Dancing on the crumbling precipice
The rocks are coming loose just at the edge
Are we laughing? Are we crying?
Are we drowning? Are we dead?
Or is it all a dream?

The bombs are getting closer everyday
“That can never happen here” we used to say
Have these wars come to our doorstep?
Has this moment finally come?
Or is it all a dream?

Rise Against – The Violence

This recent song by Rise Against, inspired by the turmoil since the 2016 election of Donald Trump, captures the feeling of angst and uncertainty engulfing the world today. This Fourth Turning is entering its most violent stage, where blood will be spilled in vast quantities as an epic conflict between good and evil plays out across the globe. Eighty years ago, the bloodiest conflict in human history began, as the social mood turned dark and compromise was no longer a viable option.

It wasn’t a coincidence World War II began exactly eighty years after the onset of the American Civil War, which began as compromisers died off and hearts hardened on both sides. We are now eighty years gone since the outset of World War II and a global mood of impending doom overshadows our daily lives. The inevitability of conflict, domestically and internationally, eclipses all efforts to bridge the ideological differences of competing interests around the world. The cycles of history will not be denied and this Fourth Turning will play out as those before, with clear victors and clear losers.

Tim McIlrath, the lead singer of Rise Against, observing the violent conflict raging in our country in the press, social media, in the streets, and on battlefields across the Middle East wondered whether violence is an inevitability of the human condition, or whether we can make a choice to reject it. In an interview with Kerrang!, McIlrath stated:

“As we were watching the news and seeing all the different things [unfold] around the planet, I realized that violence has such a role in a lot of what we see when the world is falling apart. The violence is a reflection of whether our [aggression] is in our nature, our DNA, or whether we have a choice to be part of it. And it is a choice that we make – a conscious one – to use violence as a means to an end. Aren’t we better than this? Aren’t we the apex of the animal kingdom? Aren’t we the only ones on the planet that have the capacity for compassion? Aren’t we good enough or brave enough to not sink to violence?”

I hate to break the bad news to Tim, but human nature never changes. We aren’t better or worse than the billions of people who have proceeded us on this earth. We are all susceptible to the vices which have plagued mankind for eternity: pride, greed, anger, envy, lust, gluttony and laziness. We are also capable of elevating our society through exercising displays of courage, applying justice fairly, prudently managing our affairs, treating others with respect, and acting charitably towards mankind.

As Solzhenitsyn noted in his masterpiece, Gulag Archipelago, “the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being”. The violence in our nature is ingrained in our makeup as human beings. The Bible details our violent nature in the Garden of Eden, with the murder of Abel by Cain, his brother.

Are we not good enough?
Are we not brave enough?
Is the violence in our nature
Just the image of our maker?
Are we not good enough?
Are we not brave enough?
To become something greater
Than the violence in our nature?

Rise Against – The Violence

The ability to use violence against others is most certainly in everyone’s nature, but average hard-working folks trying to survive in this dog eat dog world are not prone to violence or conflict. They are too busy working, living, raising kids, buying shit they don’t need, paying the credit card bills for shit they don’t need, being entertained by modern day techno bread and circuses, and being propagandized by their government and their mouthpieces in the corporate media.

The overwhelming amount of gun violence occurs in the Democrat run urban ghettos with the strongest gun laws. The violence is not a function of being poor. Poor folks in rural communities (aka flyover country) own firearms, but are not killing each other in large numbers, if at all. Extreme levels of violence are a function of morality, culture, and lack of family and community cohesiveness. The legally armed “deplorables” are family oriented and law abiding. They will only resort to violence when pushed too far. The extremist left wing politicians bloviating on a daily basis, inciting their sycophant followers towards aggression have lit the fuse for the coming civil war.

“There’s never been a true war that wasn’t fought between two sets of people who were certain they were in the right. The really dangerous people believe they are doing whatever they are doing solely and only because it is without question the right thing to do. And that is what makes them dangerous.”Neil Gaiman, American Gods

Image result for pompeo and bolton

The violence in our inner cities is insignificant when compared to the violence exported across the globe by the sociopaths at the highest levels of our government and their co-conspirators in the military industrial complex. It is naïve to think the violence engulfing the world is primarily the result of the average person’s nature. It’s the result of dangerous men inflicting their warped worldview, blood lust ambition, thirst for power, and hubristic arrogance upon the unsuspecting dupes inhabiting their countries.

Sociopaths like Bolton and Pompeo have risen to positions of immense power, believing global disorder and war are beneficial to a bankrupt declining empire flailing about trying to preserve its superpower stature. The Deep State elevates power hungry conscienceless men into positions where they can promote the agendas of the Deep State with no remorse or restraint.

The export of military hardware to Middle East countries that hate us is a prime example of how a flailing empire will do anything for a buck, while its corrupt politicians are fellated by the corporate war industry. Pro-longed warfare has never benefited a nation over the long-term. The American empire had a national debt of $5.7 trillion, with the annual budget virtually balanced in 2000 when our leaders began a pro-longed period of non-stop warfare.

We’ve added $16.3 trillion of debt and are running $1.2 trillion annual deficits as our out of control war mongering has put the country on a path to destruction. Both feckless political parties vote for more war spending, more arms sales to Middle Eastern countries, and continued provocation of nuclear powers – Russia and China. As trillions are wasted on the violent overthrow of countries who refuse to buckle to American power, our basic infrastructure crumbles, our government-controlled healthcare system is an expensive joke, our educational system is a disaster, and the rich get richer while the poor die fighting for empire.

Image result for crumbling infrastructure versus war spending

Dwight D. Eisenhower, a military man through and through, warned the nation what would happen if we allowed the unholy alliance of government and the military industrial complex to dominate our society. We didn’t heed his warning and allowed our country to be taken over by evil Deep State oligarchs who realized war is good for their bottom line. They use faux displays of patriotism, create enemies when there are none, lure easily manipulated young men as cannon fodder, spread the war machine factories across congressional districts to ensure votes for more war spending, and compensate the corporate media to support war and spread propaganda.

Whenever the government and media are in lockstep regarding an issue, like Russia throwing our elections or Julian Assange being a traitor, you know it’s a false narrative designed to misinform the public. War is a racket designed to enrich the Deep State and their pliable acolytes. It’s only the average person who suffers.

Image result for war spending 2019

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

The question Tim McIlrath wants answered is whether we as a people can end the violence and war. The truth is the only way to put an end to the never-ending global war is through a violent overthrow of the Deep State who firmly control the levers of power over our government, financial systems, corporations, and media. Ironically, violence initiated by the good law-abiding people of this country against the corrupt, powerful, rich, deceitful oligarchs is the only chance for reversing the downward moral spiral we currently face.

Believing change will be achieved through the ballot box is a fool’s errand. Just observe the extremists, imbeciles, and craven narcissists we are currently stuck with in Washington D.C. by falsely believing change can be achieved through the ballot box. We are being manipulated and managed, just as Edward Bernays taught his disciples, and how Ray Bradbury described in his dystopian novel about the future.

Image result for modern bread and circuses

“If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. Peace, Montag. Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of ‘facts’ they feel stuffed, but absolutely ‘brilliant’ with information. Then they’ll feel they’re thinking, they’ll get a sense of motion without moving. And they’ll be happy, because facts of that sort don’t change.” Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Our overlords have been successful in creating generations of non-thinking automatons who have been socially engineered through government education and TV programming to feel (not think critically) and be easily manipulated through their techno-gadgets, the boob tube, and now social media. We are drowning in trivialities, mindless entertainment, gossip, and propaganda, unable to decipher truth from falsehood. The “truth” is whatever suits the purposes of those in power. Observe how the Deep State promotes their war machine through sporting events and the local news.

You have Air Force flyovers at every football game. The military uses your tax dollars to pay the professional sports leagues for those “touching” tributes to military personnel during every sporting event. Those “heart-warming” stories of military personnel surprising their kids at school are nothing but propaganda narrative fed to the public to support never ending war. How many millions of your tax dollars are used on those flashy recruiting commercials promoting the lie our military is protecting us by blowing up brown people in distant countries. Hemingway recognized the truth about the war machine, decades ago.

Image result for dead soldiers iraq

“They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.” ― Ernest Hemingway

As this Fourth Turning has reached its midway point, it has become evident to those awoken to the truth of a world run and controlled by a relatively small cadre of powerful men and their paid off disciples, a reckoning is at hand, with violence and bloodshed an inevitable outcome. The election of Donald Trump has functioned as the catalyst, forcing those in the shadows to reveal their true purpose and nature.

The Deep State attempted coup of a sitting president based upon a false Russian narrative has blown up in their faces, but they will not admit defeat, because to do so would mean loss of their power, wealth and control. They will be willing to risk world war with nuclear powers or create the atmosphere for a civil war rather than cease their sociopathic thirst for controlling the world. With the arrest of Julian Assange on bogus charges, they push the country ever closer to civil chaos. Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

Image result for julian assange the truth

It appears the oligarchs are losing control of the narrative and are reacting in a desperate manner to retain their ill-gotten riches and unconstitutional control over the levers of government power. We have entered an era of extremism which will surely lead to more violence. We have elected politicians pushing extreme positions like open borders, socialism for all, infanticide, going to war with Russia and China, prosecuting patriots who revealed misdeeds by our government, cheering for terrorists, and supporting a surveillance state coup of a sitting president.

We have a president promoting a stock market bubble, vilifying the money printers at the Federal Reserve for being too tight when they have kept real interest rates at zero or negative for the last ten years, encouraging coups in other countries while fighting off a coup against himself, and running deficits of $1.2 trillion after campaigning on balancing the budget.

The magnitude of extreme positions, policies, proposals, and politicians is off the charts, making me feel like I’m living in a new country called Extreme-istan. Our daily existence is nothing more than a frustrating crusade through a blizzard of lies, in search of the truth. Extremism dominates our financial markets, our foreign policy, our politics, our media, and interaction on social media platforms.

Extreme positions are not met with calls for moderation, but contrary extreme positions. This is how it rolls during Fourth Turnings. There will be no compromise solutions domestically or internationally. As the extreme positions solidify and become entrenched, violent conflict becomes the only form of resolution, with clear victors and losers.

