Our Rulers’ ChiCainery

Iraq War Dead

John McCain is buried, may his philosophy soon follow.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Now they lay his body down
Sad old men who run this town

“Kings,” Steely Dan (Walter Becker and Donald Fagen), 1972

Novelists can align their stories with whatever deeper truth they’re trying to convey. Real life is seldom so neat, but the death of John McCain can neither be separated from nor understood without appreciating its symbolic elements. The mourning functionaries and hagiographic media that laid McCain to rest symbolically buried, without realizing it, the philosophy he so epitomized. Send not to know for whom the bell tolled, it tolled for what they so fervently believe.

John McCain venerated the state, of which he was a product. His grandfather and father were admirals in the navy. He was a graduate of the Naval Academy and spent his entire career working for the government. His philosophy was consistent: there are no constraints on the state. As was his ambition: the accretion of state and personal power. Championing government both at home and abroad, he achieved bipartisan splendor.

He never met a US war, actual or prospective, he didn’t love. (Although he sort of admitted after the fact that Iraq might have been a mistake, and he came out against torture.) His was the deciding vote against repealing Obamacare. That put him at the Olympian summit of uniparty bipartisanship: the indefatigable champion of the warfare state, the welfare state, the surveillance state, and anything else the state might want to do.

That is why the flags flew at half-mast, his body lay in state in the US Capitol, Democrats and Republicans issued gushing commemoratives, and the mainstream media flowed with his praises. Powerful people’s florid eulogies were the verbal equivalent of the military’s twenty-one gun salute. McCain was the exemplar of the uniparty’s only consistent principle: the expansion of government and its power.

McCain couldn’t have achieved the prominence he did if millions of American hadn’t shared his beliefs. An invariably wrong anti-prophet greatly honored in his own country, his vision is being challenged and undermined not at home but in foreign lands, many of which have suffered the depredations of McCain and his ilk’s “muscular” foreign policy.

If McCain the warrior had been anything more than unobservant, arrogant, and stupid, he might have noticed that nonstop bombing and unrestricted warfare were not “winning hearts and minds” in Vietnam. That slogan was only PR anyway, the military and political goal was always dominance and subjugation. Whatever the benefits of a successful hearts and minds campaign might have been, mostly unnoticed were the devastating consequences to the US of losing those heart and minds.

In modern warfare the invader employs overwhelming force: fighter jets, bombers, ships, submarines, tanks, artillery, and well-supplied and armed troops, or to use one of McCain’s favorite phases, boots on the ground. The invasion goes well. Instituting an occupation, installing a puppet government, and fighting the inevitable insurgency do not. The invasion loses heart and minds, the occupation and puppet even more, and the insurgency is off and running.

McCain, who never voiced an original thought or cogent insight in his life, failed to grasp the decentralization of cheap but effective means to wage insurgent counter-warfare: IED’s, shoulder-launched missiles, mines, terrorism, propaganda, hacking, the internet, and smart phones. It never seemed to occur to him that once someone loses a close relative or friend to your shock and awe, they’re probably going to be your enemy, sworn to harm you any way they can. It apparently eluded him that the “friendly rebels” he posed with in photo ops and embraced as regime-change agents would be friends only as long as the US supplied money and arms, but would shift allegiances on a dime, only true to their own ends. Call it willful blindness.

In his defense, and it’s a feeble defense, his myopia is shared by the US political, military, media, academic, entertainment, and business establishment. Those who don’t share it are marginalized, suppressed, or—for the sake of career and professional standing—keep their mouths shut. But myopia excuses far too much. Venality and corruption are at the heart of it. America’s endless wars reward its proponents and beneficiaries with enormous power and profits. Their five-star sendoff for prime beneficiary McCain is fitting.

Now US dominance is under attack. Russia and China press ahead with their consolidation of Eurasia and the erection of a multipolar order. They have both developed weapons for which the US has no defense, unless such defenses are a well-kept secret. Even satraps, puppets, and vassals are questioning their allegiance to the US government, its military, and its dollar. The US national debt asks no questions, but tells no lies. The numbers on usdebtclock.org for debt and unfunded liabilities spin ever faster, propelled by uncontrolled spending, compounding interest and a refusal to admit that our ends outstrip our means.

McCain’s death was as charmed as his life. He has departed before the empire he loved collapses under the weight of hubris and debt. It’s a story as old as empire, but the rulers of America either don’t read history, don’t comprehend its lessons, or believe that they, like McCain, will depart before the bitter harvest is reaped.

