their real wages decline by 5% over the last two years. This brings us back to the chart above. Credit card and other revolving debt has increased by 20% since the beginning of 2015. The Deep State narrative would describe this phenomena as a huge positive (more interest and fees for the criminal Wall Street cabal) because it proves average Americans are optimistic about the future. Consumer confidence has never been higher. Right?

When the huge acceleration in credit card debt is analyzed in conjunction with the stagnation of wages and household income since 2015, a truthful picture emerges. Average Americans are not leveraging themselves up to their eyeballs because they are ecstatic about their future prospects. They are charging basic living expenses, like real estate taxes, rent, tuition, medical costs, insurance premiums, food, utilities, and gasoline. They are attempting to maintain the lifestyles they’ve been told they should have by the Deep State propagandists and their Madison Avenue Bernaysians by going deeper into debt at the low low rate of 15% or more.

If the narrative of economic health was true Americans would be ramping up their discretionary spending at department stores, restaurants and retail outlets across our suburban sprawl countryside. Nothing could be further from the truth. Retail sales, other than the debt financed auto “rentals”, have been sucking wind for the last two years. Restaurant traffic has been negative for over a year. A record number of retail bankruptcies and store closures will occur in 2017, far more than during the depression year of 2009. Buzzards are circling above JC Penny and Sears as their carcasses will shortly inhabit the desert graveyard of failed retailers.

Things are not well in flyover America. They are not well in suburban America. They are not well in small town America. They are not well in most urban areas. The economic decline of the middle class is why Donald Trump got elected. The elite who inhabit NYC, D.C., Silicon Valley and Hollywood have been doing great, as the debt creation benefited them and their hangers-on. The greatest debt induced bubble in world history is now at its apex. The hubris of central bankers, corporate chieftains, corrupt politicians, and feckless media oligarchs has reached epic proportions. They do not believe there will be negative consequences from their reckless actions since 2008. They will be wrong.

Image result for trouble ahead


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November 5, 2017 1:01 pm

Jim Quinn is one voice crying out in the wilderness.

History rhymes and the future is almost here. When the rent finally does come due someday soon, no doubt we will all look back and recall these times as “the good ole’ days”.

There appears to be no other way but forward at this point. And, as the Swiss philosopher and poet, Henri Frederic Amiel, once said:

“Destiny has two ways of crushing us: By refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them.”

November 5, 2017 1:23 pm

This time there will be nowhere to run or hide.It wouldn’t be so bad if our nation was still a 90% white Christian society as we once had but with these embittered blacks and and non white immigrants the future is uncertain for sure.Blacks will go bat shit crazy when they lose their goodies.People of so called color will blame whites in general so it will probably get very dangerous for all . Maybe
Trump can buy us all more time.

November 5, 2017 2:25 pm

If my math is correct, over 10 million people have turned 65 since the beginning of 2015. What effect, if any, does that have on the above employment numbers?

November 5, 2017 6:31 pm

I believe that retirees are counted in the “automatic adjustments”…
Here is a really crazy definition of “employment” which comes directly from the BLSW Q/A page on how they factor unemployment/employment………

“Not all of the wide range of job situations in the American economy fit neatly into a given category, however. What about the two following cases?
Garrett is 16 years old, and he has no job from which he receives any pay or profit. However, Garrett does help with the regular chores around his parents’ farm and spends about 20 hours each week doing so.

Lisa spends most of her time taking care of her home and children, but she helps in her husband’s computer software business all day Friday and Saturday.

Both Garrett and Lisa are considered employed. They fall into a group called unpaid family workers, which includes any person who worked without pay for 15 hours or more per week in a business or farm operated by a family member with whom they live.”

So, it is worth noting that the BLS even counts people as “employed” who do not actually earn a wage!
A woman who answers phones for her husband on the weekend or takes a few messages for him is counted as employed–also, sons who do chores on a farm, help dad sweep the floor at his shop or help mom deliver some packages, baked goods etc–the B (S) LS count them as employed…..

