White Men Are Nice Until They Are Not

Yojimbo, The Kind and Beneficent (PBUH),  sent me a book, a novel titled  “The Day of the Rope” by Devon Stack.  I’m halfway through it, and am enjoying it immensely.  I’m submitting this in order to introduce you to his web site, and one of his articles.

The web site is https://blackpilled.com

The article below is titled “We’re Nice Until We’re Not“.   In it he analyzes the movie “Office Space”.  He says the movie “walks us through the real steps of what is going on in the minds of white men faced with conflict.

Mr. Stack,  after seeing the movie, quit his job the next day!! Lordy, lordy … I love that!  Wish I had a set of balls like that.  I hope you enjoy the article.

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“Office Space” wasn’t written by the people that write most films, it was written and directed by Mike Judge, a white male who didn’t come from Hollywood, or money, and had worked in the real world. He understood white men better than most of Hollywood and an aspect of their behavior that is relevant today.

Lately I’ve heard people say the phrase, and I have said it myself, that “white men are nice, until they’re not.” Now, to some people that might sound like a passive aggressive threat but it’s not. It’s descriptive of how many white men process conflict.

Some people, when they attempt to describe this behavior, they will conjure up the image of a kid getting bullied, and bullied, and bullied until one day he snaps. They make it seem as if the kid, who is a metaphor for white men, is like a canister of volatile material that gets shaken, and shaken until the pressure makes it explode. This is misunderstands the process.

“Office Space” walks us through the real steps of what is going on in the minds of white men faced with conflict. It acknowledges that the extreme reaction to the outside danger isn’t something that slowly develops, it’s not the product of pressure being applied over time that makes their solution to the conflict more and more extreme as the pressure builds until they snap but instead, if you really understand the the thought process you know that the initial solution in the minds of these men is extreme and there is no snap. There is simply a slow erosion of the self control that is containing that initial instinct to deliver a devastating response.

This initial extreme solution is rarely acted upon because it’s typically so extreme and so severe that given the time to rationally weigh the consequences of carrying it out and assessing the collateral damage, the rational mind often concludes that enduring the problem and tolerating the danger seems safer than executing the extreme solution.

From the very start of the conflict that is the equation. These men will table what seems like an extreme solution to a problem in the hopes that the problem will resolve itself or that a less extreme solution presents itself later and they will delay acting, delay, delay, delay, until the stress generated by the conflict or perceived danger outweighs the perceived collateral damage that might come with being assertive and taking action.

If this seems confusing it will make more sense as we walk through the film because this is at the heart of the film. Its white men faced with conflict who come up with extreme, but effective methods of resolving the conflict but wait until they can no longer justify waiting or sense that danger might be eminent and then they enact these extreme solutions. So let’s dive in.

The movie starts out immediately building up to the ultimate conflict that the main character has, the dehumanizing conditions that existed for people unlucky enough to work an office job in the 90s that was being micromanaged by profit centric boomers. The first challenge of this life is of course being stuck in traffic with countless other office workers going to their various office spaces. Changing lanes and then watching as the lane we were just in begins to move and then changing again only to have traffic stop for seemingly no reason. We are introduced to the protagonist, Peter, and briefly some of his coworkers.

Next we see an establishing shot of the office space in question, a place called Initech, a buzz-wordy generic name typical of the countless tech companies that sprung into existence in the 90s. Peter’s boomer boss, Bill Lumbergh, of course has a reserved parking spot and drives a Porsche. The massive wealth inequality that we see today is something that has been in the making for along time. We see the inane modern corporate art that adorns the outside of many of these office buildings and while I’m not certain if it was intentional, it’s interesting to note that its a square peg that has been put through a round hole.

Peter, wearing his security badge and business appropriate shirt and tie starts his day dreading opening the doors to the office thanks to the static electrical shock he receives when he touches the handle.

He works in a bland grey room full of cubicles that looks identical to many offices in the 90s, including the office where i worked, each cubicle is like a drab prison cell that features all the negative aspects of being surrounded by walls with none of the benefits. Benefits like blocking out the voices of everyone else around you or stopping your boss, Bill Lumbergh from just dropping in.

