

Much fuckery going on over on CBTS 8chan. Q is posting on a new board now. Fuckery seems to be solved for now and the WEAPONIZED AUTISM is strong!

First I want to give you a Q clue broken down from beginning to end. Keep re-reading this until the gravity of it sets in. FUTURE PROVES THE PAST:

(rt click and click view image to enlarge)


The bad actors involved in this are perfectly willing to MURDER a subway station full of people on American soil just to FUCKING DISTRACT US! Read that again! TO DISTRACT US! Think about that! As we will see later in this post, it looks like the taxpayers are funding ALL of it. Yeah, I know that we denizens of TBP know  or suspect this but the rest of the sheep don’t have a clue.

Q delivered a bunch of clues yesterday and very early this morning. Q seems much more earnest in his delivery and is definitely more prolific. Earlier in the day yesterday he ended a drop with:


Time is severely limited.

This, coupled with Trumps announcement:

I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned!

has me thinking that the Calm Before The Storm is about to be THE STORM, a force 1000 Tropical Cyclone in a GloBULL Warming ravaged world!…..and that “awards” are a euphemism for something much more surprising.
Either that or somebody is going to stick their head out from behind the curtain and yell “PSYCH!” as the gestapo descends upon our streets.
Below is a series of images taken of Q’s clues from late last night and early this morning. There are some other posts mixed in but Q’s clues are all noted by the Q !UW.yye1fxo identifier at the top of each of his drops. 
Q is barely pulling any punches here and comes across as pissed off to me which is very unusual.
(you may need to rt click, click view image to enlarge)



That last drop…..”Mark as graphic material.” is in reference to the Planned Parenthood (PP) clue. Remember, the autists are tasked with creating memes to Red-Pill the masses. He wants them to mark PP memes as graphic. Think about that.
Go ahead and do your own digging on the PP material just like the autists have. I’m going to pass myself because I have a feeling were about to see it on the MSM in glorius HD…all day…every day for a while at least. Keep in mind that the more mild topics are being chosen first. Just wait till we get to the Satanic, rituatlistic torture, rape, sacrifice and consumption/cannibalistic phase of the show. Q did say that 90% of the blue pilled public might end up in the hospital.
I’m not trying to sensationalize this. This is the nature of the conversation and meme’ing going on over on 8chan where q posts and reads. Q has not asked that memes on those subjects be stopped. Truth is being excavated from The Swamp. Light is about to shine on the Darkness. I’m not even sure the iceberg is in sight yet. The crimes are world wide. It’s a world wide Swamp.
Re-read all those clues and keep in mind how much deep shit Barack “Muslim Brotherhood”** Obama and Felonia are tangled up in. Hanging will be too good for the bad actors. Slow torture is what they deserve but this will be going down in strict accordance with the law. You can’t right a wrong with more wrong while Making America Great Again can you?
Sounds outrageous but given all the players involved we could see FOUR past presidents go down for Treason. Not only that but the autists are digging up pedo related info on Pence. Could one of those sealed indictments in Indiana have his name on it?
Consider that there is plenty of speculation that the vice presidents for true patriots JFK and Reagan may have been involved in the assassination and attempted assassination of their CIC. Trump seems to be a true patriot and was clearly not certain about Pence as his running mate. It may even be the case that Trump chose Pence purely to please the RNC to get advance an agenda item or two. Or, Could Trump be keeping his friends close and his enemies (Pence) closer? Could Pence have been compromised in the past and actually be a bad actor.
The most mind boggling thing about the potential outcome here for me is that for the first time in up to 5000 years, WE may be the first generation to ever experience living without the yoke of Elite domination. If the clues truly lead to the answers the autists are digging up, that may be exactly what the final outcome will be.
I’m certain that this has been planned for decades. They just needed the right Patriot in the Whitehouse to get another run at the prize.
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January 7, 2018 9:53 am

Weed must be legal in your state.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 10:07 am

Those blue pills go down pretty easy for you, huh, anonymous.

kokoda the Depolrable RaCCOON
kokoda the Depolrable RaCCOON
  Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 11:18 am

It seems I have to get in the habit of checking my name every day b4 I post a comment.

edit: Mary……..just trying to inject humor.

  Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 12:16 pm

IS, who is MW? As in, ” how does MW live in a 4 million dollar house?”

January 7, 2018 12:23 pm

Maxine Waters I believe

January 7, 2018 12:34 pm

Thank you

January 7, 2018 12:27 pm

Something else to consider. Trump has hosted all of the Republican leadership at Camp David this weekend. Briefing them on his announcement on Monday afternoon? Chance for them to see Podesta in chains? I’m dreaming, but maybe Liz Crokin was right…..


Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
January 7, 2018 2:05 pm

I wonder if the Washington Crossing The Delaware painting was a clue they were smuggling Julian Assange out of the UK. It would be the best timing and his testimony would be essential to the investigation. People forget Julian Assange’s first big hacking job was when he hacked into NORAD as a 17 year old when he had suspicions about the Gulf War.

  Stephanie Shepard
January 7, 2018 2:22 pm

You are a fountain of reminders from those days. Wow… the first Gulf War, when I was in Leadership School in competition for the Commandant’s Award, but consoled with the Freedom Award for a very nice little speechification I wrote, the First Sergeant’s Military Professionalism Award (definitely the red rope training) AND the damn Leadership Award which cracked me up because my Classmates voted for that one and my friend Pam said I was a shoe-in because my nipples were visible when we were debating the Commandant and she said she was pretty damn sure that more than anything got me that Leadership Award, if not the Freedom Award as well.

There were four other awards, including the Commandant’s Award. I didn’t win those, so I don’t know what they were… except Communication, which I thought I might win. I got a standing ovation from my classmates, but Pam again assured me it was my nipples.

Anyway, we invaded to free the Kuwaiti relations of the Saudi King (you know all those goatfuckers are related, right?) the week before I graduated Leadership School with honors. Then they tried to deploy me. Crap.

Julian Assange was one of the discussion items in Leadership School current events for some reason.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Stephanie Shepard
January 7, 2018 9:02 pm

Stephanie, a possible reference to the 2nd American Revolution?

January 8, 2018 8:25 am

Maxine waters cal.

January 7, 2018 10:21 am

Every news outlet pointed out that the fire was in a SEPARATE building on the property used only by secret service and NOT in the home. Those are secret service servers.

January 7, 2018 11:02 am

And no one would ever think of destroying secret service servers and hard drives to get rid of whatever information they hold.

Especially not the Clinton’s or someone from the Clinton machine.

January 7, 2018 11:42 am


Don’t ya find it odd that”house” catches just when the heat gets turned up.

But yeah maybe it is just bad timing..

January 7, 2018 3:50 pm

Might have to put my autism to work… those are good questions you are asking.

January 7, 2018 9:01 pm

SS files would have the complete record of all the people coming and going from the Clinton s house. Up until now the Clinton s could count on that information would never be disclosed. The Clinton s had gotten careless with how much the SS knew or were allowed to see relying on their sworn oath of silence. Maybe the Clinton s came to the realization that the records the SS had would be damaging.

Sketchy Detail
Sketchy Detail
January 7, 2018 11:07 pm

So her servers were destroyed. Anything that was sent from those servers, was received by the recipients server. The internet is forever.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 10:09 am

Three new interesting posts at once and I have work to do. I’ll be back later. Thanks for posting, IS

January 7, 2018 10:40 am


I’m all ears: the scope of this leaves me torn somewhere in-between hope and skepticism, amazement and fear its going to fall apart, righteous anger and pessimism but what do I know? Those of us with our eyes open have seen the world’s depravity. Others are clueless and others don’t want to look or dig or even hope for this to have some levels of exposure and justice.

I’ve spent most of my career as a business fraud investigator for corporations and then as a hired gun the last decade…you and Mary C are doing a great job…I’ve peeled away some onion layers…thanks for all the hard work and leads.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 7, 2018 3:39 pm


January 7, 2018 7:48 pm

I wish it was so but it is ridiculous for the most part. Sure the Clinton’s and company are vulgar and corrupt. Money, Sex, even murder to punish, warn and cover-up. They are in a class by themselves, but this Harry Potter stuff about Satanism, cannibalism, ritual torture, child abuse, slave trade, sicko pron,kidnapping and such just detracts from what be some valid points and actual facts.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 9:04 pm

Mark, I have done nothing. It’s all Indentured and T4C.

  Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 9:57 pm

Oh don’t be modest, it’s Time 4 Christine.

January 7, 2018 11:20 am

Who wants to bet that “Q” is a very smart, but very young kid sitting in his parents basement coming up with stuff like this and then laughing his head off when everyone falls for it? The more he writes the more ‘power’ he gets from these morons. Bwahahahaha

kokoda the Depolrable RaCCOON
kokoda the Depolrable RaCCOON
January 7, 2018 11:28 am

Anon…that was my comment about 3 weeks ago on a separate Q Post

  kokoda the Depolrable RaCCOON
January 8, 2018 3:30 pm

@ kokoda — sorry, hadn’t seen that. I’ve been avoiding TBP as it seems people are sinking more and more into mass delusion here. Paranoia is infectious.

second anonymous
second anonymous
January 8, 2018 9:23 am

The people who believe all this Q shit are some of the most naive and gullible on the planet.

