The Power Of Comfortable Beliefs

Guest Post by The Zman

A frustration of our side is that vast numbers of people, who should be on our side, continue to believe things that are obviously untrue. Everyday, for example, we see new evidence against the alleged benefits of immigration, yet most Americans still worship immigrants like they are magic talismans. Show some principled conservatives, who claim to work from facts and reason, video from a naturalization ceremony, featuring bearded Muslims, and those principles conservatives will burst into celebratory tears.

What makes this even more frustrating is that you could sit down with these same people and explain the facts of immigration and they will nod along in agreement. Then, an hour later they will say something stupid like “we need these workers to do the jobs Americans won’t do!” Generations of propaganda about open borders plays a role, but a bigger part is that it is just easier to stick with the familiar opinions. Once you arrive at an opinion on some subject that seems to work, changing it is hard work for no obvious benefit.

This is not just something that happens with the hoi polloi. The intelligentsia suffers from it more than normal people. Steve Sailer often notes how supposedly smart people in the human sciences fall for old fallacies about genetic group differences. Here’s and example from a while back. Eric Turkheimer is a smart enough guy to know he is wrong, but it is easier to be wrong than re-think his position. There’s also a social benefit to remaining wrong, so he stays in the easy chair of egalitarian ignorance, rather than change.

Greg Cochran puzzles over this stuff in the field of medical reaearch, about which he knows a great deal, because he regularly challenges old truths about the human sciences. His idea that pathogens may be the root cause of things like Alzheimers is a revolutionary idea that is universal rejected by science, despite some promising evidence in the case of Alzheimer’s disease. Cochran remains puzzled by this, but the answer is the same as with group genetic difference. It is is simply easier to believe the old ideas.

There seems to be something baked into the human consciousness that rejects empiricism, even for people in empirical fields. Mystery is more interesting than certainty, superstition is more inspiring than materialism. A famous example of this is how medicine initially responded to the Spanish Flu. Despite germ theory being established science, many doctors still thought the cause was bad miasmas that came from burning human waste in the Midwest. Maybe they just liked wearing those beak masks.

One obvious cause is that when everyone believes something, or people assume everyone believes something, it is assumed to be correct. This is human nature, which is why propaganda is such a big part of our lives. Our rulers flood the zone with one set of opinions, in an effort to drive out all others, so that people will assume everyone accepts the official dogma. It’s why every TV ad features race mixers and a Google image search of white couples returns race mixers. There can be but one opinion, the approved opinion.

There are practical considerations, as well. If you are in politics, there is no upside to pointing out to your liberal colleagues that open borders is suicide. Bernie Sanders is not a bright man, but even he understands the laws of supply and demand apply to labor markets. He will enthusiastically support the Puerto Rican bimbo running on a mix of open borders and universal free stuff. There’s no obvious benefit to Democrats in pointing out that this woman is as dumb as a gold fish, so they nod along with her.

When even people in difficult STEM fields virtue signal on nonsense like racism, there’s more than practical necessity at play. Paige Harden is a smart women working in a field compiling mountains of evidence contradicting the Progressive narrative, but she will stick with the narrative, because everyone she knows believes it. If she gets her way, brown people will be squatting in the burned out husk of her lab, as society will have reverted to that which can be sustained by them. Yet, she preaches in favor of white genocide.

It is an important thing for outsider movements to keep in mind when thinking about how to approach the other side. The normie BoomerCon in the tricorn hat hooting about the constitution is not amenable to facts and reason. He’s in a comfortable place that let’s him feel morally superior to lefty, while embracing Progressive morality. You turn him to the dark side by making that place uncomfortable for him. It’s why mockery and humor are the most powerful weapons of outsider movements. No one feels smug when being mocked.

It’s also why various forms of socialism persist, despite the monstrous failures at implementing them and the mountain of evidence contrary to the theory. The appeal of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is that going along with her is easy and fun. She is being celebrated by the media and all of the beautiful people. She’s like a viral video that everyone feels they need to see. Socialism has always pressed on that nerve, that need to feel like you are being swept along by the tides of history toward the promised land.

Barak Obama was the definition of an empty suit. He managed to make John Forbes Kerry seem complex. Yet, millions of white people showed up to vote, crying as they pulled the lever, believing they were about to experience the rapture. Obama was obviously a feckless ninny, but it was easier to believe he was the messiah, so most people went along with supporting him. It turns out that the most effective movements are the ones that make it easiest for people to accept things that are obviously untrue.

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July 29, 2018 11:25 am

Let’s not forget the jewish “holocaust”, which is the only one that counts. The communist massacres and genocides are almost never mentioned because dong so would expose their inventors and collaborators (we know who you are). Add to that, the “kangaroo court” trials imposed on those who dare to question the officially-sanctioned narratives of this (questionable and obviously embellished) incident in human history. In fact, in these “kangaroo courts” have used a tactic called “judicial notice” which disallows the use of physically verifiable evidence, EVEN IF THIS EVIDENCE COUNTERS THE COMMONLY ACCEPTED NARRATIVE. The TRUTH cannot be used as evidence.
There are two grandmothers, Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer, who are doing “hard time” in German maximum-security prisons for questioning the “official narrative” of this minor event in history.
“Holocaustianity” has been turned into a “religion” in which NO deviation from the official narrative is permitted.
This “hoax of the twentieth century” is finally being exposed for what it is-the greatest scam in modern recorded history.
Presently the “holocaust” promoters are grasping at straws by insisting that “holocaust transference syndrome” affects the descendants of those who lived through the “holocaust”, even among unrelated individuals. It appears that “reparations” will be an ongoing thing and will never end.
It is long overdue to expose this scam for what it is…

Ari B.
Ari B.
July 29, 2018 1:26 pm

Let me assure you, that I, born in 1949, have never received, nor have I ever asked for, one single, “pfennig” of restitution for the murder of 6,000,000 of my kin, including the Nazi murder of relatives of my grandparents and parents.
Neither have I run around mouthing off about those horrid events, as you see fit to do.
As for German reparations, when the last holocaust survivor has passed on, which won’t be that much longer from now, there will be no more money paid, nor will there be claims made for money.
You’re barking up the wrong tree, Heinz!

