The Coming Violence

Guest Post by The Zman

Interpersonal violence tends to escalate quickly, where the combatants seem to go from wary suspicion to verbal confrontation and then trading blows. Anyone who has been in a bar fight understands this accelerated process. Two guys are playing pool, words are exchanged and suddenly a beer bottle is smashed over someone’s head. Sports fights follow a similar pattern. Two players get a bit heated and then all of a sudden, you have a bench clearing brawl. This even happens in the professional ranks.

Of course, people don’t actually go from zero to eleven in the blink of an eye. It just appears that way to the outsider. In reality, there is an underlying hostility between the parties that simmers until one or both come to the conclusion that violence is the best option or the only option. In a bar fight, the guy taking the first blow often assumes the other guy is about to do the same thing. In a sports melee, normal male honor requires each side to match the escalation of the other side until a fight breaks out.

This pattern can certainly play out in other areas of life. In fact, rulers have always understand that general discontent among the rabble is like dry underbrush. It only takes a spark and you have a forest fire. In the case of civil unrest, a simmering discontent in the community, or among a sub-group, can quickly turn into a riot. The Rodney King riots in 1992 are a good example. The black underclass had developed a deep hatred of the cops, so when the cops were acquitted, that was the spark that set off the ghetto riot.

More recently and on a smaller scale, the shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue is an example of a member of a sub-culture who went from zero to mass shooter in one afternoon. He did not pick the target at random or even because they were Jewish, but rather because they were part of a subversive group throwing open the gates to the country to foreign invaders. In other words, like the guy slugging someone at a bar, the shooter thought he was acting rationally and violence was the only rational option.

The point being, whether it is the seemingly incoherent and ad hoc violence of a bar fight or sports melee, or a person or group committing social violence, the actors arise from predictable conditions and act quite rationally. There is a degree of predictability to their actions, if you’re willing to notice. It’s why bouncers in bars keep an eye on the males competing with one another for females. It’s why sports referees look for guys getting agitated and send them off the field to cool down and get their head back in the game.

In modern America, there does not seem to be anyone in charge willing to play the role of bouncer or referee. Instead, the people in charge are like the guy with the stick in old-time bare knuckle fights. They are trying to get the combatants to go at one another, rather than keep them under control. The deployment, tolerance and protection of Antifa, for example, is a deliberate provocation. The people in charge not only hope these idiots hurt someone, they hope white men will defend themselves so they can be railroaded by the courts.

At a smaller scale, the vicious and petty war on white men seems like it is designed to create an American Anders Breivik. Every day, the news brings stories of a white guy getting fired from his job because he told the wrong joke, liked the wrong social media meme or simply was not enthusiastic enough for Progressive fads. This story about a sportsball fan fired because he was upset at the black coach of his favorite sportsball team is a good example. The celebratory tone of the story should be noted.

Now, what’s driving these hunts for the impertinent white guy is the deadly virtue spiral among the ruling class. The dingbats in the media who spend their days hunting down bad thinkers and getting them fired, are acting from a desire for attention. The people at the company who play along with it are acting out of fear. Is this a replay of the Reign of Terror, where radicals spiraled out of control in an orgy of violence. or, is it the Great Terror, where Stalin locked in his control by killing off anyone that could threaten him?

The historically appropriate analogy is debatable, but what is not debatable is modern America is not 18th century France of 20th century Russia. In a multi-racial society, where the old majority is being swamped by former minorities and those former minorities are told they must hate the old majority. The atmosphere is nothing but kindling. A prudent ruling class would be acting as firemen, hunting down anything that looks like a spark, over- reacting if necessarily, in order to prevent a blaze they may not be able to control.

That’s possibly a clue about what our ruling class truly fears. Much of the political talk on the Left after the 2016 election was about how they may have jumped the gun and created a bit of backlash. The BLM murder sprees the summer before the election certainly opened a lot of eyes about the reality of what comes next. The relentless hunting down of internet racists could simply be an effort at calming their constituents. A black guy, enraged by racists memes, going on a shooting spree would be bad for the cause.

Alternatively, the hunting down of internet racists could simply be another sign that the ruling class is oblivious to what’s happening. Hanlon’s Razor says to assume stupidity in these cases. The people who rule over us are strangely unfamiliar with violence. They know it only through their televisions. It’s why they have embraced the Antifa mobs. To people unfamiliar with violence, those black clad idiots look like what managerial class types imagine revolutionaries look like. They don’t know what they don’t know.

Either way, social discontent can easily turn to social unrest and then violence. The people in charge are loading the forest with dry underbrush and kindling, while flicking matches at one another. Maybe they don’t see the danger. Maybe they fear the wrong things. Perhaps they want to see it all burn. Regardless of the motivation, the conditions for political and social violence are just about perfect. One of the matches the idiots in the media are flicking into the underbrush will eventually set the world on fire.

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November 27, 2018 1:29 pm

All intentional. All an excuse. Destroy the U.S.; restructure with global unification under the U.N. (regional/partial unifications may be an intermediate step).

The goal is to bring more people, territories, economies, resources, etc., under control of single, centralized governments, with an eye towards eventual total global governance.

Sow chaos to reap order … larger, more singular, order. When the chaos reaches an apex, “the people” will demand peace, order, security, and stability at ANY cost.

November 27, 2018 2:46 pm

We have near total global governance already, all that is missing is a “legitimate ” (Publically accepted) Enforcement arm of this NEO FEUDAL U.N. Nanny State.
The illusion is to let the prols believe they have representative government in the U.S. and West, instead you have dictates and mandates from unelected, appointed, bureaucrats of these supranational institutions set up and funded by many of the global ruling families.

