The Incredible Cringe of Joe Rogan and Candace Owens Talking “Climate Change”

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter – Authored by Yung Nixon

If you haven’t seen it, and I’m sure you haven’t, Candace Owens recently discussed her disbelief in climate change on Joe Rogan’s popular podcast this week. He had none of it.

The exchange got heated, and Candace repeatedly distanced her own opinions from her core beliefs, saying, “This isn’t the hill I’d die on.”


If you’re among skeptics, you’ll find yourself infuriated that typically open-minded Rogan delves into condescending platitudes once the topic of climate change gets broached. It’s a touchstone for him that he clearly can’t consider opposing views on.

Here’s a snippet of the opening back and forth, but watch the full video for a full dose of Joe Rogan going full election-night Ben Rhodes:

“You don’t think we have to care about the environment?” Rogan asks, invoking dogma that’s eerily reminiscent of radical feminism’s go-to opening line don’t you believe in equality? It’s the definition of feminism.

Candace laughs when asked if she cares about the environment, saying “no, not even a little bit.” She clarifies by saying, “I don’t throw trash on the ground.”

From there, Joe and Candace get into a heated dialogue, which predictably starts with two ubiquitous arguments every zealous climate-activist gives. The first being, ‘hey, this is like…. super duper complicated.’ Rogan laments how hard it is to understand the climate (it isn’t) and goes on to lay the foundation for point two, ‘but like, everyone who can grasp the complexity agrees.’ This is used to create doubt that laypeople can discuss this, then opens the door to use groupthink as a data point.

He then asks his off-screen producer to get two links onscreen. The first is from Scientific American, suggesting 87% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and driven by human activities. Candace says “I don’t care” and essentially dismisses the website because it’s commercialized.

So Rogan does what any scientist would do, and he finds an even more biased source with even scarier numbers. We arrive to the second link, from the Union of Concerned Scientists (yes, actually, complete with stock photo in the margins of a white activist’s pasty hands trying to caress a sunset), citing 97% consensus. The 10% gap in reporting doesn’t give Rogan any pause, because science is about scientific consensus, right? Not about bad, self-defeating data?

Here begins the ultimate, blood-boiling, stupidity. Candace simply sticks by her guns, denying that she believes in it, and trying to change the topic to a thought experiment. She is willing to pretend climate change is real and man-made, and can’t get her next string of words out.

“Why have an opinion on something you don’t have data about?” Rogan chides, “This is my question, like, I don’t have an opinion on climate science… the vast majority of people who study it are in agreement that humans are affecting it.”

Candace tries to clarify, suggesting there’s doubt for statistics in science across many organizations just as there are doubts for Media Matters’ organization and suggest various political statistics crumble under scrutiny.

Predictably, as unknowingly trained, Rogan replies, “You’re talking about a different subject, politics vs. science.” Candace then concedes that she might be culpable of reading too politically into it.

As most conditioned climate alarmists, Rogan again replies questioning Candace’s motives and suggests that she’s only in opposition because she’s a political partisan.

It goes on, but goes nowhere.

And there you have it. The man bashes a person’s loosely held opinion by citing two contradicting figures claiming consensus — about science no less — with supposedly damning figures from two sources which don’t even match each other. He commits the logical fallacy of appeal to authority, and does so by presenting 87% and 97% as the scientific consensus from different “scientific” yet incongruent sources. Which is it Joe? 87% or 97%? And where’s your data? The data you pretend to hold as truth?

Here’s some data. NASA reports that Antarctica is actually gaining ice volume. Canada’s Global News asks, “What if the earth is actually cooling?
But somewhere in this heated Joe Rogan clip he proudly, like a mom at soccer practice, says, “there are people working on carbon sucking machines” as if he’s on the sidelines of unquestionable progress.

Here’s the truth. Man doesn’t need to create a new “carbon sucking” machine. It already exists, it’s called a tree.

