Death In The Afternoon

Guest Post by The Zman

I had to put the cat down on Saturday afternoon. It was a sad thing, of course, as it always is when you have to say goodbye to a pet. The cat was diagnosed as a diabetic a few weeks back, which is not unusual with dogs and cats these days. It is a treatable condition, that is easier to manage in animals than humans. Your animal is not going to cheat on its diet or forget to take its insulin. With a little discipline and the willingness to master a few medical skills, you can manage a diabetic pet with little trouble.

On Friday night, the cat took a turn for the worse, so I went into the vet not entirely sure what to expect. They took blood and sent me home with some instructions. I figured they were humoring me, so I spent the night making my peace with what I expected was coming. The next day I learned, after further examination, that the cat had a rare type of cancer that was the real cause of the diabetes. They found tumors on his pancreas, which is not treatable, so I made the decision to put the poor thing out of his suffering.

While waiting to see the vet on Saturday, a woman I know came into the office. She was there to say goodbye to her dog. Apparently they called her with the bad news and she came into to complete the process. That was my guess anyway. The girl at the desk seemed to know what to do, despite the fact the woman was sobbing uncontrollably. She sat down on the bench next to me. Out of instinct, I guess, I don’t know, I slid over and put my arm around her. She collapsed against me into a mess of tears and wailing.

I don’t know what it is, but the sound of a woman crying touches some unexamined part of my being. It’s crazy, I’m sure, but that sound reminds me why a man is willing to fight another man to the death or leave his lands to sack the city of some bastard who insulted his people. My grandfather always said that a man protects those who need protection and defends those who need defending. Maybe that’s all there is to it and the sound of a woman crying just triggers those lessons I heard a million times as a kid.

There was nothing I could do for her, obviously, other than to be a shoulder to cry on, as she waited to say goodbye to her dog. Sitting there, being kind to a neighbor, my burden felt a bit lighter. There are always others worse off than you. That’s something I always try to keep in the front of mind. My life is not a walk in the park, but it is not an endless stream of misery either. Most people, it seems, carry around a lot more baggage than me, or they are less able to carry the load than me. Either way, I’m a pretty lucky guy.

Coming home, alone with my thoughts, I thought about how serendipity had intervened to make a tough situation a bit less difficult. My first pet, as an adult, was a cat. Growing up, we had dogs, so I had a bias against cats. The women I was dating at the time thought I needed a pet and she suggested a cat. I was skeptical about the whole thing, but a man does what he must at that age, so I got a cat. It turned out that cats are just like dogs, in that they are what you make of them. Me and the cat went on great adventures together.

At the end of his time, he got sick and I did the back and forth with the vet as you do with pets. It was new to me as an adult, so I got caught up in the process, thinking that there was a potentially good result. When it was time to put an end to it all, I struggled with the decision. I just couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye. Then one night the cat staggered down the hall with his old toy in his mouth. He could barely walk, but to the very end he was going to be all the cat he was ever going to be. I was quite touching.

That night, I could not help but think that maybe I just learned a great truth. That cat was just a cat, but he was never cheated. Who knows what goes on in the head of a pet, but they are here to be our pets. It is literally what they are made for and they are that fully and completely. We lose sight of that as people. Our point in life is to use all of our time completely. There are no do overs or restarts. You just have the time you have and you better use all of it being all the you possible. Life is for living. Don’t cheat yourself.

Perhaps that’s why we keep pets. Long ago, domesticating dogs for work or allowing cats to live among us to keep down the rodent population made practical sense. Keeping animals solely as pets has no obvious purpose, other than to make the time we have more enjoyable. Maybe seeing these little critters come into the world and become their purpose fully and completely makes understanding our own purpose easier. It’s a lot easier to grasp the purpose of a dog or cat than the purpose of that crazy relative in the family.

I will say, that this time was a bit more difficult than other last trips to the vet. I’ve had a lot of animals over the years. Some were better than others. This was a good one. Just about every post I’ve written was done with him lying behind the keyboard. Every podcast was done with him lying next to the microphone. For over a dozen years he was a comforting fixture in my life. He was there at the door when I got home and at the door when I went off to work every day. As pets go, he was a good one and I will miss him.

