ISIS Claims Responsibility For Deadly Toronto Mass Shooting

Via ZeroHedge

In the immediate aftermath of Monday’s tragic shooting in Toronto which claimed three lives, including the shooter’s, and injured over a dozen, the narrative that gunman Faisal Hussain, 29, had mental problems. The shooting came three months after the driver of a van plowed into pedestrians on a Toronto sidewalk, killing 10 people.

The Hussain family released a statement expressing their condolences to the families “who are now suffering on account of our son’s horrific actions.”

More importantly, the statement cast Feisal as a mentally unstable young man, and not a terrorist:

“We are utterly devastated by the incomprehensible news that our son was responsible for the senseless violence and loss of life that took place on the Danforth,” they said adding that Hussain had “severe mental health challenges” and was struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life.

“Medications and therapy were unable to treat him. While we did our best to seek help for him throughout his life of struggle and pain, we could never imagine that this would be his devastating and destructive end,” they said.

The local police, eager to avoid concerns about terrorism, were happy to use this narrative: “At this stage, based on the state of the investigation, which is led by the Toronto police service, there is no connection between that individual and national security,” Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said.

But as CBS reports, a law enforcement source said that Faisal Hussain visited ISIS websites and may have expressed support for the terrorist group. They were looking into whether Hussain may have lived at one time in Afghanistan and possibly Pakistan, the source said.

Nonetheless, according to CBS “there is no indication that Hussain was directed by ISIS to carry out the attack.”

Well, there is now, because according to AFP, the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the shooting.

The shooting was committed by “one of the soldiers” of the group who followed the “calls to target nationals of the coalition countries,” according to a statement from the group’s propaganda agency Amaq, the French news agency said.

Meaghan Gray, a representative for Toronto Police, had no immediate comment on the Islamic State claim when contacted by Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, Toronto mayor John Tory, instead of addressing the possibility that this was the latest terrorist attack, simply said that Toronto has a gun problem with weapons too readily available to too many people.

“Why does anyone in this city need to have a gun at all?” he asked in an address to city councilors on Monday morning.

Perhaps it is time for the local population to respond and ask the mayor what his plans are to prevent further ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks?

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July 25, 2018 10:13 am

IS claims responsibility for lots of things they had nothing to do with. BigPharma on the other hand NEVER claims ANY responsibility for the fact that nearly every mass shooter in recent history has been taking one or more (generally more) of their powerful “antipsychotic” psychoactive drugs. And as the immediate calls for stronger anti-gun measures rang out the other day in the Ontario parliament, one also has to wonder about the involvement of government players who all benefit from disarming the population. Nothing is ever as simple as the media’s stories make it out to be.

July 25, 2018 10:18 am

If it is just a question of laws then the Mayor should inquire and find out if the gunman had all the proper documents and permits to carry that gun.. Everything being equal and the apparent solution, at least to those calling for stronger anti-gun measures, moar regulations..

Funny how left wing media is scrambling for a narrative. Yep, there is another Muzzie on a rampage and the problem isn’t radical Islam. Nope. Its hate and too many guns on the street.

And now they are building shrines… yeah that will show them..

from CBC

[imgcomment image[/img]

Its another vigil and #Danforthstrong

blah blah blah

Read this entire piece and nothing about why it happened. Just schmaltz and lollipops..

July 25, 2018 11:21 am

Well City Council has come up with a solution. Should fix everything…

In a vote of 41-4, council approved a motion to urge the federal government to forbid the sale of handguns in the city and for the province to outlaw the sale of handgun ammunition in Toronto.

moar hand wringing on Huffington Post..

July 25, 2018 5:26 pm

It’s an empty vote because they’ve already run most of the gun shops that carry pistols out of Toronto already. If you want a pistol, you have to go to the suburbs to find a store that sells them.

There’s also these things called phones and the internet that those with a valid license can use to order firearms and firearm accessories from gun stores in any province and receive them through the mail, but by all means Toronto, keep showing the world that your city is run by idiots.

July 25, 2018 5:52 pm

it does put in the light the ass backwards logic of the virtue of the gun grabbers.

As if banning bullets is gonna make any diff whatsoever.
As if that is alone gonna stop the next crazed Nutjob.

Seriously whoever is doing this is planning to break the law and yet somehow a few pesky ordinances are supposed to avert the carnage..


July 25, 2018 9:01 pm

So what….a 30 minute drive to purchase a gun and ammo? Yeah, that will stop them.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
July 25, 2018 10:33 am

Why does anybody in Toronto need a gun? The answer is simple. They need guns because you are an incompetent moron. They need guns because the police are never around when the shooting starts. They need guns to shoot the lunatics that you and your incompetent moron friends let walk around shooting people randomly.

They need guns because of you.

July 25, 2018 10:40 am

We are utterly devastated by the incomprehensible news that our son was responsible for the senseless violence and loss of life that took place on the Danforth,” they said adding that Hussain had “severe mental health challenges” and was struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life.

“Medications and therapy were unable to treat him. While we did our best to seek help for him throughout his life of struggle and pain, we could never imagine that this would be his devastating and destructive end,” they said.

