Hammer Time

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Looks like somebody threw a dead cat onto Wall Street’s luge run overnight to temporarily halt the rather ugly 2000 point slide in the Dow Jones Industrial Average — and plenty of freefall in other indices, including markets in other countries. A Friday pause in the financial carnage will give the hedge funders a chance to plant “for sale” signs on their Hamptons driveways, but who might the buyers be? Hedge funders from another planet perhaps? You can hope. And while you’re at it, how do you spell liquidity problem?

Welcome to the convergence zone of the long emergency, where Murphy’s law meets the law of unintended consequences and the law of diminishing returns, the Three Amigos of collapse. Here’s where being “woke” finally starts to mean something. Namely, that there are more important things in the world than sexual hysteria. Like, for instance, your falling standard of living (and that of everyone else around you).

The meet-up between Kanye West and President D.J. Trump was an even richer metaphor for the situation: two self-styled “geniuses” preening for the cameras in the Oval Office, like kids in a sandbox, without a single intelligible idea emerging from the play-date, and embarrassed grownups all standing ‘round pretending it was a Great Moment in History. You had to wonder how much of Kanye’s bazillion dollar fortune was stashed in the burning house of FAANG stocks. Maybe that flipped his bipolar toggle.

Or was he even paying attention to the market action through all the mugging and hugging? (He did have his phone in hand.) Meanwhile, Mr. Trump seemed to be squirming through the episode behind his mighty Resolute desk as if he had “woke” to the realization that ownership of a bursting epic global financial bubble was not exactly “winning.”

If I were President, I’d declare Oct 12 Greater Fool Day. (Nobody likes Christopher Columbus anymore, that genocidal monster of dead white male privilege.) The futures are zooming as I write, a last roundup for suckers at the OD corral, begging the question: who will show up on Monday. Nobody, I predict. And then what?

The great false front of the financial markets resumes falling over into the November election. The rubble from all that buries whatever is left of the automobile business and the housing market. The smoldering aftermath will be described as the start of a long-overdue recession — but it will actually be something a lot worse, with no end in sight.

The Democratic Party might not be nimble enough to capitalize on the sudden disappearance of capital. Their only hope to date has been to capture the vote of every female in America, to otherwise augment their constituency of inflamed and aggrieved victims of unsubstantiated injustices. It’s been fun playing those cards, and the Party might not even know how to play a different game at this point.

Democratic politicians may also be among the one-percenters who watch their net worth go up in a vapor in a market collapse, leaving them too numb to act. The last time something like this happened, in the fall of 2008, candidate Barack Obama barely knew what to say about the fall of Lehman Brothers and the ensuing cascade of misery —  though unbeknownst to the voters, he was already a hostage of Wall Street.

Complicating matters this time will be the chaos unleashed in politics and governing when the long-running “Russia collusion” melodrama boomerangs into a raft of indictments against the cast of characters in the Intel Community and Department of Justice AND the Democratic National Committee, and perhaps even including the Party’s last standard bearer, HRC, for ginning up the Russia Collusion matter in the first place as an exercise in sedition. The wheels of the law turn slowly, but they’ll turn even while financial markets tumble. And the threat to order might be so great that an unprecedented “emergency” has to be declared, with soldiers in the streets of Washington, as was sadly the case in 1861, the first time the country turned itself upside down.

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Bat Guano
Bat Guano
October 12, 2018 10:14 am

Excellent piece Jim. The phrase ‘may we live in ‘interesting times’ is definitely looking like the curse it’s claimed to be.

At least our entertainer and chief is keeping the show moving along with a constant stream of tweets and meets trying to distract the few people left (that are paying attention) from the impending train wreck of our economy.

The applause sign light never goes out in the WH.

Electronic Crackhead
Electronic Crackhead
October 12, 2018 10:17 am

When Bush 2 failed to respond to Katrina, the Kanye said Bush didn’t care about chocolate city. Now that Michael is bashing Florida, the Kanye doesn’t care about hurricanes. Who cares if the wind is blowing in Florida, the Kanye’s Lewinsky moment is more important. It’s Kanye Kardashian’s moment in the spotlight.

His Katrina complaint was BS, he doesn’t care about blacks. It’s always been about complaining to get the free shit. Jesse Jackson didn’t invent the game, he only refined it and now it has evolved. The shakedown is becoming a national pastime. The goal now is the presidency for the Kanye. The Kardashians are working the old man like villians used to rob senile widows. You can expect to see them hanging around the Trump white House.

As soon as we see Kris Jenner visiting, we will know it’s a lock.