Bill tells Peter that he forgot to include a cover sheet on his TPS report and we can easily infer that whatever that means and whatever a TPS report is, it is clearly some mundane micromanagement busy work that is likely completely pointless.

Next we meet Milton. Milton is the first and a clear cut example of the extreme problem resolution strategy we discussed. Also, many don’t know this but, Milton is modeled after a cartoon character that inspired the entire movie. Milton is also very close to encountering his conflict and generating his initial extreme solution.

Peter now encounters another boomer boss, Dom, who berates him about the same TPS reports, followed by a phone call about the exact same reports. This is highlighting the source of the inefficiencies that existed in these offices. All too often micromanaging was wielded as the favorite weapon of those who lacked tech skills and had to justify their existence at a tech company managing tech workers.

We now meet Samir, an H1B visa holder back when there were so few of them we could still have a sense of humor about it and back when our culture was still dominant so we could make fun of the cultural differences without anyone losing their minds. Now I think it’s important to note that Samir is reacting differently than the white characters do to conflict. Instead of coming up with an extreme solution to be acted upon later when all other options have run out when the printer has a paper jam, or when he is driving into work, he reacts instantly with violence. This is part of the honesty of the film, his violent reaction is the joke and it’s funny because it’s foreign and believable.

We also meet Michael. Peter, Samir and Michael go to a chain restaurant called Chotskies to get some coffee. The chain restaurant is the unbearable workplace for wage slaving corporate gen xers of the blue collar variety. The environment might seem different than the office at Initech but as we will see it’s just as dehumanizing and micromanaged by the same kinds of people.

This is where Peter reveals the theme of the movie, everything we’ve been discussing about extreme responses to problems. He jokes that his solution to his problems at Initech is coming into work and shooting the place up. Obviously this is a joke, but this is what I mean by white men coming up with the extreme solution first. He didn’t slowly build up to this solution, his initial reaction to this bad day he’s having is to shoot the place up and obviously the risks heavily outweigh the benefits so there’s no chance he’ll act on this extreme solution but it’s the first one that came to mind. His rational mind accessed it as ridiculous so he laughs it off and continues to endure the problem rather that act on his extreme thought but it doesn’t change the fact that he had the thought.

The three complain about work and this is where we are introduced to Michael’s extreme solution to the problem of Initech. He mentions he could program a virus that would rip the place off. Just like Peter, however, the rational part of his mind sees this as too risky a response given the current situation so it’s simply repressed until conditions change.

We also briefly see a very young Jennifer Aniston, who plays a waitress named Joanne that Peter has a crush on but is afraid to approach. We also learn Peter has a girlfriend who is likely cheating on him and who wants him to see a hypnotherapist to help him get out of his rut.

On the way back from Chotskies the three run into Tom, another white guy who later deals with problems with extreme solutions. He tells them that efficiency experts are coming to streamline the office and he’s afraid they are going to lose their jobs.

At the end of the day, Peter comes home and we see the typical shitty 90s apartment. After working all day in your cubicle prison cell, you go home to your IKEA furnished apartment prison cell. Peter’s neighbor, Laurence, is a blue collar worker. The kind of guy that the popular culture likes to present as uneducated, uncouth, and dirty. You don’t want to do jobs like Laurence. That’s for people like him, although in a few years those jobs will go to hordes of illegal immigrants. Pop culture looks down on this kind of work and would rather you work in a soulless office so you can have all this nice IKEA furniture.

Peter reveals his extreme solution to Laurence and tells him that if he had a million dollars he would just do nothing.

The next day the efficiency experts have arrived with a huge banner that reads “is this good for the company?” all the employees are gathered around Bill Lumbergh to listen to his condescending corporate pep talk about not wasting post-it notes and working extra hours for free.

