An Optimist’s View Of The End Of America

Authored by James Altucher via Laissez Faire blog,

I’m often accused of being too much of an optimist.

When someone tells me, “Global warming will destroy the Earth,” I think, Good thing people are working on alt-energy solutions.

When someone tells me, “Automation will crush jobs,” I think, Well, look at what happened when ATMs supposedly were going to replace bank tellers. Nothing. The cost savings created a bank on every corner.

If someone says, “What about American debt rising so much?” I go through the basic math:

  • The U.S. is $21 trillion in debt
  • But the U.S. just has to pay $300 billion a year to service that debt. That’s only 7% of GDP, down from 17% in the mid-’90s. So we’re actually financially healthier than we were 20 years ago
  • If you subtract out what the U.S. owes the U.S. (yes, we owe money to ourselves), then the national debt is just $13 trillion and our debt obligations go down to about 3% or 4%.

If your salary was $100,000 and you had to pay just $4,000 a year to service all of your debt, you would say, “No problem.”

Let’s take on more debt.

And yet… I think America is DOOMED. And I think there’s no solution for the country.

There are only so many flowers you can plant over s**t. Eventually the whole thing smells like s**t.

If you’re going to survive with your finances intact, you need to know just how doomed we are.

The Disastrous Government Backing of Student Loans

Trouble started with the Higher Education Act of 1965.

It has a seemingly fine and generous idea: Let’s help the less fortunate get a higher education so they can be more competitive.

I love this idea. The intention is sound.

But unfortunately it failed due to corruption, lousy economics and lack of understanding of basic finance.

Price of Tuition

Since 1965, the price of tuition has gone up HIGHER THAN INFLATION every single year (EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR.) by an average of 9%.

By comparison, medical care costs have gone up faster than inflation by an average of 5% every year.

Since the government is backing the loans, college presidents are simply charging more without thinking about the future consequences of the country OR OF THE STUDENTS who take on these loans.

Student Loan Debt Is Now $1.5 Trillion

In 2003, student loan debt was $250 billion. But that debt has grown and compounded every year and now sits at $1.5 trillion.

Here’s the problem: Everyone is brainwashed into thinking they need college 1) to have a satisfying social experience from the ages of 18–22 and 2) because they won’t get jobs if they don’t go to college.

If an 18-year-old, whose brain is more inclined toward taking risks, is being offered $250,000 in loans, of course they’re going to accept.

Meanwhile, they are not even allowed to drink a glass of beer.

The Middle Class Is the Victim

The rich can afford to send their kids to college.

The lower class gets financial aid and has to take on less debt.

The middle class can only afford higher education by taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans. Average student loan debt is about $50,000, but my guess is the middle class — which doesn’t benefit from financial aid — has a debt figure much higher.

Anecdotally, when I survey my younger friends, debt ranged from $100,000 to half a million dollars. The latter was with a doctor, but sadly, he hates being a doctor and is now trapped.

If the middle class is the victim, that means eventually the middle class dies out.

Student Loan Debt Is Debt You Can’t Get Rid of in Bankruptcy

Why did the government do this? Because 18-year-olds are not qualified to make financial decisions about their lives.

You can get rid of mortgage debt, credit card debt or almost any other debt with bankruptcy. But not the student loan debt you owe the government.

The government will follow you forever, garnishing your wages, until you pay them back when you are 90 years old, keeping you in near-poverty your entire life.

So much for the government trying to help kids get a higher education.

Income Inequality Will Be Greater Than Ever

The upper classes will continue to pay for their kids to go to Harvard. Where they will marry other Harvard grads and go on to have Harvard kids.

The middle class, which is moving toward the lower class, will be forced to send their kids to lower-ranked and cheaper schools (while they continue to pay down their own debt), increasing the disparity between the classes as the middle class quietly shuts their doors.

The Bottom Line

The corruption of the college tuition system has ruined the country.

This generation of kids will not be able to be entrepreneurs or innovators, which has been the driving force of U.S. growth throughout its history.

This will lead to the death of the middle class, further income inequality and eventual recession, depression and violence.

So… the best way is for people to find opportunities right now before the s**t hits the fan (even though it’s already starting to hit the fan).

There are still opportunities. And yeah, I’m still an optimist.

I want to be in love, have more kids, take care of myself and die a peaceful death with high quality of life until old age.

I want to choose my future.

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July 18, 2018 2:29 pm


Is GDP equal to income? Isn’t it more accurate to say tax receipts equal to income?

July 18, 2018 3:25 pm

I’ve always been told servicing a debt meant making the minimum payments on it, the larger the payments you can make the more debt you can carry as a total.

The way making minimum payments on your credit card is servicing the amount you are carrying on it, as long as you can pay larger minimums you can service larger balances.

July 18, 2018 3:56 pm

That would be the minimum payments I mentioned.