January 7, 2018 11:26 am

Tried talking to some fellow expats about this today. They now think I am even crazier and eccentric than they already did.

January 7, 2018 11:38 am

I’ve expressed my total lack of belief in Q in the past.
Reading his “clues” and the interpretations invented by the readers reminds me of the priests’ interpretations of the incoherent ranting and raving of the Sybil at Delphi.

I read about the FBI opening a probe into Hillary’s pay-for-play scandal and tax code violations https://www.theburningplatform.com/2018/01/05/fbi-launches-new-investigation-into-the-clinton-foundation/. If this is true, doesn’t it sort of invalidate the claims she’s already been called in and been fitted with a tracking bracelet? And why isn’t she already on Gitmo or Diego or sitting on a prison ship? Where is this whole secret (illegal) military/military intelligence operation we were told about? And why did Trump need to call out the FBI in the media last week to get anything to happen if he was already pulling this off behind the scenes?

Once MI became aware of a potential terrorist incident about to occur on US soil, I assume their duty would be to turn it over to FBI and CIA to deal with.

And now we’re supposed to believe another major part of the corruption is Planned Parenthood? Really? That seems absurd in comparison to the more serious issues Q has talked about.
What’s next? Politicians who bump civilian passengers out of 1st Class?

Also, I thought something important was hinted at with Hannity on 02Jan. I didn’t see anything world shattering there, either. Did I miss something?

January 7, 2018 12:14 pm

“Did I miss something?”

Yes. You missed, and continue to miss EVERYTHING.

January 7, 2018 12:40 pm

At least I take the time to make my point.

January 7, 2018 2:51 pm

Yes, Planned Parenthood. Really. Remember the stories about them trafficking in body parts? My guess is it’s that and worse. I’ve been keeping up with all this since the wikileaks/Podesta emails. Some of the stuff is SO depraved, Harvey Weinstein will look like the 2nd Coming.

January 7, 2018 4:53 pm

I’ve seen a couple of references and honestly, if it is as sickening as I think it could be, there will truly be an awakening for many.

January 7, 2018 4:48 pm

PP is a major player

January 8, 2018 8:16 am

Have any of you ever been a recipient of Red Cross aid in a disaster zone? I have. It consisted of one dry sandwich & one bottle of water under an awning. That was it! So where is all the donated money going?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 9:12 pm


Indiana University caught buying brains of aborted babies



You might not like the sources but there is more, and this is probably the tip of the iceberg.

January 7, 2018 10:49 pm


Q is posting on 8chan

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Mary Christine
January 8, 2018 8:11 am

Look at the disclosure form on the .gov website for what’s in the MMR vaccine. Fetal lung tissue.

January 7, 2018 11:52 am

Is the “Q consortium” simply “cueing” (prompting) the readers to collaboratively REVEAL the Truth?

A. Paul
A. Paul
January 7, 2018 3:01 pm

If I understand correctly you are saying this Q entity is dropping clues. But to drop clues means that he she or it has the answers. Why doesn’t he she or it just give the answers? Wasn’t something big supposed to happen before New Year’s? Crickets, as they say. Now more clues. More big stuff. An angry Q! This stuff is so stupid it is funny at this point. Some of you people are easily fooled into believing pure nonsense.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  A. Paul
January 7, 2018 3:13 pm

Obviously A. Paul never played Risk as a kid.

January 7, 2018 11:53 am

I was disappointed, yet again, on Christmas Day. Not by a fat man in a red suit this time… no, by a promise that I would see Hillary arrested and in a pen at Gitmo. Well, okay, I may have extrapolated the pen at Gitmo dream, but the arrest was pretty much a sure thing by Christmas!

So, once again, like Linus in the pumpkin patch (the pies were delicious from my home canned pumpkin btw), I watched another Christmas miracle pass me by. People like the Clintons never get served justice. They gobble up its fruits and dish out its penalties, but they never taste its lash on their flesh like you and I have felt. Sigh.

January 7, 2018 12:41 pm

I think Plato put it best. “He who wears the boot knows best where it pinches.”

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 12:58 pm

Maggie, not sure where you got the idea that the witch would be arrested on Christmas. Woulda made a nice present, though. There were rumors going around, wishful thinking and putting too much into what people think they have heard so it would have been easy to get that idea, I suppose.

