The Rule of the Uber-Rich Means Tyranny or Revolution

Guest Post by Chris Hedges

At the age of 10 I was sent as a scholarship student to a boarding school for the uber-rich in Massachusetts. I lived among the wealthiest Americans for the next eight years. I listened to their prejudices and saw their cloying sense of entitlement. They insisted they were privileged and wealthy because they were smarter and more talented. They had a sneering disdain for those ranked below them in material and social status, even the merely rich. Most of the uber-rich lacked the capacity for empathy and compassion. They formed elite cliques that hazed, bullied and taunted any nonconformist who defied or did not fit into their self-adulatory universe.

It was impossible to build a friendship with most of the sons of the uber-rich. Friendship for them was defined by “what’s in it for me?” They were surrounded from the moment they came out of the womb by people catering to their desires and needs. They were incapable of reaching out to others in distress—whatever petty whim or problem they had at the moment dominated their universe and took precedence over the suffering of others, even those within their own families. They knew only how to take. They could not give. They were deformed and deeply unhappy people in the grip of an unquenchable narcissism.

It is essential to understand the pathologies of the uber-rich. They have seized total political power. These pathologies inform Donald Trump, his children, the Brett Kavanaughs, and the billionaires who run his administration. The uber-rich cannot see the world from anyone’s perspective but their own. People around them, including the women whom entitled men prey upon, are objects designed to gratify momentary lusts or be manipulated. The uber-rich are almost always amoral. Right. Wrong. Truth. Lies. Justice. Injustice. These concepts are beyond them. Whatever benefits or pleases them is good. What does not must be destroyed.

The pathology of the uber-rich is what permits Trump and his callow son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to conspire with de facto Saudi ruler Mohammed bin Salman, another product of unrestrained entitlement and nepotism, to cover up the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, whom I worked with in the Middle East. The uber-rich spend their lives protected by their inherited wealth, the power it wields and an army of enablers, including other members of the fraternity of the uber-rich, along with their lawyers and publicists. There are almost never any consequences for their failures, abuses, mistreatment of others and crimes. This is why the Saudi crown prince and Kushner have bonded. They are the homunculi the uber-rich routinely spawn.

The rule of the uber-rich, for this reason, is terrifying. They know no limits. They have never abided by the norms of society and never will. We pay taxes—they don’t. We work hard to get into an elite university or get a job—they don’t. We have to pay for our failures—they don’t. We are prosecuted for our crimes—they are not.

The uber-rich live in an artificial bubble, a land called Richistan, a place of Frankenmansions and private jets, cut off from our reality. Wealth, I saw, not only perpetuates itself but is used to monopolize the new opportunities for wealth creation. Social mobility for the poor and the working class is largely a myth. The uber-rich practice the ultimate form of affirmative action, catapulting white, male mediocrities like Trump, Kushner and George W. Bush into elite schools that groom the plutocracy for positions of power. The uber-rich are never forced to grow up. They are often infantilized for life, squalling for what they want and almost always getting it. And this makes them very, very dangerous.

Political theorists, from Aristotle and Karl Marx to Sheldon Wolin, have warned against the rule of the uber-rich. Once the uber-rich take over, Aristotle writes, the only options are tyranny and revolution. They do not know how to nurture or build. They know only how to feed their bottomless greed. It’s a funny thing about the uber-rich: No matter how many billions they possess, they never have enough. They are the Hungry Ghosts of Buddhism. They seek, through the accumulation of power, money and objects, an unachievable happiness. This life of endless desire often ends badly, with the uber-rich estranged from their spouses and children, bereft of genuine friends. And when they are gone, as Charles Dickens wrote in “A Christmas Carol,” most people are glad to be rid of them.

C. Wright Mills in “The Power Elite,” one of the finest studies of the pathologies of the uber-rich, wrote:

They exploited national resources, waged economic wars among themselves, entered into combinations, made private capital out of the public domain, and used any and every method to achieve their ends. They made agreements with railroads for rebates; they purchased newspapers and bought editors; they killed off competing and independent businesses and employed lawyers of skill and statesmen of repute to sustain their rights and secure their privileges. There is something demonic about these lords of creation; it is not merely rhetoric to call them robber barons.

Corporate capitalism, which has destroyed our democracy, has given unchecked power to the uber-rich. And once we understand the pathologies of these oligarchic elites, it is easy to chart our future. The state apparatus the uber-rich controls now exclusively serves their interests. They are deaf to the cries of the dispossessed. They empower those institutions that keep us oppressed—the security and surveillance systems of domestic control, militarized police, Homeland Security and the military—and gut or degrade those institutions or programs that blunt social, economic and political inequality, among them public education, health care, welfare, Social Security, an equitable tax system, food stamps, public transportation and infrastructure, and the courts. The uber-rich extract greater and greater sums of money from those they steadily impoverish. And when citizens object or resist, they crush or kill them.

