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February 6, 2018 8:48 am

Good thing the government doesn’t do roof replacements. It would probably take years. I’m sure the contracted company wouldn’t work at 16 deg.F. There would be eight guys standing around a burning barrel and one working. There would be one contractor for underlayment, one for shingles, one for nails, and one for sealing and flashings. Oh yes, and at least one more for EPA, waste, and inspections compliance.

Then, the house would have already been destroyed from water infiltration (and government infiltration).

I’d bet there is a house in PA that turned out a lot better.

February 6, 2018 1:19 pm

100% right on the money.

Sad that nearly everyone always comes back to things like roads and major infrastructure issues when presented with the concept of a government-free society….as if government does a good job with maintaining the roads, or as is presented here, private companies aren’t the ones actually doing all the work (and generally in a corrupt, overpriced, substandard, non-guaranteed manner). EVERYTHING the government does, the private, competitive, open, free market could do – and most likely, better. Government is JUST PEOPLE…and generally not the brightest or the best. The only advantage they have over private businesses is that they can STEAL whatever land they want for projects, can STEAL all the money they need to pay for stuff, and can VIOLATE the private property rights and personal rights of anyone who stands in their way. Yeah, much better than the free market. LMAO.

February 6, 2018 8:32 pm

The government is better at building roads “to nowhere” but some congressman’s property.