When the extreme multiple financial bubbles burst simultaneously and create the global financial crisis to end all financial crises, the anger and vengeance likely to be doled out against those identified as being responsible for the trillions in losses and collapse of debt laden corporations and governments will be blood curdling. With desperate politicians trying to pacify their angry constituents, they will go to their old standby – start a war and try to appeal to the patriotism of an ignorant populace who they have successfully manipulated in the past.

This is when the “deplorables” are likely to push back. This is when the true enemies will be identified and those firearms they have been trying to confiscate will be put to use. Joseph Heller understood generals and politicians supposedly on our side could be the enemy. The Deep State is our enemy. Until they are violently defeated, they will continue to treat us as nothing more than cattle and cannon fodder.

Image result for enemy is anyone who can get you killed catch 22

“The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.” Joseph Heller, Catch-22

Steinbeck thought war was a failure of thinking men; while Hemingway thought all war was a crime; Voltaire thought war was murder and those declaring war were the murderers; and Smedley Butler thought war was a racket. They were all right. Rich old men send young poor men to their deaths to feed the coffers of corporate arms dealers. War is a means for arrogant hubristic men to wield power in a violent display of egotistical criminality, using innocent citizens as cannon fodder in their vain endeavor at historical glory.

Tim McIlrath’s final lyrics capture the essence of human history. We are a book without an end because human history is cyclical and we start at chapter 1 every eighty years or so. He calls for something new, but he doesn’t grasp that the existing social order is always overturned during a Fourth Turning and something new arises. Whether that is good or bad is up to the victors. But, sadly, the elimination of violence is not in the cards and is likely to be ratcheted up to new highs during the next ten years.

To a predetermined fate are we condemned
Or maybe we’re a book without an end
We’re not stories, we’re not actors
We’re awake and in control
And this is not a dream

So can we break this mold
And set in motion something new
Forgetting what we know
An evolution overdue
Fight the current
Pull the ripcord
Get away!

Rise Against – The Violence

Violence is in our nature, but good men and women only resort to it when pushed to their breaking point. That point is rapidly approaching. The hubris of the ruling class has led them to brazenly reveal their true purpose in pillaging the wealth of the nation, while impoverishing the middle class, creating global disorder, promoting civic decay and ensuring global financial chaos through creating trillions of unpayable debt. The attempted coup of Trump, the arrest of Assange, rigging of financial markets and the continued provocation of Russia have pushed the country to the brink. The two captured political parties are bereft of courageous patriots, while being infested with corrupt extremist imbeciles. Sworn enemies, domestically and internationally, are standing waist deep in gasoline striking matches.

Anyone not realizing the direness of our situation is either dependent upon the Deep State for their sustenance, a lackey for the establishment, choosing to be willfully ignorant, or is too dumbed down and distracted by their techno-gadgets to care. The war has begun and the storm gathers, but nobody knows when the conflagration will erupt. The Deep State is already at war with average Americans, but they haven’t acknowledged that fact. When they do, things will get interesting. Get ready.

Image result for gathering storm

“The war had begun and nobody saw it. The storm was lowering and nobody knew it.”Neil Gaiman, American Gods


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Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
April 16, 2019 9:16 pm

Thanks, Mr. Quinn. It couldn’t be any more clear or concise.
Hear, ye! Hear,ye! I hope this gets wide circulation.

I’ve been derelict in my donation and this piece makes me ashamed. It’s forthcoming.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 16, 2019 9:34 pm

Well, that just about says it. Prepare. Look facts in the face. Don’t engage in useless dreaming that “things will get better”. No, things are going to get worse. Much worse.

  Southern Sage
April 17, 2019 8:52 am

Sage,while I agree about prepping both mentally/supply wise ect. will still hope”things will get better”.May be a very tough slog to say the least till things get better but without that hope one day things could be better what is the point of trying.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
April 17, 2019 1:59 pm

Fuck hope, especially the hope that the national narrative will change for the better. It won’t.

One might as well hope that ever-expanding ghettos will breed a better welfare recipient.

An ATLANTIC interview of the Bush family’s heir apparent, George P. Bush (Jeb’s son, “W’s” nephew) made sure to mention that G.P. was finishing his workout to the thump of America’s real “narrative”, Kendrick Lamar’s “Fuckin Problems”.


“Never met a motherfucker fresh like me… ’cause I’m the nigger… the nigger, nigger, like how you figure?”

Maybe G.P. didn’t select the soundtrack, but ATLANTIC dressed the interview like G.P. was as American as any fresh nigger. Surely that’s not because it is an essential, image-enhancing ploy for politicos to endorse America’s only real cultural contribution to the world in this century, the “Nigger Narrative”.

Nobody in this country deserves hope until we can all say,

“Hey ‘cuz, you a fresh nigger!”

  Diogenes’ Dung
April 19, 2019 9:49 am

In war as in most games the defenders have a big advantage, if prepared well ,the numbers of aggressors must be at least 2 time more for them to win,
the minorities Jews included have far to few to win any honest conflict,thus deception is their tool.
this song is timeless.
Vera Lynn – We’ll Meet Again
We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
‘Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won’t be long
They’ll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing this song
We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
‘Til the blue skies
Drive the dark clouds far away
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them it won’t be long
They’ll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singin’ this song
We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day?
BUILD MORE ALAMOS you are going to need them!!!

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
April 20, 2019 10:02 am

Listen for the ghostly bugle from outside of time where we all meet again.

The real Alamo is inside each of us. There are no replacements coming to defend our wounded hearts. Eventually, we all surrender to what is left inside when the battle is over.

  Diogenes’ Dung
April 21, 2019 2:43 pm

I enjoyed that, thanks.

April 16, 2019 9:42 pm

Australia is approaching ANZAC day, a day honoring the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. There are collectors about each year, ostensibly collecting for returned servicemen. I was very abrupt, perhaps rude to a pair of old collectors yesterday, that would not take my initial no for an answer.

In the end I said something to the effect that I cannot bring myself to donate given my opposition to foreign war, and that those soldiers made a choice (albeit severely coerced) to go fight in foreign lands (Viet Nam), and that I see nothing whatsoever honorable in that. And that we need to stop promoting the idea that fighting such wars brings honor to the fighters, as it is disgraceful.

The old soldiers I spoke to had mouths agape and a look of total incomprehension on their faces. They are so tied to the idea that what they did was for country that they cannot see the evil of it.

I am more and more going to withdraw to my country property and a more solitary, isolated life. I see no way, as Admin astutely observes, that this ends well or peacefully. All I can do is advise my family, and perhaps a few others, and hopefully make it through my later years in some semblance of peace. I do not know if it will be possible. This is going to hit all nations, and none will be immune to what comes.

M Grooch
M Grooch
April 17, 2019 6:58 am


I recently severed relations with cousins from Arizona when they discovered I was not a fan of McCain. I simply suggested he had conflicting interests and tried to serve two masters. I kind of got shunned, but a little shunning never hurt nobody if they use it right, my old granny used to say.

In the mid-1990s, I volunteered at the Veterans Administration in OKC, helping sort through an enormous load of boxes of records stored in an adjoining room, which were being hurriedly sorted and re-filed after long delays when the VA representative in charge of them died when the Murrah Building exploded a couple months earlier. Woodrow, the retired USAF Major in charge of the Vocational Rehab program which sends injured Veterans to Colleges of their choice, had an access line to the Pentagon in his office at the VA Complex in OKC. For a while, I had his pin number and access code so I could enter information into people’s files and records to authorize or deny entitlement for funds.

Woodrow considered me trustworthy because I seem that way to most rational people, though recent events have altered the views of several, I’m sure. At that time, I was probably moreso, but that is not the point. The point is not whether I used the access bestowed upon me to look at people’s entire service record via a 1995 government issued computer probably pulled out of the wreckage of the Murrah Building. The point is that I could have done so.

And, if I could have… others were doing so who were not trustworthy.

The Bill of Rights probably started going downhill with Marbury versus Madison, but if a decision had to be made about whose was biggest, a committee of nine is more efficient than any number of loathesome congresscritters.

The Dangers of a Standing Army

Why should anyone need to know a damn thing about history these days? Just ask the device in your hand instead of feeding the one in your head.

I’ve been reading some Federalist/Anti-Federalist research. If you’ve ever seen letters from the period, you can appreciate the time taken to choose the words carefully to place on the page. Each one written with quill and ink well by fire or lamp light, perhaps. Letters were precious things to people then and were passed around and carefully wrapped in tissue to help preserve them. I find the life of Thomas Paine interesting. I once proposed Paine as a “tone” setter to a professor of History of U.S. Diplomacy at OU. We were discussing the ability of Sam Adams to maintain the network of correspondents throughout the build-up to war. How in the world do you build community in a cluster of Colonies already divided on religious lines?

While Paine was no warrior, he did possess a fine mind and writing skill. And he had real passion. My college professor, whom I admired and thought quite entertaining during lectures*, argued with me about Paine’s contribution to the cause. His initial outburst was “Paine was half nuts if not completely nuts! Look at what happened when he went to France!”

And, while I agree it was a bit nuts to go to France to support the cause of Liberty, the fact that he wanted to do so and poured his life into trying tells me he really believed in what he wrote. That he was sorely disappointed again and again really doesn’t matter. Didn’t Jonah pout whenGod didn’t smite the people he claimed would be smited? Or was that another misinterpreted prophecy?

*he’d spent many hours study ing John Adams (the Other one) he would say and would offer little anecdotes from the written missives he’d seen during appropriate points in class discussion. It was wonderful.

In the 1970s, John Jakes produced a fine series of novels intended to chronicle the Founding of the USA through a single family line. I think there was a similar series written about Australia’s first penal colonies that was well-written but didn’t appeal to American readers who envisioned their own Founding Father’s as dignified gentlemen farmers while Australia was just a pack of ex-cons Britain dumped there to die. (My rough paraphrase is, of course, hyperbole, which I am allowed to use though 4-22 has not yet dawned.

