Arrests & Prosecutions Coming for Elite

Hat tip Maggie

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January 17, 2018 1:34 pm

FUCKING BULLSHIT ! Put up or shut up! There are some people in the deep state who want to bring down the deep state… yeah Right and Jesus is coming to scoop up believers and save them from the tribulation. The orcs all serve Sauron.

January 17, 2018 2:24 pm

Dio, I listened to him and kept thinking the same thing. But, the days of reckoning, according to some, are upon us. If stuff doesn’t happen by the end of this month, the Q-followers will be turning on Q and they will doubt Trump. That is a deal breaker.

In my opinion. And, of course, I could tell a story here, but since I am am committed to real mind cleansing in 2018, I won’t.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 17, 2018 1:50 pm

A 51 minute video?

January 17, 2018 2:21 pm

I did NOT make the choice to post. And, I can prove, in a court of TBP big dogs, that I suggested you take the link with a grain of salt.

Since I meant by “grain of salt” that you should consider my sources to be a bit flakey, having dug a compound into the ground somewhere between Gainesville, Texas and Topeka, Kansas.

I listened while I did stuff, so that’s how we roll.

I do apologize, Sir, and I won’t let it happen again. Snappy salute, spins for exit and brisk walk to the door.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 17, 2018 6:08 pm

I listened to this while I did other stuff around the house this morning. It’s worth a listen while you chop wood or whatever.

But then some people, Maggie, cannot chew gum and walk at the same time.

  Mary Christine
January 17, 2018 6:22 pm

No kidding. Still whispering.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 17, 2018 6:30 pm

Thanks, you’re awsome!

  Mary Christine
January 17, 2018 9:16 pm

By the way, I want to clarify that we know that Admin can walk, talk, chew gum and take notes on the next 30 blox article WHILE listening to that 51 minute video.

Well, maybe not walk. Not in that neighborhood.

January 17, 2018 2:14 pm

This can be a ‘teachable’ moment. If – once again … as in Pizzagate – nothing materializes, then stop believing the bullshit. Acknowledge & accept the fact that, the ruling elites will never be brought down. Stop having hope in the ‘system’. It is rigged against us. I understand one’s desire for hope and optimism. But it is misplaced. For instance … Q (whoever the hell that is) promised some major development that was supposed to happen the weekend before Christmas. Anyone else remember that pronouncement. End result? … crickets. Nothing! Total b.s. Stop falling (myself included) for the lies of forthcoming retribution against the powers that be. Not gonna happen. They are protected. So keep the pronouncements made within this video in mind for future reference.

January 17, 2018 3:14 pm

What happened to Ben Swann the reporter who followed the “Pizzagate” story”? He did great reporting on other subjects. Once he reported on Pizzagate, he fell off the earth…..

Ben Swann went “dark” on 2/1/17?

As the saying goes, ” You know you’re getting close to the target when the flak gets heavier”

Dysmas The Thief
Dysmas The Thief
January 17, 2018 2:26 pm

JMO but I think Janda’s worth listening to. It’s Hunter and his constantly interrupting his guests that’s a pain in the ass. Guy needs to be on some kind of meds.

Not Sure
Not Sure
January 17, 2018 2:44 pm

Your impatience points to me that you did not listen to the 51 minute video (FWIW, I don’t like long videos either, I ran it at 2X speed just to get through it).
If you did, my apologies, if you didn’t, there are some very good points that were made.
First, we are not the Philippine’s (or a Rambo movie), where President Durante runs out of his home with guns blazing, taking out all the bad guys. We are still the United States and there is still a need to present the case against these soon to be collared criminals.
Fortunately, the whole cabal expected Hillary to be elected President and were quite comfortable that she would just wipe the record clean of all the wrong doing, much like she wiped her hard drives (wiped? you mean like with a cloth?).
But she didn’t win and now has no power to wipe anything (except maybe her butt), and as such, there is a real possibility the right leader can access all the incriminating evidence and put together a strong case for justice to finally be carried out.
The only thing the perps have in their favor is the media, who, if you have noticed, have been acting like senseless retards in trying to do everything in their power to unseat Trump, but have only proven their unhinged comments and repeated fake news reports have forever tainted their ability to run an actual news story and be believed by the public.
I, like you, have endured, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama and like you, have given up hope as well and have started preparing for the inevitable door knock. But there is a glimmer of hope that I see that once the small fish start spilling the beans on the bigger fish, along with the mass of still available evidence to convict the elites, this may have a long awaited righteous outcome.

