Happy De-Platforming!

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Just a quick post to thank all of you, the readers and contributors, for a great year and for making this possible.

Most of you know that the organs (as Solzhenitsyn might have styled them) are using their effective monopoly control over all modern forms of communication – the Internet, social media – to stifle information and opinion that isn’t orthodox.

For a brief decade or so, the Internet really was free. It enabled contrarian viewpoints to end-run what had been the information lockdown of pre-Internet media outlets  – i.e., the major TV networks, of which there were just three; the major print media, of which there were also basically just three – The New York Times, Washington Post and LA Times – all of them run by the ideologically simpatico.

That lockdown is in the process of being reasserted. It is being done by suppressing dissenting or just different viewpoints via what is styled (in the hideous jargon of technocratic tyranny) “de-platforming,” which means barring any person who produces “objectionable” material from making it available through entities such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and so on – all of them owned, it is important to point out, by the same cartel or might as well be – as in the case of the New York Times, Washington Post and LA Times.

It’s not censorship, per se – since the offending material hasn’t (yet) been characterized as illegal.

But it amounts to the same thing.

These entities used to serve as apolitical conduits for information – generating their revenue from advertising associated with the information being conduited. They now suppress information that rubs up against the ideological biases of the owners of these conduits – even if that information is popular and generates lots of revenue. The technocratic elites did not anticipate, probably, that so many millions of people disagree with their biases – and take issue with their agenda.

These “deplorables” – as Hillary made the mistake of publicly calling them – used the new tools provided by the technocracy  to spread (and read and listen to and view) differing points of view.

Having let the cat out of the bag, the question became: How to stuff him back in?

It was easy enough.

“De-platforming” was one way. Another – in the case of Goo-guhl – was (and is) manipulation of search results to bury the offender’s material, or even to not list it at all – which has the effect of un-personing the material and its creator, airbrushing them out of existence like Stalin’s out-of-favor cronies.

The organs issue bland, Kafkaesque decrees about “violating terms of service” or accusations of purveying “hate” speech – but nothing specific (let alone illegal) need be cited; often, the alleged “violation” amounts to nothing more than tilting an inscrutable algorithm. There is no practical way to find out why the algorithm tilted – which is just the point: To preclude even the opportunity to correct whatever the problem supposedly is.

It works most effectively.

The offender – someone like Alex Jones, who has millions of viewers and listeners – is silenced almost as thoroughly as if the government had kicked in his door and dragged him off to a cage for “sedition.”

But his real crime is popularity.

The organs practically writhe with fury that someone like him (or me, or any other person who isn’t in lockstep with them) has an audience.  Efforts that rival the Royal Navy’s quest to sink the  Bismarck are roused and rallied to place obstacles in between the popular writer/speaker/video-maker and his audience. To prevent him from growing his audience, if possible.

And to apply economic pressure.

The organs control almost all advertising on their mediums – and critical online payment methods (e.g., ZahlenFreunde, which is an adjunct of Goo-guhl). Along with “de-platforming” comes “de-monetizing.” The popular writer/speaker/video-maker who was making a living via the ads viewed by his audience suddenly isn’t because the ads get pulled – once again, for unspecified “violations.”

And regardless of the fact that of people were viewing those ads. The virulence of the organs is such that they are willing to lose money for the sake of landing blow against those not in lockstep with their politics.

The “de-platformed/de-monetized” writer/speaker/video-maker is still free to publish online, to operate their own web pages. But it becomes hard to make a living doing it – even when the audience is huge, because the advertising revenue becomes nil.

Sites like this one have evaded that economic torpedo attack by relying mostly on direct reader support, obviating the need to kowtow to the algorithms of Goo-guhl and eliminating any worry about what Gesichterbuch thinks about what you’re reading/seeing here.

But the next shoe is already halfway fallen to the floor.

2019 is likely to be the year for the attempted outright banning (if not criminalizing) of any public expression of viewpoints that depart in the slightest from the rancid PC orthodoxies which almost everyone must already at least pretend to agree with. Everyone knows – even if they cannot actually say – what may and may not be said.

At work, at school . . . almost everywhere except (as Winston Smith, the main character in Orwell’s 1984 put it) in one’s own bed, whispered in the dark of night.

Even then, Alexa might be listening.

Speech codes already exist in many Western European countries and it is beyond naive to believe it could not happen here. Because it already has.

The First Amendment could be rendered a functional nullity as quickly as the Fourth, Fifth and (arguably) Second Amendments have been.

