Does Government Debt Really Matter?

Government DebtThe numbers on the US Debt Clock are spinning at a dazzling pace. US government debt is now over $21 trillion, $174 thousand per taxpayer. Add another $3 trillion for debts of state and local government on the stack.

Unfunded federal government promises are almost $113 trillion, $900,000 per taxpayer, not including another $6 trillion in state unfunded pension liabilities.

It’s fiscally impossible for the debts to be repaid. Governments borrow money and make political promises on the backs of future generations. If the numbers were double (or triple) what they are today; would our lives be any different? We can’t pay it back, why not just continue frivolously spending as long as people are fool enough to lend us money?

“The Budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome will become bankrupt.”

Cicero, 55 B.C.

Does anyone really care?

Ignore the political class and their allies. Here is an example.

Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman has an impressive educational pedigree – on paper. While he may be an economics professor at Princeton and the London School of Economics, he tarnishes the reputation of all economists, putting politics ahead of common sense.

In October 2016, anticipating the election of Hillary Clinton, he wrote, “Debt, Diversion, Distraction”.

“Are debt scolds demanding that we slash spending and raise taxes right away? Actually, no: the economy is still weak, interest rates still low…and as a matter of macroeconomic prudence we should probably be running bigger, not smaller deficits in the medium term. (Emphasis mine)

…. So my message to the deficit scolds is this: yes, we may face some hard choices a couple of decades from now. But we might not, and in any case, there aren’t any choices that must be made now.”

After the election, Mr. Krugman reversed his position writing, “Deficits Matter Again”.

“…. Eight years ago, with the economy in free fall, I wrote that we had entered an era of “depression economics,” in which the usual rules of economic policy no longer applied…deficit spending was essential to support the economy, and attempts to balance the budget would be destructive.

…. But these predictions were always conditional, applying only to an economy far from full employment. That was the kind of economy President Obama inherited; but the Trump-Putin administration will, instead, come into power at a time when full employment has been more or less restored.”

In October 2016 the economy was “still weak” and we shouldn’t worry about deficits or debt for a couple of decades. Less than 80 days later the economy magically changed and now deficits matter?

It’s political crap! When the party in power implements their financial agenda, whether it’s more spending or tax cuts, the minority party screams about unsustainable debt. When the process reverses, the charade continues and the new minority party screams about the debt.

The Undeniable Truth

With few exceptions, the political class doesn’t give a damn about the debt. The politicos use the tax system and government spending to buy votes to keep them in power.

They kick the can down the road; secretly hoping any negative consequences happen when they are out of power, enabling them to make political hay and convince the public they should rule forever!

Their behavior won’t change; they will continue to pile up debt until the citizens revolt!

If the politicians don’t care, should we?

Prior to the recent tax cut, The Chicago Tribune reported:

“If the House GOP tax plan becomes law, nearly 81 million Americans – 47.5 percent of all tax filers – would pay nothing in federal income taxes next year.”

Those who pay no taxes (particularly when receiving government handouts) probably don’t care about the deficit.

What about the remaining 52.5% that are working their tails off, seeing their hard-earned tax dollars (and more) being spent by an irresponsible government?

Can something bad really happen?

Common sense economics would indicate, governments creating money out of thin air might temporarily prop up the economy, but eventually, it would create a large debt bubble. When it pops, expect catastrophic consequences.


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In 2008, when the government started bailing out the banks, many urged caution, suggesting high inflation and our unsustainable debts would finally come home to roost. It hasn’t happened – yet.

Pundit Bill Bonner looked at the stock market and took a critical view of “Trump’s Quack Economists”:

“Markets don’t like uncertainty. …. Presidential advisors Peter Navarro and Larry Kudlow – wrong about just about everything for just about forever – could be right this time.

Maybe the economy really is as strong as an ox. And maybe stocks will go up from here to eternity. But it’s not what we see….

Not that we are always right. ….

Yes…our error was that we misjudged the power of wrongheaded claptrap. Fake money talks louder…and BS walks further than we thought! (Emphasis mine)

We thought the fake money-pumping scheme had reached its end back in 2009.

We were wrong.”

When economists criticize and advise the government; it makes little difference; elected lawmakers show zero fiscal responsibility. The train continues down the track, full speed ahead….

Yes, we should care, and yes bad things can happen. Count on the predictability of the political class. Anyone with wealth or income becomes a target to finance their political spending. We need to protect ourselves.

What economists should we listen to?