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October 17, 2018 8:35 am

I think our pets begin to take on traits out of our psyche. Sometimes, I almost hear what my dog(s) say to me. We lost a beloved pet March 2016 and the death and loss changed us forever. He was my husband’s shadow and now my husband walks shadowless. As a guardian, the dog was replaced but not the shadow.

I still hear JDAWG’s comments in my mind’s ear.

October 17, 2018 8:42 am

Pets are worth it.

October 17, 2018 8:57 am

But not silver bandages. I have grown outraged at the idea of using a little strip of grey foam one inch by three inches that costs more than ten dollars because there is some type of anti-bacterial silver in it. I appreciate your generosity as a taxpayer, but I’ve found a suitable (and pragmatic) alternative which will hopefully make you smile.

It also makes me wonder why the damn silver sponges cost so damn much for my “insurer.”

It also makes me wonder why none of my doctors or nurses suggested the idea to me. Oh, I know… Big Pharma.

October 17, 2018 9:21 am

Anon,have had coffee/have not(to me knowledge!)banged me head hard ect.

I really have no idea what your post is about,please explain if you have the time.

Aztlan pop. 1
Aztlan pop. 1
October 17, 2018 10:05 am

Jimbo, anon assumes a lot. She assumes you have been following her medical ordeal. At the moment, she is referring to the colloidal silver coated bandages the VA issued her. She thinks the cost to the government is outrageous and has resorted to a less (way less) expensive treatment. Stucke reached out to her for help but she waved him off since it’s all about her. Maggie is like CNN: all Maggie 24/7. She even got mad when Bea and I refused to go sack other cities to defend her honor, so there’s that other side to defending the weak, sometimes the weak are faking it to get free stuff like food, rent, new cars…

October 17, 2018 2:16 pm

Since I replied to wip, I hoped to not attract outside notice. Nor do I want to detract from the loss of a beloved pet, as my first comment above indicates. I should not have named him, but pet essays usually do not hold the attention of those interested in business and the economy. But that dog, like Z’s cat near his desk, holds a special place in my memory.

As for others from my memory, in parts unknown and unsought?

Move on and let it go.

Aztlan pop. 1
Aztlan pop. 1
October 17, 2018 2:37 pm
October 17, 2018 9:49 am

We had to put our trusty pet to sleep earlier this year, and we also chose to pull the plug rather than prolong his suffering with expensive treatments that at best would have extended his life a few weeks or possibly months while subjecting him to untold procedures, etc. It was a dark time since he had been with us for so many changes in our family and life, including many tough times. The best therapy came from making a short video montage from pictures and video clips of his interaction with the family over the years. Of course everyone cried their eyes out when watching the finished video, but we were all comforted by it because you could really see how much we all loved him and were loved by him in return.

October 17, 2018 9:58 am

Our last dog was beloved by all, but had congestive heart failure for most of his life, yet lived an active life for 12 years. He hated vets..In the end, he just jumped up on my wife’s lap, got comfortable, and died peacefully. He had been scheduled to go to the vet that afternoon, and apparently wanted no part of that….

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
October 17, 2018 10:12 am

It’s always tough to lose a pet when you’re emotionally attached.
I am of the opinion pets are good for the psychological development of children and emotionally stunted adults because their small souls help develop empathy. Cats seem to get a bad rap but they have their moments. Once you get past that rascally contrarian nature and learn to respect the individualism, cats can be very good little friends.
Hug ’em while you have ’em, their time is short.

billy bob
billy bob
October 17, 2018 10:13 am

Sorry to here about your cat.
It is like a punch in the guts, when you loose a 4 legged friend.