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Good day to you, sir, down there in down under. My cousin really did build a really interesting home on Thumb Butte outside Prescott, Az and named his basement the room Down Under. It has all the relics from his time in Oz.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M Grooch
April 17, 2019 8:44 am

You know Maggie, I still avoid the mindless drivel that you spew from your keyboard. I just find the make believe world that you live in off putting.

  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 8:55 am

I wonder why people who want to write an entire blog post in a comment section don’t just start their own blogs?

April 17, 2019 1:23 pm

Maybe I just wanted llpoh’s opinion and you could have just skipped it completely. I skip most of your comments and ALL of the other’s.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
April 17, 2019 4:06 pm

Great. That’s a theory, or perhaps more of a contention. How did Pooh respond to your thought provoking post? I guess one might also ask, amongst all of that “writing” was there any mention of Pooh and what it was that he might think?

And you can pick on me all day long but what did flash ever do to you?

  M Grooch
April 17, 2019 12:10 pm

Seems everyone I know here hated McCain, yet he still got elected. Then it occurred to me that big.gang.guv at all levels owns at least 81.2% of AZ, and directly or indirectly controls the rest. And McCain is the Essential Big.Gang.Guv fascist.

  M Grooch
April 17, 2019 10:05 pm

Mags – you are far more educated in the history and background of this than I am. I am not qualified to comment on most of what you have said. I agree that folks use there heads for hatracks but not for thinking. I enjoyed reading it, but much was beyond me as I was not well familiar with much of what you posted. Thanks for the effort made.

April 17, 2019 8:05 am

Touchdown Loopy. Retreat and solitaire is the only strategy left to the non-militarized individuals and still not much of one considering the state’s access to modern tech and weaponry.
JQ is correct that the only way forward for the liberty minded is the destruction of Deep State, but Deep State is already 100 years ahead of the Liberty Movement with absolute control over entire supply networks , be it food , clothing , building materials, transportation and weapon , ammunition , ect. Technology has become the enemy of mankind. You can run, but you cannot hide. Sans divine intervention , humanity is headed for the absolute slavery .

When you’ve nothing left to sell , you sell yourself.

April 17, 2019 1:31 pm

Flash- Technology is a sword that cuts both ways. Liberty minded individuals have never had access to so much power, to be used in all manner of self sustainment from food to energy production. The battle is perpetual, Tyrants will never prevail absolutely.

April 18, 2019 10:14 am

If the state decides you are an outlaw, technology will not feed, clothe, house or re-supply you Do a search on rural pacification (Phoenix Program) and hunter-kill teams. I was born and raised in the rural south . A month in the bush and you’ll turn in your grandmother for a cool shower, clean clothes and hot meal.
This is the plan. The rural land is for”wildlife” and the cities for you. And, it will be sold as the only way climate change can be defeated. This plan was not written by the globohomo elite for sport. Bet on it.

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Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
April 16, 2019 9:49 pm

I only agree with about 99.7% of this. LOL! Well stated sir. Well stated. Especially about how the Nimrods are doubling and tripling down on their unsubstantiated charges and accusations. As Andrew McCarthy said today, if he made charges of high crimes and treason he would rush to show the evidence when challenged. That THEY do not means it does not exist. The wounded Deep State beast will soon begin some outrageous campaign against we Deplorables since the only alternative for them is sharing a cell with “Bubba.”
Get one of “them thar A-ssault Rifles” and beg that smarmy little fuque Eric Swallwell to “Molon Labe!”

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Harrington Richardson
April 17, 2019 5:10 am

Haha- the Nimrods:

Josephus wrote:

Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to reach. And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers.
Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower, neither sparing any pains, nor being in any degree negligent about the work: and, by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it, it grew very high, sooner than any one could expect; but the thickness of it was so great, and it was so strongly built, that thereby its great height seemed, upon the view, to be less than it really was. It was built of burnt brick, cemented together with mortar, made of bitumen, that it might not be liable to admit water. When God saw that they acted so madly, he did not resolve to destroy them utterly, since they were not grown wiser by the destruction of the former sinners; but he caused a tumult among them, by producing in them diverse languages, and causing that, through the multitude of those languages, they should not be able to understand one another. The place wherein they built the tower is now called Babylon, because of the confusion of that language which they readily understood before; for the Hebrews mean by the word Babel, confusion …

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- “Time is the fire by which we burn”……IMHO, it is far too late to restore the nation even with an armed uprising……the owners want to bring it down……the founders created it to bring order from chaos.

Quinn lets fly another piercing arrow that hits the bullseye !

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  ordo ab chao
April 17, 2019 4:07 pm

This is a great comment! Pretty obvious these jokers, by whatever names they have been known by have been with us and plaguing us just about forever.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Harrington Richardson
April 22, 2019 1:02 pm

In my deepest despair, heaven’s funniest joker tickles me from inside.
Always there, all enduring, His laughter showing me the folly of pride.
Those whose measure their stature by their control over this world
are wooden ships, broadside to a hurricane, their sails fully unfurled.
Holding the reigns of nature’s ferocious indifference in an empty hat,
convinced they’ll complete their coup d’é·tat. How funny is that?

Not very, bait for the tickle…

April 16, 2019 9:49 pm

Spot on…the Fourth Turning makes so much sense in my heart, I can taste the truth and it makes me sad but I will square my jaw and set my shoulder to the task. It’s time to leave the coop and prepare to free the range or our brood will continue to go to the corporate run rotisseries.

April 16, 2019 9:52 pm

Masterpiece..and oh so sad.

April 20, 2019 5:52 am

Late William Guy Carr wrote a book titled, “Red Fog Over America”.

April 16, 2019 9:56 pm

Admin wrote,

The Deep State is already at war with average Americans, but they haven’t acknowledged that fact.

Agreed! The destabilization program has been kicked into high gear, yet inches forward so many of the frogs fail to realize the temperature in the pot is getting hotter!

April 17, 2019 1:32 pm

They are awakening in greater numbers than I have ever seen.

April 16, 2019 10:03 pm

Five bucks says Chinaman take over. Better red than dead anyways. I hate chop suey though , on the plus side , there are some hot looking Chinese chicks. R-O-C-K in the P.R.C.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
April 16, 2019 10:19 pm

Rico Suave, I hate to tell you but the Zips are short about 100 million female collectivists. They have no ‘tang to spare and surely not with any of us “big nose round eyed people.” The Continental US minus you and I offers a nice bit of “liebensraum” for the excess Middle Kingdom folks. They probably want OUR women, but Rico Suave and Harrington Richardson, not so much.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
April 17, 2019 3:59 am

Lock & Load, baby, let’s waste them gooks and keep your sh*t wired at all times!
‘Platoon’ was a great film!

  Austrian Peter
April 17, 2019 4:24 pm

Speaking from the viewpoint of someone who was around in that time period, Platoon is a piece of liberal propaganda. Go watch Hamburger Hill, Peter.

April 18, 2019 2:31 pm

I was not far from Hamburger Hill in I Corps when it was going on. My entire Battalion was getting refitted with a lot of Nicky New Guys after Operation Taylor Common and getting ready to go into Operation Pipestone Canyon in Dodge City when that battle was raging.

Overall I agree Hamburger Hill has been the most realistic Grunt Nam movie made to date. The gear, the slang, the hump, the Chuck – Spliv relations the combat scenes where all accurate.

However, I also related to many scenes in Platoon. Having been a ‘Fucking Nicky New Guy’ taking the place of a popular M-60 Gunner who was KIA and having a Gun Team Leader who was a certified psychopath. Until I proved myself and became ‘Gungy’ (that didn’t take long) I was treated horribly. Especially by the psychopath.

I wrote this poem about the psychopath in 1972…so you can see why I related to some scenes and two characters in Platoon. It’s a dark poem. But Sherman was right, War is hell.


I was in Nam eight days
When I got to the remote outpost during Tet 69
Fucking Nicky New Guy…most wouldn’t even talk to
Replacing a KIA Gunner
The Lieutenant took me to my team leader
When we were left alone
The first words he said to me were:
“If you ever run or refuse an order under fire, I’ll kill you myself.”
(Hate at first sight)
I was green, confused, scared
So this is war
He was cold
He was hard
He was threatening
He was friendless
He didn’t care about anyone

Two young Nai-sans dashed across the rice paddy
Bare feet sucking in and out of the mud
The lead one’s conical straw hat tumbling off her head
Madly fleeing the American patrol…

He carried the only M-14
The green LT ordered him to put a warning shot in front of them
He smiled while his flat, dim, muddy brown eyes follow, zero in
Her head explodes like a smashed egg
Her face instantly becomes a reddish gray smear
She dies before tumbling into the mud
Lowering his rifle, he smirks
And unconsciously rubs his crotch
He was aroused when killing
He was a sadist
He was heartless
He was a murderer
He was a man-shark

The LT screamed over and over in horror…nothing happened to him

He was cruel
He was vicious
He was brutal
He was feared
He was promoted

Six months later
A three man killer team
Hides alongside a trail
He and I and a nicky new guy
Wait on a Snake Bite
To ambush…to kill…to spray and pray then book!

Over one of his snide insults
We argue…as he threatens me
As I curse him
I watch…those flat, dim, muddy brown eyes
As he fingers his M-14
My 45 is in my hand suddenly pointed at his chest
They call it a Mexican standoff…but I had the edge
As we stare and glare
The nicky new guy whimpers a confused plea

I wanted to pull the trigger
And do the world a favor

He smirks and stares,
At my flat, dim, muddy brown eyes
And he and I both know
Part of me has now become what I despise in him
He not me…backed down

From that day on
He smirked
He stared…I stared back…his smirk faded
I often thought of murdering him, first….
But with murder he had the advantage
I’m not a murder…I had already tried and failed
I watched my back
I led my own Gun Team
He was transferred to another platoon
He rotated home
That probably saved one of our lives…probably mine.

Whoever fights monsters should see to it
that in the process he does not become a monster.

And when you look long into the abyss,
the abyss also looks into you.


April 18, 2019 5:17 pm

Thanks much.

April 18, 2019 9:40 pm

Yea man…

Here is an intriguing post script for you, October Sky, Flea, and a few others who might be interested.

