Public Reeducation

Via Goodbye America (in a photo)

From a Redditor:

My little brother is a Junior in high school. Today he was handed this by his teacher and was expected to work on it. This is what the American Youth are being Taught!!

Was Stalin’s Soviet Union ever this bad? The ritual humiliation of Whites is part of the public school curriculum now.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 13, 2019 9:53 am

If libs believed this shit, they’d live in the ‘hood rather than the upscale neighborhoods where they actually live. After all, you could get a lot more house for the money, right? They clearly don’t believe the bullshit they spew, and neither does anyone else. So it’s ridiculous and people know it’s ridiculous.

  Iska Waran
January 13, 2019 9:58 am

Children don’t know it’s ridiculous and very few adults have the courage to call these people out in public/in person.

  Iska Waran
January 13, 2019 11:05 am

Oh they believe it alright. I’m white. My sister is married to a black man and they have two girls they have raised and put through college. We don’t talk anymore because she believes the white privilege bullshit and tried lecturing me about it and trying to get me to “reflect on my life” and understand how I’ve been “privileged”. I told her she was fucking brainwashed and I’m not having any of that bullshit thrown up in my face. As far as I’m concerned she’s my enemy, not my sister. May sound harsh but that’s what we’ve come to as a nation with all this PC/SJW nonsense being drilled into us 24/7 by the corporate media… Chip

January 13, 2019 2:02 pm

Had a nearly identical experience with my baby sister and my oldest niece. They disowned me because I wouldn’t bow to their Niggocentric Wigger b.s.

January 13, 2019 2:15 pm

Fleabaggs, I’m quite sure there are thousands of us with like experiences (that might be a serious UNDER estimation). My sister also has a poor relationship with my 83 YO mother who, when visiting them at their house last year, told her black son-in-law that he was a “militant”. How can we get along with strangers of differing opinions when we can’ even get along with our own families? Civil war is coming. I don’t know if it will be a full blown shooting war but it’s getting to where you are even afraid to travel or mention anything outside of your known circle of friends… Chip

January 13, 2019 3:37 pm

So in the case of your sisters girls; does she them as “White Privileged” of “Oppressed Minority” or ??

  Iska Waran
January 13, 2019 11:56 am

I have a son who is a senior in HS and I can tell you that he and his friends do know it’s ridiculous bs. I hear them openly and loudly mocking this kind of stuff all the time, and these are smart, high achieving kids. I live in a supposedly very liberal west coast state and this kind of stuff may be happening inside the very liberal big city core of my state, but it’s not happening in the schools in the more conservative suburbs and rural areas. Over my son’s junior and senior high career i’ve seen almost no blatantly liberal/lefty stuff like this coming from the schools.

January 13, 2019 1:15 pm

I Hope you are right but you need to investigate what is happening in the schools concerning the homo nigger agenda.

January 13, 2019 4:11 pm

Oregon has to be one of the whitest states in the US. Get out of Portland /Salem/Eugene and there’s almost no nogs. Plenty of gays in Oregon but again, mostly in the cities.
I’m telling you, a lot of these young kids see right thru all that shit.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 14, 2019 1:03 am

The kids coming up in elementary, junior high and high school now are the catalyst generation for the pendulum to start swinging back against all the nonsense taking place now, from feminism to rainbows to trans and all the other craziness. Read “Generations” or “The 4th Turning,” and you will see that.

Mongoose Jack
Mongoose Jack
January 13, 2019 10:08 am

My kids are raised, and I thank God for this. But there are grandkids coming. The immediate response to this school insult is simple. Every out raged parent should be at that school immediately, and confronting parents, administrators, school boards, and anyone else who even had a tangential influence on subjecting our children to this brainwashing drivel. If this comes down from the state board, all the better, give them the banzai rush as well. Though absolutely crucial to confront, this should be the easiest of the battles to absolutely crush the perpetrators in a non-violent manner. Let them all know their livelihood is at risk, and your numbers are (I assume) great. This is a time to put the fear of God in these tyrants . They must know that you are watching and you WILL be back.

  Mongoose Jack
January 13, 2019 1:42 pm

Generally with this, all it takes is the mildest resistance. It’s one thing put it over on kids in a classroom … it’s an other to confront their parents. So, push back. The worst thing they can do is call you a ‘racist’ … which they do anyway, so embrace it.

  Mongoose Jack
January 13, 2019 5:57 pm

Teachers are required to teach within the parameters of the district-approved outline and textbook for any course. If you see any funny business, ask the principal for a copy of both and see if the teacher is straying to promote a personal ideology. If so, go after him or her. If the district has implemented this kind of material, it’s time for parents to make school board meetings very uncomfortable.

  Mongoose Jack
January 13, 2019 7:13 pm

Unless you are willing to walk away with your child, they win. That is the truth that far, far too many, are simply unwilling to face up to and act upon. The ONLY shockwave that will make any impact, is for at least 10%, and ideally 30%, to pull their children immediately, and start demanding their school taxes be returned.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 14, 2019 1:06 am

No child should be in public schools. Every parent needs to withdraw their kids and either homeschool them or send them to private school.