I prefer economists with no political agenda – genuinely concerned about helping average hard-working citizens navigate the current and future potential challenges ahead.

Good friend, Dr. Lacy Hunt is tops on my list. He “calls them like he sees them” without any bias. He’s an excellent educator helping us navigate some difficult economic waters.

I recommend his company’s recent Hoisington Investment Management Quarterly Review and Outlook, it’s a primer.

It begins with a discussion of the Fed’s policies over the last decade:

“Nearly nine years into the current economic expansion, Federal Reserve policy actions appear to be benign…. Changes in the reserve, monetary and credit aggregates, which have always been the most important Fed levers…indicate however that central bank policy has turned highly restrictive. These conditions put the economy’s growth at risk over the short run, while sizable increases in federal debt will serve to diminish, not enhance, economic growth over the long run.” (Emphasis mine)

It’s not just a US problem:

“No matter how U.S., Japanese, Chinese, European or emerging market debt is financed or owned, and regardless of the economic system, the path is stagnation and then decline. Even central bank funding of debt will not negate diminishing returns.”

Might the historical cure make things worse?

“While many believe that surging debt will boost economic growth, the law of diminishing returns indicates that extreme indebtedness will impede economic growth and ultimately result in economic decline. …. The standard of living cannot be raised without increasing output.” (Emphasis mine)

Increased debt equates to increased spending and economic output – theoretically! While debt, both government and private, has reached historic levels, they question the premise over the long term.

Talk about diminishing returns…. In 2007, each $1.00 of global public and private debt increased gross domestic product (GDP) by $.36. In 2017 it dropped almost 14%, to $.31. The US dropped about 11%, from $.45 to $.40.

Where are we headed?

“As debt continues to increase, real GDP starts to fall. At this point, debt has reached the point of negative returns, resulting in the end game of extreme indebtedness.” (Emphasis mine)

What is the end game?

When Dr. Lacy Hunt uses the term “end game” we should all take heed; he chooses his words carefully.

Their current newsletter reinforces what we intuitively believed a decade ago, you don’t cure a debt problem with more debt.

How much longer can we borrow and spend before we see the inevitable economic decline? Might we face another great depression?

Might the end game be controlled by others? When creditors lose confidence in the US, the economy, and the dollar, they’ll start unloading dollars, causing interest rates to rise – negatively impacting the economy.

No one knows what or when

At the end of a Casey conference a few years ago, the speakers were seated on the stage and the audience asked questions. The main concern – when and what will the end game look like.

They had no idea. Some made predictions, most felt the wheels were soon going to fall off soon – they were wrong.

One participant asked, “Inflation or deflation?” The response of the experts was, “Yes.” The consensus was we could experience high inflation which might be the last major blow to the economy, and then quickly move into deflation and perhaps a major depression.

No one knows for sure how it will shake out, but it won’t be pretty.

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What can we do?

While government debt may not matter to the political class, it should matter to everyone who hopes to save and retire comfortably.

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Diversify, own real assets and not just paper. While many have been wrong on the timing, Dr. Hunt has clearly highlighted the trend. Take heed! Those who use some common sense and take some reasonable precautions will fare much better than most.

And Finally…

“If you always protect your offspring in a cocoon they will never learn how to fly…” 

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Until next time…


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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
May 10, 2018 2:05 pm

Oh yeah, Krugman says it, must be so. Well, if their printing press shuts down, I will just send em a check to cover it all.

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
May 10, 2018 2:32 pm

Once we’re dealt a serious military setback the Ponzi collapses. Why we’re poking a stick at Russia and China is beyond me. Consensus is their weapons systems are better than ours. Even if they’re not our armed forces are severely compromised due to 30 years of pc adherence. I’m not feeling optimistic about a head to head encounter with either of them.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
  whiskey tango foxtrot
May 10, 2018 2:53 pm

The BRICS platform, as alternative to past subscribers in intentionally-mislabeled, “American Debt”, already exists.

We The People do not “OWN” the intentionally-mislabeled “Debt”, because it is NOT “our debt”. It is instead, owed by foreign criminal, Swiss and English based central banking- the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank” are parasites and imposters = Counterfieiters.

We The People are not picking a fight- We The People are being exploited by our handlers in Europe.

1 8 6

May 10, 2018 2:36 pm

We can simply have the Treasury, under the direction of Congress, issue debt free United States dollars to pay off the debt and issue more money to expand the money supply as needed.

That is the specific Constitutional duty of Congress, to issue our money and determine it’s value.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 10, 2018 2:44 pm

Michael Lewis’s “The Big Short”, only tells part of the story.

