The Suicide of Socrates

I am posting this because I’ve been spending some time on a remarkable history web site —-

This site is a collection of over 200 “eye witness” accounts to historical events (some of them are somewhat second-hand, but most are direct accounts). Each story is prefaced with some background info. All of the ones I’ve read so far are relatively concise, and just plain fascinating and we’ll written.

To whet your appetite, here is the story about the suicide of a Great Philosopher.

The Suicide of Socrates, 399 BC


Ona day in 399 BC the philosopher Socrates stood before a jury of 500 of his fellow Athenians accused of “refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state” and of “corrupting the youth.” If found guilty; his penalty could be death. The trial took place in the heart of the city, the jurors seated on wooden benches surrounded by a crowd of spectators. Socrates’ accusers (three Athenian citizens) were allotted three hours to present their case, after which, the philosopher would have three hours to defend himself.


Socrates was 70 years old and familiar to most Athenians. His anti-democratic views had turned many in the city against him. Two of his students, Alcibiades and Critias, had twice briefly overthrown the democratic government of the city, instituting a reign of terror in which thousands of citizens were deprived of their property and either banished from the city or executed.

After hearing the arguments of both Socrates and his accusers, the jury was asked to vote on his guilt. Under Athenian law the jurors did not deliberate the point. Instead, each juror registered his judgment by placing a small disk into an urn marked either “guilty” or “not guilty.” Socrates was found guilty by a vote of 280 to 220.

The jurors were next asked to determine Socrates’ penalty. His accusers argued for the death penalty. Socrates was given the opportunity to suggest his own punishment and could probably have avoided death by recommending exile. Instead, the philosopher initially offered the sarcastic recommendation that he be rewarded for his actions. When pressed for a realistic punishment, he proposed that he be fined a modest sum of money. Faced with the two choices, the jury selected death for Socrates.

The philosopher was taken to the near-by jail where his sentence would be carried out. Athenian law prescribed death by drinking a cup of poison hemlock. Socrates would be his own executioner.

“What must I do?”

Plato was Socrates’ most famous student. Although he was not present at his mentor’s death, he did know those who were there. Plato describes the scene through the narrative voice of the fictional character Phaedo.

“When Crito heard, he signaled to the slave who was standing by. The boy went out, and returned after a few moments with the man who was to administer the poison which he brought ready mixed in a cup. When Socrates saw him, he said, ‘Now, good sir, you understand these things. What must I do?’

‘Just drink it and walk around until your legs begin to feel heavy, then lie down. It will soon act.’ With that he offered Socrates the cup.

The latter took it quite cheerfully without a tremor, with no change of color or expression. He just gave the man his stolid look, and asked, ‘How say you, is it permissible to pledge this drink to anyone? May I?’

The answer came, ‘We allow reasonable time in which to drink it.’

‘I understand’, he said, ‘we can and must pray to the gods that our sojourn on earth will continue happy beyond the grave. This is my prayer, and may it come to pass.’ With these words, he stoically drank the potion, quite readily and cheerfully. Up till this moment most of us were able with some decency to hold back our tears, but when we saw him drinking the poison to the last drop, we could restrain ourselves no longer. In spite of myself, the tears came in floods, so that I covered my face and wept – not for him, but at my own misfortune at losing such a man as my friend. Crito, even before me, rose and went out when he could check his tears no longer.

Apollodorus was already steadily weeping, and by drying his eyes, crying again and sobbing, he affected everyone present except for Socrates himself.

He said, ‘You are strange fellows; what is wrong with you? I sent the women away for this very purpose, to stop their creating such a scene. I have heard that one should die in silence. So please be quiet and keep control of yourselves.’ These words made us ashamed, and we stopped crying.

   Jacques-Louis David, 1787
The Death of Socrates

Socrates walked around until he said that his legs were becoming heavy, when he lay on his back, as the attendant instructed. This fellow felt him, and then a moment later examined his feet and legs again. Squeezing a foot hard, he asked him if he felt anything. Socrates said that he did not. He did the same to his calves and, going higher, showed us that he was becoming cold and stiff. Then he felt him a last time and said that when the poison reached the heart he would be gone.

As the chill sensation got to his waist, Socrates uncovered his head (he had put something over it) and said his last words: ‘Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Do pay it. Don’t forget.’