The uber-rich care inordinately about their image. They are obsessed with looking at themselves. They are the center of their own universe. They go to great lengths and expense to create fictional personas replete with nonexistent virtues and attributes. This is why the uber-rich carry out acts of well-publicized philanthropy. Philanthropy allows the uber-rich to engage in moral fragmentation. They ignore the moral squalor of their lives, often defined by the kind of degeneracy and debauchery the uber-rich insist is the curse of the poor, to present themselves through small acts of charity as caring and beneficent. Those who puncture this image, as Khashoggi did with Salman, are especially despised. And this is why Trump, like all the uber-rich, sees a critical press as the enemy. It is why Trump’s and Kushner’s eagerness to conspire to help cover up Khashoggi’s murder is ominous. Trump’s incitements to his supporters, who see in him the omnipotence they lack and yearn to achieve, to carry out acts of violence against his critics are only a few steps removed from the crown prince’s thugs dismembering Khashoggi with a bone saw. And if you think Trump is joking when he suggests the press should be dealt with violently you understand nothing about the uber-rich. He will do what he can get away with, even murder. He, like most of the uber-rich, is devoid of a conscience.

The more enlightened uber-rich, the East Hamptons and Upper East Side uber-rich, a realm in which Ivanka and Jared once cavorted, look at the president as gauche and vulgar. But this distinction is one of style, not substance. Donald Trump may be an embarrassment to the well-heeled Harvard and Princeton graduates at Goldman Sachs, but he serves the uber-rich as assiduously as Barack Obama and the Democratic Party do. This is why the Obamas, like the Clintons, have been inducted into the pantheon of the uber-rich. It is why Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump were close friends. They come from the same caste.

There is no force within ruling institutions that will halt the pillage by the uber-rich of the nation and the ecosystem. The uber-rich have nothing to fear from the corporate-controlled media, the elected officials they bankroll or the judicial system they have seized. The universities are pathetic corporation appendages. They silence or banish intellectual critics who upset major donors by challenging the reigning ideology of neoliberalism, which was formulated by the uber-rich to restore class power. The uber-rich have destroyed popular movements, including labor unions, along with democratic mechanisms for reform that once allowed working people to pit power against power. The world is now their playground.

In “The Postmodern Condition” the philosopher Jean-François Lyotard painted a picture of the future neoliberal order as one in which “the temporary contract” supplants “permanent institutions in the professional, emotional, sexual, cultural, family and international domains, as well as in political affairs.” This temporal relationship to people, things, institutions and the natural world ensures collective self-annihilation. Nothing for the uber-rich has an intrinsic value. Human beings, social institutions and the natural world are commodities to exploit for personal gain until exhaustion or collapse. The common good, like the consent of the governed, is a dead concept. This temporal relationship embodies the fundamental pathology of the uber-rich.

The uber-rich, as Karl Polanyi wrote, celebrate the worst kind of freedom—the freedom “to exploit one’s fellows, or the freedom to make inordinate gains without commensurable service to the community, the freedom to keep technological inventions from being used for public benefit, or the freedom to profit from public calamities secretly engineered for private advantage.” At the same time, as Polanyi noted, the uber-rich make war on the “freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, freedom of meeting, freedom of association, freedom to choose one’s own job.”

The dark pathologies of the uber-rich, lionized by mass culture and mass media, have become our own. We have ingested their poison. We have been taught by the uber-rich to celebrate the bad freedoms and denigrate the good ones. Look at any Trump rally. Watch any reality television show. Examine the state of our planet. We will repudiate these pathologies and organize to force the uber-rich from power or they will transform us into what they already consider us to be—the help.


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October 24, 2018 11:36 am

This article seems to be about an uber driver named “Rich” …. or, is there a better explanation for “uber-rich”? Why is this interesting?

I used to look forward to reading Hedges articles. That was before I discovered he; 1) strongly believes global warming is America’s biggest problem and, 2) his extreme loathing for Trump and, 3) his utter contempt for “radical” (normal) Christians.

I’m also a lazy fuck. So, maybe someone can summarize his rant in one sentence … OR, tell me this article of his is actually worth reading.

October 24, 2018 11:41 am

OK, so I’m being a dick, above.

So, I QUICK scanned the article. Summary: uber-rich people suck Diseased Donkey Dick. (Did I get that right?)

That’s quite hilarious because in his latest book he wants everyone in ‘Murika to make $15/ hr minimum, $500 monthly for all kinds of people, free college for all, free medical for all ………….. which, I guess he thinks will all be funded by the “uber poor”, right? /sarc

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 1:03 pm

I did, below.

October 24, 2018 3:44 pm

comment image

Chris had a sad and wants us all to feel bad.

Politicians suck diseased Donkey Balls
Politicians suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 3:51 pm

Did you read for comprehension?

  Politicians suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 8:11 pm

I am not sure if you are directing venom to me but I did read it. Hedges is a meme. That is why I posted it
comment image

October 24, 2018 10:41 pm

it wasn’t worth reading–
he is revealing himself to be an (un)equal opportunity bomb thrower–go after people on the right & ignore or excuse those on the left who have the proper political or virtue signaling credentials–

October 24, 2018 10:43 pm


that was my other thought. I started reading it and quickly lost interest in his panderings..

October 24, 2018 11:43 am

“I care not how affluent some may be, provided that none be miserable in consequence of it. ”
Thomas Paine (Agrarian Justice 1797)

October 24, 2018 7:10 pm

America has no miserable, as a rule. They are fed (really well fed), clothed, entertained, housed, etc.

