A Report From The Field

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the stranger things about this age is that even the fiercest critics of the ruling class are finding it hard to keep pace with the ruling class confirming their claims. Make some exaggerated statement about the Cloud People and before you have had a chance to defend it from critics, Cloud People have taken to social media to prove your point. It’s a cliché to say that satire is dead, but it really does feel that way. How can you satirize people who are everything you mock them for being, plus some extra to make the point?

A popular theme here is that the people who rule over us act like a foreign colonial elite, divorced from the reality of our daily life. They are not just physically removed, but spiritually and intellectually removed. As a result, they are entirely clueless about what animates our lives and decisions. This critique is meant to be an exaggeration to make a point about our elites. This editorial in the Wall Street Journal by Yale professor David Gelernter, however, is an example how it is hard to exaggerate these things.

The difference between citizens who hate Mr. Trump and those who can live with him—whether they love or merely tolerate him—comes down to their views of the typical American: the farmer, factory hand, auto mechanic, machinist, teamster, shop owner, clerk, software engineer, infantryman, truck driver, housewife. The leftist intellectuals I know say they dislike such people insofar as they tend to be conservative Republicans.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama know their real sins. They know how appalling such people are, with their stupid guns and loathsome churches. They have no money or permanent grievances to make them interesting and no Twitter followers to speak of. They skip Davos every year and watch Fox News. Not even the very best has the dazzling brilliance of a Chuck Schumer, not to mention a Michelle Obama. In truth they are dumb as sheep.

Mr. Trump reminds us who the average American really is. Not the average male American, or the average white American. We know for sure that, come 2020, intellectuals will be dumbfounded at the number of women and blacks who will vote for Mr. Trump. He might be realigning the political map: plain average Americans of every type vs. fancy ones.

Now, Gelernter is one of the few good neocons in that he is much more in line with the original generation than with the successors. I had a short correspondence with him a long time ago and he was very nice. No, I am not the Unabomber. He had written an article about alternative file structures that I found interesting so I sent him an e-mail about it and we went back and forth on the topic. Unlike his neocon brethren, he does not sneer at the rest of us or endlessly advocate for our destruction.

The amusing part about this column is that it needed to be written. Gelernter is a Yale professor, which means he spends his days around Cloud People and future Cloud People. As a Trump supporter, he operates a lot like Dian Fossey, spending every day in an alien environment observing strange creatures. He no doubt has come to care for them and appreciate them, but their weirdness remains the main fascination. Yet, this is a place that is a training ground for the people who will one day call themselves our leaders.

Now, spend enough time in a foreign place and you will start to take on the attributes of the natives. You see that in the description of the “typical American” as something closer to a character from Dickens than modern reality. Whenever ruling class people talk about the rest of us they never mention business owners, the self-employed or senior managers in mid-sized companies. I deal with the latter on a regular basis and I rarely encounter a hard core lefty. They range from right-of-center to way over on our side of the divide.

That’s the strangeness of the current age. It’s not that the ruling class is physically removed from the rest of us, as in the feudal age or even at the peak of the industrial age. In those times, the people in the castles and mansions generally believed the same things as the regular people, at least spiritually. They also felt a duty to maintain order, not just in their own interests but in the interests of the populace. They may not have liked the peasants, but they did not hate them. They certainly felt a duty to look out for them.

In this age, the ruling class believes things that no normal person accepts. The tranny stuff is the obvious example. That will never be accepted by normal people as anything other than an insult to their decency. The Cloud People can bellow about this until they are swinging from a rope and the people will never accept it. Yet, among the Cloud People, gender fluidity is as sensible as worshiping Gaia. Our ruling class now has an entirely alien religion upon which is built their moral framework and world view. They ain’t us.

That’s another thing about this age. The Cloud People lack self-awareness. It’s why comedy is no longer funny. A sense of humor relies on a sense of self and a willingness to make sport of your side. That can only work on people when they are aware of their own foibles and quirks. For our rulers, their greatest blind spot is in the mirror. They imagine themselves as plucky underdogs fighting the man. They think they are nobly sacrificing for the greater good. In reality, they are selfish self-absorbed children throwing tantrums.

That’s why it is hard to be optimistic about a good end to a course correction. How do you reform a ruling class whose identity is based on its hatred of the people over whom it rules? How do you fix a people who are oblivious to the lives of the people they rule and oblivious to the reality of their own lives? It is easy to understand why the Maoists sent so many intellectuals to the rice paddies or gave them factory jobs pushing a broom. It’s hard to comprehend how anyone can be so clueless and self-absorbed, but here we are.

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Not Sure
Not Sure
October 24, 2018 12:09 pm

We have come to the end of innocent until proven guilty, or to a put it more succinctly, just the facts, ma’am.
The self delusion of the cloud people has reached the point of no return. Watch the latest news of the day and watch how quickly the perps of the mail bombs are tagged with being pro Trump dirt people. I’m pretty sure no one will be caught as that would destroy the fantasy, unless some psychotic nut job is collared, but even then it won’t matter, because everyone knows it was the whole conservative movement that did this.
I’m feeling a little confident in my assessment, because after the dem fail of the Kavanagh confirmation and the soon to be non starter of the caravan/invasion when none are able to cross the border, the democrats will have nothing, zero, zilch to fall back on to rally their faithful; what a better time to be made the victims of undetonated mail bombs. But imaginary blood has been spilled and now it’s just a matter of time for the left to seek revenge by spilling the real thing to respond to the imaginary deaths of their leaders.

