Comedy Gold: The Joke’s on You

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God…

– 2 Timothy 3:1-4


As an internet writer seeking common ground, or, rather, a mutual base frame of reference with the readers, I’ll often use widely disseminated resources in order to inspire contemplation and conversation. Obviously, these sources would include movies and books.  So, with that in mind, I recently took advantage of $5 Tuesdays at a theater near me and saw “Joker”.   The antagonist of the film, of course, is Batman’s old arch nemesis, “The Joker”.

The movie was epic comic book fare – but also realistically familiar at the same time.  And this is understandable given the renowned infamy of the DC Comics super-villain.  But there were also more current, and grounded, correlations too.

The actor Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of the Joker’s descent from mental illness to evil was sublime, and he’ll very likely be nominated for an Oscar.  I, personally, found the socially awkward scenes to be more cringe-worthy than the blood and guts; and both, seemingly, have appeared right on schedule for the congressional debate on red flag legislation.

In any event, Joker was a disturbing film. And I was riveted.


As stated heretofore, there were many parallels in “Joker” and many of these corresponding to our current times. In fact, other than the time-stamped set design and props, the chaos in the streets of Gotham City looked like they could have been filmed in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

Phoenix’s artistic rendering of the Joker agonizingly revealed the suffering of someone mentally ill and lost to the system.  What was actually lost, however, was the main character’s normal view of reality.  Due to a disturbed mind and horrifically abusive experiences, the Joker’s worldview was warped to the extent that his sense of humor was not considered funny by those in the mainstream.  It was an unusual film because the main character was, simultaneously, both the protagonist and antagonist in the story.  Ironically, in other ways, the film also divides the audience in two as well – except with one side seeing light refraction causing scenes to flip upside down; and with both sides listening to separate laugh tracks.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

– Isaiah 5:20

And isn’t that what’s happening in America today?

There are those who laugh at Trump’s tweets while others, like Antifa, riot in the streets.   In the film, Joker appears as an anti-hero of sorts, standing in contrast to a cold-hearted billionaire campaigning to be the Mayor of Gotham and one who believes he can save the city by bringing jobs back.

Accordingly, there are some who might see the billionaire as Donald Trump trying to restore order and making the city great again, while others may see Trump as the Joker tearing down the established order.  Depending upon which movie is being seen, it means Joker’s mindless followers in the story will be viewed by some as disaffected deplorables dancing while Rome burns and others as collectivist clowns wearing masks and spreading anarchy.

What is interesting, however, is that both groups would oppose what they each perceive as the establishment; and both camps seemingly lament the worldview breach between the dispossessed and the wealthy elite.

Either way, as anarchist art or comic book fodder, the Joker film illustrates death to establishment via the ideology of Destructionism:

Destructionism is stage two of any unachievable vision of what society should be like against a reality that refuses to conform. Destructionism also proves to be strangely compelling to populist movements that are anxious to externalize their enemies and smite the forces that stand in the way of their reassertion of power. Finally they discover satisfaction in destruction – as an end in itself – because it makes them feel alive and gives their life meaning.

But who are actually the disaffected and who is, in reality, the establishment?

That is the question, isn’t it?

Like so much of entertainment and politics today – the movie Joker is being seen by two separate audiences. And the reaction to the movie has been similar to comedian Dave Chappelle’s recently-released Netflix comedy special entitled “Sticks and Stones”.

Just as Chappelle’s show was panned by critics but enjoyed by audiences, so, too, is Joker.  Just as those on the left and in the mainstream media consider Chappelle’s “Sticks and Stones” as no laughing matter, we are now seeing the same treatment for Joker by those so suddenly serious :

– From

Why?  Because, to the Political Left, optics are everything.  And this means if the illusion does not fit, then it must be sh*t.

Notice how some of the headlines have reported on Joker as being “boring” or as “numbing emptiness”.  This is because, just like Chappelle’s show, art has mocked life and the leftist gestapo has been revealed as the allegorical emperor standing naked.  They have no defense against truth; and common sense is truth.

