“Natural Allies”

Guest Post by Southern Sage

While surfing the Web a story in American Thinker caught my eye.  I know this website on occasion publishes interesting articles but it is firmly in the hands of philosemitic Shabbos goy types.  No criticism of Jews or Israel here, no siree.  A few weeks ago, there was an article by some neurotic, enraged Jewess (an Israeli), sputtering out that so-called “anti-Semitism” was a mental illness and that anybody who ever, under any circumstances, expressed anything less than gushing adoration of The Chosen was fit to be burned at the stake.  Why, who on earth could ever dream up a single thing bad to say about the Holy People?  Lunatics and hate-filled, inbred, toothless extras from the cast of Deliverance, that´s who!

Today appeared Jews, Blacks and Destiny, an article by a badly confused and poorly educated white Step N´Fetchit named Randolph Parrish.  I know little about the guy except that he has some kind of obsession with the infamous Duke University Lacrosse “rape” case.  He wrote a book about it.  You will remember that a bunch of frat boys hired some hookers to perform at what was surely meant to be a dignified and solemn ceremony and rite of passage.  Apparently expecting some attractive white whores what they got were a couple of black ho´s.

The rest is history.  The hapless college boys were falsely charged with rape by a miserable piece of white trash called – I had a hard time believing this was his real name – Nifong, a typical shitheel attorney of the kind you so often find in small and not so small Southern towns.  The kind of guy who runs for every elected public office in hopes of avoiding jail or homelessness.  Nifong persecuted these kids and pretty much ruined their lives, all over the honor of a couple of Negro whores.

Of course, the whole thing was bogus but that did not prevent half the world from jumping on the band wagon.  You would think that these liberal twits would figure out that white-on-black rape cases are vanishingly rare, few normal white men having any interest at all in black women, for reasons I don´t care to go into.  John McCain´s son is an exception, and that explains quite a bit about that babbling kook.

In any case, Parrish goes off on how “anti-Semitism” has “infected” the black community.  Parrish is both mystified and indignant about this.  Why, think what the Jews have done for the blacks, the ungrateful wretches!  Farrakhan, Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party all come in for some impressive huffing and puffing.

The cob-webbed mind of Parrish is so befuddled that he was apparently shocked, shocked that black pastors did not stand up to defend the white boys who allegedly raped a sister.  How terribly odd of them!  And these uppity coons even made fun of the Jewish-sounding name of one of the defendants!  As Jim Comey would say, Lordy!  He is amazed that for black preacher’s politics comes before piety!  Why I never….!

Professor Parrish somehow manages to make a case that black holy rollers should have defied their congregations and stood up for the (obviously) innocent crackers!  Somehow the Jews would, through some metaphysical process, also come to the defense of these horny pale faces.  Yes, Jews and blacks together riding to the rescue of a bunch of upper middle-class white lacrosse players who had the lack of manners to throw an ugly negress prostitute out on her ear and then lacked the decency to plead guilty when this soiled dove accused them of a rape that never happened.  It was a struggle to follow this rubbish, but it was worth plowing on through it.

The central point of the article was, I believe, that blacks and Jews in some way share some kind of mutual moral universe and, therefore, should be all kissy face when some kind of injustice casts its dark shadow across the world.  He goes on to claim that Jews have never, ever done the blacks dirt.  Oh no!  The Jews have suffered just like the blacks.  There were few Jews in the slave-holding Old South, two-thirds of the “Freedom Riders” of the 1960´s were Jews (more on that in a minute), the Jews help create the “civil rights” movement, and so on.  The Jews did all of this, we must suppose, out of their boundless love for the poor darkies.

Indeed!  Jews and blacks are “natural allies”, which brings us to the, ahem, nitty gritty.

Parrish needs to do a bit of research and he should give the blacks a little credit.  Blacks and Jews are not “natural allies”.  The Jews cleverly used the blacks as a battering ram to attack white America to clear the way for their own ascent to control of our country.  Leftist Jews, many of them outright Communists; the Communist Party USA was deeply involved in the “civil rights” movement and openly declared that blacks would be the foot soldiers in their campaign to destroy America, founded many of the “black” organizations, including in particular the NAACP.

