He Blew It

Guest Post by Chuck Baldwin

As the attacks on 9/11 have been brought back to the forefront of my attention via the 17th anniversary of those attacks, it behooves me to not leave the subject without further observations.

By now, any thinking person has had plenty of time to devote at least some study to what happened on September 11, 2001. And it is relatively safe to say that truly objective and reasoned people have concluded (to one degree or another) that what we have been told about the 9/11 attacks was mostly (if not completely) a bunch of hot air. In fact, as time goes by, more people come to doubt—if not totally disbelieve—the official story about 9/11. And that’s putting it mildly. I will even go so far as to say that the only people today who actually believe the official story about 9/11 are the ones who have done absolutely no objective, independent study into the matter.

And if the official narrative of 9/11 is false, logic and reason demand that those who were complicit in the attacks were people who were powerful enough and well positioned enough to be able to pull off the attacks without being discovered, while, at the same time, successfully implicating innocent people as being the perpetrators. Obviously, such a plan involves—at least to a degree—government resources.

At this point, I think it is helpful to remind everyone that while government might be thoroughly inept about many, if not most, of its activities (no organization in the world spends more money and takes the combined efforts of more people to accomplish less good than America’s federal government), the one thing that government is able to do exceptionally well is kill people and destroy property. No organization in the world is more proficient at killing people and destroying things than government. They are the world’s foremost killing machines. R.J. Rummell’s exhaustive research in Death By Government chronicles the fact that over 262 million people were murdered by despotic governments around the world during the 20th century alone. Government has killed more people than all of the gangsters, mass shooters and terrorists of the world combined—by a million-fold.

To think that the attacks of 9/11 would be outside the realm of possibility for government culpability is the height of naiveté. To any rational thinking person, the ONLY entity that could pull off such an operation as brilliantly and seamlessly as the attacks on 9/11 had to be government—or at least elements within government. Furthermore, the possibility that there was a collaboration of more than one government involved in the 9/11 attacks must also be considered highly likely.

For all intents and purposes, there are only three governments in the world today that have the military and intelligence sophistication to pull off an elaborate attack (such as 9/11) inside the Continental United States: the U.S., of course, Great Britain and Israel. Truly, anyone who thinks that 19 mostly uneducated and benighted Arabs from the Middle East could successfully abscond three Boeing 767 aircraft, circumvent and outsmart the most sophisticated and protected airspace in the world and expertly navigate those jet aircraft into a precision attack against ground targets that even many of the most highly skilled pilots in the world could not perform—all by taking a crash course in flying Cessna propeller airplanes, no less—is, well, gullible beyond all remedy.

The 9/11 attacks were mass-killing crimes. The perpetrators were master criminals. And they are still at large. Which brings me to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was elected President on the promise that he would drain the swamp and dismantle the Deep State. And many conservatives and Christians thoroughly believe that Trump is actually doing what he promised. But is he? I think not.

Donald Trump had one chance to prove that he was serious about draining the swamp and dismantling the Deep State. One chance. That one chance was his first two years in office. And he blew it.

Trump appointed more Deep State CFR members and Bilderbergers (including Neil Gorsuch, James Mattis, John Bolton, et al.) to his administration than Barack Obama. And don’t be taken in by all of the political bickering surrounding Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The conservatives’ defense of Kavanaugh is as irrelevant as the liberals’ accusations against Kavanaugh. The fact is, Kavanaugh is a Deep State toady who is up to his neck in covering up the government’s murder of former Clinton Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster. Speaking of which, Trump has done nothing to bring the Deep State witch, Hillary Clinton, to justice like he said he would do, either.

In addition (and more relevant to the 9/11 discussion), Trump brought Deep State warlock, Rudy Giuliani, to the White House. As Mayor of New York City, Giuliani, more than any other single individual, provided cover for the real attackers of 9/11 by overseeing the massive effort of destroying the evidence from that horrific crime scene.