Anything debated, created, manufactured or produced, is derived from a certain tension of thought. It is sewn from threads of chaos and formulated with, and for, a purpose. In Dave Chappelle’s “Sticks and Stones” hour-long routine on Netflix, he is very, very careful – almost akin to a surgeon methodically suppurating a wound. Or a serial killer teasing and torturing victims.

Like a Joker.

Chappelle opened his routine by playfully excoriating singer Michael Jackson’s alleged pedophilia. Then the comedian boldly proclaimed that Jackson didn’t do it. So the pedophilia is addressed in a way that Michael Jackson fans can’t hold against Chappelle. The viewers are disturbed and disgusted and laughing, but nothing can be stuck on the messenger.

Chappelle did the same thing when he ridiculed the LGBTQ crowd as the “alphabet people” – the problem isn’t that they’re gay, it’s that they’re so seriously, and stupidly, self-concerned.

On the topic of abortion, Chappelle said he supported a woman’s right to choose. This, of course, would endear the comedian to those supporting “my body, my choice”. But then Chappelle added a new angle: He argued if the woman decided to have her baby, then men shouldn’t be forced to be involved. Because if the mother has a right to kill her baby then the father should have the right to abandon it. Said he: “My money, my choice”.

And regarding guns, Chappelle said he really, really hates them…. but… that he owns several; and followed by an entire humorous bit as to why he owns them.

One wonders if the same sort of subterfuge was incorporated into the movie Joker by its director, Todd Phillips, who also co-wrote the screenplay.  Because there is a scene in the film where Joker’s alter-ego, Arthur Fleck, legitimately used a hand-gun in self-defense against three bad guys on a subway train.  Later, a common office (and school) supply item was used to massacre someone, but you’ll never hear the Political Left demanding Red-Flag legislation for the particular item in question. Why? Because it would not represent a threat to the collectivists should they regain power in the U.S. 2020 elections.

Therefore, if the narrative doesn’t fit, it must be sh*t.

Just as Trump supporters don’t find late-night comedy shows like Saturday Night Live or Jimmy Kimmel funny anymore, liberals have also stopped laughing.

It’s because things are getting serious.

In the movie Joker, Gotham also resembles Democrat run New York City in the 1970s as well as many other Democrat Party run sh*t-holes all over America today. Yet the sad-eyed clowns performing as the Democrat Presidential Candidates are all out on the campaign trail promising utopia while endorsing lies, and promoting lawlessness and tumult – and all wanting to mow down a billionaire making Gotham great again; as other mask-wearing clowns riot in the street and raise hell under the guise of “resistance”.

Before anarchy and chaos takes to the streets, a desire to turn society upside down must first take hold.  Before that, however, those creating the bedlam must be driven into a rage; or, rather, an insane rage.

In an article I once wrote about Ken Kesey’s novel “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”, I claimed it could be viewed as more than a fictional story and more than an allegory because it had been proven prophetic. Towards that end, I wrote the following:

It is the story of the Divided States of America; an asylum imprisoning subjects suffering under the final stages of Cultural Marxist Dementia and secured by a police state enforcing a twisted type of morality designed to make the inmates progressively and increasingly loony.  In a deranged world turned inside-out, the sane ones are labeled insane.

Indeed. Life has imitated art.

In the same article I mentioned how Kesey’s novel delineated “the epic contest between individual autonomy versus the Feminine Authoritarianism of Matriarchal Tyranny”.

And isn’t that way of the collectivists currently? Because we never see any negative headlines telling people not to watch shows like Netflix’s recent “In the Shadow of the Moon” where fictional time-travelers retroactively murder American patriots in order to advance the cause of globalism.

Why isn’t that considered boring?

Indeed, the hypocrisy resembles a feminist-type double-standard whereby what is good for the goose is not for the gander – in the same way many modern women condescendingly, and even snottily, lecture men on the perils of “Mansplaining”.