Now they’ve laid John’s body down, sad old men and women who run this town. Their sadness was feigned. One of the treasures exchanged for power is the capacity for honest and wholesome emotion. It’s all unbounded ambition, bloodless calculation, and reflexive insincerity. The “sad” is from the perspective of the wise and ethical. Many of the “mourners” are so warped, so corrupt, and so beyond redemption that they evoke profound despair among those who see them for what they are.

The “old” is real. The powers that be look and talk old. Their philosophy is ancient, tottering like Hillary Clinton falling into her van. For centuries, beneath the religious and patriotic dross, might wielded by central authority has made right. That philosophy and its adherents won’t go without an epic tantrum befitting the late McCain, but forces of decentralization beyond their control have been unleashed. The order they worship is Rome’s unaffordable, unmaintainable subjugation of its empire, undone by barbarians outside the gates and corruption within.

The future belongs to chaos as the unsustainable old order collapses. Someday an entirely different order and ethic, based on decentralized liberty, may prevail…somewhere.

This weekend John McCain has been laid to rest. Not, unfortunately, what he represents…but that will follow soon enough.

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September 2, 2018 2:29 pm

John Shitstain McCain, bloodline to numerous Kings and Queens of Enlgand, numerous president actor puppets ,numerous actor generals, numerous “A” list Hollywood actors, EVEN JP Morgan and Lee Harvey Oswald. Ain’t that a head scratcher? How is it this random has such a loooong impressive pedigree? Keep playing , there are new generations of puppets to fill this shill’s place. If you have any ability to THINK, scroll through the list of Shitstain’s relatives in the link below:


Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 2, 2018 2:40 pm

Man, did you ever nail it this time!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Harrington Richardson
September 2, 2018 3:43 pm

Yes! I enjoyed it – if that’s even the right word – more than anything else I’ve ever read from Robert.

” the indefatigable champion of the warfare state, the welfare state, the surveillance state and anything else the state wanted to do.”

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Iska Waran
September 3, 2018 12:32 am

This was great.
And this was my favorite line:
“The “old” is real. The powers that be look and talk old. Their philosophy is ancient, tottering like Hillary Clinton falling into her van. “

September 2, 2018 2:48 pm

One of the treasures exchanged for power is the capacity for honest and wholesome emotion. It’s all unbounded ambition, bloodless calculation, and reflexive insincerity.

That perfectly summarizes the never-ending funeral. A quote for the ages; and true since the first tent was pitched east of Eden.

  Robert Gore
September 2, 2018 9:17 pm

All the good men that were used as baitfish and chum for the military industrial complex. It has taken me a long while to understand that the USA is no different than any other nation on earth, despotic or not. If they are not despotic they will tend towards it and vice versus. What the future holds does not look good. Too many entitled millennials with little common sense. Too many on the dole, too many that couldn’t pass a military physical. The armed forces now are nothing but a social experiment for feminists, gays and transgenders. I know there are many now with the warrior mentality that are still serving, but it troubles me that they are being abused for political expediency!

  Robert Gore
September 3, 2018 7:47 am

Good post Robert. I had to look up… “hagiographic” —> a biography that idealizes its subject.

And boy did the media and the establishment ever do that and then some. Learn something every day… Chip

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2018 2:52 pm

Very nicely done. And one can only hope that enough of your friends and relatives listen to the alternatives to msm. Unfortunately, you will most likely find that the communists who replace the war hawks are actually a lot less forgiving, but on the plus side, by the time the communists age up to the heights of their power we will all likely be dead. Either of old age – a blessing, or of starvation.

22winmag - Stop breaking crosses off war memorials
22winmag - Stop breaking crosses off war memorials
September 2, 2018 3:27 pm

McCain in one word: CHICKENHAWK

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson

Not a Chickenhawk. A war monger. He would have loved to be able to get in the cockpit and drop bombs on people again.


I prefer “vampirehawk” and/or “vulturehawk,” since he and his ilk feast on the blood and flesh of the people killed in the wars they instigate for personal gain.

There is a sector of hell reserved for neocons, and McCain is its newest resident. For 12 hours a day vampires and vultures gorge on them (a reversal of what they did in life). For the other 12 hours demons pour molten gold & silver on them, symbolizing the money they made. Currently this sector is called the “Kristol Wing” (for Irving); in due course it will be renamed the “Cheney Wing.”

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 2, 2018 3:51 pm

Yesterday I was at a local independent gas station / convenience store run by a Nigerian guy. Ever since he bought the place five or more years ago, he hasn’t had a single day off – thinking he can’t afford or trust an employee. So he’s worked there himself 14 hours a day, 365 days a year for at least five years. Given his self-imposed slavery, he has a big screen TV on the wall to watch soccer or what have you. Yesterday it was CNN’s coverage of McCain’s funeral. I shouted out “I HATE that bastard!” and explained that they’re only making such a big deal about McCain’s death because McCain hated Trump. The gas station owner agreed with that. Don’t know how he feels about Trump. We’ve never talked about that.