October 24, 2018 12:30 pm

Might be that these “bombs” are a set-up and were sent out by another unstable SJW. I wouldn’t be surprised. Most of the white liberals I know think they are just a bit more moral and intellectually advanced than their neighbors. It actually galls them to have to share space with the rest of us. Money means everything to them. A lot of them are living on the financial edge because of trying to keep up with wealthier people in their social class. The more outspoken the less bucks they have. Here in Tulsa OK, they live in a small blue bubble and try to insulate themselves from the larger culture. We live in a blue dot neighborhood. I interact with them all the time. It’s really amusing to observe their undercurrent of arrogance and distain. I am somewhat avoided at some social events to my great pleasure.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 12:51 pm

I would guess it is about 60-40~ the bombs are the work of some SJW doof. They didn’t go off and they knew where to send them. I’m sure Morning Joe & His Ho were plumbing the depths of outrage as well as the other boob tube Progtards. The Bush twins came out in horror and disapproval on NBC (Nimrod Bolshevik Chatfest) over Megyn Kelly saying Blackface as part of a costume was OK back in the day. WTF are those two Hitlary voting c-units doing polluting the airwaves anyway? Listening to these vapid dorks for thirty seconds makes it painfully clear they were born on third base and think they hit a Triple.

Stucky's Spiritual Bro Jawboning the Morans
Stucky's Spiritual Bro Jawboning the Morans
October 24, 2018 12:35 pm

There was that handy oughties expression for when you had gone too far in pimping your ride or putting on your makeup or going for yuks – ‘Killed It’. That is what has happened with the Dems. They got extra votes from the LGBTQ crowd in the 90’s and now they are deeply invested in a swath of voters who do not represent the rest of the party. The Dems tried to satisfy their new mish-mash constituency with preferential immigration treatment for gay Hispanics. The exclusion of straight males was chalked up to ‘diversity’. Suddenly, it was cool to be a tool, useful even. There is no going back to the party of poor people or union people, this is now the rainbow coalition of Jesse Jackson. The Donkey has been replaced by the Unicorn.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 12:56 pm

More damage has been done through greed, leftism and intellectualism than anything else.

Jawboning the Morans
Jawboning the Morans
  Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 1:29 pm

Badonkeydonk, you sound smart, do I know you?

  Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 1:31 pm

We might just say stupidity, or arrogance.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 24, 2018 1:29 pm

“For our rulers, their greatest blind spot is in the mirror. They imagine themselves as plucky underdogs fighting the man. They think they are nobly sacrificing for the greater good. In reality, they are selfish self-absorbed children throwing tantrums.”


Captain Willard
Captain Willard
  hardscrabble farmer
October 24, 2018 2:20 pm

Actually, I think Zman only gets it half right. All ruling classes are self-absorbed and self-interested.

But the successful ones are competent, follow their own rules and have “skin in the game”. The Caesars detested the mob, but they won battles and built a prosperous empire. Wellington called his troops “the scum of the earth”, but he led them to victory over Napoleon.

I expect contempt from the elite, but with their contempt should come success for the whole society.

October 24, 2018 5:06 pm

The real ‘cloud people’ can afford to ignore the ‘people’. The puzzling thing is their ‘mandarin class and the leftist shock troops who form the mobs for their demonstrations don’t get it.
They are not protected with millions of their own dollars but have to rely on government promises that can’t be met. That everything is fine because they have a taxpayer funded pension and make $100,000 per year as a school principal or GS something or other. That tomorrow will be the same as today.

Few have ever experienced a ‘downsizing’ or layoff that leaves them broke and desperate for work. Normal people have or have someone close to them who has. They will though and when it happens many will end their lives in disbelief as their sinecures and pensions disappear.

October 24, 2018 9:19 pm

Well done Z! It seems like they have schooled that arrogance into the entitled generation. The utter disgust of common sense is quite sad.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 24, 2018 10:43 pm

The verbose people writing in-depth essays here are spinning our wheels while the Democrats build huge political power by simple effective means: demographics (welfare plantations to produce more Communist, open borders and caravans), voter fraud, more free shit for the Rice Communist, control of public education and media, Deep State dirty tricks, Red Tape, Vampire Squid etc. They verbally swat gnats from the public pulpits while The Beast insidiously slips US into chains of slavery.

October 25, 2018 6:29 am

The cloud people believe themselves to be smart but demonstrate otherwise. Case in point: the mail bomb gambit will fail to turn the midterm elections toward the Dems. Reason: People instinctively blame victims for their own misfortune – unless the victims are extraordinarily sympathetic characters. There is nothing at all sympathetic about Soros, Clinton, CNN et al. I agree with Zman that when it becomes clear that the plebes aren’t reacting the way they are supposed to, the mailbomber(s) will double down and go live. My prediction: Unless they change the target(s), even live terrorism won’t affect the midterm elections.