November 5, 2017 6:53 pm

They’re at Walmart welcoming you when you arrive and peering into your cart on the way out.

November 6, 2017 9:22 pm

Wip, The increase in retiring seniors is pretty much offset by youngsters entering the workfArce.

November 5, 2017 2:46 pm

Every word the truth. What’s also true is the stupidity of the average american that lets THEM get away with it. Just listen to these fucking bold faced lies coming out of trump and his dear ole repo buddies in congress about this tax bill. Giant cuts for the 1% and a pittance, if anything at all, for the fly-over rabble. And, of course, no spending cuts are necessary to make up for the loss of revenue-can’t have the imperial city Important Bastards shaving their bar tabs-it’s going to be made up by (wait for it) “growth in the economy”. I’ve been hearing this transparent bullshit story since Ford (can you imagine anyone so brain dead Jerry Ford could take them for a ride?) Reagan, HW and his retarded boy. Same shit over and over. The agonizing part to me is to hear these; look-earnestly-into-your-eyes cocksuckers talk about being a debt hawk then find a way justify it with a straight face. And it works every time. Goddamn discouraging.

Vote my ass.

i forget
i forget
November 5, 2017 2:57 pm

Auld lang syne is sentimentality, myth. The farther back you go, the worse it was. Which is not to say the further forward, the better it gets\got.

Race: the cage that holds the bearings, or that restrains a sliding component. Make that a slid into component.

I want to believe x-ringfiles & enfilades the spot & smoking man smokes ‘em cuz he’s got ‘em right where they both – believee & believer – want ‘em to be.

comment image

November 5, 2017 3:12 pm

This is what was predicted by people like Gail Tverberg and others. Even conventional economists were warning running trade deficits to support consumer consumption will reduce future living standards.

We were told globalization was a wonderful thing as goods could be made cheaper in China but what they left out is 1.3 billion Chinese would want to live like Americans once they acquired our industrial know how. The reality is that there is not enough oil, ore and food for the rest of the world to have North American standards of living. Now China and others will try to convert their trade surpluses into real assets…our assets be it our remaining companies, farmland, mineral wealth. They won’t want more of our governments bonds!

i forget
i forget
November 5, 2017 3:43 pm

Fiat dollar standard hoist with its own petard. Lather-rinse-Retard\repeat. Russian gold rubles may be en route, too. “You can be replaced” no matter how indispensable you need•believe yourself to be.

Scarcity’s real, but still there is enough, more than enough, of everything – including anal retentive misers who believe there isn’t ever enough of anything & who work the sock puppet mouths on every continent to verbalize & write the magic words which facilitate all that puckering.

Midas touch inverts to Sadim touch but compulsively dirty-fingering the pies is forever, so far. Bye, bye miss American – reversion continues. Comme ci, comme ça.

November 6, 2017 9:36 am

That’s where the US military comes in.
You will buy our US Treasuries, and you will like it.

November 5, 2017 4:43 pm

Consumer Confidence…That’s one of the government’s smelliest turds. Excellent as always, Admin.

November 5, 2017 5:29 pm

One thing we have going for is is the tremendously improved race relations after Obama’s presidency.

They need to either go back to Africa, onto secure negro reservations somewhere isolated, or into that third option with lots of chemical lime. There is no reason to suffer their presence in our communities.

November 5, 2017 6:37 pm

Mr. Quinn is not in the habit of telling us wen this is going to happen but I believe he is right on relative to what is going to happen. Trump is only marginally better than Hellery. We will be a little better off at the end of 4 or 8 years. Yo and BB are right, what is coming for civilized people is frightening. Whites had better learn how to fight.

