Inflation: Your Role as a Milk Cow

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Traditionally, inflation has been defined as “an increase in the amount of currency in circulation.” Such an increase almost always causes an increase in the cost of goods and services, since, more plentiful currency units lowers their rarity, as compared to the supply of goods and services, which remains roughly the same. Therefore, it shouldn’t be surprising if a 20% increase in the amount of currency units translates into a 20% increase in the price of goods and services.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, even dictionaries have been offering a revised definition of inflation, as “an increase in the price of goods and services.” This is a pity, as it makes an already confusing subject even more difficult to understand.

This is especially true for the average guy who has a minimal understanding of economics, but does realise that, even if his wages increase (which he regards as a good thing), he never seems to get ahead. In the end, he always seems to be worse off.

So, let’s see how simply we can break this down. And, let’s do it from the layman’s personal point of view.

Let’s say that you’re paid $4000 per month. You budget for housing, food, clothing, transportation, etc. Let’s say that that adds up to $3800 per month, and you’re hoping to put $200 per month into savings. Often that doesn’t happen, as unplanned expenses “pop up,” and must be paid for. So, in the end, you save little or nothing.

In the meantime, you’re daydreaming about buying a new car, but it can’t be bought, because you don’t have any money to allocate to it.

Then, your boss says that the recent prosperity has resulted in a big new contract for the company that allows him to give you a raise of $200 a month.

This is your big chance. You go to the car dealership, buy the car, and arrange for time payments of $200 per month to pay for it.

However, what’s rarely understood is that the theoretical “prosperity” is the result of governmentally induced inflation. What appears to be prosperity is merely a rise in costs and, along with it, a rise in your wages.

You appear to be “getting ahead,” but here’s what really happens…

The inflation that resulted in your pay rise also raises the prices on most or all other goods and services. So, instead of spending $3800 on expenses every month, your costs have risen to, say, $4200.

So, only months after your pay rise, you become aware that, not only are all your expenses higher (which you didn’t figure on when you bought the car), you now have the extra monthly obligation of the $200 car payment.

A year later, you look back and say to yourself, “Just when I was finally getting ahead, just when I was realizing my dream to have a new car, all those greedy businesspeople raised their prices because they just want to be rich, and I ended up a loser.”

Not so. The businesspeople raised their prices for the same reason everyone does during inflation—because their costs are also higher and they must either raise prices or go out of business.

So, in effect… no one got ahead.

But, worse, you got behind. Because, now, in addition to your monthly expenses, you have debt obligations, and buying on time is always more costly than paying as you go.

As time goes on, you run into emergencies of one type or another that dip into your meagre savings. You must renegotiate your debt with the bank in order to keep your car and, of course, the bank demands a greater percentage than before, assuring that your economic situation will only get worse.

Ergo, inflation has not been a boon, but a curse.

And that, in fact, is exactly the idea. Banks figured out ages ago that, although people will only tolerate so much taxation, they’ll not only tolerate, but welcome the hidden tax of inflation. The illusion that they’re “getting ahead” gives them the false confidence to take on debt, which will, over time, cripple them.

The purpose of bank-created inflation is to extract wealth from the populace.

By regularly increasing the amount of currency in circulation, banks create an environment in which the concept of debt appears to be beneficial. As a result, virtually everyone in today’s society not only has debt; he actually believes that he couldn’t improve his life except through debt.

So, that’s essentially how inflation works. However, there’s a further knock-on effect from inflation that comes with retirement.

When retirement arrives, almost no one who is caught up in the system described above has found a way to get out of debt. Inflation always gobbles up whatever advances he feels he’s made, because inflation itself created those imagined advances.

Just before retirement, most people have their most expensive houses, cars, etc., and appear to have prospered, but they also have the greatest level of debt that they’ve ever carried.

If they’ve been careful, they may have savings and/or investments that they hope will carry them through their twilight years. But they quickly find that inflation continues after they retire. Savings in banks no longer earn money. In fact, they do the opposite. Inflation takes more than the paltry interest savings received, resulting in an annual loss on any money held in banks.

But, inflation continues to march on, assuring that the retiree’s costs will continue to rise, even as his savings decline.

In essence, the inflation concept was invented by banks as an invisible tax—a means by which they could extract wealth from the populace.

And, here we get back to the original complaint of the individual. As he tries to balance his chequebook or to plan for his retirement, he scratches his head and wonders, “How is it that no matter how much more money I make, I never seem to get ahead?”

In effect, the individual is used by the banking system as a milk cow. For his entire working life, inflation is carefully adjusted to extract as much monetary value from his labours as possible, whilst still leaving him capable of continued production.

Pretty grim… So, is that it, or is there a way out?

Well, to begin, it would be very helpful to exit any country where the dual monetary drains of taxation and inflation are prominent. (By leaving, you may take an initial step down, but, over the long haul, you’re more likely to prosper.)

An additional move would be to refuse to borrow money for any situation. Yes, it will mean that, as your friends show off their new cars, you’ll be driving an older model. They’ll also live in nicer houses than you and they’ll “own” their own house before you do. But, at some point, since you’re free from debt, you’ll pass them by and eventually retire well.

By understanding inflation, and acting on that understanding, the odds of living your life as a milk cow can be greatly diminished.