Next we see Milton and Milton reveals his extreme solution to Lumbergh pushing him around. He says he will burn the building down. That’s Milton’s initial extreme response to the stress he is under. If he reaches a threshold where he perceives the consequences of burning the building down as having less of a negative impact on him than the humiliation he suffers at the hands of Lumbergh, he will execute this initial extreme response. Again, this is not a situation where Milton is slowly pushed off the edge and then snaps and decides to burn the building down. His starting point is burning the building down and he will go with that extreme solution if certain conditions are met.

Lumberg catches Peter before he can sneak out for the weekend and tells him he needs to work both Saturday and Sunday. This was something Peter was trying to avoid because he wanted to go fishing. Dejected and depressed he accepts the commands from Lumbergh and then goes with his girlfriend to the see the hypnotherapist later that night.

The therapist gets Peter to forget his worries cares and inhibitions but before he can move on beyond that, he drops dead of a heart attack. Peter is now stuck in a state of hypnosis. He no longer has the ability to accesses the risk of acting upon his initial extreme reactions to different situations. In a sense. Peter’s brain has been hacked, he will now just act immediately on his first impulse when faced with problems.

He wakes up the next morning, but instead of going to work, he listens to his first impulse, to go back to sleep. He also ignores the several phone calls that Bill Lumbergh makes. When he finally gets up at 3 in the afternoon his girlfriend calls. She’s complaining to him for missing work and acting strange so the first solution he comes up with is to just hang up on her and so he does and then goes back to bed where he stays the rest of the weekend.

Monday morning comes and they are having another soul crushing corporate ethics meeting on how to save money for the company at Initech. Peter is nowhere to be found because instead of going to work his first impulse was to go next door to Chotskies and ask out Joanna.

While that’s going on, Tom and Michael are forced to defend their jobs in front of the new efficiency consultants.

Joanne and Peter seem to hit it off. The idea of course is that Peter is being direct and unflinchingly confident and women find that attractive. Because he is no longer tied up weighing risks and consequences of every little thing that he does and he’s simply acting on his first impulse un-apologetically, he has taken on the traits of an alpha.

This is a part of the film that explains with simplicity something that connected on a deep level with myself and several other people who would later act out this fantasy in their own lives.

Peter says matter of factly “I don’t like my job and I don’t think I’m going to go anymore.”

Joanna seems surprised and asks doesn’t he think he’ll get fired? Which really illustrated the ever present paranoia of the gen xers working pointless jobs living paycheck to paycheck with no savings. They took the humiliation for one reason and one reason alone, the fear of being fired and unable to pay the growing stack of bills.

Peter responds “I don’t know, but I really don’t like it and I’m not going to go anymore”

So you’re going to quit she asks?

Not really, im just going to stop going.

Joanna is impressed and They make a date for that night.

Now we get back to Milton, who remember, is the character that the film is really based on. He has decided that his solution is to burn the building down but not all the conditions have been met yet. However, one of the boxes get ticked off when Lumbergh takes his favorite stapler.

Peter comes into the office get his address book. Michael is shocked to see him because he’s been gone for 2 days and just walked in at noon wearing casual clothes. He tells Peter that he’s supposed to be meeting with the consultants. Peter thinks this sounds fun so he walks into the conference room where they are waiting and behaves the same way that he did with Joanne. Instead of constantly calculating and trying to say the right thing or what he thinks they might want to hear, he just confidently tells them the truth. He tells them that he sneaks in late all the time, spaces out at his desk, and doesn’t do much work. Once again we see the power of being an alpha. The consultants respond positively to his straightforward approach as he tells them why nobody cares about their jobs and why they work just hard enough to not get fired. He then excuses himself from the meeting and ignores Lumbergh on his way out

We now go to Joanne’s demeaning workplace and her manager complains that she only has the minimum amount buttons on her uniform. He suggests that “she express herself.” He mimics the corporate mind games that management would often play on their employees. He wants her to wear more buttons but instead of just telling her to wear more he wants her to make the choice to go above and beyond. He cant just raise the minimum, he has to make her think that it’s her idea but at the same time shame her if she doesn’t have the idea. This is a bizarre  management tactic i saw often in the 90s. You would be shamed for meeting minimum requirements of pointless rules like the number of buttons on your vest but your only reward for exceeding these pointless guidelines was the absence of the constant shaming. Big corporate workplaces were dehumanizing and cult like no matter where you worked.