Once upon a time I tried to find the psychopath. I knew his full name and home town. There were two incidents when I was a nicky new guy I owed him for…we had a saying about what payback was…and it was living in my angry, wounded heart.

Now, he was formidable…worth three to five Marines in a firefight, truly a natural born stone cold combat killer as well as a murderer. Never fighting as a Gun Team leader always a loner tactically, and for that he was in constant trouble but he killed so many NVA (one hand to hand) he was left alone and valued to a certain degree, especially when we were in deep bush in deeper shit. A complete loner in the rear too, not one single buddy and he never, ever received a single letter from home in 12 months and 20 days from anyone…and he came from a big family.

During my search I suspected to find he had stayed a killer once home and possibly went serially underground…but could find nothing. No records of him anywhere after 1970…he completely evaporated on any record anywhere…at least under his birth name.

Now, there is a brighter, lighter, point to this reveal.

Until a few years after I became a Christian (it’s not flipping a switch, it’s a process) this monster owned a dark, angry, revenge filled part of me. Back in that day I had thought of finding and surprising him with a pair of brass knuckles. This unannounced reunion wasn’t going to be Markus of Queensberry rules, more like the worst ambush near death beating of his life…and then I would turn into the Road Runner. But, at a certain point with my ‘new heart’ I went down a list of people to forgive…and there he was…at the top.

Knowing that forgiveness is a two way street I followed instructions and drove down that hard, unpaved, pot holed ‘decision’ road.

Now, all that’s left is a poem I wrote when I was 22, a couple of posts on TBP and a glance over my shoulder with a knowing sigh…while embracing my own forgiveness.

April 19, 2019 12:54 am

thanks for that, Mark.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 19, 2019 7:15 pm

Like I said….every post !

You’re a champ !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-

the first refinery tower I climbed to build scaffold, in the mid eighties, I worked with a union card holdin’ builder that was hard as nails. He would put a 1/2 pint of old crow in his coffee thermos everyday, then head up a hundred feet to work. I trusted him with my life numerous times. ‘Doc’ was a nam vet, didn’t ever say much about it, but once told me he was a “ground pounder”, and his eyes just kinda glazed over.

He passed years back, but I had stayed in touch. One night, round about 2am, he rolled that 3/4 ton Ford pickup right up to my front porch, honkin and hollerin’ for a whiskey drinkin’ partner……he wasn’t the kind of man you said ‘no’ to…..so I got outta bed and had some 101 Turkey with him till the sun came up.

  ordo ab chao
April 22, 2019 7:53 pm

ordo ab chao,

I wish I had a 2 am friend left.

They are rare and not valuable…but invaluable.

April 23, 2019 6:28 am


Just decided to open this thread, see what is up and come upon what you wrote here. Don’t have much to say but have much respect.

Thanks for writing that..

April 23, 2019 12:41 pm

Thanks RiNS…sometimes when you brush the thick dust off of old poems you realize how juicy sweet a common uneventful day is!

I always said, back in the day writing saved life and kept my head from exploding.

April 16, 2019 10:21 pm

Can I just get to 59 and a half so I can get my 401K money out before the fucking collapse?

April 16, 2019 11:57 pm

Unless you are 59.49 years old, I think you will not make it. No soup for you!

The Blind Who Will Not See
The Blind Who Will Not See
April 17, 2019 5:10 pm

NO soup for you!

April 17, 2019 8:41 am

My wife and I are almost there! Will submit the paperwork for withdrawal THIS WEEK! Chip

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
April 17, 2019 1:41 pm

Exercise EXTREME CAUTION and be triple positive after consulting a licensed fiduciary that you are not creating a tax bomb for yourself. You must be sure to transfer to another account(s) and do not take a check as it will immediately trigger a taxable event.
While you can transfer from one trustee to another all you want, as soon as you take a payout, you cannot stop taking them.
Timing the collapse which may never happen (I know, I know) opposed to going broke because you started payments at 59 1/2 instead of 64 or 68 or the mandatory 70 1/2 is one of the more annoying and frightening things confronting us financially.

April 18, 2019 5:01 pm

convert your 401k to an IRA no penalty then do this. I got out at 50

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Under the substantially equal periodic payment exception, the account owner must withdraw a substantially equal amount from an IRA annually for five years or until the taxpayer reaches age 59½. The amount that must be withdrawn is based on the taxpayer’s life expectancy.

worked great got the no penalty withdrawals for 8 years.

April 16, 2019 11:02 pm

Nowadays everything is crazy. When you talk to people about what’s going on and the real events, they look at you like you’re crazy. It’s right in front of their faces, and going on all around them, but they’re living in a reality from the past, a narrative that they’re told to pay attention to. When the dam does bust and the truth cannot be denied, there’s going to be some mean and pissed off people who are so far behind in the realm of reality that they may very well not survive it.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
April 17, 2019 4:02 am

I share your frustration – all you can do is keep shouting as often and as loudly as you can. Another guy some 2,000 years ago had the same problem.

David O'Grady
David O'Grady
  Austrian Peter
April 17, 2019 9:01 pm

Well, pardner, I disagree with the Keep Shouting as often and loudly as you can… been there, done that and generally paid hell for it… i’m not a simpleton and have two combat tours to educate me in the truth so blatantly laid out in this Fourth Turning article… wish it were different but the reality is that unless and until something truly horrific bites them in their third point of contact all the shouting and pleading, energy and effort is useless and, sadly enough, without purpose…. best to use that energy to keep prepping and, as Ole Ramus says, “The best policy is to avoid crowds.” Monty, i’ll take that for a Thousand….

Ernest Borg 9
Ernest Borg 9
  David O'Grady
April 19, 2019 6:04 pm

100% agree. I’ve done the Please Listen To Reason routine to family and friends for decades…barely moved the needle. No more. If someone wants to know, they will find me and I can share what I can share re info. But I’m not shouting from the rooftops anymore, it’s pointless.

Best to spend your time, your resources and most importantly your commitment, to keeping yourself aware of what is going on and how you are going to meet what comes. If you do that, you will be very valuable to those willing and able to follow. The rest will likely die in their ignorance and disbelief “it could happen here” or “it could happen to them.”

It’s fate. Who knows why some are born as Cassandra and some as Bozo?

April 17, 2019 1:52 pm

Coalclinker & Austrian Peter,

I whole heartily agree with you both.

I’m forwarding Jim’s clear and stark clarion call for Americans to understand what is truly happening around and to them…to my family and friends. Talk about a razor sharp and articulate wakeup call.

Another one of his revealing modern day Paul Revere essay rides.

When I stumbled across the 4th Turning book and it’s historical realities I was already steeped in Biblical prophecy. I see the inevitability of this 4th Turning in the U.S. in tandem with Mathew 24. The secular implications will be overwhelmed by the spiritual realities.

It never ceases to amaze and discourage me on the general state of true historical and Biblical knowledge most Americans hold and how obvious, successful and relentless the Luciferian Globalists have been. Most people I come across are blind to what is unfolding in front of their eyes. I mean deaf, dumb, brainwashed blind.

This is a recent book with indisputable sources that paints the true historical picture…I’m sending it to a few people as it is a well-documented, engrossing, BIG PICTURE eye opener. There are many others great books as well, but this is current. I know much of it as do many/most here, but I can’t put it down.


Pride, greed, and power have driven men to do the unthinkable – including selling out their nations and unsuspected citizens to the most corrupt and destructive “invisible” global leaders on Earth. But how did this happen on American soil? How did the downfall begin, and who were the predators that the “land of the free and home of the brave” fell victim to? And is all hope lost?

This book captures details of the last 200 years of American history that mainstream media does not want you to know. It dissects the “legalized” system of the private central banks that has gone unchecked and delivers gut-wrenching truths about the real domestic and foreign enemies of the United States. With over 1,000 footnotes and quotes from former presidents, prime ministers, and state officials, it will equip you with the facts that the elites have covered up for centuries and empower you to stand up for the truth.


A history of the past 200 years as told by the money trail.

In his latest book, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne coauthors this riveting text with Dr. Paul L. Williams. Together, they have unlocked and unleashed the chilling truths behind 200 years of American history and the legalized central banking system of the globe.

• Excerpts from Political Leaders • 1000 Footnotes, 400+ Pages • 200 Years of American History

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 17, 2019 2:42 pm

Good to read your posts….always ! Sounds like a great book.

I figure you’ve been busy with your new build, if I had “my’d rathers”, it would be helping to stand walls and set trusses, etc. I’ve been relegated to doing maintenance for an 85 yr. old mother-in-law and visiting a 90 yr. old mother…..lot of walking…..been whittlin’ on a toppin’ a couple old elm trees, but after my dual stents and quadruple bypass last July, climbing is a bit more precarious !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- I hope all is going as planned for you…..from how I see it, everything thing else is goin by the Book:

  ordo ab chao
April 17, 2019 5:21 pm

ordo ab chao,

I am stalled waiting on the County inspectors to shake me down on the sceptic system. After paying $500.00 for a soil engineer to do everything I have to pay $400.00 for the country to come in and double check their work…been a month and he still hasn’t showed up. Seeing how I’m building in woods they also have to give the ok before I pull up one root ball on one tree. I can cut down all the trees I want but a root ball is called ‘land disturbance’ and I need their permission.

Then I have to be shook down on the well and every other phase.

I despise the government at every level, county, state and federal…blood sucking tyrants.

I understand…my 92 year old Mom is under hospice care…I don’t want her to suffer and they have been simply amazing…the end of the beginning is hard on everyone.

Take care of the ticker.

I love The Man in Black…that was a great song/video and appropriate!

Stay frosty buddy…

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 17, 2019 6:38 pm

I despise the government at every level, county, state and federal…blood sucking tyrants.

I didn’t put any quotes around the above because I’ve been using that exact phrase for two decades, ever since I put in near a decade with the local municipality’s water distribution crew. The stories I could tell about their shake down of citizens, along with the diverting of public funds to their masonic brothers in plumbing, framing, excavating…….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- I watched the vid you posted, not bad. I posted one under ‘the burning of Notre Dame’ article, that takes it juuuust a bit deeper, reflects some of the same. Jump over there and check it out….predictive programing ?

