‘Anti-Science’ Trump Administration To Revert Definition Of Gender To Objective, Scientific Standard

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The “anti-science” and “anti-facts” Trump administration is considering reverting the definition of gender to a biological, objective, scientific standard, drawing the ire of the “pro-science” left.

Critics have long claimed Trump is opposed to science, and they believe his decision to use scientific standards to define gender prove his anti-science stance.

“Trump obviously can’t stand scientific facts, and that’s why he’s hatefully changing the definition of gender to a biological, objective standard,” said one MSNBC host. “The true lover of science knows that gender is a nebulous, imaginary concept that you can change based on your feelings.” The hosts of the program then chanted “Love trumps hate!” for a full 45 minutes before the show ended.

Congressional Democrats held a press conference shortly after the news of the reversion to anti-science scientific standards. “This is unconscionable,” said Nancy Pelosi. “These scientific standards will set us back thousands of years—or at least a few years, to when we changed the definition of gender in the first place.” Congressional Democrats then chanted “Love trumps hate!” for a full 45 minutes before the press conference ended.

At publishing time, critics had further claimed that many in the Trump administration are demonstrably opposed to science based on their insistence on defining a fetus as a biological human being.

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October 22, 2018 8:06 pm

No chicks with dicks.

October 22, 2018 8:14 pm

Well said old boy !!!!!
But the other way around is even worse !!!!!
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!

October 22, 2018 10:09 pm

Funny story…we had a sporting goods store here in SoCal called “Chicks” (for Chicks sporting goods). So one day, I’m driving past, and the name has changed to “Dicks”.
I thought it was funny as hell, “Chicks with Dicks”.

October 22, 2018 10:13 pm

When the Democrats in Kentucky said that the schools must allow chicks with dicks into the girls restrooms, they got slaughtered in the 2015 election. They lost control of the governor’s mansion and both houses of the Legislature after 94 years of control . So, the chicks with dicks did serve a good purpose. Now, where is that bulldozer and heavy machine gun?

October 22, 2018 8:38 pm

If you cut off the spigot…you’re just a dickless dude…not a chick .

There are two genders,neither are fluid . Call yourself what ever you want I don’t give a damn however if you look like a dude I will refer to you in the male tense,if you look like a chick I will refer to you in the female tense and if I’m not sure what you are I’ll call you Pat .

October 22, 2018 8:45 pm

Let’s simplify this issue so everyone can understand it. If your body, and your brain are at odds about what sex you are, I guarantee your body is right and your brain is wrong. A duck can think it is a dog, but in reality, no matter how confused it is, it is still a duck.

Your confusion does not change reality.

October 22, 2018 9:45 pm

btw guys,just in case you haven’t heard,trump really has started the ball rolling to have the federal govt only recognize 2 genders,male/female–
to change your gender you would have to show genetic evidence–

Not Sure
Not Sure
October 23, 2018 8:26 am

This is the real story. The shift from insanity to reality. It’s just beginning, but will move much faster if a red wave cleans out the democrats and the country can move back to science based reality of male and female versus, well, you know all the categories.

October 22, 2018 10:17 pm

New NPC code: Anti- Science, Anti-facts, “This is unconscionable”, “Love trumps hate”
My list now has 69 items.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 23, 2018 8:46 am

That’s a really interesting article, KaD. The phrase “powerful transgender lobby” really jumped out at me.
Who is the money behind this powerful lobby?

October 23, 2018 7:21 am

If you’re a man and think you’re a woman, you belong in a insane asylum.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 23, 2018 7:55 am

I feel sorry for them, I really do. I just can’t understand forcing the vast majority into acceding to their demands.

That seems wrong to me. But then so many other things do as well. I guess I’m just hopelessly out of touch with the times.

October 23, 2018 10:28 am

No wonder the Democrats lost the last election. Instead of focusing on real issues that affected people, they were focused on the lofty question of how many genders can dance on the head of a pin.

October 24, 2018 4:14 am

Decided to build a sunroof over the back deck. Carpenters framed it, ready for glass, CL Free, tempered, 4 ft X 4 ft panes. Regularly haul 1/2 ton in Sienna with air bags in the coil springs – the glass load was about 25 panes, scary heavy, axle breakage a real concern. Much discussion of how to get panes onto framing, as deck was already 8 ft up ie glass was going to 16 ft up. ‘Front of house only 8 ft up – build ramp to front, carry across roof to rear framing. OR ‘4 guys at rear – 2 on deck pass panes up to 2 on framing.’ OR ‘Remove a framing crossmember, build scaffold – slide pane to scaffold & then thru framing to install.’

Answer – one word – “Manon”. Belgian pre-op tranny M to F. 6 ft/250 lbs, tits from transitional steroids, lipstick, & a male lover who was apparently a lesbian in his youth. Je n’ai pas d’idée comment, ou pourquoi, il a choisi son nouveau nom mais, en anglais, Fuck was that Man on Man. Homeless Shelter classified the 2 (overlook the 150 lb purebred Newfoundland & the Bernese) as Married so no triple-hi bunks in the basement Male ‘Full Metal Jacket’ dorm. Yep, living in luxe, own private bedroom, free & fed.

‘Any ideas, Manon?’
‘Yeah – stepladder.’
Done deal – outperformed a Hiab, alone, non-stop, $18/hr cash. Utterly stunning.