By any absolute measure, they are not miserable, as might be defined by the quote.

October 24, 2018 9:17 pm

“America has no miserable”
First, who is this “they” you referenced?
Second, how do you know how they feel?

October 25, 2018 1:56 am

Marsh, you are a fucking dimwit. I referenced the meaning of the quote. And I give not two shits how someone feels. If they have food, clothing, shelter, etc., they are not poor, and I could care less that they are envious of others. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on. Fuck you too, asshole.

October 25, 2018 6:16 am

Again, who is this “they” you referenced (“They are fed….”), and how do you know how they feel (i.e. not miserable)?

October 25, 2018 9:20 am

Marsh – you moron. The quote does not mean feelings but misrrable with respect to poverty.

October 25, 2018 9:24 am

Marsh – you moron. Misrrable: a state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty or affliction. Definition of 1800

October 25, 2018 9:59 am

Ok, we’re not going to agree on what Thomas Paine meant by “miserable”; I was more interested in your definition of miserable when you wrote “America has no miserable”. It sounds like you are hypothesizing there is no “suffering and want…the result of poverty or affliction”. Again, in order to conclude that someone else is not suffering you must somehow know what they are feeling. I’m not asking you to express sympathy for another human being; I’m well aware that’s an exercise in futility. But I am asking how you determine if another person is experiencing suffering.

More importantly, you still have not answered who is this “they” you referenced.

October 25, 2018 4:31 pm

I cannot control their mental state, you cretin. They have food, shelter, clothing. The rest is up to them. We are not going to agree on what a word means, the meaning of which is easily determined by 1) context, and 2) by a damn dictionary of meanings of words of a given age.

You really are dumber than a pile of shit.

Payne in no way meant what you are trying to ascribe to him, and you damn well know it. You are just showing your ass.

October 25, 2018 6:28 pm

I can see my questions make you uncomfortable; that’s why you desperately keep trying to redefine the question.

Let’s make it easy, just tell me who is this “they” you referenced.

October 25, 2018 8:14 pm

The citizens of the country. There is no group of “they” save for a very small percentage who are homeless to which the criteria I gave does not apply. The question of which “they” is thus idiotic.

October 25, 2018 9:23 pm

So by “they” you mean “all Americans” (except the homeless) are “fed (really well fed), clothed, entertained, housed, etc.”. You sound like a Marxist. Can’t say I agree with you, but to each his own.

October 25, 2018 10:32 pm

Half a million homeless in the US out of 330 million. Miniscule percentage. And many of those are well fed and clothed.

October 24, 2018 11:47 am

The picture depicts El Cheeto wiff a wittle bitty pecker. Small hands, small dick?? OTOH, Trump is also illustrated as God (?)

One would think a god could fix some shit.

October 24, 2018 10:13 pm

Maybe God doesn’t give a flying shit about some of the things that some people fret about.

October 24, 2018 12:39 pm

I found the article to be an expose on class values and Hedges own personal experiences with the upper 1% and the uber rich’s own children. He makes some very savvy points about how, from birth, these individuals have people catering to their every need to gain favor, status and kickbacks through their family ties….he makes distinctions between Brand Obama and the Clintons as well as the Trump’s.

He mentions his past working relationship with the recently dismembered Khashoggi…

He also points out the lunacy of our current Corporatist system which is much more perverse than the invisible hand Adam Smith suggested for a moral capitalist system.

Uber rich suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber rich suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 1:17 pm

Amazing. I don’t get how you could receive a down vote. SMH.

  Uber rich suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 1:28 pm

People locked in their mental fortresses that end up owning them and imprisoning their thought.

Hedges makes very poignant observations and mild distinctions here using the term at the end “caste”
This is exactly what we have in the making with the thrusting of middle class into poverty and use of graduated income tax system almost entirely ensures no NEW competition for these bloodlines and families.
Factor in what Whitehead said recently on his “They Live” article about how we live in 2 world’s, one we are beaten over the head into believing and the shadow world or Reality, and how the world truly operates and we can see the roots of this NEO FEUDAL global Nanny State we are living in and our children will be forced to grow up in.

The more enlightened uber-rich, the East Hamptons and Upper East Side uber-rich, a realm in which Ivanka and Jared once cavorted, look at the president as gauche and vulgar. But this distinction is one of style, not substance. Donald Trump may be an embarrassment to the well-heeled Harvard and Princeton graduates at Goldman Sachs, but he serves the uber-rich as assiduously as Barack Obama and the Democratic Party do. This is why the Obamas, like the Clintons, have been inducted into the pantheon of the uber-rich. It is why Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump were close friends. They come from the same caste.

October 24, 2018 3:01 pm

“a realm in which Ivanka and Jared once cavorted”……..ONCE?????

They ain’t exactly living in section 8, when did the lavish cavorting stop????? The stupid it burns. FMD

  Uber rich suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 2:08 pm

Donkey Balls

I think many of us have been so propagandized into the uber rich way of thinking through various mediums that we cannot see the forest from the trees.

Hedges mentions this

The dark pathologies of the uber-rich, lionized by mass culture and mass media, have become our own. We have ingested their poison. We have been taught by the uber-rich to celebrate the bad freedoms and denigrate the good ones.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 5:02 pm

I’ve never been bothered by downvoters until now. I just don’t get it.