An aside to Hollywood- I’ve got a little of that O.L.D symptoms goin’ on, but there ain’t no F.A.T hinderin’ me, FYI.
I read where you went for a walk with your little honey……and here I was thinking that I had found the most patient gal on the planet ! lol

April 17, 2019 9:38 pm

I bought The Fourth Turning back in 1998 and still have that book. It was the first paperback edition. Many things in that book became true. I was an advocate of its premises 21 years ago and and today I’m a believer of its theories about the cyclical nature of humanity.

John Galt
John Galt
April 16, 2019 11:25 pm

I fear the next move the deep state makes is coerced white genocide by allowing the left to harm innocents on the right and mostly white with no repercussions. They are dying for the right/white to fight back causing bloodshed so they can nullify the second amendment. Do not fall for this. Turn the other cheek. Save it, to fight another day for when it really matters. They hope for a civil war to cause martial law and outlaw all guns. The next dem president will surely enact many many false flags blaming the right and working to end the 2nd amendment. Then they will stomp on our throats….

  John Galt
April 17, 2019 8:42 am

They are already doing it AND promoting it! Chip

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  John Galt
April 17, 2019 9:03 am

I agree with Mr. Galt. You are all old and fat. They own all of the young strong men and most of the young strong lesbians and they will crush you like garlic if you start a hot war. Instead, I suggest that you look to Italy of all places. There the people managed to find the balls to stand behind a government that decided to do the right thing. In England the people thought that by voting for brexit they would get brexit but they didn’t realize that they also had to vote out of office the tories and labor. They had to take away their power by refusing to vote for them. They left that job for others and look where they are now. A cruel inhuman twat sticking brexit up their asses with a grin on her face.

Once again I say you can only win by beating them at their own game. You can’t win by leaving. You can’t win by fighting. You can only win if you remove the source of their power. My suggestion is that you vote, but only vote for candidates who are not republican or democrat. Don’t vote for anyone who has ever been in washington before. Send new people with no party affiliation in every election cycle. Enforce your own term limits. Get out and talk to people. Convince them that they are not paying attention and that they need to. If you are not good at it, get good at it. Learn how to convince people that you are right and then convince them. Half of merika doesn’t bother to vote. If you can offer that half a way to cleans the halls of power you might just unleash the greatest storm that the empire ever witnessed.

In the end the question comes down to this. Is it worse to have new enthusiastic people who don’t understand how government works or to have old entrenched criminals who know very well how government works.

Sweep the criminals out of government by voting them out of office.

  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 10:43 am

Nice, well thought-out sentiment, but as Admin said, “Believing change will be achieved through the ballot box is a fool’s errand. Just observe the extremists, imbeciles, and craven narcissists we are currently stuck with in Washington D.C. by falsely believing change can be achieved through the ballot box.”

Get ready to fight. Stating that ” You can’t win by fighting” is nothing but a bad attitude. That might play in California, but not here in flyover country. And I really mean that with respect for you.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 1:01 pm

I completely agree with you. As my wife just pointed out on our walk, what makes you think that they even count the vote that you cast. You only believe in fair elections because you don’t know how they could be manipulated. I personally don’t have to worry about it because there is no way I can affect how California is going to vote. My vote is truly meaningless no matter how you think about it. And the point made about about McCain in a state that is a wholly owned subsidiary of the .gov is spot on. Of course McCain was going to win. Hell he will probably win for years to come, and yes El Beano, I do know that he is dead.

Having said all of that, the Italians of all people somehow managed to kick out the criminals and install people who professed to want to stick it to the EU. If they can do it, why not us.

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 2:16 pm

From your comments I have to believe that you do not understand how politics works. Get involved and you will become one of them.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Sionnach Liath
April 17, 2019 3:15 pm

You are exactly right. If you get involved you will become one of them. What I am suggesting is that you get involved, but don’t become one of them. Go into it knowing that they are going to try and corrupt you and then don’t get corrupted. Then get out as fast as you can with your morals in tact. I used to think that first termers were never allowed to do anything, but the young turks first termers are all having a big impact, may you can as well. One term and done. Confuse the hell out of the old criminal morons. Make speeches. Wave your flag and then run like hell. They will still be trying to figure out which lobbiest to send over to your office with a bag of cash and you will be long gone.

The point is, the only teams that can win the super bowl are the ones who play every game and show up when they are supposed to. If you never touch the ball, you will never win the game. As you point out, if you are not willing to play the game then you might as well slink off into the weeds and hide. But I agree with the comment above, hiding is getting less and less useful as a strategy.

  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 8:20 pm

“If I were rich …” I think it would be fun to copy the communist “brand new congress” model. Start in the Occasional Cortex district and primary a smart /handsome / hispanic / catholic / young Pinochet type running against her on the same racist bigotry as she did. Even steal her positions and pull the big switch to the right after being elected.

  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 3:27 pm

Big money is apparently behind many of the new candidates these days recruiting actors (AOC for example) to pose as politicians. Once they get their candidate(s) in place they expose dirt through PACs on the other guys (which is how oZero got elected in Ill.) and voila they capture another elected position in the goobernment. Without a big reset, I don’t see things getting better anytime soon. Maybe after the Fourth turning the “good guys” will get a say, but doubtful it will be before that.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 4:12 pm

Tony, this is a perceptive comment. The thing is, if the good guys walk off the field, then the bad guys win with the actors. You can complain all you want but you have to take to the field before you even have a chance of winning.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 9:56 pm

Ah, but grasshopper. Fuck their field. It’s their’s & it’s rigged. Think slot machines in a casino.

I like the high ground about 300 or 400 yards off the field, out of the stadium, behind visible cover & gone before anyone understands what just happened. Much more effective & I get to play again another day if I’m careful not to get tackled or roughed up. Plus after I score it makes them nervous even if I’m sitting at home. Remember Candid Camera? When you least expect it, you’re elected, you’re the star today…

Ernest Borg 9
Ernest Borg 9
  Hollywood Rob
April 19, 2019 6:21 pm

No offense but I think you misunderstand where “the field” is today. If you think the field is truly the voting process in the US, you are willfully blind. On both sides of the isle, and in between, what a candidate says they will do and what they do when they take office rarely aligns. And the Supreme Court, despite using the most stringent language just to enforce private contract language, tells We The People our ONLY recourse is to wait until the next election.

See a pattern here? No, this is not going change/end/improve from voting. That option has been taken “off the field” for us. In fact, championing voting is the perfect way to keep us on the Democracy Hamster Wheel as we keep running after that elusive Change We Can Believe In from so many lying sacks of shit.

It’s Direct Action time, or will be shortly.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Ernest Borg 9
April 19, 2019 6:33 pm
  Hollywood Rob
April 19, 2019 6:57 pm

Rob, staying on the field after so much time is exhausting and will serve no purpose if I can’t stand when the two minute drill arrives. For me I think it is better to save energy and just keep abreast of what is going around me to better react when the right time comes. The biggest question is if I’ll know just when that moment arrives. Only time will tell but it is taking years longer then I expected.

April 16, 2019 11:31 pm

“… inspired by the turmoil since the 2016 election of Donald Trump”

Uh, I hate to be the gadfly here but apparently you forget that from 2001 to 2009 the U.S. was headed (nominally at least) by a semi-functional retard with room temperature IQ. Who was succeeded in turn from 2009 to 2017 by a corrupt homosexual whose only talent was being black and -unlike his predecessor- able to string together coherent sentences in normal standard English. Now you have a Reality TV Show Billionaire running the show. And I do mean show. So by my math that’s at least 20 years worth of “turmoil” right there (which by the way is actually known more correctly as “societal collapse”). So relax, sit back and enjoy a spectacle savored by relatively few people throughout history, namely the opportunity to witness the collapse of an empire in real time.

And that my friends is the real State of the (dis)Union.
comment image

April 17, 2019 1:57 am

‘opportunity to witness the collapse of an empire in real time.’
Great. I feel like I’m standing on top of a 20 foot building with a thirty foot tsunami approaching and no hills to run to.

April 17, 2019 10:04 am


Brilliant assessment!

+1000 ?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 1:02 pm

Yeah I liked it too.


April 17, 2019 8:26 pm

NT must not have been old enough to enjoy the shenanigans of Slick Willie.
And “… only talent was being black …” of course he had to have help stringing together those sentences without saying “…I, Me, My …” every 13.77 seconds like the last speech.


April 16, 2019 11:37 pm

Hoping that the crisis does not leave TPTB in place. Millions of deaths are evil but to have those deaths and not remove the root cause would be worse. Human nature does not change. A lot of men are going to die and we are going to kill them.

Quinn did it again.

April 16, 2019 11:55 pm

I knew what I was getting into after the first two paragraphs. I thought about turning back, but the power of the truth compelled me to soldier on. I’m glad that I did. Thanks, Jim. A lot of websites would do themselves well to pick this up.

April 17, 2019 12:15 am

Pro-longed warfare has never benefited a nation over the long-term.

According to Sun-Tzu in THE ART OF WAR (book II: Waging War) – and I am going to do a bit of a mash-up to illustrate a greater point, and I beg pardon from Mr. Sun and anyone who is a student of his philosophy:

3. Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

19. In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.

6. There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.

7. It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.


NONE of the men who WILL send our sons (and daughters, remember) to die on foreign soil will EVER have any skin in the game. They may pick the fights, but they will NEVER bleed, NOR WILL THEIR CHILDREN. TO THESE MEN, WAR IS NOT EVIL. It is a tool in the arsenal “NEO-CON”, and we are all witness to the fact that they will drag it out through “mission creep” for as long as there are missiles to sell and buy and hospitals to destroy.

And, to be honest, I question whether or not we have as long as any of us would hope. If they cannot take firearms, the only recourse is to reduce hands. That is, rather than weapons, confiscate lives.