Listen to this interview with Tracy Beanz from last Tuesday. I think she is very gounded as to what is going on. It’s a youtube but you don’t have to watch as it’s all just interview.

Start at 2:02.


It’s interesting that the older Hagmann is not as skeptical as his son Joe, who is probably a Millenial, is. Joe asked some pretty hard questions and she answers them quite well, I thought.

If you have the time to watch Tracy on youtube, her post from last Friday is really good. Again, I listened because I hate videos I have to sit still for but I understand that you get much more out of them if you can watch.

And, yeah I’m still here. Had a few things to do before I left and hoping the freezing rain will switch over to just rain. I don’t want to drive on slick country roads. Pretty sure you know what that’s like.

  Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 4:58 pm

Mary, go slow and in 4wd…I have 7 mi till the highway=
Main Street, 25″/h, then 45, then 55, then 65, then 70.
What a trip. Be safe out there.

January 7, 2018 3:21 pm

Oh, I have the patience of Job since I really don’t have to get a job. (See what I did there?)

January 7, 2018 5:00 pm


January 7, 2018 4:53 pm

It might change Maggie, or something else may happen
that lends a bit of satisfaction; we can use some satisfaction.
I made cheesecake BTW.

January 7, 2018 12:05 pm

We are here talking about it…even the naysayers…
Thats somethin.
Thanks IS.

January 7, 2018 1:00 pm

Thanks IS. I’ve been trying to watch some YouTube videos to keep up with Q. Lots of Youtubers are jumping on the bandwagon now so it’s getting hard to filter out the crap.
I have been advising blue pilled friends and family who are unaware of Q that there might be some high level arrests in the near future. It’s so strange that nobody has claimed Hillary is innocent or defended her. They just blindly hate Trump and see him as the cause of decades long issues despite only having political power for a year.

January 7, 2018 1:28 pm


I see this as two sides of the same coin. Here is Ultra Liberal Tourist Town, you can’t throw a dead cat without hitting someone that earnestly believes that Trump is going to be removed from office by sunset. To them, the Russian narrative is 100% true and Trump, a mouth breathing moron with dementia is only moments away from being guillotined in Times Square with the executioner being a transgendered Muslim dressed as a unicorn.

The other side of this coin is the belief that the Clintons and other deep state actors are finally going to get what is coming to them and that it is THEY that are moments away from a one way trip to prison land.

I believe that the truth must be somewhere in the middle as I’ve yet to see any of these supposed criminals do the perp walk.

January 7, 2018 1:39 pm

Very odd executive order Trump signed the other day. Ordering siezure of assets for human rights abusers and those guilty of corruption. The order declared a national emergency which gives him the right to use the military for 60 days. Its an interesting read.

January 7, 2018 1:51 pm

“90% of the blue pilled public might end up in the hospital.”
– from what I’ve seen 90% of them NEED to be in a mental hospital.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 7, 2018 2:05 pm

Every time I see the letter Q, I find myself automatically putting on my tin-foil hat.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 7, 2018 4:03 pm

Ditto! Even if time shows that Q’s promises/predictions never amount to a hill of beans, at least I’ve had the solace of temporary hope.

January 7, 2018 2:18 pm

What did I say about Seth Meyers on Robert Gore’s Imperial Decree Post ? He was next. Was I right? Or was I right? Ripples in the pond.

On Drudge today:


[imgcomment image[/img]

January 7, 2018 2:50 pm

I spent some time yesterday trying to follow what was going on over on 8Chan with Q and I can honestly say that “Weaponized Autism” fits it perfectly.

January 7, 2018 8:04 pm

If it was declared top secret, it can be declassified by executive order. Why hasn’t it been?

January 7, 2018 4:27 pm

I’m sort of disappointed because I put the date of all this going down as January 6th, Epiphany. It just seemed too perfect to not be that date, a great awakening of the masses, and to coincide with the awakening of the world to our Savior’s birth.

But at this point I’m just wanting it to happen, expecting it, and the anticipation is so bothersome because it then leads to doubt, and fear, when it doesn’t happen, but then that is way of the dark one. So then I remember to just wait patiently, and pray for POTOS and for all involved in righting this evil. It will happen on and at the Lord’s time, not ours.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
January 7, 2018 4:29 pm

Wikileaks just uploaded a PDF version of Wolff’s book ‘Fire and Fury’ on Twitter. The original Chapter 6 “THE HOME” and Chapter 10 “GOLDMAN” have been renamed in the PDF file as “THE HQME” and “GQLDMAN”

  Stephanie Shepard
January 7, 2018 4:32 pm

LMAO!!!! The Three Musketeers: Trump + Assange + Q

  Stephanie Shepard
January 7, 2018 5:09 pm

That Wolff guy can go suck a toad…creepy guy…
see Bombard’s analysis:


January 7, 2018 7:47 pm

Oh my God, Suzanna. Suck a toad? Really? I cannot believe the administrator of this website would allow such talk. What’s next. I mean, really, once the floodgates of such profanity takes hold here, what will stop this website from sinking into unimaginable decadence. Before you know it people will be telling others to flip off frogs. I’m out of here.