October 17, 2018 10:26 am

I’ve cried more over the loss of my dogs than people in my life. A cat recently adopted us. I was never a cat person but the thing was so ratty when it showed up, we had to help it out. It has repaid us fully in daily antics and affection for us that I never understood before from cats.
Sorry for your loss…

October 17, 2018 10:28 am

Z-Man , a righteous man regards the life of his beast. God said that not me. How a man treats his beast tells us a lot about him. Your actions say a lot about what kind of man you are.

October 17, 2018 10:30 am

Perhaps pets help to soothe their owner’s inner turmoil by serving as outside entities upon which to focus. There is a psychological transference that takes place, and that’s OK. Do we love what we serve or serve what we love? Maybe it’s both because it’s mutual.

October 17, 2018 12:23 pm

The comment moderation monster is stalking today. Just had another on another thread. Sometimes they show up later, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes it works the second or third time tried and then they repeat all at once.

October 17, 2018 12:27 pm

comment image

billy bob
billy bob
October 17, 2018 1:24 pm

my comment in this post was also “awaiting moderation”
but eventually it was allowed in.
who knows, there could be other site issue we are not aware of.

October 17, 2018 10:31 am

Perhaps pets help to soothe their owner’s inner turmoil by serving as outside entities upon which to focus. There is a psychological transference that takes place, and that’s OK. Do we love what we serve or serve what we love? Maybe it’s both because it’s mutual.

October 17, 2018 10:33 am

Stuck may have put it down with a two by four and saved the vet bill. At least that is how he deals with raccoons.

Aztlan pop. 1
Aztlan pop. 1
October 17, 2018 1:05 pm

He uses a jawbone to put down morans here.

October 17, 2018 10:53 am

Just had my cat put to sleep this morning. Cancer of the throat and mouth. 15 years old, so a good innings. Wasn’t until about 5 years ago that I found out that the wheat in pet food causes lots of health issues with cats and other animals. Cat goes into the wheat field to catch the mouse, not eat the grain.

As another aside, I’m always amazed how a tiny predator like a cat can live happily alongside an apex predator, which we all are under the veneer of civilisation. Takes a lot of trust, respect and love for a cat to turn its back on you. In cat language that means you watch my back and I’ll watch yours.

I’m now a cat free lady. RIP Satchmo, my blue smoke Maine Coon.

Done in Dallas
Done in Dallas
October 17, 2018 11:23 am

Lost a 13 year old Chihuahua in July. A very easy going old fella. He enjoyed nuzzling up to you in the evening and playing howling with you with his own version of singing. Started having a some short of breath issues so we took him into the vet. Start of heart failure he said, so we got some meds for him to take. The vet didn’t seem to think anything was going to happen soon with him soon and we had another dog that had this issue that lived years. Anyway, got him home and he wasn’t hungry and didn’t want food. I got home from work and the wife had somewhere to go that evening so I settled down with him on the couch. Figured I could maybe calm him down and maybe he’d eat something and start his meds. He was unsettled sitting with me there but allowed me to scratch his ears. After about an hour he stood up unsteadily on the edge of the couch. I grabbed him to prevent a fall and set there in my arms and started to howl, then he collapsed.

Pancho, your family and sister misses you.

My father died in May. It’s been a crappy year.

  Done in Dallas
October 17, 2018 4:10 pm

Done,been there/done that(pun intended!).Sorry about your pup and dad,today is 4 year anniversary of me dads death,during that year in hell had 8 other friends die,me mums dog died and her cat,aptly named Warchild Tsunami/a 8-9- pound Siamese hurricane from hell also died.I know sounds weird but feel the loss in some ways most of Warchild,he was me buddy from hell!I miss and loved the others but had some weird connection with that cat.

It does get easier day by day but you will always remember the loss,and,folks/pets are not truly dead if someone remembers them.I will say me died was fourth to die in this list of loss,was drinking heavy due to loss of other friends,went on a cosmic tear of epic proportions,then,put down the bottle,will be about 4 years without a drink this Friday.

As me best friend says,drink again when you are happy and celebrating life,hmmmm…….,may never drink again.

To all who have lost one they love it does hurt bad,but,you do also move on and while not replacing the losses in your life find others to love,at least the 4 footed variety!