September 2, 2018 4:00 pm

“His was the deciding vote against repealing Obamacare.”

For all intents and purposes … he did this TWICE.

Mark H
Mark H
September 2, 2018 4:16 pm

McCain’s brain tumor should be nominated for the Nobel peace prize.

September 2, 2018 4:27 pm

“We don’t say his name”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 2, 2018 5:08 pm

From the first two sentences, this article promised to be excellent and it did not disappoint me. I have read Buchanan and Coulter and neither comes close to your literary rhythm. Theirs sounds like hack central. Why is it some eulogies like this one evoke tears from their listeners? Alas, America, I knew her, Horatio, a land of infinite promise..

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
September 2, 2018 5:33 pm

Fuck the state.

  Grizzly Bare
September 3, 2018 7:51 am

Best and most concise comment on TBP EVER… Chip

September 2, 2018 6:20 pm

An anon last night astutely opined that: “Cancer had a terrible case of John McCain.”

‘Bout sums it up!

September 2, 2018 7:44 pm

Another well thought out post . I got to get back on the road so I have to be brief . Will be driving through the night. To all ,have
safe and happy labor day .Goodnight and God bless.

September 2, 2018 10:15 pm

I think that pretty well wraps it up for ‘ol Shitstain. We now return you to your regularly scheduled bullshit.

September 3, 2018 7:53 am

They never stopped the regularly scheduled bullshit. They were all proudly displaying 24/7 symptoms of TDS… Chip

September 2, 2018 10:17 pm

Robert, you only got 1 thing wrong.

“This weekend John McCain has been laid to rest. Not, unfortunately, what he represents…but that will follow soon enough.”

Even if it happened tomorrow, it wouldn’t be soon enough.

September 2, 2018 10:29 pm

the stain is gone

is cuntlery next?

September 2, 2018 11:34 pm

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton sold America to the Chinese, and they are taking full advantage…https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1035990471837929473.html

September 2, 2018 11:58 pm

Had Hillary won, Shitstain’s funeral would be 5th page news…a nothing burger..

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 12:21 pm

Is Hillary living in your mind rent-free?

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 3, 2018 12:01 am

Songbird on the Wing

Goodbye John McCain
Though I never knew you at all
You had the balls to save yourself
While those around you died
Fate crawled out of the woodwork
Like a cancer in your brain
Deep State set you on the treadmill
And they made you sing their tune
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a songbird on the wing
Never knowing who to sing to
When the pain set in
And I would have hated to have known you
Glad I was just a kid
Your morals burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Honesty was tough
The toughest role you ever tried
Hollywood created a superstar
Your soul was the price you paid
Even when you died
The Burning Platform still hounded you
All the commenters had to say
Was that dying alone was such a shame
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a songbird on the wing
Never knowing who to sing to
When the pain set in
And I would have hated to have known you
But I was just a kid
Your morals burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Goodbye John McCain
Though I never knew you at all
You had the balls to save yourself
While those around you died
Goodbye John McCain
From the young man in the twenty second row
Who sees you as something less than valiant
Less than just our also ran
Still it seems to me you lived your life
Like a songbird on the wing
Never knowing who to sing to
When the pain set in
And I would have hated to have known you
Glad I was just a kid
Your morals burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Your morals burned out long before
Your legend ever did

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 3, 2018 7:11 am

Nothing the so called “My Government” of the United States has committed our nations blood and treasure to in my life time has ever panned out to be a worthwhile endevour for the Republic or the majority of its citizens NOTHING !
However the circle jerk in control Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street has profited beyond belief while the debt piled up is placed upon the backs of the people who really have no say in the matter .That alone flys in the face of our so called law of the land . Indentured Servitude and loss of individual freedoms and equal protection are now the norm . The badge wearing minions are prepared to enforce the status quo ensuring their personal support thru asset forfiture and a jack boot on our neck . Well done for this to be so complete in its overall success , the bankrupting of the nation and its citizens morally and financially it must have been planned !

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Boat Guy
September 3, 2018 3:52 pm

In your lifetime? Wow… you must be really old.

September 3, 2018 7:52 am

Discussing the crimes, faults and errors of McCain and those like him is its own joy, no doubt. Great article!

September 3, 2018 8:02 am

Finally, got a few quiet moments to read and enjoy. I hope that sanity prevails in the coming months and the country looks back at this ridiculous spectacle with embarrassment and shame.