Rudy Giuliani is the quintessential Deep State operative. The criminals who masterminded and carried out the 9/11 attacks could not have succeeded without the help of Rudy Giuliani. He was a major player in 9/11. Yet, Trump brings this conscienceless Deep State puppet into the White House and gives him one of the most trusted positions in his government.

Had Trump been serious about draining the swamp and dismantling the Deep State, he would have begun immediately after being inaugurated exposing the major Deep State players from both parties (including the Clintons, Bushes, Dick Cheney, Giuliani, Michael Chertoff, etc.) and from the alphabet agencies that have millions of skeletons (literally) in their bloody closets. But instead of exposing them, Trump continued to cover for them or even HIRE them.

But instead of hiring Deep State toadies like Giuliani, Trump should have created an independent commission to thoroughly investigate 9/11. If he had been serious about dismantling the Deep State, that is exactly what he would have done. But he didn’t; and he won’t. He won’t because Trump is determined to keep the crimes of the Deep State covered up.

Beyond that, the epicenter of the global Deep State is Benjamin Netanyahu’s Zionist State of Israel. And what does Trump do here? He panders to Israel; increases financial and military support for Israel; denies humanitarian funding for Israeli-persecuted Palestinians; refuses to recognize Israel’s illegal occupation of Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank; joins Israel in attacking Syria; amasses U.S. armed forces to assist Israel’s myriad wars in the Middle East, etc., ad infinitum. Had Trump been serious about dismantling the Deep State, he would have exposed Israel’s bloodlust in the Middle East, it’s control over the U.S. Congress and the major news media and its manifold treacheries against the United States. And that includes exposing Israel’s cold-blooded attack on the USS Liberty 50 years ago and Israel’s complicity in the 9/11 attacks.

Had Trump been serious about draining the swamp and dismantling the Deep State, he would have also begun dismantling America’s burgeoning Police State. And, furthermore, he would have kept his promise to get our troops out of the Deep State’s perpetual “War on Terror” in the Middle East.

Trump did none of the above. Instead, he expanded and escalated all of the above.

From this point on, it doesn’t matter to a tinker’s dam what Trump does or doesn’t do, as he has proven that he either didn’t mean a word he said while campaigning or didn’t have the man stuff to actually follow through with what he promised. From now on, Trump will be simply dancing the famous Potomac Two-Step all over Washington, D.C.—when he’s not playing golf, that is. Yes, did you know that Trump has spent 25% of his time in office so far on the various golf courses he owns? That’s a FACT. Yeah! Chasing birdies is a great way to fight the Deep State.

Folks, let this sink in: the Deep State has nothing to do with partisan politics. It has nothing to do with the entire left-right political wrangling, name calling, posturing, etc., that consumes the mainstream media. All of that is nothing but public theater to distract the American people from what is really going on—or NOT going on.

Donald Trump had one chance to prove he was serious about draining the swamp and dismantling the Deep State: his first two years in office. And the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks serves as just another reminder that HE BLEW IT!

P.S. I, again, urge readers to buy Christopher Bollyn’s masterful exposé on who and what was behind the 9/11 attacks and America’s ongoing “War on Terror.” The book is entitled The War On Terror: The Plot To Rule The Middle East.

We have been bamboozled, folks. Everything we’ve been told about 9/11 and the “War on Terror” is a big fat LIE. And no one has done more investigative research exposing these lies than Christopher Bollyn.

If enough of the American people could come to grips with the truth about 9/11 and the “War on Terror,” it would change the course of history, save thousands and even millions of lives and, yes, save our republic. As it is, the deception of 9/11 and the “War on Terror” envelops both political parties in Washington, D.C., including Donald Trump—and even America’s pastors and churches.

Bollyn’s book shatters the myths and destroys the lies. It names names, tracks time and identifies the criminal cabal that masterminded the 9/11 attacks that took America into an everlasting, never-ending, perpetual “War on Terror” that has killed millions and will kill millions more unless the American people wake up and put a stop to this global catastrophe.

