A Fretful Holiday

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Many threads to tug on at the close of this tumultuous work-week before the supreme holiday of white privilege rolls through, all silver bells and hovering angels. It took hours of rumination and prayer to arrive at a coherent notion about the strange doings in Gen. Mike Flynn’s sentencing hearing, but here goes: Judge Emmet Sullivan sent Gen Flynn to the doghouse for three months to reconsider his guilty plea. The judge may believe that Gen. Flynn needs to contest the charge in open court, where all the Special Prosecutor’s janky evidence will be subject to discovery and review. Mr. Mueller tried to toss a wrecking bar into the proceedings the day before by pressing charges against two of Gen. Flynn’s colleagues in the Turkish lobbying gambit, which was meant to terrify Gen. Flynn as a hint that separate charges would be dumped on him if he doesn’t play ball. A lot can happen in three months, including the arrival of a new Attorney General, and we’ll leave it there for the moment.

The stopgap spending bill before congress — to avert a government shut-down — is based on the comical idea that the money is actually there to spend. Everyone with half a brain knows that it’s not money but “money,” a hypothetical abstraction composed of hopes and wishes. The USA is worse than broke. It’s down to liquidating its rehypothecated hypotheticals. After all, financialization added up to money with its value removed. The global credit markets seem to be sensing this as the tide of borrowings retreats, exposing all the wretched, slimy creatures wheezing in the exposed mudflats who have no idea how to service their old loans or generate credible new ones. But, no matter. We’ll continue pretending until the US$ flies up its own cloacal aperture and vanishes.

Contingent on that exercise is “money” for Mr. Trump’s promised-and-requested border wall. The wall is really a symbol for the nation’s unwillingness to set a firm policy on immigration. Half of the political spectrum refuses to even make a basic distinction between people who came here legally and those who snuck in and broke the law. They’ve super-glued themselves to that position not on any plausible principle, but because they’re desperate to corral Hispanic votes — and notice how eager they are to get non-citizens on the voting rolls. Their mouthpiece, The New York Times, even ran an op-ed today, None of Us Deserve Citizenship, (is that even grammatical?)  arguing that we should let everybody and anybody into the country because of our longstanding wickedness.

The simple resolve to firmly and politely send interlopers back across the border would go a long way to providing border security, but we’ve allowed this process to be litigated into incoherence so that it is increasingly impossible to enforce the existing rules. Mr. Trump’s wall is an acknowledgement of that failure to agree on lawful action to defend the border. It evokes the works of past empires, like the wall built across Britain by the Roman emperor Hadrian to keep out the warlike, filthy, blue-faced Scots, or the Great Wall of China built to block marauding Mongols. Of course, these societies didn’t have closed circuit TV, drones, laser sensors, four-wheel-drive landcruisers, and night-vision goggles. I’m not persuaded that the US really requires Mr. Trump’s wall, but it does require a functioning consensus that national borders mean something, and the president’s argument is a lever to produce that consensus.

In the meantime, the condition of the US economy, which Mr. Trump has boasted is roaring on his account, wobbles badly. It has been based for two decades on a three-card-monte trade set-up in which China sends us amazingly cheap products and we send them IOUs (dollars, i.e. Federal Reserve promissory notes). It was not an arrangement bound to last. And it entailed a lot of mischief around the theft of complex intellectual property. The damage there appears to be already done. China may have enough computer mojo now to make all kinds of trouble in the world. Of course, China will have enough political and economic trouble when its Molto-Ponzi banking system flies apart, so I would not assume that they are capable of attaining the kind of world domination that scenario-gamers in the US Intel-and-Military offices dream up.

To me, these disturbances and machinations suggest the unraveling of the arrangements we’ve called “globalism.” That’s what we face most acutely in 2019, along with the fragile conditions in banking, markets, and currencies that can put the schnitz on supply lines as everybody and his uncle around the world fear that they will never get paid. It all makes for a suspenseful holiday. Bake as many cookies as you can while the fixings are still there and stuff a few in your ammunition box for the fretful days ahead.

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December 21, 2018 10:31 am

Manufacturing your most complex advanced sensitive devices in a country that basically dislikes you. Brilliant.

December 21, 2018 10:56 am

Anything to make another shekel on the backs of Americans…As Lenin said, the Capitalist will sell you the rope to hang him with….