What a pathetic waste of a week of the nation’s life. What a wretched man he truly was.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 12:58 pm
September 3, 2018 10:24 am

I hope one day soon this country will look back in SHAME at this spectacle the MSM has made over Shitstain’s pathetic life of privilege above his peers, even during his POW days, coming out rather healthy looking for a guy who’d broken his shoulders misusing the parachute harness or whatever actually broke his shoulders (I doubt it was his “handlers.”) If you follow his political career from the point of his return to now, you will see the road map many of our young vets only wish they c ould follow to success and prestige. Unfortunately, they won’t have big granddaddy and daddy admirals to pull strings (do you REALLY believe McCain’s father didn’t pull strings?) nor did they stumble into a vast beer distributing empire to back their political ambitions once they dumped their cancer-ridden wife (what a pos thing to do to her after she’d stood by you publicly, in spite of your philandering!). No, these young men can only hope the VA continues to help them with their prosthetic arms, legs and broken hearts.

Now, I hope this doesn’t blanket your fine essay with memes, RG, but I want to point out that Hitler was featured on the cover of Time Magazine in 1933 LONG before being named Man of the Year by Time in 1938. Do you think it will take the MSM whores HERE that long (5 years!) to realize they’ve been played (willing players?) again?



September 3, 2018 11:39 am

It was pointed out in news reports that John McCain and Ted Kennedy died on the same day: August 25. Interesting coincidence.
When I watched the Ted Kennedy funeral, I thought to myself that it would be cosmic justice if the hearse carrying the casket to the cemetery were driven by a drunken Kennedy who veered off a bridge and into a river. In the case of McCain, I thought it would be cosmic justice if the hearse on the way to the cemetery were hit by a drone strike.

September 5, 2018 3:53 pm

I think The Onion had the best tweet, saying McCown’s ashes would be loaded onto a missile and fired into Iraq.

September 3, 2018 1:13 pm

comment image

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 12:24 pm

Haw Haw. Oil is an American obsession. Folks in hell ain’t going nowhere.

September 3, 2018 6:15 pm


What you wrote that I quoted below is So TRUE! I wish the old order was dying, but fear aspects of it are while the rest just gets layered and buried deep in bullshit and wishful thinking.

Robert wrote,

McCain’s death was as charmed as his life. He has departed before the empire he loved collapses under the weight of hubris and debt.

September 4, 2018 12:02 pm

Nice article. (I hope it’s posted on SLL.)

Here’s one more thing …….. Shitstain’s daughter used her father’s funeral to make political jabs against Donald Trump.

What kind of worthless fucking whore uses the death of her father as a tool for political grandstanding?? Is their anything more despicable and loathsome?? Nope. My God, I hope the entire Shitstain Clan goes to hell pronto.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 4, 2018 12:27 pm

She can be forgiven, Trumpy disrespected her daddy. I would rather see her and Ivanka go mano a mano in the mud ring but this is ok. The disturbing part was the homage paid by two warhawks shedding croc tears.

September 4, 2018 1:04 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

(the image … Jeebus and Shitstain …. comes up immediately if you just click on it)

September 4, 2018 1:48 pm

comment image

September 4, 2018 1:52 pm

Don’t want to hijack this thread, Robert … but, it DOES have to do with “chicanery”.

There is lot’s of stuff going on in Syria right now.

Both the USA and Russian Navy have a huge presence there right now.

[imgcomment image?itok=8FugTqBN[/img]


Just yesterday, Trump tweeted;

“President Bashar al-Assad of Syria must not recklessly attack Idlib Province. The Russians and Iranians would be making a grave humanitarian mistake to take part in this potential human tragedy. Hundreds of thousands of people could be killed. Don’t let that happen!”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
— September 3, 2018

Imagine that!! WE are telling a sovereign nation (Syria) whether or not they can attack TERRORISTS on their own fucking soil. The hubris is astounding.


And everywhere you look — from the cunt in the UN to the mustachioed walrus security advisor to neocons galore in in government and the press ….. come these warnings that Syria/Russia are preparing another chemical attack. Ho lee shit, eh?


Who wants to bet that Trump & Company will blame the Syrians/Russians in less than 12 hours after this staged attack. Maybe we’ll launch another 100 cruise missiles … maybe 200 this time. Based on zero facts. Oh, the chicanery! Maga. Oh, …… this time some of Russia ships in the Mediterranean are carrying nukes.

  Robert Gore
September 5, 2018 11:39 am

“Or does he use it to conjure up a chemical attack false flag (hubris and chicanery) so the US has an excuse to stay in Syria and continue screwing things up? ” ————- RGore

I think that’s it. But, as you noted, who the hell knows with Trump?