The illegitimate enforcement has been the puppets in control of each of the government’s of nations and subsequently the armed forces of those nations, specifically the U.S. and NATO.

Joan Veon, RIP, has done immense research on the supranational global power structures that dictate enivrionmental, economic and social policies to the nation states of the planet.

November 27, 2018 1:47 pm

The main problem is people of all stripes are infested with this Democracy meme which asserts that all are equally powerful. It gives most of the people a God complex. You just have to convince 51% and your wishes are granted.

Just look how the meme White Privalage has skyrocketed to the top of the charts. You merely have to assert your ideal and God is on your side.

These people including many on the right are in for a rude awakening.

November 27, 2018 1:47 pm

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, we don’t need water, let the motherfucker burn.

November 27, 2018 2:47 pm

I like the Blood Hound Gangs version of the song

November 27, 2018 7:57 pm

Dance Fucker Dance Let the motherfucker burn…

November 27, 2018 8:49 pm

Love the Offspring!
One band I still have on my list to see that I haven’t

November 27, 2018 11:17 pm

Seen them 4 times, always a treat. Dude was a valedictorian and has a PHD in molecular biology but would rather be playing punk rock, God bless him. Also is a pilot and flies himself and band to their gigs.

November 27, 2018 1:48 pm

The people in charge are loading the forest with dry underbrush and kindling, while flicking matches at one another. Maybe they don’t see the danger. Maybe they fear the wrong things. Perhaps they want to see it all burn. Regardless of the motivation, the conditions for political and social violence are just about perfect

This is what keeps the Davos crowd up at night. It’s why they need their high-tech toys: To even up the odds before the sounds of hoofbeats. The first :60 seconds spell it out clearly:

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 27, 2018 2:41 pm

TPTB want a Race War that slaughters minorities; TPTB undercut and anger Whites and Asians, but build up and embolden Blacks everywhere: minority quotas, great TV & movie roles, government programs, sports subsidies; minority welfare, grants & aid, etc. TPTB want the Useful Idiots to be unprepared for Global Cooling so they will freeze, and starve from crop failures; TPTB are spraying us with chem-trails to block the sun and hasten the freezing weather. Liberals don’t believe it, ha ha ha!

November 27, 2018 3:01 pm

The underbrush has to feed on itself just as the wildfire.

How do you turn back this white Privalage meme? You don’t. Ever more things are going to be thrown into the underbrush. You saw it with Global Warming. Everything was related to it.

As a matter of fact with the onset of a cold winter we are going to see the loons associate things undreamed of with respect to white Privalage.

November 27, 2018 4:16 pm

Wait until the utilities feeding into the cities are taken out. Should be fun times.

November 27, 2018 4:36 pm

Yes, maybe all the whites living in the burbs can turn on all the lights around 9 and. Run the air conditioning with the windows open durning summer!

The whites will pay the electric company and the Korean Grocer can pay to have his window fixed.

November 28, 2018 12:12 pm

I honestly believe this is the role of cryptos. Once the conditions are right the PTB will goose the crypto market, then the race is on to mine, mine and MINE forever more… With electricity rates going to the moon!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 28, 2018 4:22 am

Very good article.

November 28, 2018 8:02 am

The left has always been very good at street demostrations and fomenting revolutions. In part this reflected the left was increasingly university students and other people who did not hold jobs but at the macro level it was also because they had the USSR and Maoist China providing training, disinformation services and, for violent revolution, the arms necessary to take on a government. With the loss of that foreign support the left has had a hard time in recent decades of getting traction for its stock in trade of large demonstrations leading to radical revolutions installing the leftist dictator icon.

Ironically the very power centers that once fought leftist street violence have now turned to the left as their own agit-prop street fighters. It is the deep state apparatchiks in Washington and Brussels who now turn to their former enemies to bolster their power having lost the support of the working classes and bourgeoisie around the world.

Look what has happened to our establishment elites. Donald Trump was elected POTUS, the communist parties in Italy and France are politically irrelevant and Matteo Salvini is Italy’s leader in all but name. Macron has lost control of France. In Brazil! Jair Bolsonaro, a former Army captain won a crushing electoral victory with a Tropical Trump agenda. In Britain May is tearing the Conservative party apart with her refusal to implement Brexit and Merkel clings to power only by forming a coalition with the SPD! Nowhere is the left ascendant except for the USA and they only have a small majority in a dysfunctional and deeply unpopular House.

Leftism is deeply unpopular around the world. The working class and bourgeoisie want jobs, healthcare and pensions but not leftist economics or political ideology which is now much more about mainstreaming freaks and sexual perverts than workers rights. They made common cause with illegal migrants which is deeply unpopular everywhere. Seriously the left should avoid political violence at all costs because they can no longer punch above their weight and will lose any fight they start.

November 28, 2018 10:14 am

Has anyone actually seen a beer bottle broken over a head? My money says it leaves a dent and doesn’t break.

November 28, 2018 1:50 pm

Had someone try to break one against my head once. Bottle was fine – he, on the other hand, had a really bad night.

November 28, 2018 9:17 pm

Summer after I graduated highschool. A fight broke out at a party. A friend of mine had a bottle smashed across the side of his head/face and his jugular was nearly slit by the broken bottle on the follow-through. I was … otherwise engaged, so I didn’t witness it at the time, but I saw him the next day with his face cut up and his neck stitched so he looked like Frankenstein. Plus, there were many other witnesses. I guess the kid who hit my friend was fully committed in his swing; but, yes, it can be done.