October 12, 2018 10:22 am

So Jim? Tell me. In a global debt crisis, would it be better to be in a higher yield government bond. Or a low yield to negative yield , tangible asset?

Is it not better to own a house outright or shares in a company?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
October 12, 2018 10:57 am

If you have enough land with year-round water, animals, crops, orchards, ect, + a bucket of silver, stick with a DOW index . Capital flight from Europe (T-boned Euro Bond Market) and then Japan (Ditto) into international stocks will keep’em climbing. It will seem irrational (economic downturn), but private money parking (FOREX) in bond markets will be the first to move into a more redeemable venue – stocks. The last three days are the new normal; high volatility.

I don’t think a high-yeild (foriegn ) government bonds are a good idea. Tangible assets will be more or less accurately calibrated after any economic reset; bonds won’t. Who knows what kind of market mechanisms will exist to sell your farm/ranch and move on, but will probably be established by your local Ayatollah.

For me, a patch of dirt with a well, pond, two creeks and a shed in the middle of nowhere is wealth.

  Diogenes’ Dung
October 12, 2018 12:07 pm

According to Armstrong, foreign investors are skittish about the Democrats taking over Congress…Foreign investors pulling out caused the ’87 crash.

October 12, 2018 5:16 pm

I thought he mentioned that foreign economies looked shaky enough that the US was still “the best looking nag in the slaughterhouse”. Housing strong for the next few years? Dow 40,000?

October 12, 2018 11:00 am


I think what Kunstler is trying to say is that we’re about to have a Fire Sale. As president, Trump is going to have some say as to who gets bailed out and who will not in this next round. Look to the FAANGs to be left hanging in the breeze when the free money gets handed out.

Electronic Crackhead
Electronic Crackhead
October 12, 2018 11:14 am

He used Yohimbo’s personal term for ‘aroused’. In this case, ‘woke’ means recently alerted to the economic avalanche just starting.

He also intimated that the 4 million sealed indictments are going to come down the pipeline soon. He doesn’t say he’s a Q-ber, he doesn’t have to.

October 12, 2018 3:12 pm

Could not agree more Nickel. +100

October 12, 2018 5:20 pm

FAANGs dramatically overvalued. They HATE Trump anyhow.

Bob P
Bob P
October 12, 2018 11:04 am

Jim seems certain that the end of the nine-year expansion is nigh. I’ve been certain the end was nigh ever since 2009–and wrong all along, much to my impoverishment. All they had to do was print money out of nothing and any imminent meltdown was reversed. “That can’t possibly work again!” I yelled (to no one) after QE1 was followed by 2 and 3. But it did work. I’m not sure why Jim and so many others are certain this time is different, when all they have to do is print more money. Even the hint of QE4 will stop the market decline immediately. A Fed spokesman saying no more rate hikes for now may suffice. If not, then implement QE4 and the markets will zoom. But, but, “they’re out of dry powder,” or “the banking cartel is positioned to profit from a market crash so they’re bringing it about.” I have my doubts–but then I’ve been wrong all along.

Google sucks donkey balls
Google sucks donkey balls
  Bob P
October 12, 2018 11:39 am

IMO, we’re all losers when the economy is rigged. It’s criminal and leads to the demise of a decent society.

Personally, I think owning a business, a $$ generating creative (humans were born to create) concern is the best place to be. No matter what new $$ is used or how the reset ends, a business stays on the same economic level (all things being equal). One of the best inflation hedges as a career is being a realtor, imo. As home prices go up or down, so do the commission checks. You always stay even until/unless you create better business practices to attract more/better clients.

  Google sucks donkey balls
October 12, 2018 4:53 pm

“No matter what new $$ is used or how the reset ends, a business stays on the same economic level (all things being equal” who is this? I give people that exact same advice every day. 100 thumbs up

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
October 12, 2018 4:58 pm


  Bob P
October 12, 2018 6:31 pm

Makes two of us. Can’t believe the party lasted this long! Banksters are short this time.

October 12, 2018 12:04 pm

Republican in office, election coming up, Fed raises rates, market crashes…We’ve seen this script several times before, under Nixon (twice), Reagan, Bush…now Trump.

October 12, 2018 12:12 pm

13 years ago there was hurricane Katrina, and Kanye basically said President Bush didn’t give a shit about black people … AND THE MSM ROARED WITH APPROVAL for the next 13 years, helping Kanye become a billionaire.

Until he gave support to MAGA. Now, the MSM calls him a bad NEGRO! WTF??? There are 3 things you can count on in life;

–1) The sun will rise in the morning (for a billion more years at least).

