Marc Elias, Lawyer With Ties To Clinton Campaign and Perkins Coie, Leads Florida Democrats Recount Bid

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter – Authored by Jon Hall

Prominent members of the GOP party have blasted the scores of liberal lawyers swarming Florida in a calculated bid to steal the recent Senator and Governor elections – with forced recounts becoming reality after Republicans won both highly-sought spots of the state’s government.

Marc Elias, the firmwide chair of Perkins Coie, is one of the top lawyers overseeing Florida’s recounts. Not only is he highly involved with Perkins Coie – the same law firm that investigated the accusations against Jim Jordan that he ignored years of sexual misconduct while coach of OSU’s wrestling team – he’s also closely connected with the Clinton campaign.

If you have any wonders of Perkins Coie’s true motivation, just look at their top donators on OpenSecrets

The DNC tops their donation list with Hillary For America, Obama for America, and Priorities USA Action – David Brock’s former PAC – also making appearances; along with many other high-profile Democratic fundraising efforts.

As if all of this wasn’t enough, Marc Elias even retained Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump – resulting in the infamous Steele dossier. Marc Elias, with Perkins Coie, reportedly even drafted Crowdstrike to aid with the DNC’s hacked servers.

Now, Elias and Perkins Coie – both steeped in partisanship and bias – are overseeing a highly contested recount in Florida. Of all things, and if any one thing should be, a recount must remain apolitical and unbiased. However, we have the opposite in Florida with Elias, a Democrat flunky, doing the bidding and manipulating of the Establishment elite to steal the election and hand Democrats the win.

Still think the claims of Democrats rigging the elections is outlandish?

What about a Broward county employee signing an affidavit admitting they saw election staff filling out blank ballots? Or Matt Gaetz being removed from filming election officials as they were secretly loading boxes in and out of election offices?

A Palm Beach election observer witnessed multiple infractions and was threatened with expulsion if they dared to speak out.

Bear in mind, none of this is even mentioning the connections between Elias, Perkins Coie, and top Democrats…

It is staggering that such an obvious steal of an election could just be allowed to happen, teetering America even closer to being a Banana Republic than ever before. As the left crows and screams about voter fraud and rigged elections, their own side is guilty of the most cardinal sins.

The worst – or maybe least shocking – part of this entire situation, is that it proves yet another instance of Mainstream Media/Democrat complicity: with the Fake News media writing off any dissenting voices as “conservative conspiracy theories”, the truth is sure to never see the light of day…

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November 15, 2018 11:28 am

This vote stealing happens every election cycle, it’s just more blatant and in our face then ever this time. The GOP will do nothing about it and complaining about it will go back on the self until the next election.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 15, 2018 11:29 am

(((Marc Elias)))

  Iska Waran
November 15, 2018 2:02 pm

Of cooouuuuurrrrssseee.

November 15, 2018 11:35 am

The role of lawyers is not argue reason. That is the stuff of Paper Chase myth starring John Hussman.

No. The role of lawyers is to cobble coalitions of like minded theives . A one man gang doesn’t even cut it in a one horse town.

November 15, 2018 12:05 pm

Treasonous lawyers in front of generally crooked judges, trying to overturn Republican victories–it’s like a broken record.

November 15, 2018 12:43 pm

Surprise, surprise…another member of the satanic Kazarian tribe. This is going to end in a massive backlash in my humble opinion…but consumed by hatred and hubris, they continue to wage war on America, the European people and nations, and Christian Western Civilization.

Born to a Jewish family,[2] Elias received a bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College in 1990. In 1993, Elias received both a master’s degree in political science from Duke University and a law degree from Duke University School of Law.[3] from Wikipedia

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
November 15, 2018 12:47 pm

If voting mattered, it would not be allowed. Scott or Nelson, Gillum or DeSantis are nothing more than the same basic ingredients with different spices. The same script, same director, with different cast members. To believe that we have any choice about these mutts and the direction that the Uniparty is moving in is to believe in unicorns.

This whole ringamarole in FL is just more smoke and squid ink, distracting us from what is really going on. The less attention paid to it, the better.

November 15, 2018 2:47 pm

These guys also took the lead on defending Barky’s bullshit kinkos photochop birth certificate.

November 15, 2018 5:21 pm

The regiment of lawyers should have been clearly anticipated given the history of these Florida two counties and the clown they have running elections. They should have also anticipated the exporting of this strategy/tactic to other states. Who in their right mind would have voted for the reptilian sienema in Arizona or Mrs Butterworth in Georgia other than the usual suspects….