THIS IS HAPPENING NOW, and God knows, EVERYBODY in government loves it, so it must be toxic:


And Mr. Quinn, extraordinary article . . . in the worst sleepless night kind of way.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 17, 2019 5:18 am

When I watch the posted videos on this site, I hit the ‘watch on youtube’. This one has immediately below it, a “Contrail” definition.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- I watched one yesterday about the Notre Dame fire, and it had a 9-11 conspiracy ‘definition’ under it…but I can’t even find it this morning (??)

  ordo ab chao
April 17, 2019 2:45 pm

ordo ab chao,

Check this out.


Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 4:16 pm

Mark, not true. For the most part it was the roof that burned. The vaulted ceiling protected the interior except where the spire fell through it, but if you were to look inside much of the place is still intact and it won’t take that much to put it right. If it was a synagogue I would probably be suggesting that they set fire to it to get a new roof.

  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 5:43 pm


What do you think about her other points? (Not the Scriptural ones I know where you stand).

– White Vs. black smoke?

– The photos of the ‘brickets’ type unnatural burning?

– The impossibility of their announcement and everything being evacuated within 100 minutes of the start of the fire.

I see just another FF but this one fraught with a finger in the Christian eye.

I see this as an intentional symbolic capstone attack against one of the greatest symbols of Christianity in Europe after the hundreds of others recently in France and Germany. Fuel for the war between Islam and Christianity.

On par with the constant Gun Control attempts, threats and 2 Amendment attacks. Fuel for Civil War 2.

Intentional chaos.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 7:20 pm

Many churches in France are being burned by muslims. Having said that, I see nothing in the video of this church burning that is unusual. The wooden parts burn, the firemen squirt water on them and the smoke turns from black to white. We see that out here in SoCal all the time. Not the cathedrals of course, just the crack houses that have been put in the abandoned warehouses.

  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 8:11 pm


Well Rob…what are ya gonna DEW? We disagree.

Bad Muzzies, Bad Muzzies….
Whatcha gonna do…Whatcha gonna do…when they come for you???

Note: The Hungarian President is a Hungarian HERO!

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 18, 2019 8:10 pm

I’m fine with that.

  Hollywood Rob
April 18, 2019 1:25 am

Pre-renovation demolition for a mosque?

  ordo ab chao
April 18, 2019 1:24 am

Our owners’ definitions show up all the time … I laugh at their pathetic efforts at ass-u-me-ing I’m one of their halfwit proles.

April 17, 2019 3:51 am

“Believing change will be achieved through the ballot box is a fool’s errand”

Yes but much worse than just being taken for a fool. When you vote you are part of the problem. You are doing their bidding. That’s why they give you that stupid fucking “I Voted” sticker to wear like a license plate. Go ahead and bullshit yourself to assuage your ego but the truth of this piece remains. Voting i.e; your approval, is their singular claim to lord over us.

Join the Fuck You party.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
April 17, 2019 3:56 am

Great stuff Jim many thanks, a worthy assessment of the predicament we all find ourselves in. I am sick of this vassal government we have in UK and I am shouting about it, but few are listening.

If they extradite Julian I am going directly to London – with a GUN – to make sure these sick oligarchs know that the people will take no more of their ravaging and raping of our society. The UK is no better than your wonderful country (that was). Time to stand up and be counted!

  Austrian Peter
April 17, 2019 5:25 am

Austrian Peter – well, it has been nice knowing you. Unless you go with tens if not hundreds of thousands of like minded and well armed compatriots, it is likely over for you if you implement that plan. I advise against it.

I do not believe there will be even tens of people join you at this, or perhaps any other, time and certainly not tens of thousands. Perhaps your sacrifice would make a difference, but I do not think it so. The propaganda machine will diminish whatever statement is made.

You would die on the hill of Assange, who hid in an embassy for seven years, and who would not die on his own hill? I am not saying taking him is right, but I am saying there have to be better hills than that one on which to die.

And are you really prepared to fight your fellow countrymen? Not me, not now, and likely not ever, nor do I recommend or encourage such action. My countrymen are generally choosing what they are getting, as is their right, and they are choosing poorly. There will be consequences enough without me fighting them. Until they recognize their errors, nothing will change.


Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 9:11 am

I am with Pooh on this one 100%.

M Grooch
M Grooch
April 17, 2019 5:49 am

So precisely stated I can’t think of anything to say. (Although “blood curling” is itching a bit. I probably misread that)

I knew , or at least I thought I knew, you were the Fireman from Bradbury’s entry into the dystopian genre. When aspiring writers study this genre in classes called Professional Writing 4xy1, they discuss the nuance and foreshadowing in Bradbury’s writings, especially F451.

Thanks for all you do.

M Grooch
M Grooch
  M Grooch
April 17, 2019 7:39 am

By the way, letters between Paine and Washington during Paine’s ill-advised attempt to propagandize the French are interesting, particularly this one from Paine to his old friend George.


April 17, 2019 7:09 am

Great article, the most concise summary of the predicament we all find ourselves in. Every generation has its struggles, the techno-gadget worshippers won’t be able to hide away staring at a screen forever. Eisenhower’s summary of the MIC is scary and sadly seems to continue to be predictive so many decades later.

“Many are the wonders and the terrors, and none more wonderful or terrible than humankind.”

– Sophocles

old white guy
old white guy
April 17, 2019 7:22 am

I would suggest a read of Revelation for those who think mankind can walk away from his nature.

M Grooch
M Grooch
  old white guy
April 17, 2019 7:43 am

I thought that was Genesis.


grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  old white guy
April 17, 2019 10:03 pm

Romans 1:18 to 3:20 sum us up very well.

  grace country pastor
April 18, 2019 6:16 am

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
April 17, 2019 8:14 am

A tour de force Jim, best of your work.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
April 17, 2019 8:39 am

“It appears the oligarchs are losing control of the narrative and are reacting in a desperate manner to retain their ill-gotten riches and unconstitutional control over the levers of government power.”

That pronouncement arose from navel gazing before the lint was removed.

Our corporate masters have a comfortable grip on “The Narrative”. They aren’t worried, much less desperate.

If the truth were a threat to “The Narrative”, most of our elected “Leaders” would be in jail. HRC defines criminally corrupt, but will never be prosecuted for her crimes, the most obvious being the destruction of countries that were never a danger to America. If that deluded, remorseless, hell-spawn isn’t desperate, who is?

“The Narrative” from the Oligarchs has only one purpose: pit ½ of America against the other 1/2. It’s succeeding fabulously. Only thumb-suckers are desperate enough to believe otherwise, because they’ve never had control over their own, personal narrative. I hear their mewing now, pleading for somebody else to make that donation to TBP, and it’s many “woke” writers, who raise the curtain on our naked narrative.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Diogenes’ Dung
April 17, 2019 10:15 pm

““The Narrative” from the Oligarchs has only one purpose: pit ½ of America against the other 1/2. It’s succeeding fabulously.”

Yes, it is.

Ephesians 6:12 KJB… “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places .”

April 17, 2019 8:54 am

This is a great line!

Our daily existence is nothing more than a frustrating crusade through a blizzard of lies, in search of the truth.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 17, 2019 9:02 am

I was going to grab that one line last night and comment. Alas, I got distracted by listening to the song he posted, then my husband came home and the thought was lost and I went down a rabbit hole.

  Mary Christine
April 17, 2019 9:16 am

I have season tickets to the rabbit hole.

Am thinking M. G. works and people can call me what they want to and Aunt Pat won’t know.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
April 17, 2019 1:04 pm

Aunt Pat will know Maggie. Aunt Pat will know.

April 17, 2019 9:05 am

In past communiques, you said effectively, “Spread the word. Far and wide.”
i.e., you were ok with preserving, and distributing insight as keen as this, by a favored tactic.
Shade, Copy, Paste as a Save As .doc, then Print, perhaps multiple copies.
Then distribute, to those one cares about,
to forewarn of the dangers fast approaching, and why, so to prepare. To understand. To Get Ready.

This tactic also preserves into hard copy form, that which currently spreads digitally.
If we subscribe to the idea that it’s only a matter of time, until TPTB pull the plug, on blogs, on revealing videos,
on social media reveals…then, except for rare printed editions, all such reveals may be lost. Squashed. Censored.
The burning of the books, so to say, in their modern web based form. Disappearing down the memory hole.

And so, Sir Admin, unless you state otherwise, here’s one fan, of many, who recognizes the value,
and is at the very least, creating a copy of it on paper, so a record of it will hopefully not vanish in the flames.

Perhaps when we’re all gone, years from know, and the survivors who care enough to comb through the ashes,
in search of meaning and explanation of why the demise and destruction enveloped most of those they loved,
one will find a tattered copy, read it, and the goosebumps of realization will shed light on the fact that some of us
knew. And tried to sound the alarm.
But far too many were asleep, in slumbers of deep ignorance, induced by the distractions and having succumbed to the propaganda that preceded the destruction. Too few cared, too little, and too late.

And so it goes…

April 18, 2019 10:52 pm

A remnant.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 17, 2019 9:06 am

I was thinking about all the irons our corrupt warmongering elite have in the fire. There is a nest of black swan eggs getting ready to hatch, and all we can do is just wait. One of those irons is going to fall out of the fire, the black swan will hatch and the house will burn down.

Thanks so much for all of your efforts here, admin.

  Mary Christine
April 17, 2019 9:25 am

I visited with an old friend, retired last year, who interacted with those who spend the people’s money and violate the public trust on a regular basis.

Like most of us, she discovered two kinds of people in command positions: Those who deserve to be there and those who do not. Those who instill loyalty in followers and the other kind.

I am not sure that parallels Survival of the Fittest themes, but I feel like we are about to find out how well our institutions are built.

…And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
April 17, 2019 1:06 pm

Maggie. How can an all knowing god make a mistake like that? If indeed he was all knowing and all seeing then he had to know that Saul was a bad choice to rule over Israel.