October 24, 2018 12:45 pm

Hedges has gone full retard.

We all know that 70% of Lottery Winners go bankrupt within 5 years of their big win. Being given a pile of money and keeping it around for a decade is nearly impossible and I strongly doubt any of these guys ever leaves so much as a penny for anyone when they pass away. No, being uber rich is like being the Beatles in A Hard Day’s Night – you are constantly being hounded because you have the one thing everyone wants – power.

Growing up in a family with wealth is different than growing up in a family of sharecroppers.

October 24, 2018 5:30 pm

Growing up is different than not growing up.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 1:01 pm

A shit article of axe grinding posing as social commentary.

  Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 3:27 pm

Exactly…..every tenth word is Trump. Fine, have a gripe but this is a personal hit piece masquerading as fresh insight.

Narcissistic Uber rich suck diseased Donkey Balls
Narcissistic Uber rich suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 1:20 pm

There is a reason why there should be an inheritance tax. Does that make me a leftist? Fuck off.

You want to be ruled by narcissistic people? People who have no connection to you? If not, you need an inheritance tax. A very heavy one over X amount.
Don’t agree? Fuck off.


I’d rather give my money to my kids than someone like you…

October 24, 2018 7:14 pm

The money has already been taxed when it was earned. So how can we justify taxing it again?

That said, transfer of massive wealth generation to generation, to people that have not earned it, does not sit well with me. It creates a kind of royal class. It seems destructive.

I do not have the answer.

October 24, 2018 8:34 pm

You may not have an answer, but that’s a perfect reply, outlining the truth of both positions

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 8:41 pm

I agree with you Rins. I also agree with LLPOH below. I have a son in law that owns a percentage of Snell Properties. Look it up. He has been given everything in life and is a do nothing with a superiority complex. Not good.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 9:25 pm

Sounds like my “Second-Generation Capitalist Theory”. The guy who started with nothing and built the business is usually a good guy; the little prep school punk who inherits it is often a jerk.

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 10:35 pm

Yep, many/most times it takes 1 generation to scaunder what 1 generation creates.

I don’t want to call him a punk but, it is disappointing. His parents really didn’t do a good job IMO. You don’t give to those who don’t put effort in. IMO.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 10:40 pm

Well DD…

So you have a Son in Law… hmmmm and are fucken trying to troll me. See I can’t help but jump to this conclusion in asking that because I am busy watching Maury Povich Show on yootube.

Exactly what is the problem here.
So some who are rich
Well dammit
They don’t deserve it.
In other news
Water is wet.
And Corey Booker is a fucken Queer.

So getting things straight, your precious Daughter hit the jackpot and is hooked up with some dude who has shares in Snell properties…. and don’t worry I ain’t looking it up.

Talk aboot a First World Problem.
Talk about insufferable…

Y’all and this Hedges dude are quite the bunch

Yattering about money.
How its unfair and that some don’t deserve it.

It would be a safe bet wagering that none above would give up any of it at all.

If there is some lingering doubt
There is a fix for all this….
Comrades Fedex your cash
Post haste and my way
With a promise to Odin
To be one of the oppressed
And a card carrying member
Of my Town’s local chapter
of the down and out untermensch
Would do it all gladly
I’m just that nice a guy.
Get in touch with Admin
See the time is now
Please Don’t Delay
So send your money
and put a smile on my face

Thanks in advance,

Yours with the Grace of Odin,


Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 11:22 pm

I don’t want to call you a stupid shit but…

I never complained about others not deserving. I don’t think you read the article. Its about our “betters” ain’t really better. In actuality, they simply are handed wealth down and use it to rule over us. You don’t have a problem with that?

My son in law is an example of how money for nothing corrupts.

Come on Rins, you are better than this.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 11:46 pm

I didn’t read the article..well…. I did skim thru it. I just don’t agree with his premise. The drone was starting to sound like the teacher on Charlie Brown… you know the one.. it was pissing me off. I’d rather have uber rich taking some than governments stealing it all.

I am in my defense a bit salty today. I got my annual bonus.

2500 bucks
take home pay

We all pay enuf. We don’t need to be handing it all back when we cash our chips in…

and who said I was better. I’m not and suppose that was/is the point…anyways.

This Hedges guy is annoying in his twattery. If he wants to lead the unwashed out of the desert then he best let his money and live a life of penury. Yeah there are plenty of folks with lots who don’t deserve what they have. If I hadn’t read the bit the other day by him I might have taken this moar serious.. I can’t because what he proposes is a redistribution of wealth that goes along with an abiding hatred for many things we all hold dear.

This Man would if given the chance be the apparatchik and great decider of who gets what…

He deserves nothing but contempt.

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 7:48 am

The Uber rich are the government Rins.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 8:58 am

Yeah I know that Uber.

They haven’t stole all my money… yet. Yes they still might.
OTOH if cunts like Hedges gets to hold sway
It is a certainty that all my money will go away..

I work forty hours a week or so.
Born on Friday some 53 ago
Plan on doing it
Another 15 to 20 years.
Call me crazy cuz I am

Using those as the parameters
I wonder if Hedges would think we rich..
This from a guy who yearns
For a 15 dollar min wage and all sorts
And other socialist hobby horses.
Of course
Like all communists before him
He has all the answers
About who gets to to pay
For his socialist enterprise..