–2) Grace Country Pastor will continue to pollute threads with irrelevant random Bible verses

–3) The DEMonS will sink further and deeper each and every passing day into the Slough of Despond

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
October 12, 2018 12:32 pm

Hey. Go easy on GCP. At least he doesn’t carry on endless conversations with his aliases. He is making an informed contribution which you can argue against. That is a good thing.

  Hollywood Rob
October 12, 2018 12:43 pm

You call it “informed contribution”, I call it “massive data dump bullshit”.

Just moments ago, really, he dumped another 1000+ word pile of horseshit with lots of Bibull verses.

Informed, my ass. It is Verbal Pollution. Keyboard Diarrhea. A blight on TBP. And you people who vote him up or, worse, engage with him just insure that his religious crapping on this site will never ever stop. Shame on all of you.

Agnes Wars IV: A New Maggoo
Agnes Wars IV: A New Maggoo
October 12, 2018 12:54 pm

Hollywood Hobo continues on with the anti-Maggie sock puppet theory.

  Agnes Wars IV: A New Maggoo
October 12, 2018 1:43 pm

For once Meatball Hollywood is right . The Pastor does a good job messing with Stucky …head and ass .Not sure which order. Keep pounding away Pastor .
I have toll you all there will be no collapse on Trump’s watch.He is wealthy but not one of them ( Traitors ) As long as Trump is in office we are somewhat safe.

October 12, 2018 1:47 pm

Hahaha. BB, The Village Idiot, and you TRULY are an idiot, supports Dr. Diarrhea. What a fucken surprise.

October 12, 2018 2:47 pm

So you don’t want to hear about God, then you post an article on God’s brain and encourage people to contribute…about, God’s brain or whatever the fuck it is you’re really asking/implying. Then you call someone retarded (or whatever your new big ‘word-for-the-day’ calendar suggests) for commenting on God? That ’bout right? Time for your meds big boy.

October 13, 2018 9:58 am

“So you don’t want to hear about God …”

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. I think there might be some hope for you in terms of being able to reason things out … so, I will respond to your deeply erroneous conclusion.

What makes you think I don’t “want to hear about God”????

I have written more original articles here about God/Spiritual things than every other contributor combined. Does that sound like someone who doesn’t want to hear about God?

I have been deeply immersed in “God things” since I was a little Catholic boy reading The Daily Messenger (it actually helped me learn English!). Indeed, there was a too-long period in my life when I didn’t give a crap about such things.

But, that has changed greatly in the past decade. For one thing … my dad died a few months ago. And mom is marching towards that end. And I ain’t no fucken spring chicken!! Some folks don’t give a shit about contemplating what comes next after they give up the ghost.

I do!

======== =

What I loathe about GCP …. and if you review my criticisms, you’ll see this is true ….. is his MASSIVE data dump of endless Bible verses. This is truly loathsome bullshit.

Believe me, if I, or anyone else, wants to know what the Bible says, well … there are hundreds of MILLIONS of Bibles in America. Not to mention every possible version is available on line with the click of a mouse.

The Burning Platform is NOT a platform for a friggin Bible Study!! And that’s exactly what GCP does all the time.

And, of course, each Bible study comes with the requisite “You’re wrong about that! But I have the truth!!” crapola, whether stated, or implied. Which intelligent human can actually enjoy such hubris?

My loathing for this type of “dialogue” is probably influenced by the FACT that I was MARRIED to such a creature for 19 looong years!! There was not one single day of those 19 looooong years where that religious nutjob did not quote some verse, for some reason … that often made zero sense.

People like that, imho, are NOT normal thinking human beings. They are PARROTS in human form. Automatons who do not think, just react. She never had an original thought that was her own, and neither does GCP.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
October 13, 2018 5:08 pm

I like GCP. I think he has a lot of hubris, in that he pretends to know what is unknowable, but that is the nature of religion and something we all who are spiritual do to one degree or another.

I agree with you that the cutting and pasting from the bible is tiresome. When I see it I scroll on past. I also agree with you that he is like an automaton, with the exception of the rare case when he is commenting on something other than his dogma. When he does speak from his own mind in his own words it is usually worth reading.

I don’t know how he learned his dogma, but he does know it by rote, backwards and forwards. It does seem more like pedantic indoctrination that he was spoon fed, rather than something he learned from intellectual curiosity. Despite all that I do like the guy, but then I enjoy my discussions with the Jehovah Witnesses when they come around too.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Grizzly Bare
October 13, 2018 6:48 pm

“It does seem more like pedantic indoctrination that he was spoon fed, rather than something he learned from intellectual curiosity.”