  Not Sure
January 17, 2018 10:00 pm

Not Sure
Nicely put! GREAT thoughts!
It’s time in the game to shed some light and disinfect , as george Webb has said more than once, aspects of the status quo and institutions…you can also see it in entertainment industries like Hollywood and now with the sexual assault allegations witch hunt, the purge at the individual level!!

Robbspierres everywhere the eyes can see across the twittersphere!!
Poor Seal stood up to Oprah and we see the hunt being used for political character assassination attempts.

The American people have been dumbed down by public schools, lied to by the legacy media and kept in the dark by their elected representatives for generations, so Truths will be used as propaganda!
Pay attention to the timing of the propaganda which is very important.
Why is it all of a sudden time to talk about Hollywood’s supposed hidden dark underbelly ?

January 17, 2018 2:49 pm

Big Fat Nothing Burger……..Again.

January 17, 2018 2:55 pm

I posted to IS on the Big Bad Don thread about the Qanon 2018 Meme War.
It’s been entertaining to check in and see what the 8Chan anons are up to. They hijacked twitter for a while earlier with #GreatAwakening and #FakeNews memes. I think they peaked at around 10-11am and were shut down and then changed focus to Facefuck and other sites.

I’m not a Qbeliever, but I’m very curious to see what happens next.

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January 17, 2018 3:49 pm

I took this photo while driving home from shopping one day. Taking a backwoods shortcut from one state highway to another via a county sideroad (which might or might not be paved and Mary knows what I mean, still whispering), I had to slow down and follow this pig for a half mile that day on this backwoods shortcut. That forced me to look around and see the trailer homes and old clapboard sheds here and there, which may or may not be animal sheds. Anyway, they still let their pigs wander onto the road, so I rarely take that shortcut. But, whether you think all of this is a bunch of crap or not, you gotta admit living less than five miles from a bunch of hillbillies who let their pigs free range is a blessing straight from the Lord when you love bacon and don’t want to raise pigs like HSF.

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Now, what does this have to do with this video I posted? The video was sent to me by a man I highly respect, one of the original organizers of the group formed from the 912ers coopted by the Tea Party coopted by the GOP coopted by Lucifer. And so on.

So, since I associate him with Porsche 944, that will be his codename. Now, Porsche 944 has connected with some interesting people in interesting positions in Oklahoma. People with connections to people who, um, drive Porsches sometimes. If it hadn’t been for my own knack of having connections to people for odd coincidences, kind of like Forest Gump’s drunk cousin from Missouri perhaps, I might NEVER have connected to that group of oddballs, who went on to interesting things (some) and ordinary things (others.) But, hey, not everyone can buy some hill ground and raise big dogs and white rabbits.

Some people live in shacks and trailers and raise pigs.

And some live in lovely homes within quick access of carefully planned and designed compounds, built longagofaraway in a land time forgot.

So, while the video is a long one, it is one that I got from someone who only sends me videos which seem to turn out to be relevant after the sending.

But, here’s YOUR grain of salt.

January 17, 2018 4:14 pm

I thought that well put. Do you like the pig picture?

January 17, 2018 6:46 pm

I didn’t watch the video yet, but I suppose I’ll have to now.
I respect that you got it from someone you trusted, and you’re not forcing anyone to watch it.
Like many others, I usually don’t like or watch long videos.
But I will say this: I’ve listened to Dr. Dave Janda in the past, and always found him highly credible and well informed. Not one of the MD’s in on the Karl Denninger 19% of GDP medical scam.
So I really question anyone writing him off as completely full of shit.
Like I said, now I’ll have to watch it when I have time.

