Independent Audit Exposes the Fraud in Global Warming Data

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

An independent audit of the key temperature dataset that is being used by climate models has exposed more than 70 problems with the data which render it “unfit for global studies.” Problems include zero degree temperatures in the Caribbean, 82 degree C temperatures in Colombia and ship-based recordings taken 100km inland. The audit has concluded that the studies are deliberately exaggerating temperatures to support a theory of global warming utilizing global averages that are far less certain than what is being forecast.

The audit has revealed that “that climate models have been tuned to match incorrect data, which would render incorrect their predictions of future temperatures and estimates of the human influence of temperatures.” Furthermore, the Paris Climate Agreement adopted 1850-1899 averages as “indicative” of pre-industrial temperatures is “fatally flawed.” The entire Paris Climate Agreement has an agenda to eliminate effectively the advancement of society and attempt to reset the clock to the pre-Industrial Revolution. This entire theory that before the Industrial Revolution, our planet’s atmosphere was somehow pristine and uncontaminated by human-made pollutants has been also proven to be completely bogus.

Bubbles trapped in Greenland’s ice has revealed that we began emitting greenhouse gases at least 2,000 years ago. The Romans even constructed the first aqueduct was built in 312 BC because there was a serious problem with water pollution. Seneca (c 4BC-65AD), the adviser to Nero, wrote in 61AD: “No sooner had I left behind the oppressive atmosphere of the city [Rome] and that reek of smoking cookers which pour out, along with clouds of ashes, all the poisonous fumes they’ve accumulated in their interiors whenever they’re started up, then I noticed the change in my condition.”

This new audit argues even the most simple basic quality checks had not been done on the HadCRUT4 data which is managed by the UK Met Office Hadley Centre and the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. The audit exposed that estimates were made of the uncertainties arising from thermometer accuracy, homogenization, sampling grid boxes with a finite number of measurements available, large-scale biases such as urbanization and estimation of regional averages with non-complete global measurement coverage.

The audit has exposed the dishonesty in this entire scheme and it appears to be directed at the goal of reducing the population. Anomalies it has identified include at St Kitts in the Caribbean, the average temperature for December 1981 was zero degrees, normally it’s 26C. For three months in 1978, one place in Colombia reported an 82 degrees Celsius average – hotter than the hottest day on Earth. Then in Romania, one September the average temperature was reported as minus 46°C, which has never happened. The data showed that supposedly ships would report ocean temperatures from places up to 100km inland. The paper also points out that the most serious flaws identified was the shortage of data. For the first two years, from 1850 onwards, the only land-based reporting station in the Southern Hemisphere was in Indonesia. Then there were ship observations at the time but Australian records had not started until 1855 in Melbourne, behind Auckland which started in 1853. This data appears to have been just made up.

According to the HadCRUT4 calculation of coverage, it was almost 1950 before there was data from even half of the Southern Hemisphere was available. Yet they claim global warming has taken hold for 100 years prior. Then the Paris Climate Agreement takes the HadCRUT4 average from 1850 to 1899 as an “indicative” temperature or pre-Industrial Revolution. There is absolutely no possible way the data set being used to support all this Global Warming is even valid for any forecast.

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October 12, 2018 9:38 am

CO2 is plant food. Anyone who says otherwise is a science denier. AGW is BULLSHIT… Chip