Of course it would be the eevill uber rich..
So Here’s a question.
They are trying it right now in Venezuela.
How is that working out?

The problem with this essay is the dearth and breadth of the Strawmen being used. Because of that any response that is serious devolves into much the same..

I just don’t have time to engage in something like that.
Better to watch Maury, to be entertained.
The DNA results are in on Chris Hedges.
It is confirmed that he is an insufferable twat.

Then there is this….

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 10:12 am


We don’t have a free market or capitalism.

Unrestrained wealth will lead to the same place as socialism and communism.

We are barrelling towards a caste system.

You like Lords, Dukes, Earls and peasants?

Are you an uber welthy?

The uber wealthy restrain our freedom in many ways and they never stop making progress.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 10:40 am

Look I know all that.

Am I uber wealthy.. That depends on who’s definition.

Two to three hundred thousand in assets.
My parents who are both still living have more.
My wife’s parents who are still living have more again.
I plan on working till I’m seventy.
If everything goes to plan I should have a couple hundred thousand more not counting the money I will inherit.

I might EVEN end up being a millionaire…

So you be the judge…

The problem isn’t the uber wealthy.
It is the fucken outrage victim culture that this twat Hedges is promoting.

There is plenty of opportunity these days. And like Lloph sez nobody is fucen starving.

I don’t want to work all my life and then give it all away to some dumb cunt on the Maury Povich show that can’t figure out how to keep a job or her legs closed. If we go that road a couple hundred years from now our descendants will be back living in caves and sipping from pots of gruel..

If Chris Hedges got his way we’d all be poor and worshiping in an altar.

I say fuck that. I’m gonna be nice today and skip the disease..
Monsieur Hedges can go suck on a bucket of dicks.

And he won’t even have to get a DNA test..

But as Maury sometimes sez…
Its okay, sometimes shit just happens..

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 11:29 am

You aren’t in any danger of becoming uber wealthy and won’t be unless you can multiply all that by at least 100. You keep bringing up shit I never alluded to also. No one said there aren’t opportunities. Good lord. Why can’t you get the gist of the article and the point I’m making?

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 11:45 am

What is the gist. Well Chris Hedges is using Strawmen so I figured I might as well do the same.. why do you think I put the Maury vids in my posts…

Do I have to draw a picture
Cuz it don’t mean nothin’
Here’s a newsflash dere ba…
There has always been a caste system.

Marx railed against it by proposing a better way.
It has been tried many times, but so far, it hasn’t been done right..
Just need to try one moar time.
And Chris has the ultimate program for a successful execution.
comment image

And thanks for soul crushing my delusion about wealth..
Geeze and to think I still had sum dreams…

I will say this. Life ain’t that bad.

Yeah there are inequalities and yeah the uber rich tend to trample on everyone else. Still what is in place right now has lifted Billions of people out of extreme poverty.

And that is a fact.


It’s not my business or your business to decide what other people have or should get to keep. If belongings are taken from others, to whom does it go? Not you or me, it ultimately goes to the people who decided to take it!

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 10:36 pm


For the most part, I agree with you. This article is about uber wealthy holding up their progeny who don’t deserve it.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 6:34 am

There is usually justice meted out in ancient proverbs, such as this one from ancient China:
“Wealth seldom lasts more than 3 generations.”


I spent 8 years total reporting directly to a 3rd generation Coca-Cola Independent Bottler owner, who also inherited a large vending Company and 30 industrial cafeterias.

I investigated, confronted and dealt with (with extreme prejudice) all of the never ending parade of thieves, slugs, and disruptive employees from hell that worked for him.

Got to know him well. Salt of the earth man, diligent, hard working, fair, compassionate and tough when he had to be. Loyal to a fault with some under him. He never flaunted his wealth and was a man of simple pleasures.

Spent some time with is son the year he was a freshman in collage, the young man was from the same mold.

As far as I’m concerned taxed once is enough.

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 11:25 pm

Well, he is an example of a good person. There are many people like him. Rich and poor. Have you ever seen a poor person in politics? What do you think of politicians? This man is not what the article is about.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 12:24 am

I was making a couple of points:

This is the only wealthy man/family I have ever interacted with. That is a world I have no personal experience with, but I’ve done alright for myself. My father was a coal miner/factory worker, to me they were uber rich but the 3rd and 4th generation of this wealthy family were rock solid salt of the earth people. If he wants to pass on what he and his Father and Grandfather built to his progeny/son he ought to be able to without the frigg’in government plundering him.

Marsh Rabbit stated an often repeated truism “Second-Generation Capitalist Theory” which I’m sure has many examples, but not in this decent family.

I’m against the double jeopardy of inheritance tax, I don’t care who you are, double tax is tyranny. We fought a revolution over 3%. Hell, I don’t even believe in the income tax! Many family farms are lost to the family and sold to pay the government their pound of flesh because of the crushing inheritance tax and many/most of them are not rich.

Now that you asked, as far as politicians and parties I’m a registered Independent since 1971, but over the decades I have come to despise most and both parties…as well as the American sheeple who have let them destroy our money, put us into obscene debt to parasitical Banksters and bring the Republic to the point of empire decay we are in.