Yet … there’s that new book. The author (I won’t mention his name) says that after the Syrians dropped chemical weapons that Trump’s immediate reaction was rage and fury … that he wanted to have Assad assassinated …. and quoted as saying “Kill them all! Kill them all!”. Now, I know that author is a fuktard yet, that story does have a ring of truth to it, imho.

Hillary would have destroyed this country, sooooooo, thank God for Trump. Nevertheless, I think that guy is off his fucken’ rocker way to often.

Next topic …..

============================================== =

Hey. I feel like being truthful with you. 100% truthful. I don’t know why. I just do. Maybe I’m overfilled with the Holee Spirit. I gotta tell ya something even though people will think I’m a real asshole. So be it.

I don’t really dislike you. Never did. And I actually think you are a very good writer.

You know why I gave you a lot of shit? Because you never said; “Nice article, Stucky. I’ll post it on SLL tonight”.

Yup. That’s it, 100%. Petty jealousy. Pathetic, really. Just thought you should know. Please accept my apologies.

  Robert Gore
September 5, 2018 12:41 pm

You’re a very decent human being, Robert. Really. I’ve said some despicable things regarding your writing style and intelligence. You would be well within your rights to basically tell me to go eff myself …. although you don’t have a potty mouth. That you haven’t is a testament to your character.

That “book promotion” thing was just more bullshit on my part. Everyone has to make a living, and blogging is part of how you make money. Anyway, you were never in-your-face about it. And Admin had no problem with it whatsoever. Also, I know several people commented here about how much they’ve enjoyed reading your stuff. Don’t hide your light under a bushel basket! Let people know what you have to offer!

And don’t you worry none about me disagreeing with you if I feel it is necessary. 🙂

September 5, 2018 1:00 pm

Do you know that spot by the pond I promised Ann Barnhardt is now reserved for your Beamer, Stucky? I realized she was never going to accept my lapsed Catholic husband of 26 years as anything but my shackup buddy.

(did you call them catlickers as kids like we baptist kids did?)

In her mind and heart, my Nick is still married to his lesbian ex-wife.

So, I emailed her and cancelled her invite. She’s out and you are in. Nick says fine, but keep your hand in your own pants.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 5, 2018 12:32 pm

Stuck, you are the most human person I ever read here. Love you, man! I, too, have those feelings but I try not to confuse them and cover them up with other issues. In your defense, I concurred with your last criticism and I think you had a major impact, in fact, I think you deserve some credit for this article being so damn good. Take a bow, my friend. (I hope nobody sees through my cheap excuse to post a Madonna video – my favorite)

  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 5, 2018 12:51 pm

“Love you, man!” ——— EC

YOU’RE NOT GETTING MY BUD LIGHT!!! Heh Heh, I’m sure you recall that commercial.

Well, Mein Freund (amigo), I am a FLAWED human being. I know it, and it has taken me a loooong time to admit it. I could have avoided a LOT of heartache in my life (including, possibly, a bitter divorce) if I just learned much earlier in life to say “I’m wrong. I’m sorry.”. Please believe me — it is not false humility — that those four words were not in my vocabulary until I was in my middle 50’s. I just HAD to be right. And I was NEVER sorry. I hope others will learn at least a little from my mistakes.

I do like your recent music vids. But, hey, don’t forget a little Mex-Accordian stuff now and then.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 5, 2018 1:20 pm

My erstwhile boss, I really liked him, is this big galoot. He said he used to be angry all the time and it got him into a lot of trouble in his younger years. One day I will tell you of his encounter on US395 in Adelanto with a raging bulldyke.

EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
  EL Coyote (Da Vulture)
September 5, 2018 4:39 pm
September 5, 2018 12:57 pm

The truth, once embraced, is a powerful weapon in the toolbox of diplomacy.

I am touched by your obvious new, close relationship with the Ghost.

I accidently posted a comment at the exact moment RG posted a comment and then thought I’d stepped right in monkey poo the other night, Stucky.

I did the gracious exit thing and shut the fuck up. Which I do know how to do. Just rarely do.

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 4, 2018 7:08 pm

What do you do when the last piece of shit falls in the outhouse? You cover it over and plant some flowers on top. Ask the people in Alaska and that’s what they say. The last piece has fallen and it is time to cover it over and remember where it lies so you do not fall into it again.

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
  Big Dick
September 5, 2018 11:59 pm

“so you do not fall into it again.”
Are you saying you were the last piece of shit?

September 5, 2018 7:13 am

John McCain is buried, may his philosophy soon follow. Amen.?