December 21, 2018 1:33 pm

Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov, Lenin’s real name, was a Jew. It’s a good thing free markets produce rope, among other things, because Socialists would be up a creek without a paddle without them.

December 21, 2018 10:43 am

Christmas is a day of FANTASY … Santa Claus, Elves, Reindeer, God in a diaper ….. and that America is the greatest country on earth.

Kunstler, you gloomy prick, thanks for popping my bubble. Next year just say “Merry Christmas” and sign off.

December 21, 2018 10:59 am

Gawd in a Diaper… now that is a religion to get behind…

Ellington Coyotington
Ellington Coyotington
December 21, 2018 11:18 am

RiNsEY, some folks actually worship “Baby Jesus”. That is moronic and Stucky has pointed this out in his own inimitable way.

  Ellington Coyotington
December 21, 2018 11:27 am


Prayer to Baby Jesus (Talladega Nights)


December 21, 2018 1:36 pm

Herr Stukfuk, lashing out at something in which he doesn’t believe, again. He prolly doesn’t believe man landed on the moon. either, or anything else exceptional. How ordinary.

December 21, 2018 10:55 am

Pretty much an accurate statement of the situation…And it’s not just the US that’s on shaky ground. The 3d world is headed for collapse and debt defaults all over, which is another reason we desperately need the Wall..Most of Central America is going to be heading our way…..

December 21, 2018 12:34 pm

Also the wall once finished requires no further input. Cameras and drones only work if we have a society. Week after week, Jim you tell us we are headed to the 1800s. Which one would be most appropriate?

Big Ed
Big Ed
December 22, 2018 12:48 am

It wouldn’t be so bad but, look at the women(?)….Jeesus H. Cristo OMG what fugly fat bowling balls with arms and legs…How you supposed to breed dat???


December 21, 2018 10:56 am

Like you, Jim, I am not convinced of the necessity of a border wall. People being what they be, 80-90% can be turned away if you make it even a little difficult to cross, or having crossed, to stay. The really determined will generally find a away. I think enough obstacles to substantially reduce immigration can be achieved, just by strict enforcement of the laws that currently exist, or by tweaking those laws a bit. The wall’s chief value seems to be symbolic, like the Statue of Liberty, and I’m not sure the message it conveys is necessarily one which we want to endorse, particularly since there are ways to achieve a secure border without it.

December 21, 2018 11:13 am

“The wall’s chief value seems to be symbolic, like the Statue of Liberty, ….”

We could put this inscription on each section of the wall …..

“Do not come here if you’re tired and poor. You huddled masses yearning to breathe free, go back to your own country, You wretched refuse invading from your teeming shore, fuck off. If you send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, Donald Trump, I lift my leg and give you a golden shower!”

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 21, 2018 11:22 am

I didn’t read Kunstler as saying we don’t need a Wall or that its chief value is symbolic. Sure, a willingness to deport illegals and imprison those who knowingly hire them would be sufficient, but since that willingness is demonstrably missing, the Wall is needed. It’s like a morbidly obese person getting their stomach stapled. Theoretically it’s not needed, but in the real world, it can be. BTW, I know one person whose stomach-stapling operation worked like a charm (and she’s kept the weight off for years) and another for whom it was a total failure.

william williams
william williams
  Iska Waran
December 21, 2018 12:30 pm

>>>imprison those who knowingly hire [illegals]

There goes the UniParty donor base.

December 22, 2018 2:00 am

“The wall’s chief value seems to be symbolic, like the Statue of Liberty, ….”

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Utter blather.

That ‘message’, that pomade, was called The New Colossus and was written by Emma Lazarus, a Jew whose family came from Portugal before the American Revolution. She was a self described ‘Progressive’.

The Statue of Liberty was, given to the USA by the French (so we are told). You know, the country that made the cravat (neck-tie) famous? The country famous for cheap guns…” never been fired and dropped only once” ?

That’s some B.S. symbolism right there.

But the wall ain’t a symbol. It don’t say nothing, it’s a barricade.

Ellington Coyotington
Ellington Coyotington
December 21, 2018 10:57 am

The American global machine is unraveling and it’s time to batten down the hatches, build the wall, man the battle stations.

Or maybe we do not need a wall-cucking Coulter bending the president’s ear. Who we need is a John Paul Jones type like Mad Dog Mattis.