Study, study, study. It is Gods brain; His thoughts, that He was considerate enough to put on paper for anyone to read. It is the most amazing thing a man can possess. I have a fascination and thirst for it I pray is never quenched.

To understand it is to understand reality itself. No more guessing or wondering. It is human history past, present and future. It is true whether people believe it or not. It describes the world precisely; the world functions according to it all the while remaining unaware of the fact.

What’s coming is going to catch the vast majority by complete surprise but it doesn’t have to be that way.

I can’t begin to explain how glad I am to have found it. I spent 47 years without it. It has all the answers. Paul writes:

2 Timothy 2:7 KJV… “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.”

It’s actually true! And it’s free…

Imagine just for a moment that the Creator of the universe wrote a book. Would it not be wise to see what He had to say to his sentient creation?

But people look everywhere else for wisdom…

1 Corinthians 2:16 KJV… “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.”


Y’all have a great weekend!

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 14, 2018 12:37 am

The world is the platform of which TBP is just a minuscule part Stucky. I speak to the Bible because it is what I know. Unlike you, I don’t speak to the many things I don’t understand. I learn about them. It’s called growth.

I like you too Griz and appreciate your civility, but I hardly pretend to know the unknowable. What you believe to be unknowable is called revealed truth. It’s written in black on white. I merely present it for y’alls inspection. As I always say, do with it what you will. My recommendation is to examine it very seriously for yourselves.


Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  grace country pastor
October 14, 2018 12:55 am

God bless you pastor. We may not see eye to eye, but you are without doubt a decent human being and your heart is in the right place.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  grace country pastor
October 14, 2018 12:58 am

You should discuss “truth” with Hollywood. That’s his specialty.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Grizzly Bare
October 14, 2018 10:37 am

Leave me out of this one. I don’t want any part of the “god wrote a book” comments. The whole basis of the difference between christianity and islam is that man wrote the bible through the inspiration of their belief in god while Mohammad wrote the Koran directly from god’s word. God’s mouth to Mo’s ear so to speak. It is a bit scary to hear that GCP thinks god wrote his bible.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
October 12, 2018 7:24 pm

Not saying anybody is right or wrong, only that “going easy” isn’t a part of the didactic blood sport which characterizes TBP and attracts more flies than watermelon.

Newbies who express anything pokable invite shish-kabobbing.

I’m surprised everybody here doesn’t have a puppet or two in their sock.

October 12, 2018 9:24 pm

I accidentally down voted BB. He sees through Stucky. Stucky is a smart guy but not as smart as he thinks he is. Beebs? A lot smarter than a lot of people think.

October 13, 2018 1:17 am

You’re right; Beebs is smart. He scammed a bunch of rubes into paying for his medical bills rather than pay his own way, even though he is gainfully employed.

Smart, but a fucking piece of shit douchebag freeloader.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 13, 2018 6:49 pm

Agreed… I like BB.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Agnes Wars IV: A New Maggoo
October 13, 2018 12:35 am

Maggie, on every post today alone you have used over ten aliases. That’s not ten total, that’s ten on each post. The only sock puppet around here is the one that you have shoved up your ass. You promised that you wouldn’t post any more. You lied. You promised that you had stopped rambling. You lied. You make no contribution. You are not even funny any more. You are just pathetic. Get over yourself and your lying shit for brains comments.

Ghost of Andrea Iravani
Ghost of Andrea Iravani
  Hollywood Rob
October 13, 2018 1:25 am

What are you talking about, Hollywood Homo? Are you scared? Boyfriend out trolling for Johns?

  Ghost of Andrea Iravani
October 13, 2018 1:29 am

That’s just straight up theft.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Ghost of Andrea Iravani
October 14, 2018 10:45 am

No worries dawg. I actually enjoy a little troll hunting every now and then and let’s face it, maggie is nothing but a troll.


October 12, 2018 3:45 pm

*** In other news….Looks like the dead cat did bounce and the Dow will close up a couple hundred points. Still a big loss for the week.