Internet Service Providers/website hosting companies could simply decide to not provide service to “objectionable” publishers. These ISPs and web-hosting companies are, after all, part of the same technocratic oligarchy which is making it very hard to make a living outside the fences of political correctness.

The next step is that obvious – or ought to be. If you’re not  asleep at the wheel.

They’ll start (once again, as they already have) with outliers like Alex Jones, easy to demonize. Then – the principle having been established – the practice will be expanded.  See the fire being directed at reasonable (and factual) commentators such as Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carson and Ben Shapiro – precisely because they are reasonable and factual and thus, persuasive – and so, dangerous.

And at me, for being neither left nor right but opposed to both.

When a Libertarian – someone whose bedrock principle is to shun violence and insist upon the equal rights of every human individual to be left unmolested and free to pursue his (or her) happiness, as they see it, so long as they don’t infringe upon the equal rights of others to the same – has to worry about being “de-platformed” and “de-monetized” and possibly being caged – you know the sun is getting low in the sky.

So, again – thanks to everyone out there who has supported not just EPautos but freedom of expression generally. I suspect matters are coming to a head, sooner rather than later – and it bucks me up to know people like you have got my back!

Here’s to a great 2019!

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Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
January 1, 2019 5:02 pm

Advice to the reality-based Web production crowd: Buy a ditto machine at a yard sale or antique store. Buy as much fluid as you can find. Buy as much cheap paper as you can afford. Pretty soon, that is going to be your only option.

January 1, 2019 5:14 pm
January 1, 2019 5:41 pm

We need a parallel banking system – and then a parallel everything else system.

We’ll probably all wind up using Tor.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
January 2, 2019 12:55 am

Tor is compromised by “the company”.

January 1, 2019 6:00 pm

They are all FANGsters, treat them as such.

January 1, 2019 6:03 pm

There is a scene in the movie The Godfather where Vito tells Michael how “they will come against you.” (I think I have this right…).
Anyway, this is one of the ways ‘they’ are already coming against free speech and ideas they do not agree with on the internet. Soon, I think there will be a ‘social accounting’ that will determine if you can rent, have a hotel room, fly, have internet access, etc.


Look at the backers/signers (so far).

January 1, 2019 7:15 pm

That was a scary site. I left a comment they wont appreciate.

January 1, 2019 7:46 pm

Awesome,but,can we have the comment,or,is it under Steve at least?

I also have done like things like no longer buying Levis due to their anti gun stance and also their cheapening of product and let em know why,not sure how much it helps but the smalls do add up,just be the annoying mosquito and soon your have annoying swarm.

January 1, 2019 7:54 pm

Steve,told them while I agree to their right to free speech no matter how insane I found their ideas,I viewed them reminiscent of Nazi policies/Orwellian nightmares,also said see them on the lines of the culture war.

January 1, 2019 10:25 pm

jesus this website is so stupid.

it is like looking at the Obituaries section of a newspaper and saying “We need to demand that newspapers do more to prevent people from dying”

January 1, 2019 10:33 pm

all you need to know about it is that the center for american progress(soros,podesta)and the splc are the main drivers of it–
good post,grog–

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 1, 2019 11:23 pm

My observation is that most of the people these assholes are trying to ban are not opposed to any of the things they CLAIM they are. They are largely opposed to communism and unconstitutional activities. What they are really trying to stop is opposition to the leftist agenda, using every old saw in the book as a pretext. Make no mistake, these are the people who need to go if we are to have anything resembling traditional America left in the future. Like General Mattis famously said, be polite and friendly and have a plan to kill every one of them you meet if necessary. Trust me, their plans are very dark for anyone not under their control.

January 2, 2019 7:32 am

Print the list, it may come in handy one day!

January 3, 2019 3:40 am

I don’t know if you’ve seen this but my son follows Jordan Peterson and when he suggested a few videos for me to watch, I got hooked. His pragmatic delivery is calming. I hope he is successful in this newest venture to find a way to maintain a free uncensored information highway.

However, if you looked at the “Change the Terms” website Grog linked above, you will see some frightening ideas.

God help us all.

And, yes, Bea and other naysayers, I know the negative hype on Peterson. I watched the links. However, after watching hours of Peterson’s practical discussion of a variety of topics relevant to the political and social issues of modern times, I can’t help but agree with the evidence he gives on many topics.

I just watched another one about IQ, Race and the JQ. I have to agree with some analysis that he dodged the question by trying to address it under the IQ label. But, he openly said “Ethnic discussion will get you killed.” He is right. Everyone is on edge about ethnic conflict in our society. Communication channels are vital and if we continue to be silenced on unapproved topics, silence will become the new approved speech.