It’s pretty obvious. Humans consume oxygen and output carbon. Just like industries do. Trees consume carbon and output oxygen. Just like always. So my super scientific hypothesis would therefore be, if we add more carbon to the environment, we will get more trees.

And what would you know, here’s a headline from 2 years ago reported by the BBC no less, titled “Rise in CO2 has greened planet earth.

And CBS is reporting that the sun is cooling and we’ll be in an ice age by 2050. Wow, that sounds like totally not-man-made climate change which we can’t blame on the energy sector.

So Joe, please let those scientists you “read about” know that they need not worry. Mother Nature got this! And maybe stop reading Scientific American, which is now asking “Should Climate Scientists Fly?” or using an argument levied by the increasingly crazy Guardian, which with equal smugness pouts “Trump administration refuses to consider that 97% of climate scientists could be right.”

But if you gotta read something on the left, consider the newly minted New York Times article suggesting, “Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think.

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Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 5, 2018 7:59 pm

No one is as smart as they think they are. And no, not 87%, not 97%. Almost no climate change scientist believe that global warming is man made.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
June 5, 2018 8:27 pm

We’ve been over this a few times, so I’ll try to summarize:
(1) In the 1970s climate scientists were predicting global cooling, and another ice age.
(2) In the 1980s-1990s, especially after the fall of the Soviet Union, the communists needed another “cause” to rally their side. They settled on “anthropogenic global warming”, the nonsense Rogan is pushing here. Among other developments, a cabal of “climate scientists” started hiding data, making up absurd computer models and claiming their flawed models predicted doom unless CO2 was cut from the atmosphere. “Hide the Decline” and “the hockey stick graph” were two of their innovations; by ignoring the Medieval Warming Trend (that then reversed) they could claim temperatures continuously got warmed once man arrived on the scene, and that temperature data showed a recent, rapid rise in “world average temperature”. Ice cores from glaciers and tree ring thicknesses were claimed as evidence of this. However, when challenged to produce UNADJUSTED, RAW DATA (and justification for any “adjustments”), James Hansen of NOAA / NASA declined; the masses, including any other scientists, were not capable of understanding his work properly, and the raw data might mislead them. This is a FUNDAMENTAL violation of scientific investigation; Hansen is a charlatan. He STILL has not produced his raw data for examination.
(3) The “hockey stick” graph was produced by a computer algorithm that “adjusted” the data to produce the graph. The computer program was demanded, and upon examination it turned ANY DATA SET (imagine the phone book, or heights of school students) into a hockey stick graph! It did so by emphasizing the weighting of some data over others; it has been THOROUGHLY debunked. Michael Mann, the originator of the graph, was derided.
(4) The last decade has been a nightmare for the AGW crowd, so much so that they had to rename their effort “climate change”. YES, the climate changes, for all sorts of reasons including solar radiation levels, cloud cover, prevailing winds over local areas and so forth. It does not NECESSARILY change due to atmospheric CO2; it MIGHT, but the data does not PROVE it. The computer models are still flawed, as they predict more warming than has ever been observed. The Arctic ice caps were supposed to be gone forever by 2012; they are still there. Polar bears were to go extinct, and haven’t. Every prediction made in 2000 – 2006 (the peak of the “climate change” madness) has been wrong.
Latest solar minimum activity suggests a long-term cooling trend for the reasonable future. This may be a general / epochal change.
AGW and climate change are scams, designed to extract research money and legislative coercion on the country. Recycled communists (“watermelons”, “Green on the outside and red on the inside”) are pushing these theories to gain control of institutions and funds to promote their own interests. Anyone who takes this nonsense seriously has no business being called a scientist, because there’s no proof, theory, prediction or result that it has gotten right so far.
Perverting science to serve political goals has long been a trademark of communism; see Lysenko.

You're Wrong
You're Wrong
  james the deplorable wanderer
July 22, 2018 4:53 am

We’re still in an ice age, it’s an interglacial period….

  james the deplorable wanderer
December 20, 2018 3:12 pm

simply insane theory there buddy

June 5, 2018 8:30 pm

She isn’t old enough, hence hasn’t had the time to think out every issue someone can toss in her lap. She’s a bright gal and will grow into a more complete thinker in due course.