  Hollywood Rob
April 17, 2019 7:58 pm

HR – in the book of Samuel 1 (chapter 8), when a disappointed Samuel brought to God the wishes of the people – “to have a king over them”, God said, “oh, so they are rejecting me as their king? Well . . . they’ve been doing that since they left Egypt, so . . . OK. BUT warn them thusly” to paraphrase . . . loosely, “You must have all been dropped on your heads when you were babies. All a king is going to do is confiscate your labor, eat your fattened beasts, the grapes from your vines, the produce from your gardens; he will take your daughters to be his (whores) concubines and your sons to be his servants and eunuchs (so much for grandkids, eh?) in his castles and his soldiers on the battlefield where . . . odd, sounds like something admin quoted . . . they will die like dogs on foreign soil to suit the king; he will tax you into servitude and make slaves of you all, and you will treat him like a god the whole time he is sucking the lifeforce out of you, because that is what human kings do, and because I have told how this is going to work out . . . when it works out this way and you are all slaves, I will not listen to you.”

And the people said, “Give us a king! We do not want a council of wise men to lead us! We just want one guy to decide everything. We want to be like all the other nations!”

So Gods said, “Samuel . . . anoint, er, uhm . . . the tallest Hebrew in all of Israel, Saul.”

So he did. And became king. And not a very good one.

He did it to teach the people a lesson. They failed to learn it. So he dethroned Saul and appointed David.



Did that help at all?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 17, 2019 8:24 pm

Lol! Niebo, that is the funniest paraphrase of scripture I have ever read.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 18, 2019 8:12 pm

No it didn’t help even slightly, but it was fun to read.

April 17, 2019 9:21 am

Human nature can and must change. First we must commit to the dustbin of history the notion of original sin. It is this sense of guilt that Christianity foists on us that is so very dangerous. We are actually a rising race of angels that has not reached our full potential in this era. Some archaeological discoveries suggest that Egyptian civilization was a legacy of a far greater civilization in the distant past. We have written so many bloody pages of history that we have come to believe in our own downfall. We have a much greater destiny than we give ourselves credit for and in some sense we are the wardens of our own insanity. We must end this patriarchal dominator society which is killing the planet. The salvation-redemption-mentality is the most damaging mind set to the full creative use of the imagination. It is with the gift of imagination that we can create a new world.

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
― Albert Einstein

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
April 17, 2019 1:59 pm

Oh, look. A Luciferian.

  Harrington Richardson
April 18, 2019 3:28 am

how so

April 18, 2019 1:36 am

Sorry. Gotta call bull. Generally, the only consistent aspect of “human nature” is adaptability. A child born “naturally” christian won’t survive an allahu akhbar household.

The Blind Who Will Not See
The Blind Who Will Not See
April 17, 2019 9:48 am

Sadly, the belief that mankind can ever create or sustain a just and violence free world is the greatest pipedream ever fantasized.

Whether Cain vs. Able, Russia vs. the USA, or Islam vs. the World, in our current state one person, group or government will always desire, covet, what another one has and attempt to take it and/or control them by manipulation or force.

Nothing will ever change but only get worse with our ever increasing technology until Jesus returns, wipes the slate clean and rules the nation’s during His millenial reign.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that the rapture and coming 7 year NWO reign of the Antichrist beginning around 2o25 just prior to Jesus return coincides directly with the current 80 year 4th turning?

April 17, 2019 10:17 am

On a crumbling precipice it’s hard knowing where to make a stand. Great article. Thank you Jim

April 17, 2019 10:54 am

Why even make a stand UN, all info is BS, the deck is stacked and there is no way to win in a game with this amount of deceit and control. Just sit back and watch your movie in your head.

April 17, 2019 12:36 pm

Were you a Stephen King fan? The Stand?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
April 17, 2019 1:09 pm

comment image

  M G
April 17, 2019 2:33 pm

BL B WOKE AS SHIT. And some movies be nonfiction.

“THE STAND: Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea”:

Today, dear friends, we stand before a great precipice; a valley deep and wide, and separated by opposing forces of dark and light. In the days ahead, both wheat and tare alike will be mowed down, or harvested, with equal prejudice and nonchalance. The survivors will remain. The Ship of State will toss about and capsize causing those from stem to stern to roil in the depths of the violent tide before swimming to shore; any shore…

…We are surrounded; caught between the devil and the deep blue sea; between hellfire’s damnation and oblivion.

It is time to decide. We could leave, but where would we go? We could get up, or lay back down. We could take a knee. There are so many choices. If waging war on stupid ever proved to be of any benefit, we could establish positions and engage the enemy on all fronts. Or we could sit down, lean back, and watch it unfold. As for me? I’ve made my choice. I’m right here. Here, I’ll stand.

April 17, 2019 3:12 pm

Ahh yes Unc, taking a stand on your luxury yacht while sipping fine Champagne and watching the flames rise in the air. It’s a tough stand but somebody has to take it.

I’ve been woke, so woke I know by whom and why the shit gets stirred.

April 17, 2019 5:00 pm

comment image

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  M G
April 17, 2019 8:29 pm

It used to be one of my favorite books that King wrote. Then I realized what a left wing nut job he was and I got rid of all my old King books.

  Mary Christine
April 17, 2019 9:09 pm

As a voracious reader since a little boy I have always had a large library of hard covers…I treasure and value my books. About 6 years after I became a Christian (99) I made many serious changes with my money, life style, and attitude. I had attended a Church study on and read the book ‘The Bondage Breaker’ by Neil Anderson. I also had an incident in my home I won’t go into here, but it was significant spiritual warfare.

I then decided to house clean anything in my home I felt was offensive to God and when I got to my (and my wife’s) hundreds of books I was surprised how many there were I didn’t want in my home any longer.

All of Kings books went as well as about 40 others…right to the dump.

April 18, 2019 7:03 am

I never censored my son’s reading but I guided it. I also read every thing he read as he read it until he hit puberty, when it became his father’s job to mold the clay and finish the vessel.

We made a mess of it but the Author and Finisher seems to have worked it out okay all around.

I read a lot of King when I was young. He had a sick, twisted mind that understood what frightens people. And a publishing industry catering to sick, twisted minds was fed due to new kind of prurient interest in sick and twisted ideas.

  Mary Christine
April 18, 2019 7:15 am

King had a real talent for reaching out and grabbing the reader’s attention from the corner of your viewpoint.

We all knew when Pennywise was watching, didn’t we? The banality of evil disguised as a clown becomes a clown to children not afraid of clowns. Many really are afraid of them. Why do we force our children to cope what they instinctually fear? We used to do it with training and healthy activity.

Now, we show them a netflick or give them their pills.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  M G
April 18, 2019 9:45 am

My daughter hates clowns. She thinks they are creepy and she never read any of Kings books. She came by it naturally.

April 17, 2019 7:30 pm

Just like in his wonderful picture…look to higher ground.

April 17, 2019 11:01 am


Masterful writing, a great big dollop of truth for anyone with the wits to read. That you can do this again and again is truly impressive. I hope this is picked up by many other sites and spread far and wide. Keep on, and a sincere thank you.

April 17, 2019 11:18 am

All truth, I don’t see it ending by force from trad americans or the left unless the deep state starts a big enough war that includes a draft.
Then all bets are off, civil war while the state tries to fight a major over seas war will be a death knell, at that point the world will most likely plow both sides under.

April 17, 2019 12:14 pm

… feel like I’m living in a new country called Extreme-istan …
It’s just a stepping stone to this place, as the Endarkenment proceeds:comment image

April 17, 2019 2:33 pm

Yup, well written and . . . VERY “applicable”. This 72+ y/o is daily increasingly grateful to already be inland, rural; UNencumbered both physically, financially and spiritually, GATHERed, GUNned, GARDENed on a portion of UNaddressed, arable dirt, well provisioned and last but not least . . . SIMPLIFIED. Yo [future] desperate “citYzens/coasters” that may [UNrepentantly] come-a-knock’n, this drafted ‘Nam vet & co will fire on your sorry asses at first hostile indication. Ya’ll will either become One of/with us or . . . ? I’ll either finally get back Home or toss your sorry carcass[es] in to a wood chipper along with a copious amount of salt before pouring it on a roadway for the vultures to pick at. No fear – hoo-rah.
Oh, and BTW, who IS [possibly] the greatest “socialist” ever?! I submit: JC – “where two or more GATHER . . . ” . Also, per the above commentary, I recall JC declaring something to the effect of: “[each/every One] is either with or against me”.

April 17, 2019 2:56 pm

HA! I upvoted and closely resemble that defiant re-mark!

ursel doran
ursel doran
April 17, 2019 2:36 pm

Truly a superior work Sir Admin!!
This Wired article on the very serious, real war, of technology and artificial intelligence, is a treatise of what none of the corrupt MSM is speaking about. YET.

April 17, 2019 4:12 pm

This seems to be an appropriate song:

…to the lifeboats.

April 17, 2019 5:51 pm

You lost me at “sociopaths”. Did not bother to read the rest.

October Sky
October Sky
April 17, 2019 6:26 pm

Do you prefer Bolton’s “contempt for American sytle governance”?

John Bolton has Spectacular Record Defying and Withholding Evidence From Congress: Bolton has Never Brought a “Fair and Balanced” Approach to Any of His Jobs….

  October Sky
April 17, 2019 8:33 pm

Bolton practices his tough guy look in the bathroom mirror then sits in the corner clucking and laying eggs.

October Sky
October Sky
April 17, 2019 9:37 pm

Mark, you have a keen sense of humor. You are also honorable. I read the two poems you posted in A Senseless Sacrifice. I hope others have a chance to read them.

Putin is in a position to watch Bolton accept why Russia backs Maduro and Russia’s other allies. Maybe WWIII is not as close as it seems.

  October Sky
April 18, 2019 8:59 am

WWIII is the dream of the floundering Elite, it seems to have been effectively cordoned off by Russia and China. Civil War on the other hand….

April 18, 2019 11:38 am

That’s funny . . . THEY keep pushing but nobody is punching back yet, and CW, throughout the west, seems almost inevitable. IF i were a nationalist who cared about the people who elected me/anointed me Emperor, I would say to the only other big-dog Nationalist leader,”Hey, what say we hedge these f*ckers in, cut them out of our banking systems and our trade deals, work out gas/oil deals, help each other militarily, and let those guys worry about themselves. You know, sorta like they did to us for decades.”

Neither China nor Russia needs the US or Europe. They have their own resources, labor, manufacturing, technology sectors, etc. They will abandon us to ourselves, is my guess, to our sectarian/racial/religious violence. And we will abandon ourselves, too, I fear.