Order Christopher Bollyn’s The War on Terror: The Plot To Rule The Middle East here:

The War On Terror: The Plot To Rule The Middle East 


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September 20, 2018 4:43 pm

“And that includes exposing Israel’s cold-blooded attack on the USS Liberty 50 years ago”

Sad to think in another 33 years you could read 50 years hence, the above sentence in a future article but replace ‘USS Liberty’ with the ‘9/11 attack.’

I can understand how the Liberty deal was swept under the rug. Much like the recent Russian was plane shot down and Putin puts forth a plausible explanation to avoid war of the worst kind. Maybe true accident? But still.

But the 9/11 denial tells me I am but a ignorant tool/fool of TPTB.

Bread, circuses, oil and drugs… sheep to be shorn or slaughtered

What can be done?

September 20, 2018 10:30 pm

What indeed, KSuse?

Do we finally stand up in unison and say NO MORE? or do we continue to the slaughter, heads down and eyes averted?

I will give you three guesses which one I will be doing. The first two do not count.


Bob P
Bob P
September 20, 2018 5:00 pm

Though it wasn’t meant as such, this was one of the best arguments against the Q phenomenon that I’ve seen, essentially arguing Trump’s done nothing against the deep state and intends to do nothing. A Q enthusiast might counter, “But Q said they’re all going down and it’ll happen any time.” That’s what Q’s been saying for months. Still waiting.

  Bob P
September 21, 2018 12:05 am

Even if the Donald himself said he’s running a scam the Quidiots wouldn’t repent of their Sorceries.

September 20, 2018 5:05 pm

Rev Baldwin has been an indispensable voice of truth for quite some time now. I never invested any time in researching this scam other than a few Loose Change videos and James Corbett reports. After a decade exhaustively researching JFK’s hit it dawned on me that one doesn’t have to try to figure out how THEY pulled it off. It’s enough to realize that they’re capable of doing it and getting away with it. That there is no boundary of indecency or deceit THEY will be limited by. If it further’s their cause, no diabolical, bloody and satanic crime is beyond their comprehension. If one really internalizes that reality you know what we’re up against.

If you do need more background on this operation see if you can refute this:

Vote, my ass.

September 20, 2018 10:26 pm

Well worth the watch, just saw it, thanks.

September 20, 2018 10:33 pm

A very interesting page. Thanks for the link.

September 20, 2018 5:31 pm

Forgive my fatalism for the moment.

I live the life
I left behind

There’s truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don’t know which
So nevermind

I had to leave my life behind
The story’s told
With facts and lies
You own the world
So nevermind

September 20, 2018 6:09 pm
September 20, 2018 5:46 pm

4 planes, one crashed in PA, another in DC, and 2 into the towers. Yes even a goatfukking moron can fly a plane, easy peasy, simulators, and flight schedules are available. This was not that complicated. You are talking out your ass

September 21, 2018 12:42 pm

Your brains were caught in an undertow and sucked out to sea.
Easy peasy to fly a plane that big and aim it at the trade tower through all the turbulence created by skyscrapers with just some flight simulator courses, I do it all the time, so did that airport worker just the other month.

Mike Meredith
Mike Meredith
September 20, 2018 9:02 pm

I think you greatly underestimate the enormity of the problem. I suspect the Donald did as well. I suspect he found out pretty quick. It would serve no purpose to get himself kill in the first 90 days in office.

He seems well on his way to crashing NATO. That is a start.

He seems to be trying to give the neocons enough rope to hang themselves with. He is definitely handing it out.

Sam Fox
Sam Fox
September 20, 2018 9:03 pm

I found Gorsuch’s name on a CFR membership list. Didn’t find Kavenaugh though.