My question, that I never hear asked, is even if it’s true that the climate is getting unnaturally warmer-which I don’t give a shit about-just who is going to write the rules to ‘fight’ it? Maybe those who write the rules on finance? Banking? Foreign policy? Immigration? What is ‘news’? Fuck that. I’ll accept a climate that mirrors Mercury before I agree to that.

It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for ya
G Carlin

June 6, 2018 12:05 pm

Exactly. All of the arguments about what it is or even *if* it is don’t matter: You damn sure know that it can’t be “fixed” by the kleptocrats in gov’t and banking stealing more money from the masses.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
June 5, 2018 8:35 pm

Without co2 we would all be dead. plantlife would not exist . Mr gore is well aware of this,but he is a money grubber. He knows that earth is starting into an ice age as we speak. Vulcanisim always accompanies the start of an ice age.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
  Jack Lovett
June 5, 2018 8:42 pm

Mr. Spock has entered the room.

You're Wrong
You're Wrong
  Jack Lovett
July 22, 2018 4:55 am

It’s about nuance, which you are incapable of. Nobody is saying get rid of all CO2 you cretin. The levels are too high.

June 5, 2018 8:39 pm

““You don’t think we have to care about the environment?” Rogan asks…”

Global Warming has absolutely nothing to do with the environment except as a sales pitch. It is a purely a political movement to control energy and destroy the industrial society that was responsible for humans to increase their standard of living.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
June 5, 2018 8:41 pm

Much of Climate Alarmism is based on climate Models that have nothing to do with the Scientific Method.

AGW is not supported by physical data – IPCC uses unvalidated Models.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 5, 2018 8:48 pm

You do notice that every issue that cannot be debated is directly tied to the confiscation of wealth from people via taxation, right?

Here’s the basic premise: Man is responsible for altering the climate. Therefore man must alter the climate in response. Man-made climate change is wrong so we’re going to implement man-made climate change to make it right.

When you have people talking that kind of crazy, what can you do but back out the door slowly.

You're Wrong
You're Wrong
  hardscrabble farmer
July 22, 2018 4:56 am

Do you consider the US Dollar wealth? If so you don’t understand money.

June 5, 2018 9:10 pm

back out the door slowly with your finger on the trigger….

June 5, 2018 9:46 pm

90%+ of scientists think that people should eat a diet consisting of more than 60% carb calories. Witness the result of 50 years of that thinking. They’re just wrong. And it doesnt matter how many bullshit healthcare-bubble-racket funded studies they do to justify their bullshit claims. They are FUCKING WRONG. Having this obviousness shoved in your face every day when you just look at people waddling around… it makes it really easy to believe that 90%+ scientists can be wrong about global warming even if you havent studied it.

You're Wrong
You're Wrong
July 22, 2018 4:57 am

You made this up.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
June 5, 2018 11:16 pm

Rogan has always been a blockhead. I can’t fathom how he has gained such a large audience, he’s just an annoying blowhard.

June 5, 2018 11:18 pm

rogan’s a standup comedian.. why does his opinion on the climate matter?

kudos to Candace for not caving to him completely

June 25, 2018 1:35 pm

she caved u idiot

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 5, 2018 11:21 pm

I don’t think I’ll ever see Rogan the same way. I’ve never considered him too bright. He’s just a guy who likes to smoke weed and lift weights, although he has some good instincts about not letting the leftist loons maim children with their sex “transitioning”. He was just insufferable in that interview – as though saying “vast majority” a few hundred more times would somehow make it convincing.

You're Wrong
You're Wrong
  Iska Waran
July 22, 2018 4:59 am

“Insufferable” is being correct? She got owned, hard. She had zero facts to say. She just said “I just don’t believe”. You don’t believe in facts asshole, there’s no belief, they just are.

June 6, 2018 4:21 am

Global warming is a scam to control the population, and I am 100% certain of it.