July 18, 2018 9:59 pm

WTF are you downvoting Admin for? How dare you! Admin is the final truth here, if you can’t deal with that take it somewhere else!
What I was going to add is don’t cha think we should add that $20 Trillion that can’t be accounted for? Otherwise what are 1,200 auditors doing trying to make sense of it?
So it’s not $21 Trillion it’s $41 Trillion. And that doesn’t count “entitlements”.

July 18, 2018 3:47 pm

He missed the point. Most people of middle and lower class background go to college to enter government jobs. No layoffs, dependable Colas,climbing salaries with longevity and early retirement. The new face of the labor market: Representative to be and incumbent giant killer, Ocasio Cortes of New York. Everyone guaranteed a government job.

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
July 18, 2018 2:34 pm

“So… the best way is for people to find opportunities right now before the s**t hits the fan (even though it’s already starting to hit the fan).

There are still opportunities. And yeah, I’m still an optimist.”

Sure, James, no problem. Suggest to your readers they go to school to become morticians. I would bet the tuition would be a small fraction of a four year business degree, and if you are right about the coming violence(and you got that right, IMO), they will have plenty of customers. The customers won’t have any money(see problems w/ student loan debt), but the undertakers will stay busy, and hopefully, optimistic about the future.

BTW, what are you doing about your onset of schizophrenia — you know, the optimist who has become pessimistic, but who still clings to optimism because it doesn’t sound so pessimistic?

  Darrell Dullnig
July 18, 2018 4:05 pm

Every situation presents opportunities.

Those that look for them find them and those that look for reasons not to don’t.

Your choice.

July 18, 2018 2:41 pm

America will become a caste system. Maybe mother Russia will become a beacon?

July 18, 2018 3:26 pm

In many (unofficial) ways, it has already become that.

July 18, 2018 4:16 pm

The cultivation of the caste system is well under way…i have warned of this for over 15 years in varying ways…
It has been a real eye opener working in the public school system in California for near as long!
It makes sense to start with the conditioning of the minds and behaviors of future generations….oldest active measures trick in the book

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
July 18, 2018 2:43 pm

Dumber than a box of rocks.

There’s a reported $274 trillion in debt now, every dollar of it is someone’s asset (and thus represents a future cash flow.) Interest rates (because they’re set by the prices of the underlying bonds) are set by mass psychology, same as the share price of AMZN. As we leave “peak trust” rates are headed radically higher as the herd stampedes in the opposite direction sooner or later.

This will
-crush people’s dreams of all those future cash flows.
-destroy the vast economy that arose these past 50 years whose existence is entirely due to exponentially rising borrowing (and lending.)
-cause all of that debt-fueled GDP to evaporate.

July 18, 2018 2:53 pm

This is actually pretty good. He does have one bit which I take a little bit of exception to. The cost of college is not what’s killing entrepreneurship, monopoly capitalism is

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
July 18, 2018 3:44 pm

One big problem with this article. In 1995 interest rates were at 6%. An interest rate at 6% with our debt load would crush us like an aluminum can these days.

Just thinking
Just thinking
July 18, 2018 4:01 pm

The average in state tuition in $11,780 and the average out of state tuition is $22,693. This assumes a two year/60 credit hour program.

That is for an associates degree, bachelorate (5th qtr program) can add another 15-20k. Not worth it for most although, it is a tight market and with cremation rate +50%, funeral homes are seeing slimmer margins.

My wife convinced me to open a crematory 10 years ago and leave the fh business. I hug her every morning after a FULL nights sleep.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 18, 2018 4:56 pm

Pass a law saying you can declare bankruptcy for student loans. It’s that simple. If the Ivy League shitheads could come up with trillions for everything in ’08 I fail to see how a few hundred billion in write-offs will seriously damage any of these oligarchic fuques long term.

July 18, 2018 4:56 pm

Glad to see a repost from L.F.
Chris Campbell and Jeffrey Tucker write good stuff, too.
Prior to them, Gary Gibson used to write for Whiskey and Gunpowder.
I miss reading those guys.

July 18, 2018 7:15 pm

Hmm…the USA debt doesn’t matter. Well hell….someone tell the Cheetos President to get off his ass and give us a 10K check each. That cheap bastard Bush only gave us a few hundred bucks.

Then they can pass out the reparations money.
Bet it’ll look like this:

July 18, 2018 7:22 pm

Just thinking…hmm …cremation….kinda’ of a dusty job ain’t it .

July 19, 2018 9:57 am

The crunch will come when the USA dollar is no longer the reserve currency. When that happens we will start circling the toilet bowl to Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Printed money will go directly into the economy instead of into China and Arabia. Inflation and societal collapse will happen. SHTF baby!

July 20, 2018 1:52 pm

Why do the charts only go to 2009 and 2012?