October 25, 2018 7:54 am

probably the best example of a family business having to be sold to pay inheritance taxes was the miami dolphins–after joe robbie died,his kids had to sell the team to pay the inheritance taxes–

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 8:00 am

You shall be ruled by the Uber wealthy then. Stop complaining about the government then. The government = the Uber wealthy and vice versa.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 12:59 pm

Maybe we agree more then it appears.

Yea, at the highest level you have a valid point…if you are talking about the very top of the ponzi scam con pyramid of NWO Luciferianians I agree they are our enemy. Please define who you mean by uber…if its the generational parasites below in the quote we have common ground. If its every family who builds wealth or is subject to “death taxes” that force their children, grandchildren etc. to sell off or even lose their inheritance I disagree on that line in the tax sand. (I disagree with most taxes by the way).


Here is who I see as the enemy. Not all wealthy people are going to fit in this select cabal.

“We are ruled, though it may be difficult to imagine, by a small dynastic power structure, largely consisting of powerful banking families, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others. They emerged in controlling the financial system, extended their influence over the political system, the educational system, and, through the major foundations, have become the dominant social powers of our world, creating think tanks and other institutions which shape and change the course of society and modern human history.”

Andrew Gavin Marshall

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 1:10 pm

Yep, that’s why I keep using the term Uber Rich. If a person doesn’t like the direction the US is heading, blame the Uber Rich. They are in control. An inheritance tax solves that problem.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 1:31 pm

No it doesn’t fucking solve the problem. Fuck sakes! The uber rich just move their money off-shore you tard. I will be guys like me that are stuck in place who will have to pay the price for the virtue signaling twattery….

Maybe you like getting ass raped by da goobermint but I don’t.

Your inheritance tax idea will only makes things worse. Families who work hard and build modest generational wealth will have to go directly to jail.

Meanwhile guys like Hedges hero George Soros will continue to set up Non-Profit self managed Trusts to avoid tax, stay rich and preach to the untermensch…

Brilliant just fucken brilliant..

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 2:38 pm

You and I aren’t going to solve a single problem as large as Uber wealthy controlling the world. If uber wealthy is a problem, and make no mistake it is a problem, inheritance tax is a good start. I guess you like being ruled by people like MBS.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 3:38 pm

Your missing RiNs and my points…you can’t put a death tax on all wealthy Americans and their families for the sins of the cabal. Go after the cabal, take control of our money back, audit the FED, give the FED a fair trial and then hang the FED…take the big boys down, go after Soros etc. and use the December 2017 EO to make him a thousandaire.

Lets fight the bastards but not by plundering everyone who is successful!

“Some of the best data I can find indicates there are 1,821,745 households that have investment portfolios valued at $3,000,000 or more1. This means roughly 1 out of every 63+ households. This group contains:

•893,344 households with $3,000,000 to $5,000,000
•679,242 households with $5,000,000 to $10,000,000, and
•249,159 households with $10,000,000+”

I have no idea how many of these people are part of the cabal from my earlier post, but I doubt it is many.

1,821,745 Households in the United States Have Investment Portfolios Worth $3,000,000 or More

I’m with you brother…but not with that indiscriminate and oppressive tactic.

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 3:51 pm

Mark and Rins,

You 2 are killing me.

10 million is not Uber rich. We are talking about the uber rich. Ya know like over 100 million or maybe the top .5 % maybe.

If you want the most economic freedom possible for the most number of people possible, you need 2 things.

No monopolies or government favoritism
Make opening a business stupid easy with 0 regulations. Or almost 0 anyway.

Now, who do you think controls 1 and 2 and A and B? The fox is in charge of the henhouse.

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 3:56 pm

Ok, and what do you do about it?

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 4:32 pm

We will never get the Republic back until we take our money back and pull a collective Andrew Jackson.

I have some chores to do but I’ll answer in more detail later after supper, gotta go.

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 5:48 pm

Mark, I agree with the banker, fiat, federal reserve angle. Maybe that is the best solution? BUT what about the uber rich? There will be uber rich even without the federal reserve. It’s the uber rich who bend society to their will.

Please answer that.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 6:24 pm

Obviously we have been debating apples and oranges but have much common ground.

These are the 50 richest people in the world right now:

Haven’t read all 50 yet but I will…I don’t know if the Central bankster gangsters are included as they are secretive and hidden and they are the real lever pullers.

Look this over and see if this is who you are talking about or do you feel the list should be expanded?

October 25, 2018 6:56 pm

Nope, The real evil, Central Bankster Gangsters Money Changers do not seem to be included. Looks to be about 60-40 self made vs. inherited. At best (or worst) they are part of the body of the snake not the heads.

What about this list and look who is number 1.

2016 Top 10 Most Influential Central Banks in the World

Here is a related oldie but goody on the uber rich.

The Evil Empire Has The World In A Death Grip — Paul Craig Roberts

The Evil Empire Has The World In A Death Grip — Paul Craig Roberts

The head of the uber rich Hydra snake is international. We the People have to start with the FED. It has to be audited, investigated and I am confidant if that is ever done honestly it will lead to trials, truth and rebooting under a Constitutional system.