‘Of course’, said Crito. ‘Do you want to say anything else?’

‘There was no reply to this question, but after a while he gave a slight stir, and the attendant uncovered him and examined his eyes. Then Crito saw that he was dead, he closed his mouth and eyelids.

This was the end of our friend, the best, wisest and most upright man of any that I have ever known”

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 19, 2017 10:25 am

“Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates.” Ben Franklin

December 19, 2017 10:41 am

Stucky, are most Austrians tall?

December 19, 2017 11:42 am

Just curious because I met an Austrian lady. She is 5’10”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 19, 2017 10:11 pm

Stuck, most Mexican births are the result of rape. Every Mexican boy would be proud to hear his mom reveal she was raped by her husband, it would confirm his most cherished image of her saintly virginity.

Milton's granddaughter
Milton's granddaughter
December 19, 2017 10:52 am

Honor and Grace.
…and make sure your accounts are settled.

December 19, 2017 11:16 am

IF I end up in a nursing home, I hope some compassionate soul will bring me a cup of hemlock

December 19, 2017 12:00 pm

Budd Dwyer was a more interesting suicide. Quick, painless but messy

December 19, 2017 2:25 pm

Stuck… I am laying low in the country and trying to reconnect with the world in which I now live. Cybercommunities bring in too much noise for little bunnies.

You are really going though the fire right now. I think I’ve finally made my way OUT, but life is full of fucking drama, isn’t it? It isn’t what hits us that destroys us; it is our inability to shrug it off and not let it stick that creates an immovable burden. I’ve decided to be happy for the rest of my days. Fuck the rest of ’em.

Just remember that Friends are God’s Apology for really shitty family.

December 19, 2017 3:30 pm

That’s nuts. Uncle Fester is dead, he’s paid his debt (the wages of sin is death). Trump did not touch your sister even mentally.
If others have no right to your property, they should also not be liable for your issues.

My addition to this poem would be to avoid women. BTW, I told my son that if he committed suicide, he would condemn his kids to the same curse. I don’t mince words too often. Avoid women! Cleave to the Mrs. Freud.


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater
and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble,
it’s a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit
to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

December 19, 2017 7:07 pm

Christmas tends to be stressful in my experience. I silently and nightly had a bit of dread this time of year for many years. Now I am isolated enough to detach with love from negative emotions and dramas that come with glad tidings as wrapping paper. I recall wondering every christmas when an intervention was going to occur…since all were gathered together.

I wonder how different things would be if your sister told you back when?
What would you have done?
Does her silence over the years gain her any respect?
Does it do any good to talk about now?

Her anger issues you report…maybe she should forgive you (and others) for not protecting her? My My! that stuff is mucky stucky. I have some empathy for you.

On the Gentle Path in Hattiesburg, for us inmates, the most feared week was family week when families would gather and the most intimate confessions and accusations were heard. It is a minefield. I witnessed a number of blow ups among my peers and their significant others.

I am confident we are in for more thought provoking posts from you.

December 19, 2017 12:42 pm

Hang in there Stucky. Sounds like you need some alone time with a good drink and a fine cigar.

December 19, 2017 2:28 pm

This is a letter posted to me from my husband’s Italian relatives. He is a physics professor at University of Bari, so I am curious if there is a way to translate the meaning, if not word for word.

Ostia, i dossieraggi politici contro Libera: “Solo bugie per screditarci”

Sedicenti associazioni antimafia caldeggiate da due esponenti del 5Stelle hanno cavalcato polemiche contro l’operato di Don Ciotti, ma in arresto per corruzione è finito il funzionario che aveva occultato per sei anni un documento
Invia per email
17 dicembre 2017
Ostia, i dossieraggi politici contro Libera: “Solo bugie per screditarci”
Il logo di Libera
“La storia della Spiaggia Libera SPQR di Ostia necessita di un prologo e di un racconto dettagliato. Solo leggendo tutte le tappe di questa vicenda si capirà la verità e le tante bugie messe in campo per per screditare il lavoro di Libera e Uisp”. Il tweet dell’associazione antimafia di Don Ciotti viene pubblicato nel primo pomeriggio del 16 ed è subito boom di condivisioni e like. E arriva a due giorni dall’arresto per corruzione dell’ex responsabile dell’ufficio tecnico dell’edilizia privata del X, Franco Nocera.

