The Summer Of Hate

Guest Post by The Zman

The Drudge Report has, for the most part, become a tabloid outlet for the political cranks and Hollywood degenerates. His page is full of the crazy rantings of media attention whores or stories about entertainment figures. The former is due to Drudge being a parasite on the mass media and the latter is due to his affliction. As a result, it no longer works as a useful portal to get the news of the day. Still, if you want to take the temperature of the Progressive loons in the mass media, Drudge is useful.

Currently, he has a picture of the bug-eyed bug-man Adam Schiff staring out from the page, in his best Charlie Manson face. In bold letters is the headline, “SCHIFF STARES DOWN TRUMP FACES JAIL MEDIA PUSH IMPEACHMENT”  Obviously, the point is to grab your attention. A little below, in the center column, are links to stories from various left-wing crazies describing the looming arrest, impeachment and jailing of President Trump. “There’s a gathering storm…you can feel it” reads one link.

Left-wing sites like the Huffington Post, of course, have been on the pending Trump indictment since 2015, so every day they run at least one post swearing it will happen any minute. Alternatively, they will run a post fantasizing about Trump’s last days. They always imagine him as Hitler in the bunker, because of the usual suspects. Like kids in the week before Christmas, the Left is sure that any day they will wake up and learn that Trump has been hauled out of the White House in chains to face trial for his crimes.

These postings in the media are mostly part of a well orchestrated propaganda campaign orchestrated by the NeverTrump loons. Like a disease, these people have spread from their warrens in so-called conservative media to all of the mass media. In one of life’s ironies, these people are determined to prove everyone right about the nature of subversives.The NeverTrump leaders have apparently decided that Kevin McDonald’s books were how-to manuals. Thus we get this organized subversion of the media.

Putting that aside, the reason these sites are desperate for trashy stories about Trump being hurled into a dungeon is there is an audience for it. Just as steam whistles like Sean Hannity dominate conservative cable, these sites are catering to an audience that wants to hear confirmation. Because all of the media is run by the usual suspects, this segment has always been over-served, but that does not change the fact the audience exists. In America, there are millions who think Trump is the Hitler described in the prophesies.

The question that arises is what happens if nothing happens? What is palpable on the MAGA side of the world is that the people who voted for Trump are becoming dispirited because he has done pretty much nothing in two years. Nothing that matters to a large swath of his voters. Despite efforts to spin it otherwise, Trump won on immigration and what it represents. His failings on the issue have started to convince many of his supporters that it was all just a big con and nothing was ever going to happen.

Of course, as Trump morphs into Jeb Bush, the Washington political elite has no reason to get rid of him. Trump as useful idiot is certainly better than Trump as martyr. The base of the Democratic party may want impeachment, but the people in charge want the status quo, so they are probably trying to figure out how to look busy, while doing nothing, hoping that is enough for their crazies. The trouble is the NeverTrump loons will never quit, so they will be stoking those fires until the oil runs out.

One result of the Obama years was a rise in black violence, peaking with series of BLM murder sprees set off by the White House. From the 2010 election forward, Team Obama had been working to get their voters angry, hoping that would result in good election results in 2012 and 2014. The trouble was those angry blacks thought it was authentic and they expected something to happen. When it did not happen they decided to take matters into their own hands. The result was a summer of BLM murder and mayhem.

Will something like that be in the cards for the summer of 2019? It’s hard to know, but the Democrats take the House in January and they are showing few signs of restraint. They toned it down a bit in the election in order to not scare the remaining whites in their coalition, but they seem to be determined to go full crazy once in power. Maybe it is just a pose. Perhaps they are hoping a well choreographed bit of theater is enough to satiate the howling mobs of their coalition. Maybe they have unleashed forces they cannot control.

On the other hand, Trump has been a cunning political animal, even if he has been all thumbs when it comes to governance. He clearly thinks having Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi as foils is good for his re-election campaign. That means he will be doing everything he can to poke that hornet’s nest. The stage is set for a year of NeverTrump loons stoking the impeachment fires, while the steam whistles in conservative talk radio and cable TV blow full blast making sure the red hats are fully engaged in the fight.

The trouble with the future is it is unpredictable, so how all this unfolds cannot be known in advance. Most likely, the Democrats have not yet worked out how to proceed and Team Trump is a circus of confusion. Still, the ingredients are in place for a very ugly year and when the Left gets ugly, it always means bloodshed. Now that those Antifa mobs no longer have Richard Spencer to chase around, they will need to do something. Odds are, it means attacking red hat wearing Trump supporters in the coming summer of hate.

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December 10, 2018 12:30 pm

Drudge just plain sucks and I never go there. (Breitbart is becoming that way)

It is a mass of links to horrid stories and sites that I would never go to willingly

December 10, 2018 5:19 pm

Drudge is gay, so it was inevitable that he would become a left wing loon…

December 10, 2018 12:44 pm

Drudge has become no different than MSMBC.

December 10, 2018 1:05 pm

Please suggest web news outlets that you go to and respect.

December 10, 2018 1:27 pm

Try the various suckass websites. While they specialize in only one demographic, they’re terrific news sources about them. For example ..