October 12, 2018 9:51 am

If environmentalism restricted itself to truly caring for our natural resources, I would have no problem with it. However, with the secret science and questionable funding that these environmental groups taints the whole barrel. It turns out that many claims that environmentalists make have no basis in fact and are not based on good, honest, scientific investigation. This is why environmental scientists have to hide their data, as it does not fit their agenda. A good example of this is the so-called global warming crap, now renamed climate change. For one, the climate is always changing. The East Anglia University emails in which data was purposely falsified by climate scientists comes to mind. Not only that, the climate scientists purposely installed temperature monitoring sensors in cities, contrary to manufacturers recommendations and good scientific practices, in asphalt-covered parking lots, and other heat sink areas in order to prove their (faulty) hypothesis. This is scientific dishonesty at its worst.
It turns out that the solar system is in a cooling cycle due to decreased solar activity. There are two long-term solar cycles that reinforce themselves when in phase and cancel themselves out when out-of-phase. Look up the Maunder minimum. There are no SUVs on Mars or other planets, yet they are also experiencing the same solar variability.
Environmentalism has been the method used to impose communist principles on western society, especially in the USA.
Environmentalists are not content with promoting clean water, air and land, but are hell-bent on controlling human behavior, and yes, promoting extermination plans for much of humanity as these anointed types consider mankind to be a pestilence (except for themselves) to be reduced in population by any means necessary.
Environmentalists HATE the God-given concept of private property and have imposed government-backed and enforced land use controls on private property owners without compensation clearly an unconstitutional taking of private property. If environmentalists want to control land use, let them purchase it themselves-not by government force. Today the only method of negating government-imposed land use restrictions is shoot, shovel, and shut up.
If environmentalists had their way, the earth’s human population would be reduced by approximately 90%, with the remainder to (be forced) to live in cities, in soviet-style high rise apartments, utilizing bicycles, buses and trains for transportation. The use of automobiles and access to pristine wilderness (rural) areas would be off-limits to us mere mortals, and would only be available for these anointed environmentalists.
The endangered species act is another abuse of environmentalism. Species are always changing, to adapt to their environments-survival if the fittest. In fact, the hoopla over the spotted owl (that placed much northwest timber land off-limits to logging) turned out to be nothing but scientific misconduct and arrogance. There are virtually identical species in other parts of the northwest.
More scientific malpractice occurred when government biologists attempted to plant lynx fur in certain areas to provide an excuse for making those areas off-limits for logging or development. Fortunately, these scientists were caught, however, no punishment was given.
In a nutshell, today’s environmentalism IS communism like watermelon-green on the outside and red (communist) on the inside.
It is interesting to note that communist and third-world countries have the WORST environmental conditions on the planet. Instead of the USA and other developed countries spending billions to get rid of that last half-percent of pollution, it would behoove the communist countries to improve their conditions first. Here is a question for you environmentalists: Why is there a push for restrictive environmental regulations, but only on the developed first-world countries, and not the gross polluters such as India and China?

October 12, 2018 11:48 am

The Arctic became ice free in 2015 just as Algore and 97% of climate scientists said. Being a climate denier is so anti science.

October 13, 2018 8:49 pm

LOL, Gore is a shameless huckster, liar, and snake-oil salesman. And the arctic wasnt “ice free” at all in 2015, or at any other point in my lifetime. Wake up and dont be such a dope.

Dead Cat's Head
Dead Cat's Head
October 12, 2018 1:33 pm
October 12, 2018 2:08 pm

The audit has concluded that the studies are deliberately exaggerating temperatures to support a theory of global warming

No shit.

The next question is why are they doing this?

‘A Tax-Based Approach to Slowing Global Climate Change:’

Climate Change – A Fraud to Justify More Taxes

Shockingly, it’s not about saving the planet. It’s about looting and controlling the First World.

I’m sure we’re all shocked.

So, essentially, the ‘climate change’ (née global warming) crowd is nothing more than an organized criminal conspiracy, subverting global governance to unjustifiably enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else.

They all belong in extremely harsh labor camps.

October 12, 2018 6:02 pm

” UK Met Office Hadley Centre and the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.”
Remember the East Anglia email scandal a few years back? They haven’t changed anything significant in their fraud / deception / AGW bullshit.

October 12, 2018 9:36 pm

Ok!ok! I know that the Arctic wasn’t even close to Algore ice free prediction. I also know that 97% of climate scientists are bought and paid for academic whores

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 13, 2018 7:48 pm

To say mans industrial activities and the toxic run off and fumes exhaust etc… have had no effect on our biosphere is ridiculous but to think our climatic shifts are only due to the pollution effects is just as foolish .
The earths climatic changes have been taking place for millions of years and continue to do so . Predicting what will or will not happen with a degree of certainty should stay in an upoliticized arena of bio-science and discovery not some left or right wing agenda driven motives .
Far to often it is hidden behind for profit carbon credits or federal subsidies like corn alcohol or not ready for prime time electric cars .
The American people are seeing thru the left the right and the agendas of the money people .
It’s a big club and destroying the average Americans way of life is the real agenda for everyone not in the club !

October 13, 2018 8:45 pm

Marxism is the religion of the UN, IPCC, et al, so why on earth would anyone think they would be honest?? Lies, deception, and fake narratives are their modus operendi. They lie with impunity and cook the data to support their climate deceptions.