Then they will subjugate/destroy whoever survives. And I think that depends on which side(s) win, which will vary from region to region.

April 18, 2019 2:10 pm


  October Sky
April 18, 2019 5:40 pm

Thanks October…Chicken Hawk NeoCons like Bolton curl my lips in slit eyed sarcastic contempt.

I suspect if he had made it to Nam (and he was terrified about the possibility) he would have pissed himself and been useless. He is all NeoCon phony swagger sending other people’s children into the meat grinder. I despise him and his ilk to the point of righteous bloodlust.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 18, 2019 8:17 pm

With you on that Mark.

April 18, 2019 10:32 pm

“righteous bloodlust”


April 17, 2019 6:37 pm

I believe Big Injun Chief and Meatballs have the right idea. Find some land far away from diversity and live your life. That’s my plan .I can’t fight the deep State . None us can. They will kill us and think nothing of it.I will protect myself ,my mom and my neighbors as best I can. The only thing that might work would be to totally destroy the electric grid but that would bring HELL on all of us. Civilization would almost completely stop .It would be a nightmare of pain , suffering and death . No easy answers for what’s coming .I do hope that we on the Burning Platform can stay in contact .God bless all. See you tomorrow.

April 17, 2019 8:12 pm

Peace of Odin be with you too my lil trucker Buddy.

April 17, 2019 9:28 pm

But you can atone at Starbucks!

Starbucks Unveils New White Privilege Latte


Big Dick
Big Dick
April 17, 2019 7:11 pm

LOCK AND FUCKING LOAD as warned many times prepare for the shit to hit the fan!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 17, 2019 8:39 pm

You know, that pic of Bolton and Pompeo is unsettling. You people who are good at captions should come up with some. Put some devil horns on their heads. Btw, admin your essay posted at Zerohedge, Steve Quayle, and WRSA, so far. Back to Pompeo. Did you know he thinks it’s funny to lie, cheat and steal? Mr Kansas Evangelical Christian likes to lie, cheat and steal. No wonder Holllywood Rob thinks Christians are a bunch of hypocritical, deluded nut jobs. Can’t say I blame him with people like that roaming around supposedly representing Christians.

Jesus said “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven…I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” Matt 7:21,23.

If you only want to see Pompeo having too much fun talking about lying, cheating and stealing, start at 1:11


  Mary Christine
April 18, 2019 3:39 am

Pompeo is a war monger for the Deep State.
He gives real whores a bad name.

April 18, 2019 5:10 am

The drums of war are being polished. And they are almost out of Lemon Pledges.

Resurrection Day and Sunday are comin’…

Have you ever read about Hiawatha?

  M G
April 18, 2019 7:32 am

No but think I will.

Spring has sprung. Just in time. For I see dark clouds forming. In the ever darkening sky. Been reading a book. Hope to get it done. Written in due course. About causes World War One. There are lots of parallels from then. To the event horizon now happening.

April 18, 2019 7:56 am

Put Hiawatha on hold, but it is worth a look-see.

do watch this, at least the last bit and ask yourself if Stucky had been on the team, would Rocket’s ever have been able to STAND?

Stucky, would you have thumped him?

If I didn’t cue it right… Queue? Hmmmm…

Well, 3:15 start.


  M G
April 18, 2019 9:10 am

I luv it!
Are ya happy, we’re all standing up now…
A bunch of jackasses..

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 18, 2019 9:54 am

I didn’t even notice the title at the bottom when I posted it, that it was originally a CBN clip. Wow, He lived out his faith at the CIA by lying, cheating and stealing. We really do have psychopaths at the top, don’t we.

God have mercy on us, or in your case, Odin. I suspect that neither one will.

  Mary Christine
April 18, 2019 6:19 am

Edited for both content, focus and intent. Has been quality checked for readability. That is what the M G stood for and what I hope it stands for now.

I do not know if this would be a worthwhile effort, Admin, but I think this day (April 18)should be remembered for more than the day before WACO and Tim McVeigh. I once stood on the ground below that steeple in Boston and read this poem to myself. I do not know if Mr. Revere thought the thoughts Longfellow gave to him, but I know a marching tune when I hear one. So does your beaner bard, if he will accept the challenge along with Nova Scotia boy.

Ride, Captain, Ride: A Compilation of Stanzas

The world needs to review the meaning of words.

Within their glib use lies the cause of it all.

Bards and poets bound meaning to words protected by Laws

Now they crouch hidden on platforms, mouths covered with pause.

Vocabular changes are all part of life.

As are anguish and loss and brief joy midst the strife.

But Words do have meaning to the Refiner of faith.

Who never intended there be Interfaith.

And now that Pandora has opened the box

and exchanged all her eggs for a big box of cocks

and the boys have traded their guns and their tea

and inserted their manhood where it never should be.

To be continued…….

It does need some work. I hope you think it worth posting.

There is hope and after that, there is only faith
Love like a wraith

I hope the fine Bards set a tone for this date
As Longfellow from Maine did before it’s too late.

The piece is very long, I warn you; I suspect it was someone’s dissertation on Henry and they liked him a lot. However, it contains some really enlightening mentions of the life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I think he meant what he said and said what he meant.


I wish our politicians had bards instead of lobbyists.

The end of the proposed Poetical Challenge. What follows is a ramble.

A young lady I once edited asked me what she could do to improve her writing. She was a Generation Xer intrigued with the mafia. Her writing was tight, her clues subtle and good. Instead of red edits (typos, misspellings, damn punctuational issues, etc.) she usually got the green M with “add something here” to suggest I sensed something missing.

“Like what?” she would ask, looking at her editor from the page.

I never told her it was because of her age. She hadn’t yet lost enough or suffered enough to know what propels a real hero to stand up and get moving in spite of it all.

Hope does.

There’s even a Sandra Bullock fan here who might realize hope floats and then, he will remember Pennywise said they all float where he resides. And he will think about being punny but won’t. Because, this is serious business about sex, violence and rock and roll and mick the stick wasn’t banging the drum for our founders, but for our oppressors.

  M G
April 18, 2019 7:18 am

Who was it that said “My kingdom for a horse?”

I suppose he would trade it all for an Uber now.

And, with that, the audience breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. Finally.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  M G
April 20, 2019 3:59 pm

Richard II said it. At least in the Shakespeare play.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
April 18, 2019 8:21 pm

Geeze Maggie, again. So look, you can write anything that you want, but you made a little typo in line 5;

Now they crouch hidden on platforms, mouths covered with pause.

should be;

Now they crouch hidden on platforms, mouths covered with paws.

  Mary Christine
April 18, 2019 11:04 pm

Any idea how to post a pic?

April 18, 2019 4:32 am

Thanks Admin. Awesome post – exactly how I feel things are.

April 18, 2019 11:23 am

Looks like this might be the activism and dancing that is spreading…

Marc Lamparello: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
April 18, 2019 8:24 pm

About the best meme ever. But have you asked yourself, was Orwell predicting a dystopian future that he foresaw, or was he laying the groundwork for a dystopian future that was planned all along?

  Hollywood Rob
April 18, 2019 10:34 pm


April 18, 2019 7:55 pm


April 18, 2019 9:06 pm

This author really gets it. Almost all the way.
But can it possibly be all just a big coincidence? All the prepared wars, the saber rattling, the timing of every 80 years, the same timing as the Kondratiev wave BTW, the flyover, the constant fear mongering and all the false flags, from Hitler sending his own troops onto Polish soil in Polish uniforms to shoot at Germans so they could invade in ‘self defense’, to the Gulf of Tonkin ‘incident’, that never happened but still started the long war in Vietnam, to attacking Afghanistan and Iraq because some Saudis supposedly crashed into New York…. Does anybody else find all these ‘coincidences’ to be just a little too convenient to not be a part of a larger plan?

April 19, 2019 1:35 am

The real goal to the game of life is to not end the game early. Never volunteer for or fall for a script that could end your participation in the game. Give the elites the finger, tell them to send their children to die in the contrived conflicts.

Rise against the violence indeed. None of it is in your best interest.

I read today that millennials would not invest money in the stock market if they had extra income to invest. There may be hope for humanity after all. Stop volunteering to shoot yourself in the foot. Turnings are conjured like wars, outsmart the wizards.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
April 19, 2019 4:26 pm

Not much gets past Admin. Thought this might be some what appropriate to place on this thread….


annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- “Dancing on the Crumbling Precipice”….Indeed !

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  ordo ab chao
April 20, 2019 9:42 am

Thanks for posting that, ordo. Between that and KaD’s link below it looks like one of those black swan eggs might be getting ready to hatch. Here is more on the situation. I don’t know much about Sarah Westall but it is an interview with Mike Harris of Veterans Today who says that border agents are telling him that the kids that are travelling with the immigrants are recycled. In other words they get sent back and used again. I know what some people think of Veterans Today but it would make sense if the kids are traveling with a group of mostly men.


April 20, 2019 7:33 am

There’s a dark cloud rising from the desert floor
I packed my bags and I’m heading straight into the storm
Gonna be a twister to blow everything down
That ain’t got the faith to stand its ground
Blow away the dreams that tear you apart
Blow away the dreams that break your heart
Blow away the lies that leave you nothing but lost and brokenhearted

April 20, 2019 11:30 am

“Woken?” Whatever happened to the word “Awakened?” Give me a break. Intelligent writers respect the language.

April 21, 2019 12:44 pm
April 21, 2019 12:44 pm

Is anyone else having problems with the site? Past few days I’m getting this pop up and when I try to close it I get a big red warning screen and have to restart the computer.

The Man With No Name
The Man With No Name
April 21, 2019 1:13 pm

“big red warning screen” sounds like a description of something, but to someone trying to diagnose a computer / tech thing, it’s not something that means anything. If you can show me a screenshot of it, or copy/paste some of the exact text in the pop up, then I can try to look into it.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
April 22, 2019 11:50 pm

My computer just stops altogether when writing and goes to the idiot advertising.
I have to refresh the screen or leave the site and start over…or just unplug.