Texas Todd
Texas Todd
September 20, 2018 9:18 pm

People who believe the government’s official narrative have absolutely not spent even 15 minutes on objective research. But I understand the way some people cling to believing in Santa Claus, the Bible, the flag, and “my government would never do that to its citizens”. It’s a hard thing to come to grips with. Watch the Ken Burns Vietnam documentary series from last year to see a painful reminder of what the US government does. All I can say is Fuck the US government. When I pray to God, Allah, the devil, and L Ron Hubbard, I pray for a large bomb to fall on D.C.

  Texas Todd
September 21, 2018 12:00 am

I participated directly in the evil we inflicted on the Vietnamese and when I tell people details they just call me a liar and bullshitter. I have traced the drug trade from Nam to Colombia to Afghanistan for people and they refuse to believe it. You feel like forest Gump at the end where the old guy says he’s full of shit. Ken Burns and a long list of good investigators have been smeared for exposing it. Last year I gave everything I could remember to some young idealistic investigators trying to connect the dots from Nam to Afghanistan. I hope they live to finish it should be good. I did it because I don’t have enough time left to lose anything over it. People can’t allow themselves to believe it because then what. They will have to admit that they are just plasma donors They get to keep their blood but the Govt. removes the nutrients to feed the elites.

September 21, 2018 10:57 am

I’m sorry you and thousands of other American boys had to not only go through it, but to live with it for a lifetime. My Uncle Buz was also there as a boy (19 maybe) and was never the same again. For what it’s worth, there are a lot of people who feel like shit that JFK thru Nixon made you and others of your generation have to go through this.

September 20, 2018 9:48 pm

Lucky Larry Silverstein with 2 other investors somehow acquired the WTC lease for $114M a mere 7 weeks before 9/11. Although the port authority valued the complex at $1.2B, Lucky Larry insisted on $3.5B of insurance coverage and also insisted on the rights to rebuild the complex in the case of a terrorist attack. After the “attack” Larry insisted that because there were 2 planes that he should be paid over $7B in the insurance settlement, but after some legal battle, he ended up with $4.5B. Now he’s suing the airlines for another $3.5B. The really funny thing is that he and his partners then decided they didn’t want the lease after all, and got 80% of their original $114M back from the Port Authority. Do you fucking believe it?

This is just one tiny aspect of the numerous, grotesque and flagrant frauds surrounding 9/11. Only a group in full control of the government agencies, the courts, the media and the financial system would be so bold to abuse a citizenry so blatantly.

C Hahn
C Hahn
September 21, 2018 7:46 pm

Not only all that, but I understand that both buildings were constructed with asbestos insulation, and the Port Authority was in the position of having to dismantle them both. From https://www.levinlaw.com/news/asbestos-towers : “According to some estimates, the Twin Towers contained 5000 tons of asbestos materials. As long ago as the mid-1990s, the New York Port Authority was looking at an asbestos abatement bill of as much as $1 billion dollars – representing well over 12 times the buildings’ original cost. When the buildings’ insurers, Affiliated FM, refused to cover the asbestos removal/abatement costs and won their subsequent lawsuit over the the matter, the Port Authority was left with some untenable choices. The outdated buildings could not be demolished because of the asbestos; for the same reason, they could not be remodeled and updated in any cost-effective manner. The only other option was to slowly dismantle the Towers a piece at a time – the cost of which would have run into several billions of dollars.”

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 21, 2018 7:42 am

Excellent post Jack. I think pastor Chuck Baldwin is right on the money here. One of only a few of the “larger” names out there to do so.

September 21, 2018 10:28 am

Thanks for posting this. I didn’t have time to get to it yesterday. I’m glad it hadn’t gone on to page 2 yet or I would have missed it.
People decide what they want to believe and then shut the door to their mind and lock it with a million reasons why people like you and me and others here are just conspiracy minded nutcases.
When the shtf we will be the only sane ones and they will be..well pick your favorite name for them. There are several. Shell shocked zombies is my personal favorite.