Back at Inatech the consultants tell Lumbergh to lay off Tom, they also inform him that Milton was actually laid off 5 years ago but has been still receiving checks through a glitch so they fixed the glitch. The scene is comedic because like most of the comedy in this film it’s honest. The complete lack of human compassion they have for the workers is obvious. Things get awkward when the consultants, to Lumbergh’s surprise tell him that they like Peter and want to give him a promotion.

This is followed by a montage of Peter behaving without fear of consequences at the office. He parks in Lumbergs spot, unscrews the door knob that keeps shocking him, tears down the corporate propaganda banners, cleans a fish at his desk, takes the walls off his cubicle, his alpha behavior with the consultants makes him immune from interference from management. That’s another truth this film reveals. The power that just being honest and a assertive has. So many people, intelligent people, make the mistake of thinking that the way to success is through constant plotting and manipulation and don’t understand the power of just being unflinchingly honest. It doesn’t just attract women but, because it is the characteristic of a true alpha, it changes your relationship with men too. Men don’t like other men that are always plotting and scheming, because quite frankly it’s kind of feminine behavior. A man’s man is always someone who is honest and confident, not cocky, but sure of themselves, and this movie does a great job of showing the difference in how people respond to Peter the beta and Peter the alpha as well as showing that he didn’t change who he was, he simply stopped letting the fear of consequences change his behavior.

Now we go back to Milton, he is no longer receiving paychecks and Lumbergh plans to just keep making his life uncomfortable until he stops coming in because he’s too much of a corporate coward to actually fire him. Milton of course is getting closer and closer to executing his extreme measures.

The consultants tell Peter that they are going to lay off Samir and Michael and replace them with entry level people that will work for nothing and outsourced overseas labor. This movie is 20 years old; the current crisis has been going on a long time.

Peter tells Michael that Initech is going to lay him off and just like that the conditions have been met for the extreme solution Michael came up with at the beginning of the movie. There is a virus they can install that will slowly siphon money from each transaction their banking software makes and it will eventually after a few years earn them lots of money. Peter, Michael and Samir install it on the mainframe, the extreme solution has been sent into motion.

To celebrate the execution of this extreme solution the three are now feeling reckless and execute another extreme solution, by executing the printer that kept jamming on them.

Now we get to Tom’s extreme solution in response to getting laid off. He tries to commit suicide to get insurance money for his wife but then his wife finds him. Tom changes his mind only to be hit by a drunk driver. He survives and wins a big settlement and throws a party.

On the way to the party Peter tells Joanna about their plan and she disapproves because it is stealing. Also while at the party, Tom’s lawyer makes Samir and Michael nervous by talking about prison.

Peter’s friend Drew tells him that Joanna has slept with Lumbergh and they get in a fight.

The next day, Peter nearly has a heart attack when he checks the account balance on the account they setup for the virus. It has over 300,000 dollars in it already when there should be closer to 300. Peter tells Samir and Michael and they close the account before it can get bigger.

Meanwhile Milton is pushed closer to executing his extreme solution when he is the only one not to get a piece of Lumbergh’s birthday cake and forced to work in the basement.

After thinking about what he got his friends into, Peter once again decides to do the alpha thing and take responsibility for the heist gone wrong. He decides to return the money and take all the blame.

He makes up with Joanna and leaves the money along with a confession note under Lumbergh’s door.

He’s ready to face the music but then, something unexpected happens. When Peter goes into the office the next morning the building is on fire.

Milton has finally executed his extreme solution to his problem. The solution that he didn’t slowly form over time, but the solution he came up with immediately. A solution he placed on the back burner as he searched for another way out. Exhausting all of his options until eventually he was able to justify taking the action. Just like Michael, whose initial solution was to write a virus, he eventually got to a point where the unreasonable seemed reasonable.