La storia comincia prima di 48 ore fa e il triste epilogo, documentato da Repubblica, avvenne nel 2016 con la riconsegna della spiaggia libera attrezzata che Libera aveva vinto attraverso un bando al Comune. Quel che successe in quelle frenetiche giornate, come spiegato nel commento di Enrico Bellavia dal titolo “Mazzette a Ostia, la bomba a tempo del burocrate”, fu che il Movimento 5 Stelle iniziò una guerra a colpi di dossier contro l’associazione antimafia di don Ciotti, facendo passare come il diavolo Libera. Ma la realtà dei fatti era ben diversa e oggi, attraverso un lunghissimo articolo circolato sui social, viene spiegato dettagliatamente.

“Spiaggia Libera SPQR di Ostia: una verità, tante bugie”. Questo il titolo dell’articolo. “La storia della Spiaggia Libera SPQR è una vicenda prolungata e complessa – scrivono – che ci racconta qualcosa di importante delle dinamiche di un territorio così particolare come quello di Ostia. E’ una storia fatta dell’impegno di molte persone, delle loro speranze di cambiare il posto in cui vivono e degli ostacoli che hanno dovuto affrontare. Che riguarda il suo bene più prezioso, il mare, e la gestione di questo settore da parte degli uffici di un Municipio precedentemente sciolto per mafia, con comportamenti e atti il cui disegno è ancora tutto da interpretare, e che si intrecciano con l’agire di attori economici e sociali del territorio. E che racconta di rapporti politici, di personaggi in ascesa e in declino, e di attori spregiudicati della vita lidense, di dossier e attacchi che ripetutamente si armano contro alcuni o contro altri, a seconda degli interessi in gioco”. I dossier sono scritti da sedicenti associazioni antimafia e per la legalità, Luna Nuova e Labur, gestiti dalle stesse persone. Luna Nuova, per inciso ha già un ordine di oscuramento della sua pagina Facebook dalla magistratura romana per diffamazione aggravata e continuata.

Il bando. Libera e Uisp partecipano quindi al bando “sviluppando un’idea di gestione libera, pulita, trasparente della costa di Ostia. Risultano terzi nella graduatoria – spiegano da Libera – relativa al lotto di spiaggia n.8. Ma i primi, gli ex gestori della spiaggia, la coop sociale Roys, vengono esclusi ex articolo 38, per non aver dichiarato alcuni specifici precedenti penali. I secondi avevano espresso preferenza per un altro lotto messo a bando. E’ così Uisp e Libera risultano assegnatari di quella che sarà poi la Spiaggia Libera SPQR. Siamo nell’aprile del 2014. E’ in quel frangente che gli ex gestori fanno ricorso al Tar. Ma nonostante fossero esclusi dal bando, il municipio pensò bene di affidare loro la spiaggia per quella prima stagione balneare, in attesa dell’esito del ricorso. Una decisione lascia Libera e Uisp sgomenti. Ma nulla cambia e si dovrà aspettare tutta l’estate.La spiaggia verrà affidata solo a fine settembre, a stagione finita, e in condizioni davvero compromesse”. Il vecchio gestore che fa ricorso e vince al tar è tal Roberto Bocchini, amico di Paolo Ferrara del 5 Stelle che, misteriosamente troviamo nella gestione opaca del Faber Beach fino a qualche mese fa.

I documenti che spariscono dal Municipio. “Dopo i mesi complicati dell’estate – dicono ancora nel documento sui social gli esponenti di Libera – arriva finalmente il momento del confronto con la pubblica amministrazione, per gestire tutte le difficoltà che le associazioni avevano segnalato. Arriva il primo incontro in Municipio con la nuova direttrice e alcuni collaboratori: siamo a novembre 2015. E’ in quella occasione che viene comunicato alle associazioni che attualmente in municipio non è presente tutta la corrispondenza tra le associazioni e il municipio stesso, compresa la lettera in cui il precedente direttore del Municipio affermava che il chiosco fosse acquisito a demanio marittimo, regolare e utilizzabile. Libera e Uisp consegnano così tutto il faldone, come poi faranno il mese seguente in Commissione Antimafia. Si arriva così a marzo 2016, con tutte le domande sul futuro della spiaggia Libera SPQR ancora aperte. Le associazioni chiedono così di essere ricevute in municipio”.