Visit Rockwell P. Ludden’s, brief, while excellent:

In hedge fund operations “market makers” define the market. In other words, they define a cause and basis for “speculation”; “successful” or otherwise, there are always, at least, two positions to take on any financial adventure…

There are always, at least, two possible “bets” to make.

In the current, on-going Scam of mortgage Fraud, REMICs that are empty- devoid of any “mortgages”- define 1200 Trillion Dollars owed to insurance products (“derivatives- cds, cdos and synthetic cdos; also called “Swaps”) that are taken against “Mortgage-Backed-Securities”, that have no “Mortgages” in them.

These “Special Purpose Vehicles”, these “REMIC Trusts”, these “pools of loans”, all share the same description, while each define, the same thing, an empty, “shell company”.

There are no “Mortgage Loans” in these phony, “Mortgage-Backed-Securities”.

To gain deeper insight into how Eric Holder’s, law firm, “Covington-Burling”, created the first “shell company , “the MERS”, read page 116, of Professor Christopher L. Peterson’s,

While the balance of his article is a primer that describes the frauds to come.

The “REMICs- Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits” are better described as “REMIFs- Real Estate Monopolized Insurance frauds”; “Insurance Swaps- cds, cdos, synthetic cdos”, taken by wholly-fraudulent claimants, against wholly-fraudulent, “Trusts” that are completely devoid of ANY ASSETS!

There are NO “Mortgages” in the “Mortgage-Backed- Securities”.

The criminals are placing “Insurance Swaps” on “Assets” that don’t belong to them and were never, in fact, the “corpus”, or “RES” (ASSESTs) to ANY REMIC, in the first place.

“Nemo Dat”- in other words: “You can’t sell, or transfer ‘ownership’, to something you never owned in the first place”.

Shooting fish in a barrel is not successful “Speculation”, while instead, an “insider trade”.

The “market makers” to these phony, empty, “Trust” mechanisms, employ forgery (robo-signing), fraud (counterfeit title- digitized copies of mortgage “Notes”: LPS, Black Knight, etc.) and “dual-tracking (fraud in the inducement: promising a modification -Obama’s HAMP and HARP Nonsense- while simultaneously moving forward with a foreclosure that is based on any number of frauds)”.

The “foreclosure notice (once hapless homeowners listened to mortgage bankers that told them to skip payments, in order to qualify for Obama’s HAMP and HARP Nonsense)”, acts as a “Market-Made”.

The mortgage bankers created a “market” by telling homeowners to skip 90 days, in order to qualify for the promised “modification”.

For the homeowner, once in the mix, a foreclosure, under these circumstances, becomes a foregone conclusion… did I mention “Insider Trading”?

The SCAM, listed above, is simply, “Securities” and “Insurance Fraud” and it is given a “nod” and a “wink” by the Court System, that indemnifies these criminal behaviors, because the amounts owed (1200 Trillion Dollars), to these criminal behaviors, are considered a “Systemic Risk”…

A “Systemic RisK”? … to the wholly-fraudulent, hyper-inflationary, bubble, … that has now and forever, allowed the criminals to pervert and destroy “The American Dream”?

… In the absence of Constitutional Remedy…

Indeed .

The REMICs are empty: “Securities Fraud”; now, REMIFs of “Insurance Fraud”.

The heart of America’s Economy is broken and sold to unconscionable Greed, while given to a bubble, presently poised to destroy world markets, once the Brexit pops and the hyper-inflationary, “Federal Reserve Dollar”; now cyclonic-whirli-gig, destined to the fate of Icarus, comes crashing to earth…

So much for American Freedom…

Except: there is time to awaken, while, in fact, the criminal imposters, presently manipulating the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve”, have destroyed themselves… NOT, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

These Securities and Insurance Frauds, define inter-bank, zero-sum-game, criminal adventures, where there must, in fact, be a winner and a loser.

The fact the criminals have listed themselves claimants to 20 X the combined GDP of every country on the planet (1200 Trillion Dollars) is yet, more of the same: another, criminal prank courtesy of the adolescent mind in residence to Wall Street, where daddy’s money castrates the law, so long as sonny-boy may flee the scene, while described as, in thrall to “Affluenza”…

Enough already! :

Article One, Section Eight, explains: “Congress shall have power… To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting securities and the current coin of the United States…”

The criminals have counterfeit over 1200 Trillion Dollars and the “American Coin” is about to fall on its head.

What are We The People waiting for?