With the building burning down Peter realizes that the evidence is gone. Through a twist of fate he is off the hook.

In the last few moments of the film we discover that Michael and Samir go get jobs at another tech company but Peter has learned a valuable lesson. He has learned that his quality of life is more important that the status of having your own cubicle. He no longer wants to be a cog in a huge global machine. A cog that globalist bosses view as a tool, subject to arbitrary rules and to be replaced on a whim when the globalists think it might make them more money. Peter decides that he’d rather work construction. The sad irony of course is that in real life the globalists will do the same thing to construction over the next few years. Slowly replace working class skilled American tradesmen with cheap illegal immigrant labor all so that they can enrich themselves.

In the last scene we discover Milton must have found peter’s envelope before he burned down the Innatech building and is living it up on a beach somewhere. He’s unhappy with his service and once again his mind goes straight to extreme solutions from trying to get the resort condemned or putting strychnine in the guacamole and we are left to imagine whether or not Milton will eventually reason that taking these extreme measures are justified to solve his problem.

The movie is a comedy and the ending is a bit formulaic. Nobody just lives happily ever after in real life, but I can tell you one thing. After watching this film I never again worked in a cubicle or memorized a mission statement or met with an efficiency consultant. This film made me understand the humiliating reality of being a corporate America beta-cuck and prevented me from ever again becoming a wage slaving for the Bill Lumbergh’s of the world and taught me the value of understanding your instincts, understanding that the mind comes up with solutions almost immediately and the only reason people don’t act immediately is fear of the consequences. But if you’re honest and forthright with your intentions and have nothing to hide. People will respect you and eventually you will learn to trust your instincts and most importantly, respect yourself.

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 16, 2019 11:32 am

A few years ago my mother worked at a little motel that was booked solid for months with construction workers from Mexico on H1 Visas. None of them even spoke a word of English.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
March 16, 2019 1:20 pm

The horror!

You fail to mention that they were construction workers brought in to fix up the houses ruined by Katrina. Whenever there is a dirty job to be done, they call in the Mexicans. A Mexican maid would not complain as much as your mom does. If she got paid to clean the rooms, she should STFU. If she was a slave at that motel, she should put in for reparations.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  EL Coyote (EC)
March 16, 2019 2:26 pm

Sorry, I forgot that I would get downvoted for criticizing a white person and I didn’t restrain myself.

Gaius Tacitus
Gaius Tacitus
  EL Coyote (EC)
March 16, 2019 10:26 pm

Hey EC, my ancestors beat your ancestors asses in 1846. No amount of BS will change that. Your people are the 21st century rent-a-slaves of America Norte. Go fuck yourself.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  Gaius Tacitus
March 17, 2019 11:54 pm

Wow, eleven upvotes for a GFY. I wish I could make such profound comments. My ancestors did not fight in the battle of 1846. Solly.

  EL Coyote (EC)
March 16, 2019 9:02 pm

In North Dakota? Btw, the place was so trashed that the motel charged the construction company an extra $1600 for excessive filth and they didn’t even put up an argument.

gaius tacitus
gaius tacitus
March 16, 2019 10:38 pm

What’s funny is all the bitching by our southern neighbors about whites in FUSA but Mexico is still run by WHITE PEOPLE, Blancos. Seems a little house cleaning is in order. Oh wait, they are Mexicans, nevermind…

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  gaius tacitus
March 17, 2019 11:53 pm

That’s the entire theme of one of Diego Rivera’s paintings. The Spanish enslaved the Indians from the time of the Conquista. The Spanish lands stretched from Central America to the American Southwest. Mexicans were slaves for centuries before blacks even dreamed of being slaves in the New World. They were bred to work like mules. What’s your point? You live on the American plantation like a house negro and you feel smug. Good for you.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
March 17, 2019 11:58 pm

Mexicans only get 6 years of compulsory education. It’s a wonder when you get a bunch of cheap laborers with gentleman manners. Have you ever looked at the working conditions for Okies in the dustbowl years? We live in privileged times. Some folks still have to live like the great depression never ended. I feel bad for your mamacita. I hope she can get over it.

