I know that Q is Kryptonite to The Burning Platform but I watched this because Q suggested it. I tried playing it in the background but had to stop multitasking and restart it from the beginning. It truly deserves your full attention. There’s no way any of you know ALL of this info about China.

We’re all well aware of the influence of the MSM, leftist US politics, the deep state, George Soros, Google, Facebook, the FED etc but the influence of China alone is equal to any one or ALL of those groups.

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October 6, 2018 7:43 am

Give me a break with the Q bullshit. This speech was all over the news a few days ago. It got huge press coverage. Zero Hedge had a multiple stories about it. And you think Q recommending it be watched means something. Jesus H. Christ – get a life.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 6, 2018 8:46 am

You have to admit – Q has added a new dimension to the political drama that is unfolding in front of us. I suspect, very shortly, we will find out who and what Q really is. Regardless of the outcome, it has been very entertaining and, like Alex Jones (love him or hate him), he/they/it has managed to get millions of otherwise sleepy voters trying to understand the reality of the corruption that exists around them.

Plus I love that every time someone posts anything Q here someone loses their shit over it. That’s been worth the price of admission alone.

Q Diogenes in 3, 2, 1…

October 6, 2018 3:35 pm

Hey, c’mon now!!! You just know that the real Q (Quinn) is just absolutely fed up with the fake Q. Also, maybe somebody literally shit in his Wheaties today. Maybe he had a really bad news day at work.

Yeah, his response seemed a bit harsh …. but, like Kavanaugh boinking that slut 35 years ago …. IT IS NOT THE NORM!!!! I know he loves you.

Cut him some slack. Mebbe he cuts you some slack. Then everything be good again.

I’m sick and fucken tired of awesome Long Timers leaving this joint. PLEASE don’t do it. Really. Don’t do it. Take a break … a day, several days … whatever. And then get you big fat ass back here. OK? Please?

October 6, 2018 6:20 pm

Qtippers sure have thin skin. Enjoy your dungeon and dragons fantasy with the 8chan basement dwellers. Hail all you internet patriots. LOL. How pitifully pathetic. I guess your critical thinking skills have deteriorated beyond repair after 10 years. See ya.

October 9, 2018 12:53 pm


Just getting to this today.

I’m not happy with your decision to leave TBP. But, you are a sovereign and free man who has the human right to make their own decision, independent of the pleadings of others.

Hope you see this. It’s been a PLEASURE getting to know you … and you WILL be missed.

Fare thee well, my friend.

Agnes in Chains
Agnes in Chains
October 9, 2018 1:06 pm
Agnes in Chains
Agnes in Chains
  Agnes in Chains
October 9, 2018 1:15 pm

Stuck, by the time of the announcement, they have already been thinking about it for a long while. That means in recent times, they have been faking it. I’d noticed he wasn’t posting for some time. He was effectively gone and only now made it official. Sort of like when your buddy starts hanging out at a gay bar and months later comes out of the closet. He’s gone, he’s been gone, all that’s left is a shell of the former straight buddy. No need for tears.

October 6, 2018 5:35 pm

That time of month?

October 6, 2018 3:37 pm

Well, the Q recommendation did mean that someone heard the speech. Why deny that? Just a fact. You sound like a China propagandist refuting something that is plain to see in order to bring your agenda to the front. It’s as if the NYT has an article and if it’s repeated in the WSJ where it has an influence on someone that that influence is meaningless. Rage on.

October 6, 2018 5:33 pm

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October 6, 2018 7:12 pm

You have time to put up a meme, but no time for addressing why you lost your mind over a fact? Yeah, do your ad hominem thing over and over around here as that is what gets you all the love, right?

October 6, 2018 7:29 pm

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October 6, 2018 11:43 pm

I really don’t doubt that looking into my eyes you’d get a hard-on. How was prison?

October 7, 2018 8:39 am

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Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
October 6, 2018 8:04 am

There is (without any question) a loose confederation of people from all over the world working toward the imposition of an effective imposition of global governance through control of economic systems and accounting. They are not all in perfect step, but are all moving generally (some quite specifically) in the same direction to effect control over every significant economy and important allocation policy and decision. Chinese, Russians, Americans, Jews, Arabs, Canadians, everyplace NOT in the underdeveloped third world has people in this globalist camp. They don’t agree on everything, but they DO agree on the big things, namely that sovereign people and nations are a relic of the past, and need to be eased into retirement, irrelevance, and death.

We have already passed the point when serious conflict (not necessarily real war) can be avoided. I think that we are going to see the global currency scam implemented, only to have it fail miserably, but perhaps I am too pessimistic. In a hundred years we will know.

October 6, 2018 9:05 am

The US is great and free -yada. Those evil Chinese are looking out for their best interests-duh.
We send them green pieces of paper and they send us real products in return-what’s not to love?
Trump needs to be aware China can dump those Treasuries and spank us severely if they get too pissed.
US hegemony is in decline and China is in ascension.

BTW, Florida Marquis said China and Russia have a flotilla of something like 40 ships off the Venezuelan coast and we’re down there too! WTF?

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
October 6, 2018 9:45 am

“We send them green pieces of paper and they send us real products in return-what’s not to love?”

Of course, we DO give them currency for the rigged electronic gadgets everyone loves. The ‘Hedge had a nice article detailing altered Chinese produced hardware engineered to divert technical intelligence into their hands.
Give idiots enough rope they’ll end up hanging themselves with it.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 6, 2018 11:32 am

Russia and China got fed up with our NeoCon’s Crap and dumped the US Securities; the US Treasury printed the money and bought them (secretly). TPTB did to the dollar what the French did to the Assignat that led to their Revolution and the Germans did with the Mark that led to the Nazis. It will boost our Economy for awhile but result in hyperinflation (probably within a couple years). Vote Trump Republican if you want to re-establish Truth, Justice and the American Way and want to delay the economic collapse. Mr Florida Marquis must be a Communist and can’t be trusted any more than a Democrat or the Controlled Media .

October 6, 2018 12:05 pm

Forget RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSIA! The biggest long-term strategic opponent we have to contend with are the Chi-Coms. But history repeats itself: just like we ignored and even helped the Imperial Japanese threat in the 1920’s & 30’s, we are pissing around w/meaningless crap while China colonizes the African continent & controls most of Asia, and is surpassing us in production. But unlike Japan, which was much smaller, China is a completely different monster (dragon?).

Sister Mary Agnes "Ophelia"
Sister Mary Agnes "Ophelia"
October 6, 2018 5:19 pm

My (Muh?) earliest objection and still the only objection is that Q is like reading a thread where T4C and YoBo trade inside jokes without letting anybody else in on what the fuck they are talking about. I wish next time they would just get a room.

  Sister Mary Agnes "Ophelia"
October 6, 2018 5:45 pm

Last time someone suggested that Yo said they would need a suite.