These criminal Filth must be routed out and punished. The “Sovereignty” of our nation demands it and the souls of the victims, the world over, demand retribution.

GMAC Note and Mortgage Discharged:

Securitization Fail:

Levitin on the Dire Implications of “Securitization Fail”

~ Michael Keane copyright 3/17/17, all rights reserved

May 10, 2018 3:29 pm

No, it doesn’t matter. Well, not until it does anyway.

Done in Dallas
Done in Dallas
May 10, 2018 3:46 pm

Yes it does. It has already screwed over countless people and when the wheels come off it’s coming for everyone.

Sam Fox
Sam Fox
  Done in Dallas
May 10, 2018 4:42 pm

Part of the reason for the debt is to grease the wheels for the cashless $$ system being built now. Once they go all digital with $$, the take over of the planet has happened. Another reason is to use the debt as a weapon of manipulation against US.

Someone mentioned Congress & the ‘Federal’ Reserve. Congress did NOT have the Constitutional authority to give over to anyone else the printing of US money. We have had fake money ever since 1913 when the Bank of England’s ‘Federal’ Reserve was snuck in by Democraps.


Guy White
Guy White
May 10, 2018 4:20 pm

Kicking the can down the road. My road will end before my investments run out AT THE CURRENT RATE. Then it’ll be entirely your problem and I will be a winner.

Sam Fox
Sam Fox
May 10, 2018 4:20 pm

Looks like Cloward & Piven got a huge upgrade on their “Strategy” to financially collapse the USA.


May 10, 2018 4:38 pm

Wealth is productivity. The value of a US dollar is the purchasing power. When too many dollars are in circulation, the purchasing power goes down.

We can get away with this because all the other countries are doing the same thing. However eventually the shit will hit the fan.

Rather Not
Rather Not
May 10, 2018 5:42 pm

Given that we’re not going to be paying it back….we’ll find out. It’s emprical, and we’re running the test.

I would like to see us pivot from privately owned Federal Reserve Bank (which is not federal, has no reserves, and is not a bank) to money issued by our government. I would personally like to see an ‘experiment’ where the Treasury (secretly) mints about 20 $1 trillion coins, and hands one to the Federal Reserve to pay off $1T of the Treasury debt on their balance sheet.

Our Treasury debt would instantly drop by $1T, and literally nothing would be different except an asset on the Fed’s balance sheet would shift from interest bearing to non-interest bearing. Then hand them another coin, in exchange for the rest of the Treasury debt, and credit the Treasury for ‘excess reserves’ currently earning about 1.75% for the other couple of hundred million. Then tell the Fed that if they don’t want to pay for the excess reserves, they can stop paying all excess reserves, or work down the Treasury’s excess reserves by buying Treasury debt and retiring it. Maybe there is wildfire inflation at this point, but I don’t think so. Worse comes to worse, we’ve reduced the debt by $2 trillion, and reduced the associated interest.

Assuming nothing catastrophic happened, then hand another trillion dollar coin to the social security trust fund in exchange for eliminating $1T liability from the Treasury, and have the SS trust fund hand the coin to the Fed in exchange for $1T (market value) of performing mortgage backed securities. Do it again a year later.

So far we’ve used 4 of the ~20 coins, paid down $4T in debt, 2 public, and 2 intergovernmental, significantly reduced interest actually getting some interest from the fed on excess reserves, and there are at least some real assets in the SS trust fund. With 16 to go.

Let some of the short term debt roll off, and direct the Fed to pay the bondholders from the Treasury’s account at the Fed. Anytime the Treasury’s account at the Fed gets low, hand them another $1T coin.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 10, 2018 5:55 pm

When TSHTF, we can do it TPTB planned way (probably a new Rothschild e-money and The Mark of the Beast) and become their slaves; OR, the Congress and Treasury tell our debtors we went bankrupt and we will not be paying anything nor turning any US property over to them. Then the Treasury issue new US currency IAW the US Constitution and stick to it. Some Rothschild minions will strongly object but we Americans have a 2nd Amendment that enables US to do whatever we have to do about such problems.

mark branham
mark branham
May 10, 2018 7:20 pm

I don’t think anyone is “lending” us money; instead I believe central banks are buying debt from banks with made up money. Eventually, every debt-money monetary system faces the impossible; citizens can no longer borrow enough money to pay back previous “loans” so government has to step in and provide the “money.” It will be interesting to see how they wiggle out of this one.

May 11, 2018 6:39 am

It’s all make believe….