March 16, 2019 12:10 pm

“Peter decides that he’d rather work construction. The sad irony of course is that in real life the globalists will do the same thing to construction over the next few years. Slowly replace working class skilled American tradesmen with cheap illegal immigrant labor all so that they can enrich themselves.”

We are in Oklahoma for my stepson’s wedding. We are amazed at the enormous industry that has grown up around medical marijuana here in Tulsa since our last visit. We joked that since Missouri legalized medical weed last year, we should apply for a license and grow it.

That is a joke… we spent more than 30 years in military/government contract work. By the time the Feds get finished with regulating medical marijuana, it will be as toxic as tobacco. And the people who get rich from the Marijuana Industry? Well, they will get fucked right over just like the people in Big Tobacco.

March 16, 2019 12:17 pm

Colorado has a head start on most states in the marijuana “industry”. If one wants/needs to study or learn how it is working out take a drive through that once great state

March 16, 2019 3:00 pm

There is still NO freedom in Colorado. The regulatory bullshit of which DD speaks, is slowly destroying CO, WA, CA, and all the rest of the states that could have simply benefited from the savings on police, courts, and jails. Instead, they embraced a new source of power and control (all for the lure of “sin” taxes), and have done everything to maintain the black market, the costly police, the costly prisons, the costly courts, AND the new “sin” industry.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
March 16, 2019 3:04 pm
March 16, 2019 4:19 pm

Yup. Can’t say it from firsthand knowledge, but a trustworthy friend said he was originally for legalized weed. CO passed it, and he visited. Dredlock wearing deadbeats hanging around outside the dispensaries, panhandling mooches because, well, weed use creates a lot of deadbeats who have no initiative. Homeless. Shittin’ in the streets, right Frisco?

It’s not the solution to petty law infractions for normies who like to occasionally indulge.
Law of unintended consequences, but the genie is out of the bottle. It’s the money.
Again. Follow the money. The States in poor financial shape are licking their chops at all the revenue they can scoop up and pocket, for corruption, and more pet social projects.

The State.
There’s that word again.

And non potheads are affected by those decisions in shitty ways.
It certainly doesn’t lower their tax liabilities. Follow the money, and pay more yourself.
It’s always the same solution. They need more of your money, besides the pot revenue.

March 16, 2019 9:07 pm

I was working in downtown Denver when it passed. Within six weeks the character changed utterly. Hordes of men, mostly young, and older bums and the mentally ill came in and lined the streets begging for money (some admitted for pot), shitting in the alleys, causing problems in the stores. The building I worked in had a ‘dispensary’, every Friday the losers, young men mostly with tatts, dreadlocks, skateboards, and pit bulls, lined up. They couldn’t even wait to get OUT of the building to smoke it. One moron passed out in the elevator and got hauled off by ambulance, I’m sure his parents must have been real proud.

March 16, 2019 12:44 pm

I saw this happen for years at the place I worked. They would do a salary survey from the surrounding states and determine that labor trades and crafts category would warrant lower cost of living as compared to other jobs like admin, medical, IT, etc. Of course the construction trades were paying lower due to the influx of illegals filling the jobs and non union at will labor. Then they decided that our jobs, the nearest category to compare with being stationary engineer should only be paid a maximum of six times an entry level janitor. The top two pay tiers went away which didn’t impact me but it did the longtime employees. I wrote a scathing letter to my director asking him why he didn’t defend our pay range and as they compared us with janitors only on the basis of numbers of employees in each field. Most of my co workers were ex NRC licensed operators that used to run reactors and were now running co-gen power plant. The feedback I got was my immediate boss being angry with me that I didn’t run my complaint through him. But he was in a different pay scale and had a proven track record of not standing up for his workers.