They formed links with resentful Negro mulattos, such as W.E. B. DuBois (who looked about as white as Mitch Romney), and skillfully sidetracked genuine black leaders, Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey being two victims of Jewish- directed intrigue.  The last thing the Jews wanted were black leaders who supported cooperation and mutual respect between blacks and whites or, even worse for their purposes, separation of the races.  No, their object was to generate bitterness, hatred, miscegenation, and deep resentment.  They were successful beyond their wildest dreams.

The Jews did not and do not give a damn about the blacks, and the more intelligent blacks are well aware of that fact.  Louis Farrakhan may be crazy and he certainly would like to put ground glass in the food of every white person on earth but he is spot on regarding the Jewish question.  He is not fooled and neither are the other black “leaders”.  True, quite a few of them know where their bread is buttered and shuffle to the Jewish tune, but they know perfectly well what the game is.  I have no doubt that most of them would love to go on a Nat Turner rampage through ADL headquarters.

Jews and blacks have nothing at all in common, and the blacks and the Jews know it.

The truth is that the Jews have been the premier slave traders from ancient times.  Not that they restricted their slaving activities to blacks.  Far from it.  But the Atlantic slave trade was firmly in the hands of Jews from the beginning.   Portugal started it and the Jews had swarmed into Portugal when the Spanish gave them the boot.  It is no accident that the Cape Verde islands, a Portuguese colony and the major slave transit point in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, has one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in the world.

As for the New World, Dutch Curacao, lousy with Jewish slave merchants, was the slave contraband point for all of the Spanish colonies.  They were active all over the rest of the West Indies as well.  Ever wonder what Charleston, South Carolina and Newport, Rhode Island, America´s most important slave ports, had two of the oldest synagogues in America?  Guess what!

Few Jews in the Old South?  Ha!  True, in number they were few, as they always are, but in power they were large indeed.  Judah P. Benjamin was the second most powerful man in the Confederacy, was a West Indian Jew (those West Indian slave traders again) who was brought to the United States by his father at a young age.  He became an extremely wealthy Louisiana planter and U.S. senator.  Two of Florida´s senators in this period were Jewish and Jews controlled much of the import and export business in the South.

The Jews have slowly been losing interest in the blacks as useful political pawns for some time now.    The blacks are losing the demographic race to the Latinos, they are disorganized, crime-ridden, and uncontrollable.  In the 1950´s and 1960´s America was chock full of goofy Northern white liberals all too ready to support the blacks against Southerners.  That particular portion the Northern white population grows smaller with every rape, murder, car theft, and drive by shooting.  Pretending to be the champions of the blacks is a losing proposition these days.

This explains the hysteria over Trump´s effort to end or at least lessen legal and illegal immigration from Latin America.  With the exception of a percentage of middle class Latins, they are not “natural conservatives”.  They come from a culture where everything is supposed to be doled out by the government, as it was under the Spanish kings.  They are also intensely political, resentful of gringos, and understand perfectly well that strength (and electoral success and money from American taxpayers) comes from unity.  They are the favored weapon of the Jews.

As for their black “natural allies”, the Jews are preparing to toss them on the dungheap of history.  It is an old story.

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June 22, 2018 11:23 am

I appreciate many of the fantastic writers appearing on TBP.
SS is, IMO, being added to that list.

We all recognize that no one is right all the time, so we should excuse certain points of view if the preponderance is sensible.
Example: I generally like PCR a lot, but he has a ‘belief’ in Global Warming even when there is NO observational data to back up that belief. I don’t hesitate to call him out whenever he mentions the subject.