Maybe that process is called the Great Reset or Civil War 2 or SHTF or a 4th Turning or all three?

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 7:40 pm

Ok Mark, I’m listening.

Self made is very cool. Yeah entrepreneurs. Seriously. The richest of the rich (FB, Amazon, Google etc) certainly are large enough and influential enough to be a monopoly and use that to crush privacy, freedom etc.

Money, enough of it, has power. Too much money is equal to too much power. How much is too much? I don’t f’n know. No, not all rich use their money to fuck over their fellow man but without it, it would be much more difficult.

Another example of how the rich and powerful elevate their unworthy progeny is George W. Bush. Isn’t he considered a duffus by the blue AND red teams?

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 8:04 pm


Also, look who funds political campaigns.

  Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 8:39 pm

Oh yea, I agree about the monopoly aspects 100%…Big Tech needs to be broken up just like Ma Bell and directly taken on while exposed for what they have and are doing to the 1st Amendment. That would not be hard to prove. That has to start from the grass roots and be relentless and pursued and pounded through Congress.

I refuse to go on Face Book, don’t tweet and I am exploring going around You Tube with the new video site the Health Ranger (who I greatly admire) has started.

I’m also 80% out of the banks as well and have been my own bank paying myself 4% interest on three 401k loans totaling 150k (almost 100% paid back) since 2008. If the shit doesn’t hit the fan until next spring I’ll build a house with the other 20% and be 100% out of their control and grasp.

Yea, W was a groomed inarticulate Elephant dupe and the Petulant One was a groomed articulate Donkey dupe. So what was the alternatives Gore another cabal whore, Kerry and McCain two of the most despised Nam Vets by other Nam Vets in the country (I’m a Nam Vet) and frigg’in Romney the RINO.

The question now is – is the Bad Orange man just the other side of the heads we win tails you lose coin the tippy tip top of the cabal tosses…or is their hope?

We will know that answer soon.

Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
Uber wealthy suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 25, 2018 8:52 pm

It’s the people who put the actors in front of us to vote for…the Uber wealthy.

Inheritance tax on the uber wealthy + end the fed.

Joe Fahy
Joe Fahy
October 24, 2018 1:21 pm

“The Rulers are not of the ruled.” F. W. Engdahl

It’s not just an observation. It’s also a warning.

oldtoad of gReen acRes
oldtoad of gReen acRes
October 24, 2018 1:23 pm

I take it the author does not believe in “Tinkle Down Economics.”
Nobody cares.
A pregnant lady with her 2 year old stepped out in front of a semi on the turnpike up here in Lincoln, Maine. The infant lived, thrown face down on to the passing lane, the mother and unborn child died.
Nobody cares.
This country has a great enema coming.
Nobody cares.
Have a nice day.

  oldtoad of gReen acRes
October 24, 2018 1:34 pm

OldToad- Then WHY do we keep buying their products/services/media etc.? Why do the idiot proles keep these fckers floating in cash? Why do the idiot morans keep putting their hacks in political office? Why keep complaining when they signed up for it?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 2:17 pm

Because the number of people who spend any time educating themselves is quite small.

  Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 2:49 pm

Harry- yes BUT, all the educated morans here in the TBP community buy their products/services/media also. Don’t lie……you do too. Had your Starbucks Latte today?? Hhmmm Got a NSA backdoor smart phone Harry? Citibank credit card or bank account? Most of the large banks are Rothschild banks and those reptiles are UBER RICH.

Let’s be honest about this.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 5:04 pm

Don’t do Starbucks ever. The phone, no idea. Citibank. Have a couple.

October 24, 2018 7:16 pm

I have credit cards. Doing my best to bankrupt the banks. You see, I pay them off on time every time. It costs them money to deal with me.

Politicians suck diseased Donkey Balls
Politicians suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 8:43 pm

Haha, sweet. Wife and I paid for a trip to Seattle with 1 years worth of cashback bonus from…wait for it…wait for it…Citibank. Haha, fuck those fuckers.

October 24, 2018 10:26 pm

LMAO-Banks hate me too when I borrow money from them each month and pay it back before the 20% interest charge kicks in. It can be an interest free 30 day note but most still don’t get it.

October 25, 2018 1:25 pm

Same thing I’m doing. My small part to stick it to da man…

October 24, 2018 1:39 pm

This guy mentions Trump 10 times, Kushner 4 times, Bush once, Barry once, Clintons twice, with his disdain of ultra rich people, with all their character flaws.
We loathe the elite as much, if not more.
But, just a tad bit disproportionate, Miss Grudges.

Curiously absent:
Multitudinous wealthy influential elites from the left quadrant, in comparing the divide between the Uber rich, and the other 99%.

Not tough to ID who put the burr in his saddle.
Dr. Evil, the outsider real estate magnate.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 2:25 pm

I took away his underlaying theme as, if the ruling elite were more merit based, he would be in charge.
I even more emphatically declare it to be an axe grinding shit article of propaganda with his prejudices hidden among things most agree with. He tries to lure you in but after the “poor me’s” it is easy to see it is all a cover for Hate Trump! Hate Trump!

October 24, 2018 2:19 pm

After all they do……hell is gonna still be waiting for them in the end. So I guess they better enjoy it while they are here.