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June 17, 2018 2:55 pm

There is only 1 way to get “ahead”. Your pay/profit must rise faster than those around you. Those who understand this are incentivized to keep you down. Hence…”The man is keeping me/us down” phrase.

June 17, 2018 10:05 pm

Being self-employed and learning sales is the best way to get ahead IMO. The oil patch is hiring but expensive to live there and dangerous work.
Inflation is really running about 10-12% annually according to my markers. Some items more; example 1 lb of butter was $2.99, then it shot to $3.99. What’s that, about 30%? No I refuse to use margarine.

Ham Roid
Ham Roid
June 17, 2018 3:21 pm

Inflation? I thought we were afraid of deflation. At least unemploynent is down to 3.8%. Or is that 20%? Hell, all I know is that I’ve become lactose intolerant.

  Ham Roid
June 17, 2018 3:50 pm

The gov’t is the one afraid of deflation – it is good for the citizens.

Gov’t loves inflation – it is bad for citizens.

June 17, 2018 4:20 pm

Yeah, less money available to pay the same amount of debt is good for the citizens.

After all, who wouldn’t want to pay off their 250,000 dollar mortgage with money that was worth more than the money that was borrowed in the first place (meaning they have less of it available to pay off that mortgage).

June 17, 2018 3:48 pm

The latest entry in the long line of economics-challenged articles on TBP.
Inflation isn’t just a function of currency games. it also occurs due to monopoly/oligopoly. The overall number of publicly listed companies in the US has fallen by double digit in the past few decades.
Equally, the belief that inflation is driven by wages is moronic. Wages follow inflation – a 100% historically consistent occurrence.
And what isdriving people’s desire for higher wages today? Housing and health care increases. The former due to ZIRP, the latter due to oligopoly.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 17, 2018 4:01 pm

You have to keep pay things off (car, house etc) to ever get ahead. Half of inflation that affects everyone is “the man” (ie taxpayers) printing enough money to pay for all the Welfare Maggots! Cut that destructive unConstitutional waste and we could balance the budget.

June 17, 2018 4:25 pm

Inflation is actually an increase in the money supply (in general circulation) in relation to the amount of goods and services available.

If both increase at the same rate there is no inflation since the ratio is the same.

The same for deflation which is the opposite with a shrinking money supply in relation to the amount of goods and services available.

June 17, 2018 9:40 pm

You can have deflation with a fixed money supply too.

June 18, 2018 8:59 am

If production increases with more goods and services and increasing population with only the same amount of money available to be spent on them.

June 17, 2018 4:36 pm

Calling currency money is incorrect. Money is gold/silver. From 1814 to 1913 money was flat as interstate 80 in Iowa. Then in 1913 the rottinchilds and fellow joos had their dream come true. Since then they haved raped the world with their fiat. Do I hate the subhumans for that? Well,yes.
I am Jack Lovett

June 17, 2018 5:05 pm

In that case, no country on Earth today uses or has any money.

Makes one wonder how any business or trade takes place, especially on the international level.

June 17, 2018 6:09 pm

All countries are playing the same game. Currency, not money, that is correct (you can look up Aristotle’s definition of money, it’s still accurate). When all the countries that issue currency are inflating at the same time, the result is what we have. Until you develop enough contacts that you can pay using gold / silver, labor or other things “they” can’t value / devalue, you are kind of stuck. Once you learn that savings CANNOT be kept in currency (as they devalue that, they devalue your savings as well) then you can start to buy gold / silver, real estate, productive quality machinery, storable food, education in real science and technology, collectibles (be careful!), and other things that might be “worth” more than you paid for them in the future.

June 17, 2018 9:43 pm

I am unfamiliar with what Aristotle said about money. JP Morgan said “Only gold is money. Nothing else.”

June 18, 2018 9:10 am

Trying to use gold/silver in today’s international world trade (or even domestically) would invoke Gresham’s law and that gold/silver would quickly disappear from circulation as it is squirreled away somewhere. Consider how many silver dimes and other silver coins you find in circulation in America today after first clad coins then other alloys were introduced to circulate alongside them (same with actual copper pennies, FWIW).

Cash Cow
Cash Cow
June 17, 2018 6:16 pm

Financially fucktarded folks are not in short supply, they will probably lose everything as interest rates creep higher and blame everyone but themselves.

June 18, 2018 1:07 am

This is news? The gov. must have inflation to prevent going broke. Also they must sap every nickel they can from the middle class to perpetuate their system.
The purpose of a system is what it does! Otherwise it would be changed! Therefore the purpose of the Federal Reserve is to sap the resources of the middle and upper middle class into the .01 percent. This is what it does and therefore that is it’s purpose. This is not news to those who are aware. Debtors be blessed for their debts will be payed by fiat, which will revert to zero value soon.

June 18, 2018 1:15 am

Din’t mean to sound so mean joys. I get a little riled up.

June 18, 2018 9:26 am

What’s that quote from Franklin, about “the quickest way to healthy, wealthy and wise is to augment our means, or diminish our desires…best, if both simultaneously” {paraphrased}

Milk cows? yes. Unavoidable, and will only get worse as the money crunch tightens.

Then, if some cattle try to escape, via expatriation or by slowly fading away, we become beef cows.
There’s a world of evil, hungry, greedy people that would kill to gobble up all you’ve worked for,
in partial or full percentage theft of it, from you and your family.