We need to speak now and support efforts to bypass these corporate giants stepping in to promote changing the terms. It is shocking how liberal values managed to rationalize the idea that credit card companies should track and report purchases. And, perhaps, deny them. First they came for the gun owners.


Another important message is for readers and commenters of TBP and other platforms like it to see that the donatomometer has been reset. Perhaps someone or Unsomeone might write a punderful piece of prosology entitled “The True Price of Free Speech” and link the donatometer to TBP.

It is time to pay the piper so that the music does not stop.

January 3, 2019 3:57 am

Deleted second posting of a link.

January 1, 2019 7:08 pm

The problem with the speech suppression methods the tools, i.e. Fakebook; Twitr; Goo-ghool; the Evil Fuckers use, is that of insidious onset. It happens just like hypoxia; the reduction of oxygen to the brain that happens so incrementally as to not be noticed. By the time full incapacitation has occurred, it’s too late.

But using such terms as “suppressing dissent”, “de-platforming,” “objectionable content” is so upsetting. That human butt-plug, Tym Kook of Appal, was able to to use a much more palatable euphemism to describe the process and product. He called it “curated content.” Censorship is such a hurtful word.

Thank you, Eric, for sounding a klaxon alert. But then again most folks are not paying attention or already suffering from information overload or apathy and tending not to give a damn (as long as McDonalds is open, the 60 inch TV is playing, and the checks keep coming in.)

Keep this up and you too will become curated.

January 1, 2019 7:23 pm

Five years ago if any one had told me about the shit that I am wittnessing today I would have suggested to them that they seriously considered checking themselves in to a mental hospital. Now I know with certainty that things are getting way the fuck out of control.

January 1, 2019 7:31 pm

In addition, I just returned from getting a hair cut at walmart. The two young women (20 somethings) working at the smart style salon were easy enough to involve in conversation. I asked them all sorts of questions ranging in topics from the ‘yellow vest’ protests to Venezualian economic collapse to 2008 financial crisis to Occupy Wallstreet – they were totally clueless on these matters.


January 1, 2019 10:28 pm

getting a haircut at walmart?

yep, definitely a sign of the opacolips

no one
no one
January 2, 2019 4:45 pm

Sometimes, out in the boondocks, the only style salon around that’s open might be the one at Wally World. I empathize with those folks.

I just let my husband cut my hair with his clippers. It looks like crap but I don’t feel like going all the way to Walmart. Haha.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
January 1, 2019 11:12 pm

Invest in a Flow-bee.

January 1, 2019 7:38 pm

I will enjoy it if they actually start jailing folks for speech like they are doing in Europe,at that point tis the nothing to lose/everything to gain moment for me,will probably not be alone.This insanity if inevitable would like to see go in overdrive while young enough to fight it on my terms,have had a good run and as annoying as I find children want to leave em a decent chance at a good life.

The most effective warriors in this battle will be the hackers(bless the nerds!) and those inside the feces book/twaddle ect. that decide they no longer like what they see,they will be able to do real/perhaps irreparable damage to these sites.

no one
no one
January 2, 2019 4:46 pm

Ask Holly O when she stops by about free speech in the Great Britain!

January 3, 2019 10:46 am

And a few old men who remember growing up in a free US. Also, who don’t have a lot to lose and are quite well armed with military training.

January 1, 2019 9:22 pm

So I am not too bright….Just who are THEY? An organized group? Please elucidate…who are the people or owners involved? Why would they suppress what you(we) have to say? Google, facebook etc are not real-they only represent the people who produce the suppression. Who are THEY??

January 1, 2019 10:24 pm

comment image

January 1, 2019 11:39 pm

Hint: They are rattled.
comment image

no one
no one
January 2, 2019 4:47 pm

So, just asking to be a wiseass ahead of RiNS… do THEY really hold big round table meetings and vote on the nasty shit they are doing to us peons?

January 2, 2019 12:18 am

If you have to ask you don’t deserve to know.

no one
no one
January 2, 2019 4:48 pm

And you can’t afford it either.

January 1, 2019 11:24 pm

The fact that only so many people are awake and saying anything is scary. Sad also.

Just John
Just John
January 2, 2019 9:49 am

If anyone still has any doubt about WHO is really running this country (THEY) then watch Kill The Messenger on Netflix. See for yourself!

no one
no one
January 2, 2019 4:42 pm