January 7, 2018 4:44 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 7, 2018 6:35 pm

Just posted the pdf titles of chapters 6 and 10 on 8chan/The Storm. They’re loving it.

Thanks Steph!

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
January 7, 2018 7:15 pm

I’ve been getting my info off the reddit board. They’ve got a good variety of commentary on the subject outside of the 8chan board.


January 7, 2018 5:00 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

This guy is a great one to follow on Twatter

[imgcomment image[/img]

NOTE: Jan 15 is when DOJ Office of Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, is anticipated to deliver 1.2 million documents, from a year-long investigation into the FBI/DOJ, to House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte.

January 7, 2018 9:50 pm

January 17. In the the alphabet the 17th letter is, wait for it……Q.


January 7, 2018 6:07 pm
January 7, 2018 7:25 pm

Q writes some interesting conspiracy porn.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 7, 2018 9:44 pm

Will the real Donald Trump please stand up?

1) He’s a tool of the establishment and we have all been fooled.

If that’s true, then the establishment deserves an Academy award for best group of actors. They have done a really great job and convincing everyone that they hate him.

2) He has a YUUUGE ego and being elected Potus has really fueled that ego. It’s all a game, as he was bored with the real estate business.

Really? Well, he probably does have a YUUUGE ego.

3) He is a bumbling fool and every tweet proves it. He is losing it and he needs to go, and soon, or we will all be nuclear toast.

Well, his tweets are quite puzzling and somewhat amusing, even hilarious at times. Drives the media crazy and it’s actually quite fun to watch. Sometimes he does seem like a bumbling fool. No worse than Bush junior, though. Bush seemed to have a better sense of humor, and took the fun poked at him in stride. Trump, not so much. Personally, I think he tweets what he does to purposely distract the media but maybe I am giving him too much credit? Just my humble opinion.

4) He is no fool but maybe he purposely comes across that way to mislead his enemies and he really is playing 500 brazillion D chess?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 8, 2018 2:55 am


Shit is going down.

native Virginian
native Virginian
January 8, 2018 9:15 am

Watch Greg Hunter’s video on YouTube, usawatchdog.com. Q keeps talking about time running out. hunter said that the statute of limitations on treason re: HRC runs out on feb 1st.

January 8, 2018 5:05 pm

The longer this Q-insanity drags on with nothing to show for it the less and less I tend to put any faith in it. It seems like Q is the same person who writes the horoscopes for the paper. Write some vague stuff that a believer can make line up with something that actually happen and their belief is strengthened.

It would be great if it is all legit and there are big revelations coming, but I’m still not holding my breath waiting for any of it to go down.

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 8, 2018 7:10 pm

I have a pretty thick skin, look at how long I’ve lasted posting here. But when I find some hope and truth in following Q, by some, I am considered naive and gullible. Screw you.
First, there have been some confirmations of Q’s post and the Presidents and the Sec of Defence twitter posts as well as events that have come to pass.
Second, over the last 8 years we have watched evidence stack up against Hillary, Obama, Holder and others that have been buried under the guise of the Democratic good ol’ boys at the FBI, DOJ and CIA; all whom seem to be more concerned about Muslims and illegals than American citizens. With the surprise election of Trump, it is reasonable to expect justice to be finally carried out (big news, the Bundy trial has been thrown out due to illegal prosecution and BLM procedures).
Three, the process to build cases that will not fall apart upon examination takes time and should not be unduly rushed. but there seem to be many here who have the patience of 6 year olds, who whine like little rug rats when they aren’t instantly gratified.
And lastly, there are many who are staying at the forefront of Q’s posts who indeed are saying the time for questions are over and it’s time to take the action promised and reveal outwardly the things that have been taking place secretly. They and those following Q are not just mindlessly chasing questions, but expecting results in holding Q and the Trump administrations feet to the fire and will be more than happy to drop this whole allegiance to following this if all that gets produced are empty promises.
So if your hopeful, give it a little more time, if your whining, go ahead, I can’t stop you and if your Q, we are waiting for the fireworks.