The Democrats Wall

Via Branco

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 4, 2018 3:33 am

The signs are in English.
Then again, Wile E. Coyote has an online account with ACME.

February 4, 2018 7:48 am

The question is why don’t more vote Republican. Hispanics are pretty entrepreneurial. Go to any area where there are lots of Hispanic immigrants and you see they have their own markets and shops in contrast to negro areas where the only black owned ‘business’ is likely to be beauty parlor or take out rib/chicken joint. There are Hispanic contractors in all the building trades and some are quite sizable operations that do not depend on ‘minority’ set asides. Given this and the fact that the Democrats have to give their negro voters first pick at what state and local government jobs they have available one wonders why Hispanics immigrants are thought to vote Democrat.

Puerto Ricans I can understand leaning Democrat as their curious citizenship status and concentration in New York and Chicago has accustomed them to liberalism and living on government largesse but not Mexican immigrants who have to work hard to make it in the US and, as I noted, are frozen out of receiving most government entitlements but not paying taxes to provide them.