This week’s edition is particularly disturbing. Pictures 1 and 4 make me wonder WTF has happened to this country. Abandon all hope.

Abandon all hope ye who enter here | Word Whoops

I feel like some sicko kidnapped two different people then sewed them together!

Whoa! Pump the breaks bro. Without Walmart there would be no PeopleOfWalmart.com. That’s sad to think about.

Looks like we’ve got a sneak preview for ourselves. The feature presentation likely would end up in that $5 bin though.

I gotta say, these are probably much more interesting shirts when they aren’t together.

Is the Jabbawockeez dance group still around or is this just what they’re doing now?

Ohhh, I like the idea of wearing this pretty much everywhere I go. Think they make it in a suit for business meetings?

For real, I think we should tailgate more activities. Most of the time they’re more fun than whatever crap you’re going to so I fully support this. It would make any Walmart trip I have to take a whole lot more bearable.

How I picture every Cowboy fan staggering out of the stadium after their playoff win this past weekend.

I think I need a big booty thesaurus or something because these all just seem to be a random collection of words thrown together.

How many examples of flesh-colored leggings do we all need to see before we realize they should all be burned? It’s not good, it will never be good and nobody is arguing the other side to that.

I’d say something but I’ve seen Snatch enough times to know I’m not messing with gypsies. I’m not about to start trouble there.

Okay Uber calm down. We don’t need mobile delivery for everything we have and do in life.

See more freaks at People of Wal-Mart

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Old Shoe
Old Shoe
January 12, 2019 10:41 am

Know a guy that says the only thing that can save America at this point is a nuclear holocaust taking 300 million lives. In his opinion that would leave slightly less than 35 million survivors. His reasoning is that while perhaps 10% of that 35 million would be lucky to survive by being in the right place at the right time, the other 90% would survive due to superior wit and intelligence. Then America could reset. Interesting theory.

  Old Shoe
January 12, 2019 12:41 pm

Does this guy realize that the cockroaches that would have the highest survival rate will be the pieces of shit that currently infest our federal government and deep state at the highest levels? They will scurry into their taxpayer/theft-funded bunkers and ride it all out in safety and security. Does this guy honestly think that they will ALLOW freedom or liberty for anyone else that is still alive when they crawl back out from under their rock? Personally I would rather be 100 feet from ground zero than be enslaved by the garbage from our government that will surely survive, for surely enslavement will be tops on their agenda. They certainly aren’t going to do any real work themselves. They don’t now.

January 12, 2019 12:19 pm

At the risk of overly repeating myself; pull the f’n plug already.

January 12, 2019 12:43 pm

I have the exact same “Abandon Hope…” sign. Many years ago, our site’s monthly management review meeting happened to fall on Halloween. I brought it in and placed it over the entrance to the meeting room before anyone showed up. Some didn’t appreciate my humor.

EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
January 12, 2019 3:00 pm

Picture one is an old surveillance photo of Chapo Guzman in disguise. I pity the poor vatos who were checking out his ass before looking at his ugly mug.

EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
  EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
January 12, 2019 3:38 pm

Better dead than plain

EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
EL Coyote the Brown Gringo
January 12, 2019 3:06 pm

Lipstick is said to have originated with hookers advertising lip service. A chapstick goes on the other dry lips.

Reminds me of a Hustler cartoon where the customer at a cat-house is considering a young chick and an old one:
What’ll it be coach, the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 13, 2019 5:30 am

I’m glad I don’t shop at Walmart.

  Vixen Vic
January 13, 2019 11:21 am

Recently my family and I were considering an outing but we could not make a decision. It came down to going to the zoo or walmart. Them two being the same I went with walmart because it was free.