December 10, 2018 1:37 pm

December 10, 2018 5:20 pm


December 10, 2018 8:42 pm

Yes. A winner. Thanks.

December 10, 2018 5:58 pm

Alternative to Drudge news aggregator sites:

December 10, 2018 8:41 pm

Good stuff.. Thanks

December 10, 2018 8:44 pm

Thanks for the sites. They look very informative.

December 10, 2018 1:06 pm

When I first started posting here so very long ago I would first log on to Drudge, and a couple other sites, and then once I had an idea what was going on in the world, then I’d log in to TBP.

1. I no longer feel I need to be informed before commenting on TBP. Fuck dat shit. I’m just shooting from the hip and hope something sticks.

2. Drudge turned into a shit site. I might still go there a couple times of year for BIG NEWS … like a mass shooting, or a snowstorm … cuz it’s a fast easy way to see multiple links. But, yeah, it a shithole now, imho.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 10, 2018 3:42 pm

A mere shadow of its former self. Unfortunately.

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 10, 2018 1:50 pm

Drudge and the presidency seem to be intertwined, starting from two years ago. Both have had a good start with exposing the lawlessness and the elite who wallow in it and both took the same path of tweets and links to articles that became more and more of empty of content and ability to drain the swamp.
Today both appear to be boating on the swamp and providing entertainment for the masses, as the swamp spreads it’s muck across the land.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 10, 2018 2:42 pm

SGT Report, USA Watchdog, the Next News Network, GSM Update, etc

  robert h siddell jr
December 10, 2018 8:48 pm

Thanks. Good stuff.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
December 12, 2018 9:46 pm

Even better stuff.


December 10, 2018 2:49 pm

Not that the internet was that good, but I think it’s gone completely to shit. Most news sites are really ain’t-it-awful / freak shows of tats or body piercing / entire families being murdered / fucked up people and their situations.

Time wasters. I don’t read articles about Zuckerberg / Musk / Bezo’s / all bullshit.

EL Cinico
EL Cinico
December 10, 2018 5:29 pm

Time wasters. I don’t read articles about Zuckerberg / Musk / Bezo’s / all bullshit. – Dutch

I would add Trump and his family, the Kardashians, British royalty, and just about everybody from the USA, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Russia, ME, China…

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
December 10, 2018 2:58 pm

Antifa won’t last 30 seconds if they really break bad. The secret to that is tipping over a couple of the bluecoats who are providing what they think is “security” for these paid agitators. If the real Trump supporters (most of whom do not really like Trump, but LOATHE the Dems and Never Trumpers) decise that it is time for Antifa to take a licking, a licking will be swiftly delivered.

So far, this is all staged theater. If it moves off the stage, into the aisles, the director and producer of the play will find a lot of real and demonstrated hostility in the audience. It will not be rotten fruit that gets thrown, either. We should hope this does not come to pass.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 10, 2018 4:25 pm

“Trump has been a cunning political animal, even if he has been all thumbs when it comes to governance.” Pretty succinct summary of things.

Matt Drudge did an interview with Alex Jones a year or more ago where he basically laid out what was going to happen over the next year or two with the tech giants, including social media companies, search and ISP’s. It was about an hour long. He said that they were about to start de-platforming everybody & everything that didn’t conform to correct thinking. He was clearly fearful. He may have some problems with Trump, but he’s also just been staying within the confines established by high tech. Even though he mostly only links to others’ stories, as we all know, it’s which stories that are linked that matters. He’s been put on a short leash. If he broke off of the leash, he’d be kicked off all socials, downgraded in search and possibly even have his website hosting cancelled due to boycotts. Look at the trouble gun manufacturers have in maintaining a banking relationship. Look at the trouble they’ve given Admin here at TBP.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Iska Waran
December 10, 2018 4:29 pm

I think this is it.

Looks like it was 3 years ago. Good comment: “Its interesting to hear this after the ban of inforwars”.

December 10, 2018 8:40 pm
December 10, 2018 9:11 pm

Idiots bred. America is almost dead. Vote like your life depends on it. God Bless Planned Parenthood. 😕

December 10, 2018 10:15 pm

Never visited drudge, on the other hand I visit TBP three or more times a day.

Trump is going to remain in office until his four years is over, then he’ll walk away and claim he’s winning.

There will be lots of noise on both sides, the dems will mount challenge after challenge, the repubs will cry clintons. Then we’ll trudge to the booth again to cast another useless vote, dems will win, socialism will be the new rule.

the end.

December 10, 2018 10:57 pm

trump will win bigly in 2020

Bad Brad
Bad Brad
December 11, 2018 3:34 am

Drudge is okay. It is simplistic fluff for the masses.
My opinion is if you want to put your hand on the pulse
of a big chunk of the American public, head over to
They have food, fashion, cars, entertainment reviews
to include sports, celebrity gossip, ‘human interest’ stories.
Even some disinformation on politics for the sheeple. Throw in
an occasional poll and you have it all there. No deep thinking
is allowed especially any comments from readers.