June 22, 2018 11:27 am

The “beginning of the end” for the white majority in the United States occurred in 1957 when the federal government used federal troops to illegally enforce an illegal desegregation court order (despite “posse commitatus” which prohibits the use of federal troops for domestic law enforcement purposes) without a “backlash” from those whites who were affected. You see, then, as is the case currently, white people respect “the rule of law” and were hesitant to go against federal troops, many of whom were their friends and neighbors.
This “power grab” by the federal government made it easier “the next time”, when forcing unwanted and unneeded federal civil-rights (for some) actions against the wishes of white Americans.
The civil-rights (for some) movement has evolved into the monstrosity that we live under today, with every affected group demanding its “piece of the pie”, while demanding that whites (especially white males) be excluded from these civil-rights (for some) “protections”.
What started out as the prohibition of “racial discrimination” eventually expanded into court-demanded “bussing” across school-district lines, so-called “fair housing” and “public accommodation” laws (which are enforced only against white-heterosexual-owned businesses). Businesses owned by “people of color”, homosexuals and other “fringe groups” can discriminate against white heterosexuals with impunity, as the “public accommodation laws do not apply to them as they cannot be “racist”.
Fast forward to more recent times, where federal forces (FBI, ATF, and military troops) were used (also in violation of posse comitatus) at Ruby Ridge and Waco, where innocent Americans were murdered. To this day, the federal government has never been held accountable for their actions. In fact, many of the government murderers were awarded bonuses, raises, and job promotions for their criminal actions.
The federal government has become the “900 lb. gorilla in the room” and, through its illegal and unconstitutional “alphabet agencies” wreaks havoc and destruction upon white American people to this day.
As I grew of age during the first “civil-rights” era, I observed for myself the so-called “non-violent” civil-rights “marches” and saw the violence committed by these “outsiders” and their “jewish handlers”. These “civil-rights marches” were hotbeds of rapes, robberies, beatings committed by these “non-violent” marchers and their jewish handlers. Of course, during the incidents of violence, the “mainstream media” conveniently turned off their cameras and refused to report the incidents of violence, always deferring to the demonstrators and their “handlers”.
We used to have a saying: “Behind every Negro, there is a jew”. No truer words were spoken…

June 22, 2018 4:09 pm

Bravo… reminds me a slow motion pogrom, which always lead to massacres

June 22, 2018 11:38 am

Even the civil rights narrative has been run by those of the “tribe”: Here are examples of deliberate lies and fabrications about civil-rights “heroes” that deserve correction:

There is much more to the “Emmett Till” story that is not widely known. Of course, killing him made him into a “martyr” of the black “civil-rights” movement, but–it is not generally known that Emmett Till was a strapping young man of about 160 lbs.–NOT a “little boy” as some media types tried to portray him as. He was a known womanizer and attempted to take his cocky “Chicago ways” in dealing with women to the Deep South. He was sent to live with relatives in the South because his Chicago relatives could not handle him. He had a “cocky attitude” and bragged about “getting it on” with white women–not a good idea in the South. . . According to published accounts, Mr. Till did not just “whistle” at a white woman, but grabbed, manhandled and fondled a married white woman. In Southern culture, this was, and still is, the ultimate form of disrespect. Despite Mr. Till’s relatives’ attempts to spirit him “out of town” to avoid retribution by the woman’s relatives and townspeople, his cocky attitude “got in the way”, similar to the way that “young master Trayvon’s” attitude got him killed. Despite being given numerous “chances” to apologize for his behavior, he was defiant to the end. IF he had apologized for his behavior, he would still be alive today. In fact, one of his killers was a black man.
It is interesting to note that Emmett Till’s father was executed by the U S military for multiple rapes. Maybe “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” . . .

Rosa Parks was not the “ordinary” black woman that so-called historians made her to be. She was an organizer for the NAACP and was “planted” in order to advance the cause of black “civil-rights” to which she was successful.
Approximately a year previous to Rosa Parks’ “bus ride” and refusal to vacate her seat, a REAL ordinary black woman did the same thing. This black woman received NO publicity or support from the NAACP or other black “civil-rights” organizations. You see, she was an unmarried black woman with children. According to the black civil-rights crowd, this would not do. They wanted someone who was “squeaky clean” without any “baggage”. In fact, the “white guy” sitting behind her was part of the “set-up”. He was a UPI reporter, contracted to “stage” the event…not only that, in the photo there is no one else on the bus. Ms. Parks could have sat wherever she wanted.
Hence, Rosa Parks made (fabricated) history . . .

