What Do We Really Know About Syria? Next To Nothing

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Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Anyone accepting “facts” or narratives from any interested party is being played.

About the only “fact” the public knows with any verifiable certainty about Syria is that much of that nation is in ruins. Virtually everything else presented as “fact” is propaganda intended to serve one of the competing narratives or discredit one or more competing narratives.

Consider a partial list of “interested parties” spinning their own narratives about events in Syria: (in no particular order)

1. The government of Syria

2. non-state groups in Syria

3. Turkey

4. Saudi Arabia

5. Iran

6. Jordan

7. The government of Iraq

8. non-state groups in Iraq

9. The Kurds

10. Hamas

11. Israel

12. Lebanon

13. The Gulf States

14. Russia

15. United States

16. European Union

17. United Kingdom

18. France

19. Germany

20. Italy

21. China

This doesn’t exhaust the list of interested parties, of course, but it reflects the spectrum of competing parties pushing a narrative that supports their particular interests in Syria. These include neighboring countries, regional powers, global powers and consumers of Syrian energy exports.

Let’s start by stating the obvious: the only way to gain any reasonably accurate contexts / assessments in Syria is to have intelligence-gathering assets on the ground. The situation is fluid and complex, and there is no one “truth.”

The only way to get any sort of handle on the military, political and social dynamics in Syria is to have access to the intelligence assessments and analyses of all the major players’ intelligence agencies.

In other words, the only way to get any sort of comprehensive understanding would be to have a WikiLeaks-type release of intelligence reports from all the players with assets on the ground and have a deep enough understanding of the history and culture of the region to make sense of the overlaps, conflicts, nuances and shades of “truth” presented in each of the intel reports.

Only by collating “raw” (unfiltered) intel gathered on the ground and high-level analysis by those directing the various interests’ campaigns could a reasonably accurate assessment be assembled.

Short of that, we know next to nothing. What are presented as “facts” are narratives designed to persuade us of the fidelity of the “facts” being presented and the rightness of the narrative supported by the presented “facts.”

If the “facts” aren’t designed to support a specific narrative, then they’re designed to undermine or discredit a competing narrative.

There are several ways to push a narrative: one is to present “evidence” that supposedly verifies the “facts,” and the other is to limit the public’s access to competing narratives amd claims.

In the good old days, the Soviet propaganda machine was famous for erasing public figures from photos once they ran afoul of the regime. In the photo published last week, Igor was standing next to a KGB apparatchik, and in the photo published this week, Igor has vanished, replaced by a snowy background–perhaps appropriate, given that Igor ould soon be enjoying the rigors of a Siberian gulag.

Nowadays, digital manipulation is much easier and more ubiquitous. Not just photos and videos can be edited–all sorts of digital fingerprints can be faked.

We know from various leaks about NSA/CIA capabilities that these agencies (and presumably others) engineer computer viruses so they appear to be the work of foreign intelligence agencies or hackers.

It’s difficult to assess the “facts” in a world awash in digital manipulation and misdirection.

We know a few things, but they’re not “news.” We know oil and natural gas are still the primary energy sources of the industrialized global economy. So-called renewables (so-called because wind turbines and solar panels don’t last forever and thus they are more correctly called replaceables rather than renewables) remain a tiny sliver of total global energy consumption.

We also know that Syria and Iraq are the geographic armature of the Mideast.

As I have noted in previous essays, sometimes the strategy isn’t to control the assets being contested so much as disrupt competitors’ enjoyment of the assets and send signals about future costs and consequences.

The Great Game: Regime Change in Syria (September 6, 2012)

The Media’s Missing the Point: Syria, Empire and the Power of Signaling (April 10, 2017)

It is a grave mistake to take any narrative or set of “facts” presented by interested parties as being anything more than propaganda or signaling. Only those on the ground with intelligence on all the other players on the ground have anything close to a useful understanding of the situation, and they can only claim to have a useful understanding if they also possess a deep appreciation of the regional contexts, histories and dynamics that are in play.

In summary: anyone accepting “facts” or narratives from any interested party is being played. It’s best to retain a healthy skepticism of all narratives and an equally healthy appreciation of how little we know or can ever know about the full spectrum of events and dynamics in Syria.


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April 16, 2018 12:13 pm

WMDs…Again! LOL! Another False Flag illegal attack that only low IQ dupes believe!
For over a year 100 of millions and the MSM have screamed Trump is a lying, crazy POS! Now Psychotic Trump has won! MSM and World leaders now lick his bum and balls!
Whatever you say Donald we’re good!
Impeach the scamming Orange, New York Zionist Democrat!
Hilarious fact!