Honestly, who do these people think they are for telling me what shows I should watch? And why is it they can hate Trump, but I’m not allowed to laugh at his tweets?

It was also interesting to watch Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of the Joker showing the character transition from hapless schmuck, to imagined virility, to actual evil that manifested in sort of a twisted femininity; pure narcissism demonstrated onscreen to the tune of graceful little dances in the wake of brutal acts.

It is no surprise, therefore, that many have tied Joker to what has become known as “Inceldom”, or “the online subculture of men (mostly young, white, and heterosexual)” who have become violent as a result of being involuntarily celibate.  Many past mass-shooters have been identified as Incels (i.e. the portmanteau of “involuntary celibates”) including Elliot Rodger who killed six people in 2014 at the University of California Santa Barbara and Nikolas Cruz who killed seventeen at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida on Valentine’s Day 2018.

In fact, the U.S. Army has warned of possible shootings  at Joker film screenings because of the tendency of violent Incels to imitate each other – or, actually, very similar to what happens in the narrative of the Joker film.

People are also on edge because of the December 2012 mass-shooting in Aurora, Colorado where the killer, James Holmes, killed twelve people in a movie theater at a Batman screening.  What was especially strange is that the killer, Holmes, even looked like the Joker.

But it was while reading Santa Barbara killer Elliot Rodger’s online manifesto, two years after the Batman massacre, that marked my first exploration into Inceldom – although I didn’t become aware of the term Incel until several years later. Rodger, like the Joker, over time developed a desire for revenge upon those whom he perceived had treated him unjustly – a classic example of resentment magnified into full-blown rage.

In this embedded link  there is a six-minute video of Elliot Rodger discussing his forthcoming “day of retribution” where he absolutely comes across as a comic book villain, complete with an unsettling evil chuckle.

To be sure, life does, indeed, imitate art.

Rodger’s disturbing manifesto made it very clear his pre-teen psyche was formulated by television, video games and porn. Perhaps all of these modern-day manifestations have led to a sort of neo-Gnosticism in modern youth; or, rather, the intellect seeking salvation while divorced from reality.  Comic books, movies, gaming, and porn all provide immediate gratification but without any of the fleshly aggravations like body-fluids, bad breath, sweat, and stench.  Is it any wonder, then, why self-concerned spoiled Incels believe they are programmed for pleasure without travail and, then, become hostile when the world operates beyond the range of their remote controls?

Another component of Incel rage is suppressed hostility against masculinity.  Because, after all, it is the more attractive real boys and men who get the girls, thus robbing Incels of their fair share.  In Rodger’s YouTube videos and manifesto, his rage and envy was obvious:  He despised the knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who the girls had chosen over him – the true gentleman.

Accordingly, an ex-girlfriend of the Aurora Batman shooter, James Holmes, ended a two-month relationship with him “following an encounter between Holmes and another man who talked to her during a date on Saint Patrick’s Day”.

In the Joker movie, the old-school masculinity of the future Batman’s father, Thomas Wayne, is displayed in stark contrast to Joker’s pathetic, even effeminate, frailty. Surely any Incel or Antifa snowflake seeing Joker would judge Thomas Wayne as a knuckle-dragging rich prick in the same vein as… say…  Donald J. Trump; and, later in life, perhaps even the crime-fighting Batman himself.

Remember when kids idolized the heroes over the villains? Times have changed.

Certainly, Joker offers legendary comic book plotlines and rising action, but also with a “Taxi Driver” patina of reality at the same time.  Adding to the angst,  the soundtrack’s stringed instruments correspond to the main character’s nervous tension , which remains ever-present throughout the film – even as the Joker deftly dances down the stairs toward hell to the drumbeat and instrumentation of convicted pedophile Gary Glitter’s  1972 “Rock and Roll Part 2”.