Martin Luther (Michael) King was well-known for frequenting prostitutes, beating and abusing them while exclaiming that he “finally felt like a white man”. His own associates have stated as such. He also plagiarized his college papers and doctoral thesis. Of course, this was overlooked because of his status. King was also a communist.

Jesse Jackson used to brag to his associates on how he would spit in the food of white patrons of the restaurant he worked at.

There are many more fabrications of history that were used to lend “legitimacy” to the so-called “civil-rights” movement . . .

June 22, 2018 5:12 pm

Another unknown historical fact of UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) disobedience:

In 1968, on Parris Island, while in the Drill Instructors House (their office) after being ordered by the one DI (a sadist) who I hated, I was told: “Private Shitforbrains get me a cup of coffee with cream and sugar now asshole!”

Alone in the office I unzipped my utility trousers and dribbled a few drops of Privateshitforbrain’s urine into that son of a bitches coffee.

I know its got nothing to do with the post…but after reading about that race hustler Jesse Jackson’s escapades and after 50 years…I had to tell someone about my 18 year old brass balls and piss revenge!

June 22, 2018 11:42 am

American Stinker is a well-known neocon rag. Rarely does it publish anything worth reading. American Conservative is the only political magazine worth reading anymore. Even Reason sucks ass now.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
June 22, 2018 2:24 pm

The Unz Review is putting out very high quality thought pieces.


Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
June 22, 2018 11:54 am

Shitty article with shitty comments.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  Harrington Richardson
June 22, 2018 4:20 pm

Sorry for hurting your feeligs, Shlomo.

June 22, 2018 1:28 pm

It just shows how powerful the organs of propaganda are in a given society.None of these lies would be possible if white conservatives controlled most of the media.As I have said before nothing will change for white Americans until we somehow take back control of major parts of the Media in our nation.
Hispanics are not natural allies to whites either. They show their hostility to/ for white culture by speaking Spanish .Most are also hostile to our 2nd amendment .They vote for the same liberal / leftist shit no matter where they gather . California being a perfect example . Same reason South America is an economic basket case .Forget blacks as they are a loss cause. Not sure what to do with them but blacks will continue to be a burden for the white middle class.

June 22, 2018 1:33 pm

Southern ,I have really enjoyed your writing.Keep it up. You seemed to have been in and out of government at times in your life. It’s good to have people who have some understanding of the way our government works…and doesn’t.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
June 22, 2018 6:26 pm

Hey anybody here on Stormfront? https://www.stormfront.org/forum/index.php American thinker is indeed an Israel shill site. Can’t say I disagree with the article, being a southerner and knowing the real history from direct experience or personal interest. Though the carping about the Jews is pretty weaksauce, get off your asses and do something.

June 22, 2018 6:39 pm

Southern Sage, you’ve done a great job writing a very interesting article that also contains history I didn’t know. Its content has many things to ponder about.

June 22, 2018 10:11 pm

More racist crap by the Southern Stooge.
It is indeed sad when events that may be true miscarriages of Justice have their value in changing the narrative destroyed by a cracker wanker like the Southern Stooge.

June 23, 2018 12:37 am

Meh. More ad hominem by c1ueless.

Heywood Jablomee
Heywood Jablomee
June 22, 2018 11:39 pm

Southern Sage is like that guy in a bar who stands up and makes a brilliant comment. Everybody in the bar claps their hands while old Sage just gets drunker and drunker on the attention. Next thing you know he turns into Mel Gibson drunk as a skunk and Jews this and Jews that. Yawn. Would you look at the time. It’s so late.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
June 23, 2018 12:01 pm

I remember the peaceful bricks thrown through windshields, being assaulted, chased and scared half to death etc and a huge part (50X50 blocks?) of Jacksonville burned flat by Blacks about 1964 but I cannot find the pictures of what I know and saw in Google. But there are stories of Whites attacking Blacks just like the Pravda shit reporting of today. America cannot become great until we kick the commie Elite Oligarchs out like the Russians did 20 years ago.