L’ordinanza di demolizione del 2010 e la fine del progetto. Dopo alcuni giorni di attesa, Libera e Uisp presentano un esposto il 30 marzo 2016 alla Procura di Roma. La sera di quel giorno vengono ricevute in municipio, dalla direttrice insieme con altri funzionari e dirigenti. In particolare Franco Nocera, dirigente del municipio in ambito di edilizia privata, presenta un documento importante: è un’ordinanza di demolizione di abusi indirizzata alla cooperativa che gestiva la spiaggia prima di Libera e Uisp. Un’ordinanza del 2010, di sei anni prima, da eseguire allora entro 30 giorni ed evidentemente mai eseguita, che chiede di abbattere un manufatto presente sull’arenile, il chiosco. Il responsabile unico della procedura è proprio Franco Nocera, oggi arrestato per corruzione per le tangenti che avrebbe ricevuto da imprenditori dell’edilizia. Il direttore dell’epoca è Aldo Papalini, anche lui arrestato e già condannato per corruzione, per aver favorito perfino gli interessi del Clan Spada sugli stabilimenti balneari. “Ma l’ordinanza, ovviamente, era la prima volta che veniva mostrata a Uisp e Libera. Omessa dal bando di gara, omessa al momento della firma della convenzione. Omessa perfino quando fu chiesto di conoscere quali lavori di sistemazione effettuare sulla spiaggia. Scomparsa durante gli anni delle gestioni precedenti, o quando il municipio ne riprende possesso. Ma tornata casualmente in voga quando gli affidatari dell’arenile sono Uisp e Libera”.

Annullamento del bando. “Dopo giorni di silenzio, Libera e Uisp, sfinite, decidono di lasciare la spiaggia e abbandonare il progetto, dicharando la nullità della convenzione-contratto ex art. 1418 e ss codice civile per violazione di norme imperative, tra cui artt. 35 e 46 D.P.R. n. 380/2001. Si dichiara quindi la nullità di quel bando e quella convenzione, convinti che sia tutto da rifare alla luce degli elementi emersi fino a quel momento. Il municipio riprenderà espressamente e consapevolmente possesso dei luoghi a seguito di un sopralluogo con il dott. Vulpiani, il Commissario Prefettizio che governa il municipio durante lo scioglimento, dopo aver constatato di fatto e di diritto lo stato dei luoghi. E’ il 26 Aprile 2016. Proprio il giorno seguente la nostra dichiarazione di voler lasciare la spiaggia arriverà il primo documento di Anac sulla vicenda che affermerà le lacune di quel bando di gara”. Le lacune sottolineate da Anac sono sul bando di gara, non sull’operato di Libera. Ma qui si scatena il fango e la verità viene stravolta. Il municipio, nel bando 2014, in sostanza chiedeva ai gestori di ripristinare uno stato dei luoghi che era in realtà abusivo a monte, le sedicenti associazioni antimafia, non si sa a quale titolo, accusano Libera di aver gestito tutto in maniera opaca.

Il dossier del 5Stelle. A raccogliere quel dossier infamante per l’associazione di Don Ciotti, pagine che mischiavano le carte in tavola e non raccontavano la verità oggetitva dei fatti, sono i grillini Paolo Ferrara, attuale capogruppo del M5S in Campidoglio, e Davide Barillari, consigliere regionale. Attraverso un copia-incolla fanno loro quel dossier da presentare in Antimafia che consegnaranno in una versione con dicitura “confidenziale
riservata alla stampa” ai cronisti radunati in una conferenza stampa in Campidoglio il 7 settembre del 2015. L’onda di fango che ne seguì sui social travolse l’operato di Libera a Ostia. Ma oggi la verità viene ristabilità. Non solo dalla spiegazione di Libera ma dall’arresto per corruzione di quel funzionario dell’ufficio tecnico Nocera che fece sparire un documento per tirarlo fuori al momento giusto.

December 19, 2017 3:32 pm

Maggoo, ever heard of google translate?

December 19, 2017 6:51 pm

Limited time. Hoping some monkey was bilingual.

December 19, 2017 2:31 pm

Oh when I die and it won’t be long
Then you’re gonna be sorry that you treated me wrong.

Yeah, you’re gonna be sorry that you treated me bad
And if there’s an afterlife I’ll gloat and I’ll be glad.