March 16, 2019 1:29 pm

Will the Millenials take up the alpha mantle and tell the system to take this job and shove it…I am not working here no more (a song from an even earlier period), unlikely as the 4th Turing crisis promotes greater social cohesion and a stronger central government. I do like the idea that we are seeking to avoid the immediately apparent answer rather than being pushed into extreme behavior. Though it will likely take a number of NZ events before the conflagration gets going in earnest.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
March 17, 2019 7:55 pm

No, the Millennials won’t. The Gen Xers are actively opting out and the number of examples I could give of former Data Architects, Software Devs, and Engineers who have either left their line of work or are planning to (myself included) is ridiculous. The reasons are numerous, but one of them, ironically, is the fact that we are sick and tired of the safe space, soy boy, diversity loving douchebags in the Millennial cohort. Fuck ’em all. They’ve turned an already shitty workplace into a walking-on-eggshells fascist nightmare.

X is in the process of tearing this bitch down by Shrugging. We can apply Agile SDLC to farming or to process improvement within local businesses. We no longer want or need to train turdburglaring, combover, Paul Bunyon plaid shirt wearing 20 somethings.

I amend my previous statement regarding taking a Christian approach when SHTF. That Christian approach applies to every race, every creed, every generation who wants to learn and work — except Millennials. Let AOC fucking starve to death.

March 16, 2019 1:47 pm

I worked corporate from 1985 to 2006. Entry level to equity partner. I saw all these same characters and management blunders. We sold our company and I made enough to pay off my 2nd mortgage in the sale.

I migrated to another corporate job as COO. Got so weary of watching those around me make bad decisions or use faulty assumptions – just got tired of being the only one standing up for anything beyond ‘increased efficiency’ that I tendered my resignation – immediately, without even a hint of planning or forethought. I was just tired of watching the stupid all around me. I had no job and no idea what would be next – and one worried SWMBO at home.

Within a week, I was asked to consult by several of my old company’s big clients. They basically threw money at me to do what the Fortune 500 guys would not – tell them the truth and advise based on my experience. I am not conquering the business world – it completely sucks, so the trophy would be entirely comical even if I won.

Alpha male – me.
Toxic-ally masculine – me.
Politically incorrect – me.
White (mostly) heterosexual male – me.

WTF? Feels like ever since I quit corporate world my life has been quite a lot of pleasant wtf moments. I am technically counted as unemployed according to current criteria – wtf? LOL

Nice article about a movie that cracked me up – and, in reflection, echoes to me.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
March 16, 2019 1:58 pm

I’m not white. I still have that constant doubt that was instilled in me by the education system, the military and my bosses. I keep looking around and see that blacks and immigrants act on their impulses and rap about their feelings.

I have to keep a lid on it. Come in, sit down, shut up. We laugh nervously at the free-wheeling blacks. They are woke. We sleep-walk. Toe the line.

At night, we shit-post and let it all hang out in hopes of bleeding off enough pressure to make it another day.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
  EL Coyote (EC)
March 17, 2019 10:56 pm

An EC comment I actually like.

March 16, 2019 2:08 pm

I’m glad I was aware of the fact that there will always be some asshole above your rank in the corporate world. Also, to get ahead, you will forever be kissing it.
Was never an ass kisser so I wouldn’t have lasted very long anyways.

So now it’s war
So now it’s war
March 16, 2019 2:56 pm

So now it’s war!
March 16, 2019 at 2:23 pm
Never let a false flag go to waste
New Zealand’s prime minister wastes no time in attempting to disarm the New Zealand populace:
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is calling for change following the country’s deadliest mass shooting ever.

On Friday morning, at least one shooter opened fire at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, leaving at least 49 dead and dozens more injured. Ardern qualified the shootings as a “terrorist attack” in a morning news conference, saying this will remain “one of New Zealand’s darkest days.”

Ardern revealed more details about the shooter in a news conference later in the day, saying the “primary perpetrator” used five guns in their attacks. They had a gun license to carry the “two semiautomatic weapons and two shotguns,” and they got that license in November 2017, Ardern continued. So given that fact — and that there had been three failed “attempts” to change gun laws in the past — Ahern pledged “our gun laws will change.”
The same tactic worked in Australia and England, after all. Not so well in the United States, where the descendants of the American Revolution know better than to permit themselves to be disarmed by their government.