Even if the world is warming who cares. Why does everyone automatically assume that global warming is a bad thing? It’s just assumed that it is.

What is the optimal CO2 concentration in the atmosphere? It should be obvious, that higher is better for plant growth, but at what point to the negatives outway the positives. I have never seen this question even mentioned.

You're Wrong
You're Wrong
July 22, 2018 5:01 am

You’re degrees are in what? Let’s see your citings. I’d love to read your PHd dissertations. Unreal. We don’t trust the smartest people alive anymore…idiocracy is true now.

Nathan Bedford Quantrell
Nathan Bedford Quantrell
June 6, 2018 1:18 pm

Try They repost stories about actual weather events and weather trends from around the world. Browse through a couple of years of actual news reports. Record low temps; snow where it has never been seen for hundreds of years; ice build trends in the Arctic, Antarctic, Great Lakes, and so on.

Every good website should lead you to other good websites. Reading Zerohedge led me here. One of the commenters on Zerohedge presented a link to another website with really good scientific analysis of climate trends. Lost the link, but I don’t want to read thru 50,000 comments on a month’s worth of ZH articles to rediscover the link. Bummer.

Read a book called “Saga of the Icelanders”. The Icelanders settled Greenland about 500-600 AD. Was warm enough then that only the very center of Greenland was covered with ice. Rest was covered with forests.

Turned cold about 1300-1400, ice came back and most of the remaining people in Greenland were starving. I will give you three guesses as to what they were digging up to eat.

They were rescued by boats from Norway and The Orkney Islands. The ones with money were carried back to Norway or the Islands off Scotland. The ones with no money were dumped along the eastern coast of North America. Guess they intermarried with the tribes already living there. Maybe Fauxahantas has relatives in Norway.

June 26, 2018 12:03 am

I guess like everyone else these days, you didn’t listen to the podcast or actually do thorough research. Joe got on her case SPECIFICALLY because she admitted not doing any research and having an opinion on something she knew almost nothing about. Ya know, like most people these days.

July 10, 2018 10:48 am

This site is the definition of an echo chamber

July 10, 2018 11:03 am

Then hit the fucking road douchebag.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 22, 2018 7:16 am

And yet you’re here.

Here’s the thing- I run into the Climate Crazies all the time- when they bring it up, and like vegans they simply cannot help themselves, I always ask, “So what have you done to change things personally? Have you stopped driving a car? Using electricity? Eating food produced by BigAg? How much soil have you built this week? How much carbon have you sequestered this past year? Have you invested in alternative energy sources and cut off your connection to the grid?”

Then you give them a few seconds to digest their heaping helping of hypocrisy and move on to the next subject.

The. Climate. Changes.

Even if I don’t happen to believe it, most of these folks think we are on a random rock spinning in a cold and empty Universe, created out of nothing for no reason by random chance and chaos and yet they believe that human beings- the very people they believe created Climate Change and the same ones who can’t control personal failures like fibbing and overeating- are going to set the temperature of the planet like a thermostat, at a perpetual and ever fixed range that suits them, never understanding for a moment the contradiction that they advocate for man made climate change as a response to man made climate change.

Never engage crazy, it only encourages them.

October 21, 2018 1:03 pm

Candace really should have done her homework on the topic. Joe Rogan simply revealed himself. My only question is why people give this individual so much attention?

October 21, 2018 2:17 pm

A bigger question is why you are just now commenting on a 3 month-old thread?

October 21, 2018 3:23 pm

Actually, it is YOUR reply that grabbed my attention, so thank YOU Stubb for replying to the comment on the 3-month-old thread.

October 24, 2018 11:16 am

Does it matter?

October 21, 2018 3:20 pm

I am glad you did, jerry… I’d missed it. Thanks.

October 22, 2018 7:15 am

This blog is poorly researched as expected.

December 20, 2018 3:07 pm

I assumed this was going to be an article mocking candace owens retardation but this website is some trash right rag that’s even more mentally challenged.