January 17, 2018 10:20 pm

Just listen to it while something else is going on… if it interests you, listen. I sent the link because of all the Q anon speculation about indictments.

And, I think Greg Hunter has interesting guests most of the time.

And, Porsche 944 is a really serious sort of guy. He would have been a big dog here. You guys woulda respected him too.

January 17, 2018 11:12 pm

Thank you for sharing Maggie.
Always appreciate your two pennies!

January 17, 2018 3:10 pm

What did Leona Helmsley say…only the little people pay taxes. If she’d have kept her mouth shut her words would have held true. Likewise for the elite as long as they keep their mouths shut they are untouchable.

The only ones who get in trouble have either done something entirely stupid or pisses off the owners.

Do you think that an elite would ever be subject to Civil Asset Forfeiture like the rest of us ?

Did any of the elite go to jail as a result of the 2009 Banking Swindle ? Or HSBC money laundering ? The Wells Fargo con job ?

The only way the Swamp is drained is by using a noose. Trump’s rhetoric is nothing more than slight of hand tricks .

January 17, 2018 3:12 pm

All y’all would fail the Stanford marshmallow experiment, even as adults.

Pride yourselves on being all ‘woke’ and all. Pffft.

You’re just dreaming you’re ‘woke’.

What could be a reason for the crypto bloodbath? There are a few, but could one be that President Trump signed his December 21st Executive Order targeting assets involved in Human Rights violations, Human/Child trafficking, and corruption? What assets have been frozen and how much of the assets were in cryptocurrency?

January 17, 2018 3:14 pm

When watching this video, we should remember “if it sounds to good to be true, it PROBABLY is”. We can hope though.

January 17, 2018 3:16 pm

Nothing is going to happen. People in power don’t give up power willingly. The members of the deep state are not going to turn on each other. Unfortunately, nothing is going to change unless some pissed off pawns, or real terrorists (not CIA run) start killing “elites”. Just knowing the truth and truth telling isn’t going to change shit. For Heaven’s sake, look at all the corruption of Hillary Clinton and she didn’t even get her hand smacked with a ruler. Laws are for the little people.

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
January 17, 2018 3:31 pm

Have the Marines landed at Langley again?

MPs rotating in and out of Guantanamo again?

January 17, 2018 3:34 pm

Poor, battered “conservatives” are worse than Charlie Brown. Keep believing you’re going to kick that football, buddy. I’ll start to believe it when any *one* of these assbags are in cuffs.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
January 17, 2018 4:10 pm

Is there a confirmation of an OIG Report delivered on 01-12-2018?

January 17, 2018 4:49 pm

The sealed federal indictment count is up to 10,356 now. These have been filed just since October. A typical YEAR only sees about 2000. I don’t think they do this for shits and giggles. It’s been said that the first indictment was unsealed here:

Those Executive Orders aren’t for shits and giggles either. Go read them on the Whitehouse website.

January 17, 2018 5:12 pm

I’m glad I’m on record here at TBP talking about now, IMO, the oppression of our overlords against us could be reversed. I’ll admit that I missed some big pieces of the puzzle but educating the sheople and ending the fed were my constant thoughts. The Q 8chan drops are part of the education aspect and the fed will be going away. It’s just a matter of time. The part I missed (of many) is how big the House of Saud and the House of Soros really were/are. The house of Saud was probably only second to the Rothschild’s. They fucking owned the US govt. I never saw that and suspected that we owned them.

Oh well. Stay tuned. MAGA is incoming whether you want it or not.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
January 17, 2018 5:29 pm

IS………….SA did not own US. One Reason: our military power


Riight! Who has controlled our military for the last 35+ years?

January 17, 2018 6:12 pm

They got to the table late. All the other big money interests were here ahead of them. I think they only started to really invest in us in the 80s or 90s. They only started to get powerful when Kissinger cut the deal with them where we would buy their oil and they would take our dollars and invest them back into the US. The Bush clan was their primary benefactor here.

January 17, 2018 6:13 pm

I’ll take “Leftist New World Order Puppets” for a $1000 Alex.