October 12, 2018 5:59 pm

“The meet-up between Kanye West and President D.J. Trump was an even richer metaphor for the situation: two self-styled “geniuses” preening for the cameras in the Oval Office, like kids in a sandbox, without a single intelligible idea emerging from the play-date, and embarrassed grownups all standing ‘round pretending it was a Great Moment in History. ”
I think you missed the point here, Jim. The meeting wasn’t made to publicize ideas, generate new businesses or even “speak truth to power”. It was to make a visual point, caught on another post on Gab.ai: millions of black people saw a _black man_ _in the White House as an invited guest_ _doing the call-and-response “preach it!”_ _on views and thoughts the MSM WILL NOT SHOW_ _regarding black men as fathers, black men as successful artists and black men as RESPONSIBLE HUMAN BEINGS_ _instead of welfare sponges, “baby daddies” and unemployed bums_.
THAT was what millions of black men saw – you didn’t, Jim, it’s not how you were raised and cultured, so you couldn’t see it. I, as a white man, couldn’t see it – but millions of black men DID. They also saw a successful black man ENJOYING a talk with the President of the United States, even giving him a hug – a scene the MSM COULD NOT TOLERATE and cut away from to avoid showing the image.
If the Demoncrats lose majorly in the mid-term elections, the RNC should cut Kanye a gratuity – he surely will lead millions of blacks AWAY from their enslavers, the Demoncrats, and may well provide a good chunk of the “red wave”, if it does in fact materialize.

Soylent Gringo
Soylent Gringo
October 13, 2018 12:27 am

“…regarding black men as fathers, black men as successful artists and black men as RESPONSIBLE HUMAN BEINGS_ _instead of welfare sponges, “baby daddies” and unemployed bums_.”

Did you ever read up on the cycle of poverty? No matter, somebody here mentioned a few days ago that people imitate what they know. Kanye spelled it out for you, blacks are emotional, self-involved, with short term goals. That may not be the way it was but it’s the way it is now.

Haven’t you even read one 30 blocks story to know that pep talks and public works don’t do shit to change anybody? Sure, Kanye is talking the talk but ain’t nobody gone want to walk that walk, it requires giving up da massa’s money, the free phones and new car loans that can’t be turned down.

  Soylent Gringo
October 13, 2018 3:15 pm

Oddly enough, there are successful self-made black men – Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas come to mind. Truly the 0.1%, all of them.
But just as there are endless numbers of souls lost to crime, drugs and just-don’t-have-it, there are some who will see, and some who will listen. Some who will say, “My grandfather lived better than my father, and my father better than I; is that because I’m stupider than they were? Or have I been misled up the garden path all this time, and given a false recipe for success? If Kanye got to the White House (as a guest), maybe I can GO SOMEWHERE if I try?”
If Kanye can free a thousand out of the hopeless millions, is it not worthwhile?

Ghost of Andrea Iravani
Ghost of Andrea Iravani
October 13, 2018 3:34 pm

I understand your last point. However, I see this as the picture of a ghetto nigger acting out the fantasy of a stoned nig saying, if I was to see Trump in his office…

Witness the hand gesticulating and the trash talk; motherfucker, bro..

This has got to be an embarrassing moment for blacks.

Looking at it from a beaner POV, I would be fucking embarrassed if another beaner (Cheen Marin comes to mind) talking like a moran decided to speak for la raza and the motherfucker happened to be married to a white chick. He ain’t real, sorry.

If you think that sounds inspiring – telling kids they don’t have to be educated, they only have to sing rap and marry white chicks to succeed, alrightey then, but I’m not going along with that.

Not that marrying white chicks is bad, I actually had a huge crush on a white chick in hs, too bad she was blind, she never noticed me. What’s more galling is seeing all these morans running around with a white chick on their arm. Life is not fair.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Ghost of Andrea Iravani
October 14, 2018 10:51 am

maggie. As you wander from name to name you should try to keep your genders correct. It is not a very good idea to change the gender of you character in the middle of a story that you construct. you loose your audience through confusion.

My suggestion is that you make a list of all the names that you use and pin it up on your wall so you can keep track. Of course, by now it would be many pages long, but it is really important that you keep track of these things.

Just trying to help you out man. This is kinda writing 101. You know, basic fiction.

Maggito The Troll
Maggito The Troll
  Hollywood Rob
October 14, 2018 4:34 pm

Robbie, I appreciate your concern (consarn?) but I must go where the muse takes me.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 13, 2018 7:04 am

We all know something devastating was in the mix of all the financial markets and the longest bull market run up in history was on a slippery slope of bull shit and funny money created with a few computer key strokes .
When the realization that all government pension plans are in a $7 trillion dollar shitter short fall that cannot be made up taxing $15 bucks an hour amazon and Wal Mart employees many who qualify for public assistance of some sort .
Factor in the credit market failures to come that keep grocery stores stocked every 72 hours and POOF ?.
A hungry man is a dangerous man . A quote from Bob Marley !