“Climate Denial Kills” . . .

Guest Post by Eric Peters

A rat is most vicious when it is cornered – which you may have noticed last week during the LBGTQSUV left’s failed effort to emote Brett Kavanaugh from becoming Justice Kavanaugh. This is not a defense of Kavanaugh’s politics or even of him personally. It’s an observation about the unhinged hysteria of the authoritarian left at this moment in history.

Because for the first time in a long time, there’s pushback.

The derangement of the left has gotten so bad, there’s no alternative – other than accepting what the crazy eyes left demands.

And so it is finally not being accepted.

The left responds with even more carpet-chewing hysteria. God help us if these people ever actually win a major election (or majority) again.

Another example of the left’s unhinging is on display – literally – in New York City, where official-looking (and officially-backed) roadsigns have been put up announcing that “Climate Denial Kills.”

Also “End Climate Injustice,” “Abolish Coal-Onialism” and “50,000 Climate Refugees.”

These “Climate Signals” are oleaginously intended to mimic road-hazard signs – such as Accident Ahead – and will be on display for the rest of the month at the behest of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who is a climate hysteric as much as he is also a leftist authoritarian – the one serving the purposes of the other.

Not uncoincidentally, there is also a frantic “report” all over the media – which is controlled by the same people whose nervous ticks about Kavanaugh suggest a need for heavy meds. It practically leaves claw marks on the well walls. Shrieks that “the world is rapidly running out of time to scale back greenhouse gas emissions” and asserts that unless the use of fossil fuels “is aggressively phase(d) out to meet net zero emissions by mid century,” there will be “catastrophic planetary changes.”

We have this heard before, of course. But it’s now over-the-top, like the Kavanaugh hairshirting

This hysteria is a function not so much of dangerously rising C02 or sea levels – both exaggerated to a ludicrous degree, so as to alarm the boobs watching TeeVee – as it is a freaking out over the  rising of disbelief in the climate catastrophism being peddled by these apocalyptos.

They know the jig is up.

After decades of demanding “wrenching” (Al Gore’s term) changes to our (but not their – including de Blasio’s) lifestyle in order to prevent the sky from falling, it never did – and won’t.

People have noticed. They are tired of the chicken little routine and no longer buying it, either.

Just as happened with Kavanaugh, the apocalyptos pushed too hard, too fast – and made their unhinged fanaticism plain pretty much everyone.

We’re supposed to roll over and accept a kind of modern peonage of sacrifice and scarcity – always for us, never for the ones shrieking most shrilly about “climate change” – in order to stop the sky from falling just ten years from now.

It’s as plausible as Ford Blasey’s brummagen emotings about what may or may not have happened to her almost 40 years ago, which she can’t recall much about but insists we accept as mathematically true because she feeeeeeeeeeeeels it to be so.

The same with regard to “climate change.” It must be believed as an article of faith because its peddlers are “sincere,” as BF was. Which is why raising any question isn’t questioning or even skepticism.

It is denial.

As in Holocaust Denial.

It is meant in exactly the same way – as a term of opprobrium meant to end questioning by characterizing any questioning as morally despicable.

Thus the “reporting” (which is not even disguised as other than hysterical editorializing) about the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change’s dire warnings, now doubled down on.

We have just ten years! Then the sky will fall.

What’s making the world bureaucrats of the IPCC and the ranks of the “climate change” believers meltdown like Chernobyl  is  . . . Trumpism. Him personally, too. But also the pushback he embodies.

Whatever Trump’s flaws, one of his great merits is that he does not believe. And has acted accordingly. He pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords, for instance. And he has dared to put in doubt the imposition of a 50-plus MPG mandatory minimum fuel economy fatwa based on the not-coincidental conflation of fuel economy with emissions control.

For the left, this is intolerable. Trump may as well don a Dr. Evil suit and nibble his pinkie. Maybe he ought to.

Since new cars produce almost no actual (or actually harmful) emissions – ending the mission of the EPA –  a new “emission” was confected by the waning left, aided and abetted by their fabian fellows (the Never Trumpers) on the right. By categorizing harmless, inert carbon dioxide the same as unburned hydrocarbons and so on – the things which actually do cause pollution. But don’t anymore because cars made since the ’90s hardly emit any such.

But they do emit carbon dioxide. A trump card. Except for Trump.

He questioned – which gave others the backbone to do the same. Now the rat senses the walls closing in, bares its yellowed fangs and lets loose the anguished cry… denier! 

In flashing yellow, by the side of the roads – and probably funded with your tax dollars, too – if you have the misfortune of living in Manhattan.

