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April 13, 2018 9:51 am

That balding military cunt in the interview hasn’t got a clue. When the NWO went to war to grab the Balkans they had their gofer alcoholic Yeltsin in power. Thank God Russia has come a long way since then and freed itself from Yankee tyranny and the Yankee regime. China was also a third world nation at the time. Deary me! – that mercenary thug is a fucking Admiral and he thinks the military power situation is as it was last century. God help the fuckin’ US!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 13, 2018 9:56 am

Excellent video. Stavridis is a dirty rotten bastard who was NATO commander at the time of Operation Zero Footprint when Hillary and the CIA used NATO to secretly arm Libyan rebels, funded by Qatar, without the knowledge of the Defense Department. The Gang of Eight congressional oversight committee knew – including John Boehner, ex congressman Mike Rogers and Mitch McConnell.

Bob P
Bob P
April 13, 2018 9:57 am

Professor Sachs is wise and incisive. I would support a strike on the Admiral.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 13, 2018 10:27 am

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April 13, 2018 10:53 am

If CNN allowed the professor that much time to tell the truth, should I be worried?

April 13, 2018 10:55 am

Jeffrey Sachs – this guys speaks the truth. That other fool laments the deaths of 600,000 but thinks more strikes and bombing will now be a good solution. What is wrong with the world.

April 13, 2018 1:47 pm

Can’t listen to this because the speakers in the library are permanently turned off. However, it’s gotten great reviews …. it helps that she is very cute.

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“Syrian Girl is one of the smartest and best analysts of what is really going on in Syria.

The powers that be are terrified of this one-girl threat to world order and peace, and have banned her from Facebook and forced her to take her videos private on YT or be shut down.

She must think this is very important to make a video now.”

April 13, 2018 2:32 pm

smart and cute..what’s not to like? Good video.

April 13, 2018 2:34 pm

Syrian Girl strikes again.
It amazes me that on a Free thinkers site like TBP there are still so many who think La Grande of Orange is our savior instead of a Trojan Horse.

April 13, 2018 1:53 pm

Everything below …. from SARAH PALIN ………. America’s new Voice Of Reason … lol

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It really makes me nervous that there seems to be some enthusiasm for the U.S. to interject ourselves again in a foreign country’s battles when no one has articulated yet what our interest is there. We should have learned our lesson with Iraq and Afghanistan.

I look at it as the blood, the sweat, the toil that has been spent on our end when you can’t really see what the gain is in a lot of respects. We just can’t allow ourselves get back in that mode with Syria.

I hate to say it, but a lot of the talk that’s enthusiastic about war, unfortunately, comes from people with strong ties to defense contractors and have strong ties to those who ultimately can make money on the operations. So often you got to follow the money and that leads you to what the root is of some of these arguments.

So those making this point that we need to insert our power and get in there and get rid of Assad, I’m not comfortable with it and American citizens should not be comfortable with this until there is very focused articulated reasons provided to us and Congress — and Congress need to be a part of this, too, not just the administration — until we find out what the heck we would be doing there. There has to be avoidance of the short-sighted decision-making.

Until we are given the reasons why it’s in America’s best interests, why in the world we would be willing to sacrifice even one of our sons or daughters who will be sent over there? It’s like that old saying, the old men call war, and they send the young men to go fight them. No. I see what war does to an individual, to a family. I guess there’s a lot of humanity that I’m considering at this point.

Yeah, America is the strongest fighting power on the globe — and we should be — but being prepared with that, being the strongest, should create an environment of peace. That’s what Reagan used to preach.

April 13, 2018 2:03 pm

Pretty good article … in that it is not hysterical in predicting WWIII.

In summary, it looks like there will be a USA missile attack on Syria …… BUT …. the whole thing will be choreographed ahead of time. So everyone can save face. So TrumpyPoopyHead can brag how he taught those dirty Russkies a lesson they will never forget. It’s all designed to kill Putin, who might die from laughter at all this Amerikanski bullshit.

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“US and Russia Are Talking Around the Clock to Choreograph Trump’s Coming Syria Strikes”

April 13, 2018 2:43 pm

How the Fuck was a voice of reason–one in fact pushing a “the US Fucked up” narrative–ever allowed on MSNBC?

April 13, 2018 5:51 pm

YES!!!!!!!!!!!! GET THE HELL OUT OF SYRIA!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 13, 2018 5:58 pm

@Stucky: “In summary, it looks like there will be a USA missile attack on Syria…..But….. the whole thing will be choreographed ahead of time. So everyone can save face.”

Stucky this is real. All parties are moving into position.

President Trump has made a threat and is moving assets into place to carry out the threat. Conversely the opposition is moving their assets into place.

Talking heads are doing what they always do and speculating.

A confrontation between Russia and the US is being set up. A setup created by a possible lie. Now who is going to blink? This situation is nothing to joke about as so many ignorant people seem to like to do. War is hell. And those who joke about it could be in for a terrifying experience.

Saving face is not a notion of western powers.