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
April 16, 2018 12:16 pm

Well, Mr. Smith, if everyone is an interested party then there are no facts.
That is BS

Here is a FACT on the alleged gas attack: Trumpy and May and Macron decided that Assad gassed his own people based on reporting by White Helmets (members of terrorist organizational-Qaeda) and Jayish al-Islam, the terror group that controlled Douma at the time of the alleged gas attack. No investigation by a private party like OPCW prior to the decision by the Axis of Evil.
This info came from the side battling terrorists (Assad, Russia, Iran), so you are saying I can’t believe that info. BS

Mary (This stinks to high heaven where is my gas mask) Christine
Mary (This stinks to high heaven where is my gas mask) Christine

I think he is saying that Assad, Russia, and Iran have an agenda and are just as likely to slant the “facts” as anyone else.

Everyone lies. It’s a fact you can’t deny.


The USA lies more.

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
April 16, 2018 12:19 pm

Mr Smith is a very good writer. He is spot on in this matter.

April 16, 2018 2:04 pm

What we know about Syria: It’s part of the fucked up territory of Iraq / Iran / Syria.

WTF does one say… well you know it’s very complicated. Bullshit – give every man / woman / child an AK-47 and 1,000 rounds. Let them ‘have at it’. Last man standing wins.

April 16, 2018 3:29 pm

We have been giving them weapons for 10 years, now let’s come home and let the religion of peace settle matters for themselves.

April 16, 2018 3:35 pm

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Joshua Sinistar
Joshua Sinistar
April 16, 2018 3:39 pm

Mr. Smith needs to leave the Matrix for awhile. Its not that hard to see what’s happening in Syria. The old paradigm is winding down.

The Grand Chessboard is STILL THERE. Its too risky and dangerous for the “Interested Parties” to make War directly, at least FOR NOW.
Syria is already smoldering ruins, and easy pickings for “proxy wars”.

The AIPAC side now has ISIS, elements of Al Queda, some Kurds and “advisors” made up of soldiers of fortune, CIA, and ex-blackwater dudes. The Russians have spetnaz on the ground, they have support from Assad, some Iranians are fighting CIA and MOSSAD, and Turkey is a Wild Card they picked up when CIA tried to oust President Erdogan with a Coup D’etat.

There are not exactly two sides, but US Intel and CIA are lazy so they will make this a two-sided War anyway, in their statements. Actually, the Kurds “dream” of Kurdistan, Turkey disagrees with them. Turkey is fighting Kurdistan both inside Syria and their own borders. CIA is short of bodies so they are arming and training Kurds.

The Freedonia force fights for a Halliburton pipeline to help tank Russia’s economy. Russia and China DISAGREE with the American Century Global Hegemony Plan, and they set up BRICS to attack the Rothschild Bank and the petrodollar that Uncle Sham NEEDS to establish hegemony and borrow to Infinity and Beyond. Once Mr. Putin realized they were building that gas pipeline to tank Gazprom, spetnaz was there.

El Trumpo wanted to wipe out Assad for his Likud pals. He might have just wiped out any evidence of poison gas by destroying any possible Syrian gas producers. He now has ZERO evidence either way. Some strategery there.

70% of the attack did zip, zero, and zilch. Big Time Fail. They are dancing in Iran now. Syria can see how past it Uncle Sham has gotten too. Russia and China must be celebrating Today. El Trumpo said he, the UK and france were using THE BEST, and some old surplus S-200 and S-300 Russian SAMs blew them away. Russia is now selling the Syrians the EVEN BETTER S-400 and perhaps even S-500.

El Trumpo will return. His flaccid old ass will meet with Kim in East Korea SOON. He has bloviating walrus AIPAC WMD clownboy Bolton, and he wants a CIA Director as Secretary of Stakes. The Trump Stakes are high. Where’s the Beef? He Old Me Say…

April 16, 2018 3:41 pm

I believe that Syria is a CIA/deep state play ground similar to Iran and NK. The overall story I’ve pieced together is that the previous administration pre-placed “assets made to look Iranian” in Syria and if Felonia had been elected she would have kicked off the real WWIII by conducting a WMD attack against a large number of Syrians, and fingered Iran as the perpetrator. Russia, Syria and Iran are all allies and I believe Felonia intended to escalate things very quickly to WWIII levels.

Instead, Trump took out the “Iranian” assets and prevented another FF method CIA/Deep State intended to start a war. Israel was used to try and hide the fact that the assets Trump bombed in Syria were CIA/Deep State and falsely blamed the chemical attack on Syria yet again.

Don’t forget that the MSM is still loyal to the deep state.

April 16, 2018 4:05 pm


April 16, 2018 4:51 pm

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