January 13, 2019 10:24 am

I’d be OK with these handouts if they were in a set with others:
– Negro crime statistics.
– Negro educational statistics.
– Tax expenditures (cumulative) for Federal, State and local programs helping Negroes.
– Negro participation in American science, Law, and Medicine.
– Daily effects of Negro privilege.
– Jewish crime statistics.
– Jewish participation in Media.
– Jewish influence in banking and investing.
– Jewish participation in American science, Law and Medicine
– Daily effects of Jewish privilege.
– Immigrant crime statistics.
– Immigrant utilization of social services.
– Immigrant participation in science, Law, and Medicine.
– Daily effects of Immigrant privilege.
– Caucasian crime statistics.
– Caucasian utilization of social services.
– Caucasian participation in science, Law, and Medicine.

Add in a set each for Hispanics and Asians and then one can have the handout with “Daily Effects of White Privilege”.

Someone at the school board, probably a host of obese cat-women man-haters, made up that handout and need a bloody good beating.

January 14, 2019 12:05 am

Immigrants don’t have stats such as you describe.


Call them what they are for fuck sake

January 13, 2019 10:25 am

The vast majority of those kids are already lost. The programming is too consistent, too powerful and without any inoculation against the POZ on the part of the family.

January 13, 2019 10:39 am

“give me the children and I’ll change the country in a decade”
Adolf Hitler

January 13, 2019 7:14 pm

And they have had over 10 decades since this all began in one form or another.

January 14, 2019 12:06 am

“what’s being taught today in the classroom will start becoming law in 20 years.”

January 13, 2019 10:49 am

The brainwashing is inheiritantly effective in all societies. Everything we’ve ever known predisposes the “system” arose by magic. Just as every thought you have arose by “magic”

Every commercial, movie , tv show and educational system reinforces the magic system.

But just as every thought has biological underpinnings so does every cultural and political system.

E.O. Wilson caught hell for saying this years ago. The system is tethered to that biology and enviably will snap back.

January 13, 2019 11:39 am

My kids are out now, but in middle school, things like this came up, but not nearly this bad. I taught my kids to fight back and they wouldn’t at first because they were brainwashed that ‘going to the principle’ was the worst thing in the world. So I waited till something bothered them and said ‘do not back down, it’s ok to go to the principle and I will back you up’. It happened, and I went into the principle with my son, and the principle did what they normally do until I refused to engage, repeating ‘ask him (my son)’. The principle was smart and figured it out pretty quick. My son couldn’t believe the great results, the teacher got in trouble. I said to the principle, ‘never call me again’, you can deal with my son directly. And to be fair it was only a couple of younger teachers, the rest were good people.
He went 5+ more times and the teacher(s) kept getting in trouble. Then they just gave him ‘lunch detentions’ which was worse because he missed hanging with his friends. But then it became a badge of honor.
Other kids started getting bold too, and the end results were great.

In our case the principle was a good guy and fixed these ‘problems’, probably not all are as lucky, but then it needs to be elevated.

We got lucky in high school because the vice-principle was a good guy too, and these issues got solved quickly.

So to me, these wacky teachers in our town got the message, but they continued because they’re wacky. We fought back, and I got other men involved and it worked. I think one of the worst offenders left for good.

January 13, 2019 1:04 pm

This shit is meant to harm the self image of white kids . These damn ” teachers ” should be shot. I would be the first to pull the trigger.
I have liberals progressives Democrats in my own family that I truly despise . I keep the peace for now for my mom’s sake . When they come over I usually get up and leave. So I think they know.

January 13, 2019 8:13 pm

I did the same thing till Mom passed away for her sake.

January 14, 2019 12:07 am

It’s principal not principle

January 14, 2019 12:15 am

did you go to school w/ el coyote,the grammar marm?

January 14, 2019 1:15 am

I remember that because we were told that the Principal is your pal!

January 13, 2019 4:00 pm

The dumbocrats are going to start sending Amber Alert text messages telling you the Russians may be hacking the election when they’re losing.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 14, 2019 1:10 am

Do you mean emergency text alerts? Amber Alerts are for missing kids.

January 13, 2019 6:27 pm

“Was Stalin’s Soviet Union ever this bad?”
Yes, far worse. Comparisons to a school assignment, however misguided, are nonsensical.

January 13, 2019 7:09 pm

Why is any white child still enrolled in the government monopoly school system? More accurately, why is the child of any so-called freedom-lover, republican, or democrat-hater, still enrolled in the government school system? A 10% drop in enrollment would be widely noticed. A 20% drop would be devastating. 30% might bring the system to its knees. Calls, letters, and such from all the parents that pulled out, demanding their school tax monies back (or legislation that would return these monies), would register like a 9.5 on the Richter scale. It most certainly will NOT take everyone to undermine this criminal system of indoctrination and propaganda.

January 13, 2019 8:11 pm

Mr. Liberty..
Exactly. Even my welfare queen sister mentioned above found the money to send her 2 boys to a local church school after their Spliv sperm donor deserted.

January 13, 2019 8:23 pm

They will make it into an issue of hot lead and it will be my privilege and honor to drill holes through a shit pile of useful idiots.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 13, 2019 9:36 pm

I have my issues regarding race from experience not hate .
I seem to get along with most people of good conscience . Then there are the people with no conscience . Most are pathetic individuals in need of incarceration or committed so they are not a danger to themselves or others

  Boat Guy
January 14, 2019 6:14 am

We have the highest incarceration rate in the world. Why would more of the same help? And how much of a tax increase will you advocate to pay for it?

January 14, 2019 6:38 pm

The Scary Trend in Children’s Dance