  Ari B.
July 29, 2018 3:27 pm

It wasn’t anything like 6 million, and none of the families of the other 60 million people who died in WW2 got a nickel either…back off, Meyer.

  Ari B.
July 29, 2018 4:13 pm

Ari B,
Did you even read the article? You are the embodiment of what this article presented; your belief of the false narrative. If the Germans cremated so many, where are the fuels reserves at any of the camps to accomplish this? There are so many inconsistencies in the holocaust story it has become a joke to me. I don’t doubt you lost relatives in the war. They weren’t lost en masse in gas chambers and ovens.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
July 29, 2018 12:04 pm

That is, of course, if you believe that millions of people voted for Obama. If, in fact, nobody voted for Obama but you got him anyway for a completely different reason, then he doesn’t really make your point.

But nice article that aside.

July 29, 2018 1:09 pm

I suspect Polls have a much larger margin of error. People Parrot the Government position based on fear. Why would I say I like Trump if I know the Government has my Poll information?

Never the less, Polls will serve to justify the election results. Which comes in handy with all those absentee ballots. As I said before, the illegal invasion isn’t about voters but absentee ballots or names with social security numbers.

i forget
i forget
July 29, 2018 2:30 pm

The power traded away for comforting beliefs.

Value is subjective. But net-net, Linus’ blanket, in all its variations, is the most valued thing on the planet. No matter how many times Lucy pulls the football out of the way, CB’s just can’t get enough.

July 29, 2018 3:22 pm

Rob has a point re Obummer. He had some votes, but our elections are a sham and so was he. There’s another comfortable belief for you-voting.

July 29, 2018 3:30 pm

A lot of people don’t really have these beliefs, but are afraid to voice anything contrary to the Media/corporate narrative, rightly fearing that it could impact their jobs or life…Intimidation is the key to maintaining insane narratives.

July 29, 2018 4:48 pm

Immigration is necessary for our economy.

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Those goats aren’t going to gang-rape themselves to death.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
July 29, 2018 5:11 pm

It all goes back to the concept of the “noble savage.” With this concept you believe that human beings are innately good if they are born and raised outside of our corrupted civilization. This concept reached it’s zenith in the 1970’s and to this day it remains popular, especially among those who were raised in white bread suburban environments.

Believing that people are naturally “good” is the first heresy committed by Christians, even in a post Christian western civilization. Of course when you find out that these primitive, savage cultures were dripping in blood and violence, as they do even today, you turn a blind eye.

This is why I fucking hate Christians who believe this fallacy. Only God is good.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  JR Wirth
July 30, 2018 5:57 pm

I will suggest that a person who believes people are inherently good cannot possibly be Christian as the first step in becoming Christian is the realization that oneself and therefore all others are innately evil.

Rom 3:12… “Romans 3:12 KJV… “They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.“

middle-aged mad gnome
middle-aged mad gnome
July 30, 2018 6:34 am

A case in point: My wife believes that everybody hates Trump. When I ask her why she cites the opinions of six people at work and CNN. The other 100 family and friends who support Trump aren’t included in her definition of “everybody”. Arguing better facts simply doesn’t help. My guess: we are doomed.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 30, 2018 7:47 am

Take note to always follow the money and we will find the most horrific events in mankind’s history are related to central banks and who is in control of them !
Adolph Hitler would have been a crack pot nobody but for the WW 1 financial foolishness that left German people in such a state to follow anything . Obama was a similar situation the racist tendencies of low IQ groups will run out and vote for the dim witted well packaged candidate as will the higher IQ SJW’s thinking they are fixing something in a broken society by breaking it more .
It should be obvious to all thinking people what the American people have fallen for as any economic or political narrative over the last 50 years has been nothing less than metric tons of propaganda and bull shit coming at them from all sides .
Any attempt to convince us to stop circiling the drain now will be whistling past the graveyard of what was once a free Republic based on idealism and the sovereignty of the individuals rights . New Speak and Knee Jerk Group Think is the order of the day now . Remember when your enemies are in the midst of destroying themselves it is best to give them a clear path .
Like the Australian reporter filming the fall of Saigon when he encountered a high ranking North Vietnamese officer he appealed to him “I am here to document and report the liberation of Saigon . He received a guarded escort to continue filming . I do not blame him for that line had he not been so convincing he would have been killed on the spot along with his cameraman .
It’s all smoke and mirrors now as we rearrange the deck chairs on our sinking ship .
I hope my experience has mentored a few young people to see thru the fog created for them and those that cannot or refuse to will eat their dust . As history grudgingly grinds on !

  Boat Guy
August 1, 2018 10:07 am

Boat Guy,

Thanks for your comments. They are always spot on for me.