“Do not overestimate the decency of the human race.”

H. L. Mencken

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February 26, 2018 9:34 am

Truth, if ever I read it.

i forget
i forget
February 26, 2018 12:06 pm

Which is to say do not overestimate the decency of individuals dissolved into races, nation(alist)s, or other gangs. Institutional wo\man is gangster.

Like sandgrains coriolis’ing (or wheatgrains chaffing) the “our”glass pinchpoint, these are the soap opera daze of our lives: the grains are wont to insist they are not grains at all, that they are a beach (or we•et fields) – & not just any beach, *the* beach. & a lot of ‘em won’t be happy until “On the Beach” (by Shute…hmmm) is reality.

Race may be real but racists are not realistic, reality-concerned. Nor do they have much imagination. & if those two deficits sound funnily contradicting, well, laugh.

Coriolanus. Big, bad…momma’s boy. People used to say, “jam it up your anus, & coriolis it.” ☻


Steve C.
Steve C.
February 26, 2018 12:18 pm

“Do not overestimate the decency of the human race.” – H. L. Mencken

Or its intelligence,

“…No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the average American…” — H.L. Mencken

February 26, 2018 12:40 pm

“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” – Agent Kay, Men in Black.

The same holds true for Mencken’s quote. I have no faith in humanity to “do the right thing” as a whole. People bask in the reflected glories of their group, absorbing every “win” as if they had some hand in the affair, and the reverse is true for the sins committed, “that was the group” they say, “that wasn’t me, I would never do such a thing.”

All of the reward, none of the liability.

i forget
i forget
February 26, 2018 6:16 pm

Privatize ‘the profits,’ socialize the costs. Call it utilitarian, say the greatest good for the greatest number is the GAAP most moral. Call it democracy. Call it calculus of consenting codependents. Or call bs, if you’re honest, rather than bought & paid for.

Tragedy of the commons. People\citizens\tribalists are commons, persons are solists.

Skinless chicken game: no boundaries – where’s one chicken•d & the next begin? Johnny Utah, funniest feeb ever:
