A Great Speech of this 4th Turning

Submitted by RiNS

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 23, 2018 10:01 am

If I was a judge in the UK I’d be a little nervous these days. I question how much more corruption and abuse those men will take before they snap. Not sure the military will be on side to stop them if they do.

  Francis Marion
October 23, 2018 2:06 pm

If I were a Judge in UKistan, I’d be looking to retire overseas, and soon. When this thing blows, it will be epic.

October 23, 2018 10:02 am

I finished watching the speech. Started out great but was about ten minutes too long. Still seems like a turning point. One can hope. Maybe just maybe ole Blighty ain’t lost after all. Time will tell but at least it is a step in right direction.

Rather, Not
Rather, Not
October 23, 2018 3:00 pm

Eh, not a bad bit of banter, but the Muslims in Britain can put 10 armed, moderately organized and modestly trained men for every British man that heard this speech. Including not only the ones in person, but youtube views.

If the leadership of Britain wanted to avoid bloodshed, they would cancel the charges against Tommy Robinson, and settle with him by allowing 3 free of consequence whacks with a cricket bat as hard as he deems appropriate to the original judge, the warden, and everyone up the chain through to the home secretary. Maybe Prime Minister. That won’t happen. But bloodshed will eventually. But if you won’t fight when you can win easily…

October 24, 2018 7:56 am

That was his statement that was submitted to the Court on Monday prior to the Court case together with the evidence in his defence bundle. The London Recorder, Nicholas Hilliard QC, is considered to be one of our best jurists, an English Kavanaugh. After reading the statement the Recorder decided to refer to matter to our AG to assess whether to proceed with contempt of court charges and other allegations or to drop the case against Tommy.

A good summary by James Delingpole at Breitbart.


Andrew Lawton who helped prepare the statement was in Court and overhead two reporters talking about how they were going to report on the story compared with what actually happened. They’ve since denied it but he is trying to get a copy of the Court recording. The audio may have picked up their conversation. May be a bit more careful in future when not everyone in their vicinity is part of their narrative production team.

I overheard how reporters talk about Tommy Robinson