October 24, 2018 2:48 pm

Trump went to the Citadel–a military academy.
Kavanaugh grew up middle class and attended a catholic school ( Georgetown prep) on financial aide.
Sounds like Hedges was a bit more elitist in his hobnobbing than these 2.

PS: In high school I threw a 1-hit shutout with 15 K’s against Georgetown prep–bunch of wusses who looked scared to get in the box ( I was known to be a bit wild up and in to the first few batters each game.)

October 24, 2018 3:09 pm

Javelin said,

Trump went to the Citadel–a military academy.
Kavanaugh grew up middle class and attended a catholic school ( Georgetown prep) on financial aide.
Sounds like Hedges was a bit more elitist in his hobnobbing than these 2.

Maybe then his words about the pathology of these uber rich should have more weight?

Hedges mentions what you point out when he said this

It is essential to understand the pathologies of the uber-rich. They have seized total political power. These pathologies INFORM Donald Trump, his children, the Brett Kavanaughs, and the billionaires who run his administration.

October 24, 2018 8:38 pm

Up and in. Get them off the plate, and make them chase curveballs. 15 K’s is impressive.

Politicians suck diseased Donkey Balls
Politicians suck diseased Donkey Balls
October 24, 2018 9:07 pm

Chin music.

October 24, 2018 3:17 pm

kashoggi was the nephew of the world famous ARMS DEALER Adnan Kashoggi. Kashoggi was no INNOCENT little boy. He was part of the Uber-Rich & was playing the Deep State Game on n International level. He played the game wrong & wound up dead. That is Kashoggi’s tough shit.

The is no REASON why Trump should be involved in the Death of a Saudi Arabian Citizen who died at a Saudi Arabian Embassy. Kashoggi was a Saudi & died at a Saudi Embassy.

WE IN AMERICA have our own problems. Why should the USA do anything about Kashoggi?

Did Chris Hedges make such an impassioned plead when USA Citizen & Ambassador Stevens lost his life & had a bayonet rammed up his rectum- at Benghazi. Ambassador Stevens as USA Citizen & Ambassador was killed when the OBAMA Administration left the USA Embassy Unguarded in Libya. Why?

What is Chris Hedges game? Who do you think Chris Hedges REALLY has a concern for? The American people? I doubt it.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 24, 2018 5:07 pm

Sounds right to me.

October 24, 2018 3:56 pm

What a whiny cunt. Move to Europe you pathetic bitch.

October 24, 2018 7:20 pm

You disagree with them, fine. But the idea they should leave because you disagree with them is distasteful. It goes against a founding principal of disagreeing with what you say, but defending to the death your right to say it.

October 24, 2018 5:25 pm

Another version of The Aristocrats Joke without the sex perversion bits.

October 24, 2018 10:49 pm

a couple of points–
karl marx was once asked if communism would work in america & he said that we didn’t need it because there was so much social/financial fluidity in america–would he still say that today?
years ago trump had a position that for the rich,instead of or in addition to,i don’t remember,they should pay a % of their net worth as income tax–

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 24, 2018 11:28 pm

I once worked with a Jewish “Suit” who wanted to become uber rich; he told a bank CEO that he’d give him a great audit report for some consideration. The CEO told the FBI. All Jews are not smart. Mr Hedges has a hard on for Christians and Trump. He explained that he thinks Christians are destroying the World. Trump’s got a lot of rich man faults but not the uber faults Hedges describes. Wish Hedges would honestly explain his uber stupid hatred of Trump.

October 24, 2018 11:40 pm

i haven’t been reading all the threads lately so excuse me if this has already been posted–
this isn’t exactly about the uber rich but since the fbi is allied against trump it’ll fit here–
the fbi has conceded that it used multiple spies to infiltrate the trump campaign–

October 25, 2018 12:35 am

If Hedges is correct on Trump, then the only conceivable reasons the Orange One would have desired to become president would be to secure power, accumulate wealth, and/or for purposes of ego inflation.

Can anyone think of another reason?

I can’t.

Conversely, if it can be demonstrated that Trump became president for any other reason, then by default, Hedges’ negative assessment on the president will have been proven wrong; at least in part.

Therefore, can it be demonstrated that Trump became president for reasons beyond power, wealth accumulation, and narcissism?

Because by our actions, we are known.

October 25, 2018 3:52 am

He’s conflated too many things for this POS to make any sense. I wonder how he even gets his fucking shoes tied with thinking like this.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 25, 2018 9:50 pm

Wait, I though Stormy said Trump had a mushroom-head penis. I don’t see it.

Who is John Galt?
Who is John Galt?
October 26, 2018 8:47 am

When this authors mouth speaks it resembles a flatulent hairy asshole spouting Methane. Funny how he berates the Donald and hits on multi culti and anti white narrative. Mainly focused is his intense blame of Saudi killings a hournalist but completely ignores Mexcio killing 17 fucking jounos this year. 17. SEVENTEEN mother fuckers are dead and not a single bitch from the mdia other than kashoggi kashoggi kashoggi…….so they can trump bash and they fucking wonder why they are called fake news. As i stare at goats there is a rock under my shoe and i swear its is smarter than libturds and the media combined.