But take heart. As with the Kavanaugh scheisse show, their hysteria is a measure of their desperation.

A fight is fiercest just before it ends.

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October 9, 2018 5:30 pm

The climate has been cooling for two years, and we are entering a major solar minimum….So the “sky is falling” narrative is falling apart.

October 9, 2018 7:13 pm

Second year in a row here in the mid-atlantic with not a single 100 degree day. We usually have at least 1 or 2 scorching weeks a year. Heck, even Houston, Brownsville etc had no 100 degree days this year.

A WaPo article is really reaching to sustain their climate narrative but reporting ” the average nighttime temp is higher than the average for 1980-2017″….what’s next? “Between 3:45 and 4:15 AM the state of Delaware has increased in temp by .02 degrees on average for 3 straight years…we must ban all cars and industry.”

Bob P
Bob P
October 10, 2018 6:56 am

No, they changed their marketing slogan from “global warming” to “climate change” after they finally realized the earth is no longer warming. Now, no matter what the temperatures do, they can still scream to high heaven about CO2 and demand government action. In the seventies they were ranting about global cooling, saying we’d be in another ice age by 2020; they’ll simply go back to that story if the solar minimum makes it colder.

October 10, 2018 10:03 am

All of Canada and parts of the northern US could be covered by an ice sheet over a kilometer thick as happened during the last ice age and members of global warming cult would still be shrieking that the planet is burning up. There is no room for truth, science, logic or old fashioned common sense once your brain becomes infused by the cult of global warming. In the meantime, our atmosphere is deliberately poluted by sparying harmful chemicals (chem-trails), the food supply and the soil that supports it is largely posioned by pesticides and gentically modified plants, our bodies are further poisioned by Big Pharma chemicals pushed by well compensated “doctors”, and our minds are deformed and twisted by 24/7 propaganda eminating from the MSM and Hollywood. But forget the real threats to life on earth and focus instead on a clean, odourless, non-polluting gas – carbon dioxide – which sustains like through photosynthesis . Huston….we have a major problem.

October 9, 2018 6:54 pm

These sheiking morons claimed we only had 10 years left, 10 years ago. And they said the same about some other righteous environazi cause ten years before that, and ditto for ten before THAT. The Deception Playbook never changes!

October 9, 2018 6:58 pm

This one’s for Stucky, Hollywood and Country Pastor:::

Woe to the earth, and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12

I wonder if the crazy leftists, given a fulfillment of a scenario like in the book of The Revelation, instead of seeing the wrath of God or the judgment/consequences of their iniquities–instead will blame it all on climate change, cars and CO2.
These loons already think everything from tsunamis to earthquakes are caused by my lawnmower–I bet they could find a way to blame a meteor strike or super-volcano eruption on carbon emissions.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 10, 2018 8:22 am


October 9, 2018 7:12 pm

It’s so sad that all the polar bears died off in 2006, and New York City was flooded under 1000′ of sea water from the rising oceans last year.

Wait . . . .

comment image

October 9, 2018 7:56 pm

The global warming hoax ranks as perhaps the greatest scientific scandal since the church forced Galileo to recant. I hope Mr. Peters is correct that the hysteria reflects falling public belief, but I’m guessing most of the morons who believe whatever MSM tells them–that is, most of the population–still swallow Gore’s nonsense hook, line, and sinker.

cap'n fast
cap'n fast
October 9, 2018 8:37 pm

the klimate klowns lost my confidence when politicians told us all that climate change could be defeated if we just spent more tax dollars on it while they cruised around in their G-IVs spewing exhaust gasses at high altitudes. spending tax dollars never fixed a damn thing.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 9, 2018 9:36 pm

Fuck the Maldives.

Free speech forum
Free speech forum
October 10, 2018 3:21 am

Americans have learned nothing from history.

Rome was an immoral bankrupt, warmongering, tyrannical empire. Now the US is an immoral bankrupt, warmongering, tyrannical empire.

The US stock market crashed in 1929 and the USA made the depression worse by having a trade war. The US economy collapsed in 2008 and now the US will make the depression worse by having another trade war.

The US was stuck in a quagmire in Vietnam and now the US is stuck in quagmires in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and Niger.

The USSR was a police state where everything was illegal so the Russians gave up and the Soviet Union collapsed. Now the US is a police state where everything is illegal so Americans have given up and the US will collapse.

October 10, 2018 8:08 am

Wtf does climate denial even mean? I deny you can even give me an accurate 7 day forecast of the weather. And you wanna forecast 100 years of climate? Dig it, a hundred years of climate is only the long term weather forecast.