January 17, 2018 7:38 pm

A good book is Secrets of the Kingdom. It’s fascinating.

For instance, the author alleges they have their entire oil infrastructure rigged to blow up if anyone attacks. It’s a failsafe in case someone invades or there’s a revolution-if the House of Saud goes, the oil goes. Rumor has it, they’ve even put in some kind of dirty bombs to blanket the equipment with radiation to prevent anyone from using the remains after they blow it up.

January 17, 2018 6:05 pm

That was accomplished during Gulf War I. I believe I did see who I thought I saw on the tarmac in Riyadh in 1991/92.

January 17, 2018 5:13 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 17, 2018 5:52 pm

David Rockefeller is dead. He died last March

January 17, 2018 6:07 pm

And your point is? I suppose you think his power, influence and control just evaporated with his death? How many Rothschild’s have died over the years? Does their influence wax or wane? These people plan things out centuries in advance. Do you know who obtained that Rockefeller power and influence? It was in the news but could have been overshadowed by a false flag.

Not my meme BTW.

i forget
i forget
January 17, 2018 6:23 pm

I arrested & pillowcuted, sacked, a ditchwater eelite one time. I saw its snout poking from a hole in the side of a bank. Just a teensy tributary, no central bank or nuthin’. Offered it a stick which it willing bit-clamped onto, like it was my money, or something. Pulled its 3’ out & dropped it into a pillowcase. That eelite was so slimy it coated the cotton & made it more or less watertight. I know because I filled the pillowcase with ditchwater & carried it several miles home.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 17, 2018 6:25 pm

For those of you who CAN walk and chew gum at the same time, Roy Potter went on quite a rant about the Qanons because he was attacked and threatened by someone or several someones on the 8chan board.

He since has posted that the issue seems to be taken care of and is still not in the “this is all a bunch of bullshit” camp.

Here is a video you don’t have to watch, you can listen to while doing other things, assuming you are capable. In this one he explains how he trapped them and knows who they are. Also his thoughts on Hawaii and some other things. It’s also worth your time, while doing other things, of course.

It all really does sound too good to be true, doesn’t it. But if it’s not true then we have surpassed the cold uncivil war point and will move on the the hot one soon.

So we cling by our fingernails to the cliff that hangs over that hot uncivil war scenario hoping that maybe, just maybe this might be true and we can all take a deep breath and try to bring the country back to living by rule of law that includes the elite.

Because the alternative is much too horrible to contemplate. I don’t believe for one minute that anyone here is really ready for that alternative. If you think you are, well I think you are deluded.

  Mary Christine
January 17, 2018 10:21 pm

I’ll check this out in a bit

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Mary Christine
January 18, 2018 6:14 am

Looking for the right post to jump in on.

FYI, some consider Q posts to have been compromised, especially after November 2017. Not rejecting just cautious about contents.

I would suggest following key players on Twitter, as there seem to be growing suspicions of YouTube “losing” some videos, but not sure how long Twitter will be viable.

Ton of activity during the Fake News Awards party, involving military movements; I don’t know what’s going on, but it seems there may be attempts to force Trump’s hand. The “He’s crazy” meme appears hollow now, but in a state emergency with panic among the citizens, the public may react differently.

January 17, 2018 11:07 pm

Wow! Did anyone catch the fact that Trump declared a national emergency?! The emergency powers act supposedly grants the President emergency powers…means the rules change and citizens rights become restricted.
I think that scares me the most, that this e.o. was signed on December 21, 2017. We’re half way through Human trafficking awareness month! Why hasn’t the left leaning media shed light on this aspect of a very noble cause, cracking down on corruption and scum like human traffickers,
Check out sec. …getting ready to do battle it seems
Sec. 7. For those persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order who might have a constitutional presence in the United States, I find that because of the ability to transfer funds or other assets instantaneously, prior notice to such persons of measures to be taken pursuant to this order would render those measures ineffectual. I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice of a listing or determination made pursuant to this order

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
January 17, 2018 11:31 pm

The South was Right!