If Patton were alive, he’d drop dead if he heard Mattis was fired to appease the Russians. They did the same to Patton in Czechoslovakia.

Ellington Coyotington
Ellington Coyotington
  Ellington Coyotington
December 21, 2018 11:22 am
December 21, 2018 11:35 am

The best place to help someone is in their own neighborhood. In the late 70’s and early 80’s US Special Forces did a miraculous job assisting these two nations in training their armies to fight against communist guerrillas and other indigents. With the final result being successful elections and peace in Central America. I can be done again….DOWN THERE and not up here. They do not need the latest fashions and fast food but the simple things. The best assistance mission that I can remember is an Army Reserve unit from Pennsylvania that specialized in digging water wells. Every time that unit dug a well in a village the infant and child birth rate was reduced……

None of this nation building horse sh*t…..but the little things that count for the people……down there. Screw the democrat voter rolls and the manufactures cheap labor……

December 21, 2018 12:31 pm

#1 reason there will NOT be an extended gov shut-down: the SES top gov-agents/legisTRAITORS are desperately trying to minimize the number of “citizen chumps” who just may learn that they could probably get along a lot better withOUT said gov “interference/control”. You know, [the] People figuring out how to “transact 1-2-1” DIRECTLY – no “coercing middle-man” with “its” hand in your pocket for whatever reason. Doubt such a condition is impossible? Think again, cuz it already happened in Spain!

December 21, 2018 12:45 pm

Solution – anyone that houses an illegal alien forfeits their home. Anyone that hires an illegal alien forfeits their business. Problem solved.

Ellington Coyotington
Ellington Coyotington
December 21, 2018 1:47 pm

Oh shit, another nascent Neo-Nazi.

Big Ed
Big Ed
December 22, 2018 12:51 am

Anyone who screws one gets publically humilitated, castrated, and has to apologize to Stucky!

December 21, 2018 11:12 pm

There is none so blind as the ones who will not see. The wall is not so much to keep the unproductive out. Ok maybe right now, but come martial law it will be to keep the productive from leaving. The wetback will be able to go home, no problemo. Then we become the gulag archipelago, see walls work both ways but they really work the ways they are told to.

Eerie Creaking
Eerie Creaking
December 22, 2018 2:04 am

The water ain’t boiling yet, it’s toasty. Brin is now ok with a little evil, Wojcicki is collecting your genetic data, Zook is collecting your private data and Bezos is listening in on your thoughts even.
Meanwhile, the Chinese are tapping into your bank data. It was inadvertent but since your ass is hypothecated to the Chinese, they are making sure they have all your data when it’s time to collect.

The emperor isn’t walking around in his birthday suit, you are. The more you seek privacy, the more exposed you become. It’s ironic that Steve Jobs sold his products as a revolutionary liberating device meant to preclude the Orwellian future. The internet was wide open then but pretty soon, Brin winnowed and channeled the data so all you can see now is the chaff he wants you to see, the wheat will cost you.

Americans demanding the wall will someday soon demand biometric authentication and identification for everybody. And who will be leading the charge except the pashas of public opinion, Coulter and Limbaugh. These two will harangue the weak willed that biometrics is necessary to cull the undesirables; rapist illegals and miscegenating non-whites. I would dare ask who these assholes work for but when you see them cozying up to the ruling elite, enough that the Coulter can have an argument with the president in the Oval office, you know they are part of the puppeteers brigade along with the millionaire tv pundits.

They will propose a program of mass deportation for the good of the nation, lest one white should be deprived of a job or be forced to live next door to a non-white. A national database will make it easy for neighbors to ascertain whether Joe Blow is really white or if his genetic code is not up to snuff. There won’t be any need for the pencil test, simply checking with Goorgle, Farcebook and Amalzone will let a leery neighbor know of a newcomer’s fried chicken habit, Ebonic lingo in the home and Ebony subscription.

Of course the self-identifying conservative morons will shoot themselves in the nuts. Anybody refusing to go along with the now universal Hollywood casting couch; giving their masters blowjobs or sex with other men or women, will be considered guilty of thought crime; homo-phobia or toxic masculinity.

Brave New World indeed. There is no stopping it. Orwell was reporting on the plan for the world government, the bible predicted it, and it must be so before the cleansing fire destroys the earth once more.
3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come….13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

The heavens will pass away with a loud noise. The sun and moon and stars will burn up. The earth and all that is in it will be burned up.