November 5, 2017 6:38 pm

us govt debt up by 640 billion in 8 weeks–
short article–

US Gross National Debt Spikes by $640 billion in 8 Weeks

November 5, 2017 6:56 pm

The problem with predictions is they seldom come true on time. I compare the US economy to a supertanker. Supertankers are so big and so heavy, they take miles to stop. I’m amazed how long it’s taking our supertanker to run out of steam, despite the engine room being gutted and the props dragging and the millions of gushing leaks.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 6, 2017 6:17 am

Gilbert s , I worked on several supertankers and the ship took 7 miles to stop it from full speed . With the engine room gutted the prop blown off and anchors sold for scrap and no one at the helm , that is no one that knows what the fuck they are doing . Like our recent Navy ship collusion’s and grounding . Turns out the officers on the bridge had no clue how to run the ships console .
Like our country and us we are screwed at every turn because now there is no correct action but to head straight for the wall . Stand clear save your self and your loved ones . Maybe we can pick up the pieces after the smoke clears .
America pre 1980 was the time to strangle the beast of a circle jerk that is Capitol Street to Wall Street to K-Street but we did not . We learned nothing from the Vietnam conflict and now we have a government declared war on everything that put us in the cross hairs of everything and everybody including our own government .
In the fabeled words of Mr T – SOMEBODY GOT TO PAY !

November 5, 2017 7:49 pm

Some more accurate signs for our future:

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 6, 2017 1:48 pm

The guy at the front of the comforting lies line is Stucky, you can tell because his hand is in his pocket and it’s moving.

November 6, 2017 6:13 am

The numbers floated around are about $1200 savings per family.

Whoopdy Fucken Doo. That wasn’t a lot of money even when I was raising a family 20+ years ago. How in the hell will that stimulate the economy … especially if people decide to put it in savings.

Also, tax breaks need to be paid for, they say. So, Joe Six-pack “saves” $1200 in taxes … but pays for it somewhere else.

But the economy will grow by leaps and bounds? Tis a crockery of shitty.

November 6, 2017 10:17 am

They got bailed out. We got sold out. Things have been Fuck City since 2008.

November 6, 2017 12:23 pm

1913. The Federal Reserve and the Federal Income Tax.

i forget
i forget
November 6, 2017 1:25 pm

Watched Bourdain in the Greek Islands recently. Regular people there talk about being embezzle-screwed by “the leaders.” Same as everywhere\when.

Dating “when” is an error, wrong use of the term.

Those Greeks interviewed also listed priorities: family, religion, patriotism. The last 2, if they have any real boundaries at all (not that those don’t also swim in & out of “extended family”…), are amorphous ones – & how the correct use of the term comes to “procreate”\con•create snafu: buying into those is how date-raping Greek sex fiends, & their “friends,” comes to be normal. Unfamiliar with “Greek sex”? Look it up.

And meet the new Alexander (the great) Hamiltons, same as the old ones – & all the ones before those ones. Faces & names change, & confuseds refuse to admit of their part in situation normal even as they co-create the fuckness of it all.

The only thing “better” about “the good old days” was others, not you, were being buggered…but had you been there, it woulda’ been your ass on the line just like now, & pining for even older days would have been the fave tune, just like now.

Yeah, the Roman roads are more built out, ass offerability\accessibility is higher, but prostitution has *always* been the oldest p/ass/time & profession. And rapine rationalized – or not – is even older than that.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
November 6, 2017 10:33 am

Operation Blumenthal flag begins:
Operation Central Bank, Pigs Fly! – Andrea Iravani

Operation Central Bank, Pigs Fly!

November 6, 2017 11:23 am

Trump isn’t enough of a thinker or philosopher to begin shifting this country in the correct direction. He has the laws available. The ability to hire whatever attorney general he wants. He could go after white collar crime, kill hypocrisy….etc.

Instead he golfs, tweets, and attends a lot of meetings. Trump the businessman is the same as Trump the president.

But hell, at least he wasn’t Hillary.

November 6, 2017 12:01 pm

we BEAT hillary and her golf bum agenda and ELECTED MAGA, Trump was the first MAGA president more to follow!!!!
till the JOB get’s DONE WELL!!!

November 6, 2017 4:54 pm

For the sake of your children, I hope this was satire.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 7, 2017 1:09 pm

Dollar Collapse posted this on their site yesterday.