Every word of that is bullshit. I seriously doubt anyone in the jihadi’s family said any of those words, unless reading them off a script they were given.

This is just the ‘Canadian’ government implementing the ‘blame mental illness rather than pisslam’ strategy the Euros came up with a year or two ago. Next, the proposed solution will involve bringing even more of the goat fuckers into Canada, because [spins wheel] . . . . transgenderism is their strength.

July 25, 2018 11:30 am

No, No, No!!!!
Skippy said “Diversity is our strength”
There fixed it……

Bob P
Bob P
July 25, 2018 11:42 am

Don’t worry, fellow Canadians, our PM is angling to bring some of those White Helmet assholes to Canada–I guess as a reward for faking gas attacks and for various terrorist activities. I’m sure they’ll minister to the next group of Canadians attacked by their fellow Muslims (or White Helmets), while CBC, CTV, Global , Toronto Star, and Globe&Mail fawn over the pricks and excuse the perpetrator.

July 25, 2018 12:18 pm

Geez, and to think that I once considered the Great White North as a possible place to relocate to, if-when its southern neighbor nation puts martial law and FEMA camp occupancy into the agenda, turning us milk cows into beef cows.
Hell, they’ll prolly turn away whites at the border, but bring in busloads of darkies and any other socialist sponge types.
Sure would be fun to visit Nova Scotia, and gift a few bottles of white, one day, to meet F2F with a bud and sample a lobster bake/boil on a beach.

I hope FM weighs in on this most recent development in Toronto, Ont.

July 25, 2018 12:26 pm

The Toronto did everything they could to avoid releasing his name until they had fabricated “mental illness” thing, the common thing to do there with Muslim terrorist attacks.

But it comes out they have had previous contact with him, interviewed him, and he was a well known personality among his neighbors who say he exhibited no signs of mental illness.

I suppose that’s why Toronto has such good Muslim relations, at least in public policy, and so few Muslim terrorist attacks.

July 25, 2018 12:31 pm

Since ISIS is the product of the CIA, as well as a few of our Gulf State “allies” such as Saudi Arabia this is your tax dollars at work, baby. 4D chess. Dig it, man.

July 25, 2018 1:54 pm

….and meanwhile his Right Honourable Faggot Trudeau is taking his fifth straight personal day off:

History will not be kind to this clueless, inept, lazy and extremely dangerous piece of shit. He and his father have done more to destroy my country than everyone else combined.

July 25, 2018 2:24 pm

Someone got triggered….

Fucken’ hilarious. Two degrees in Political Science!
and a teacher to BOOT!

July 25, 2018 2:46 pm

You probably heard about the hostage story at a Trader Joe’s in CA last week. Guy flees from the cops … then crashes his car into a telephone pole …. then runs inside a Trader Joe’s. The store manager was killed. Yup, the copfuk fired through the plate glass window as the perp ran into the store. Unreal.

What’s my point? Lives can be saved if we take away guns from copfuks.

July 25, 2018 2:58 pm

And yet US forces helped Isis launch an attack on Syria forces just the other day. As Syrian forces moved in on them ,Isis withdrew and was helped to flee by the US given them protection . Scores of dead Syrian civilians were murdered by them. Isis = USA

July 25, 2018 4:26 pm

Oh, Canada.
Your home and native land.
True patriots shove
back at the Libs demands.
With saddened hearts,
we see demise.
The True North seems to plea:
From far and wide, Oh Canada,
Some sensibility.
Natives: Take command.
The Crown is wrong, you see?
Oh, Canada, please stand on guard; no tyranny.
Oh, Canada, regain respectability!

-a former frequent visitor

July 25, 2018 6:05 pm
July 26, 2018 10:00 pm

Toronto’s Global News is now saying the firearm was registered to a private individual in rural Saskatchewan and it was stolen during a break-in in 2016 when 20+ other firearms were stolen. This means multiple criminal code violations took place before that gun ever turned up on the Danforth. It seems criminals don’t follow the law – “Well colour me shocked I say shocked!”

Handgun used in Toronto mass shooting stolen during break-and-enter in Sask.: source

In other news, Doug Ford, Ontario’s new premier, just announced he’s cutting Toronto city council to 25 councillors from 47. Reducing the number of leftist socialists running the city of Toronto is a great start to making Ontario great again. May my fellow Canadians also unite to make Trudeau a drama teacher again after the next federal election!

July 25, 2018 9:04 pm

The minute they started allowing any low-life member of the British Commonwealth into the country on the “British plan,” their downward descent began in earnest. Admittedly, some of the best Chinese food I have ever eaten was in Toronto, but these Hong Kong refugees are NOT the problem.

July 25, 2018 10:23 pm

If they passed a law making illegal to kill people , the killings would stop.

July 26, 2018 5:17 am

The death toll in Syria from the Isis attack is now 220 dead ,120 injured. How can a massive Isis force just drive past US soldiers undetected and launch an attack on a Syrian town ? When Syrian forces chase after these terrorists US forces move in to halt the Syrian army. Isis = USA