“qualified the shootings as a “terrorist attack”,”

Funny (or not?) how they NEVER “qualify” the effing moslem attacks with trucks, cars, machetes, guns, axes…. They NEVER start movements or write legislation to ban MOSLEMS who are the ‘weapons’ being (((used against us)))!


Well it all fits together.
New Zealand is a destination for the elites and deep staters when it all comes crashing down.

But while the deep staters have worked diligently to inject Islam into all kinds of places, like even the heartland of the USA, they do not want it in the Shire.
So why not have not only some incident that drive them out of NZ, but also disarms the locals too. Win win for the elites. They get their island nation of vassals.

I recall an article from a couple of weeks back where some school wanted to trannify the kids with some program. Who fought back? Muslims fought back.
Who is the only person to be calling out the dual citizenship issue and power of AIPAC in the USA? A Muslim. That’s who.

Oh these people are not just trouble for concert goers and people trying to enjoy an open air Christmas market. When you rule a kingdom with an iron fist, you don’t want your knuckledusters attending the cotillion, do you?

On the way, it’s looking like the Second Amendment, while woefully unable to protect itself, and “lawyered” to death by people whose religion condones interpretation 500 ways on everything – 1 percent of the population, 40 percent of the SCOTUS – was still a damned good idea.

But how could I support 2A and agree with Vox on the arguments against this concept of “Free Speech”?


One, if we approached 2A with same fervor as the left uses 1A, we would be able to point a loaded weapon at everybody and claim 2A gives us the right to do that. Heck if we had 2A at the level that Hollywood wields the protection of 1A, would would have the proverbial “Neighbors with ICBMs” as often brought up in arguments.

And the way the world is getting now, all “free speech” means at this point is you can scream and complain all you like on your way to the gulag. Guns keep you out of the gulag or make the prospect extremely expensive for those who would consider putting you in one. So yes I can say that porn should be banned from the internet, “Piss Christ” artists should be thrown in jail, and teachers should be required by law not to talk politics, but leave my rifle alone.

“But.. but… that would be double standards!!!!!”

Yeah and we see how the left does not give a flying rats ass about their own double standards when we point it out, so now it’s war.


March 16, 2019 5:17 pm

Watch the blackpilled video here

March 16, 2019 9:02 pm

Illegal Immigrant Released by Sanctuary City Gets $280 Fine for Killing Two Police Officers In Car Crash

Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
March 16, 2019 9:21 pm

LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! If you have worked or work in a dysfunctional office environment, you HAVE to watch it!!

I was Peter in many respects back in the 90’s … Smart guy (I think) who looked at the shit show and determined that I wasn’t going to march in the parade … Except, I didn’t have the balls to go “Full Peter.” (Even had a potential scheme to steal hundreds of thousands of $$$ that I did not execute … but was not boning a Jennifer Aniston look-alike)

Since it wasn’t a movie and I DID have to earn a paycheck, I went through a number of jobs hoping that the next one couldn’t be worse than the clusterfuck I was leaving. Unfortunately, at every turn … I found that every new venture had its own form of misery … Kind of like the saying about families: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” I was in a SERIOUS rut, trying to figure out what the fuck I was going to do and how I was going to make ends meet.

Fortunately for me, after about 12 years of surviving the shitshow and a lot of experience in cleaning up innumberable messes (not of my doing), I finally found a good place where I was able to provide a lot of value. Since I delivered results and the people that own the joint are actually solid human beings, no one fucks with me … Just leave me alone and I have continued to deliver for over a decade … and they continue to just let me do my fucking job … A true fair deal.

That being said, I am appreciative of the situation that I am in … but certainly realize that the winds could shift at any moment (merger, new boss, unknown, etc.), fortunes could turn south and I could be back at Initech.

Just trying to hold on for the next 10 or 15 years, babybee (assuming the economy doesn’t vaporize)!!!

  Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
March 16, 2019 11:38 pm

I hear ya Joey Jo Jo!!