December 19, 2017 4:38 pm

Good ole Loudon Wainwright…

“So you better take warning, start treating me good
Start doing the things that I think you should
And you better not pout and no you better not cry
The grim reaper is a-comin’ to town and I just might die”

I liked the part he played in the movie Big Fish

December 19, 2017 2:37 pm

Ostia, politicians dossieraggi against Free: “Only lies to discredit”

dossieraggi, the rough trans. would be dossier. But, it carries the connotation of files for blackmail and smear.

The so-called anti-mafia associations advocated by two exponents of the 5stars have ridden polemics against the work of Don Ciotti, but in being arrested for corruption is finished the officer who had hidden for six years a document
17 December 2017

My italiano is sub par at best. Il mio italiano non e di competenza, a tutti.
SDL free translation works pretty well

December 19, 2017 4:29 pm

We mostly know about Socrates because of Plato and his student Aristotle. Plato used a literary technique labeled ‘dialogues’ to tell the story through fictional conversations between Socrates and a student.

The most relevant of these ‘dialogues’ for our times would be Book VIII from Plato’s Republic. It describes how democracies always devolve into tyrannies. The people become ‘drunk’ with freedom and require increasing doses of it. It’s a fascinating yet scary read because it describes our society. From the ridiculous doting over household pets to the intimidation that parents and teachers feel from mere children. Illegal aliens treated as citizens. Adults living in perpetual adolescence. And a thousand other similarities.

Democracy is a great deception. Socrates knew it 2500 years ago.

December 19, 2017 4:49 pm

Yeah, um, about that…never give up. I lost an older brother to suicide, when I was 17, he was 24, and I still wonder if his soul is at peace or in eternal torment of damnation. Ma & Pa were crushed. Pops passed early from a bum ticker, then we lost the 1st brother’s twin to a bad habit running needles into his veins. Mom survived for another 18 years after that, if you can believe that shit. God only knows how. Amazing Grace. She taught me a lot, & Pops did, too. I’ve had tussles w depression, and they still don’t know what really causes that. Hereditary? My own take is, your brain chemistry goes out of whack, (maybe due to accumulated mental trauma?) & you lose the ability to think & focus on the positive. It seems hopeless, but suey is not the solution. Nor is a bottle, or pharmaceuticals. I feared Hell, or whatever the afterlife would bring, for taking my own life. There’s that Faith again, for what that’s worth. Glad I never gave up, thru the dark times. Prayed a lot. Luckily had a good support group around me and a good Doc or 2 that helped. Currently counting the blessings, even now, with all the storm clouds on the horizon. You do the same, NK. Some of us have earned a life free from drama & trauma. Yet, not our will, but His be done. Maybe the “why” will one day be revealed for the challenges we ALL face.
Wishing you the Best of Luck, with you & your folks’ situations. Keep writing. You’re a testy prick sometimes, but always interesting. Peace be with you.

December 19, 2017 5:35 pm

When I read the book about suicide in college, The Savage God by A. Alvarez, I took away the message it is a call for help. And I believe if one should ever contemplate it, seek out help. Hopefully one can find it some where. I have called 911 three times on women who threatened suicide, mostly as a cry for help, and worse, to manipulate me. None carried out their threat. I imagine some sick souls actually take satisfaction in the pain it causes for others as Loudon Wainwright’s suicide song intones.

11 years ago in the throes of debilitating PTSD I entertained thoughts of passive suicide ideation. “Would it be better if I were dead?” (passive ideation means you do not actually make any plans to harm yourself) The answer was evasive for a short time. I recalled the words of A. Alverez and asked for and received help.

Stucky, I went to the site you referenced and was drawn to “The Sack of Constantinople, 1453 The Destruction of the Last Vestige of the Roman Empire”; a city where Kaiser Soze walked without fear, anywhere and at any time of day or night.

“Nothing will ever equal the horror of this harrowing and terrible spectacle.”

After the slaughter it was recorded that Mehmed was intensely melancholic over what he had done.

December 19, 2017 7:49 pm

My sister is a crazy hard core screaming and frothing at the mouth democrat, teaches at an American university. Tell an Obummer joke?-racist. Send her a funny text of Trump dancing -Im a racist. I may never speak to her again.
Hope that helps 🙂

December 19, 2017 7:55 pm

Limited time. Hoping some monkey was bilingual.