And if there’s any question in anyone’s mind whether Joker’s controversy is the result of a middle-finger-flip to Woke Culture, just know Todd Phillips, who also directed the Hangover series and other comedies, has unequivocally answered that question.  In an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, Phillips stated the following:

Go try to be funny nowadays with this woke culture,” he [Phillips] says. “There were articles written about why comedies don’t work anymore—I’ll tell you why, because all the f*cking funny guys are like, ‘F*ck this sh*t, because I don’t want to offend you.’ It’s hard to argue with 30 million people on Twitter. You just can’t do it, right? So you just go, ‘I’m out.’ I’m out, and you know what? With all my comedies—I think that what comedies in general all have in common—is they’re irreverent. So I go, ‘How do I do something irreverent, but f*ck comedy? Oh I know, let’s take the comic book movie universe and turn it on its head with this.’ And so that’s really where that came from.”

Yes, liberals, it does appear the joke is on you.  Again. This time.  And that’s why some in the media have claimed comedian Dave Chappelle and director Todd Phillips have lashed out at Cancel Culture, which the urban dictionary defines as follows:

A modern internet phenomenon where a person is ejected from influence or fame by questionable actions. It is caused by a critical mass of people who are quick to judge and slow to question. It is commonly caused by an accusation, whether that accusation has merit or not. It is a direct result of the ignorance of people caused communication technologies outpacing the growth in available knowledge of a person.

And is that not the modus operandi of the mob?

Surely, if the collectivists had their way, they would cancel Joker in the same way the Democrats in congress now wish to cancel Donald Trump. Because both the movie and the president have revealed the mob as being mad like the Joker; and with the same lack of identity and accountability.

Hence, the grand confrontation of our time:  How do crime fighters battle against those not moored to civilized society and who don’t believe in anything except their own will to power?

That was the question I was contemplating as I left the theater.  On the way out, I noticed two police officers in full uniform in the lobby. They were different than the other two I saw while entering, before the movie started.  Did they have a shift change during the movie? Or were there now more cops on location?

As I walked by the armed officers, who were dutifully standing guard against any potentially devastating Incel violence, I looked around at the others leaving the theater and noticed something else.  No one was laughing.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
October 12, 2019 7:22 am

Clearly military intelligence, DHS, and 17+ other agencies have lots of money to blow on stupid projects, on camera and off. Real shootings are spun senseless and hoaxed events become legend.

John Galt
John Galt
October 12, 2019 7:45 am

The world is so caught up in success for failure, left or right. Like a movies first weekend win or flop sometimes winning is hiding in plain sight. Sometimes it can be hiding in plain site but not obvious. By shear lack of the msm allowing people like Jesse Jackson and the ? coalition literally zero airtime after Trump was elected I find that more than strangely odd. The msm call’s trump everything, but one consistency is “racist.”

We all know the likes of Jesse Jackson and there are several prominent leaders that made themselves very wealthy screaming racismand suing companies.

But there has been a complete lack of these organizations speaking out for the black community and against Trump. Since day one. The lack of the msm being supported in the racist narrative by these huge race baiters screams the msm are complete cia operative under smith-mundt act and liars completing a deep state narrative for a coup. It seems even the race baiters do not feel Trump is racist.

The lack of this is telling just how bad, complicit, and treasonous msm is. Cancel your subscriptions!

  John Galt
October 12, 2019 9:13 am

@ JG,

You’re hitting upon the underlying message of this piece – and that is the left-right dialectic whipping the nation into a frenzy. What is also amazing is that how deep state is so powerful, but Trump always remains the president in perfect reality TV fashion.

  John Galt
October 12, 2019 11:47 am

Hey didn’t the BBC endorse that creep Jimmy Saville to host children’s shows all the while knowing exactly what a monster he was

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  John Galt
October 12, 2019 9:21 pm

Been saying it for years and years now, John. Eviscerate the CIA and you eliminate a LARGE chunk of the problems in this country and around the world. They simply cannot exist in a free society.

No agency in the IC holds a candle to what these evil assholes do on a daily basis. The media may spin it like it’s all the NSA but it’s total bullshit. The media have been in bed with the Agency for a very, very long time.

  Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 4:22 pm

if we eliminate the cia what do we do about foreign intel?
isn’t it naive to think that other countries will also abolish their intel agencies?

October 13, 2019 4:51 pm
October 13, 2019 7:15 pm

transparency & accountability

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 5:20 pm

What did we do before WW2? In order for this country to move forwards, it needs to move backwards. I was talking with the Latin side of the in-laws this weekend about this very thing. They get it, Whitey does not. We as a nation need to rethink everything we now accept as “normal”…from farming to diplomacy.

  Articles of Confederation
October 14, 2019 12:10 am

AOC-Most of the media talking heads work for the CIA.

October 12, 2019 7:59 am

“Honestly, who do these people think they are for telling me what shows I should watch? And why is it they can hate Trump, but I’m not allowed to laugh at his tweets?”…

Because the communist left are the Borg. Your resistance is futile. You WILL conform (or be assimilated)… Chip

October 12, 2019 8:13 am

Nice post Doug. Makes me want to see the movie but I’ll wait for the DVD. I don’t do theaters… Chip

October 12, 2019 8:32 am

Devon Stack on the Joker movie:

October 12, 2019 9:17 am


Thanks for posting the DS vid. I only had time to watch the first 3 minutes so far, but I always find his perspectives interesting. Will try to watch the rest later.

October 12, 2019 4:24 pm

Finally had the chance to finish the video. It is interesting at the end, how Stack claimed the joke is on those on the right who identify with the Joker as sort of a tranny antifa-type – where my speculation was that the right would more identify with Batman’s dad, Thomas Wayne, for standing against the nihilistic nothingness. And yet we were in accord on several other observations regarding the film.

Sidenote: For anyone about to watch the DS/blackpill video, know there are massive spoilers as Stack pretty much reveals the entire movie’s denouement.

Parrell L. Parker
Parrell L. Parker
October 13, 2019 12:58 am

CLARIFICATION/FIX: ‘Stack claimed the joke is on those on the right who WERE TRICKED TO identify with the Joker…’

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
October 12, 2019 11:23 am

I thought that was extremely insightful.

The movie was a mish-mash of plagiarized themes and elements from half a dozen movies, but unlike a Tarantino homage to classic cinema genres, it came off as a cheap hack act. And no, it wasn’t in any way shape or form a film that champions anything of value, but rather a typical tear-down of what little is left of traditional America.

It looks to me- based on the commentary of the director as well as the narrative itself- like a deliberate if somewhat lazy attempt to provoke a media/social response. Probably for the money and “edgy”tags that would flow back to the director rather than for a desire for any real impact on the viewer. It isn’t a thinking man’s film, it’s a video game filled with NPC’s, including the lead.

I liked your article, Doug, great flow and a decent breakdown, I just think you missed why the establishment voices disliked it. They are tone deaf and unable to actually think for themselves, so they parroted what other ‘influencers’ were typing. Monkey see, monkey do rather than any kind of critical appraisal that comes from reflection or actual independent thought. They simply are no longer capable of it because they’ve neglected to work out those muscles for so long they’ve become atrophied to the point of being useless.

A good rule of thumb- by no means fool-proof, but certainly reliable in the 75-80% range- is to listen to what they have to say and assume the exact opposite to be true.

Aodh Macraynall
Aodh Macraynall
October 12, 2019 8:49 am

Lynn’s discussion is as disturbing as the movie must be. I’ve got to go see this.

October 12, 2019 9:07 am

when young Bruce Wayne’s parents are senselessly killed is the ultimate moment of the Batman saga. it befuddles the ability of the boy to form a sense of normalcy in his world view. missing parental love, he feeds on his desire for revenge. this sets up a moral battle which makes the hero nearly as ambiguously immoral as the villain. this is moral relativity, just like antifa and other groups display. our society has devalued parenthood so much that a generation raised by their cel phones will guarantee that the country falls apart. evil has much more room to grow in a family or society that has low expectations of its youth. as in the time of Noah.

October 12, 2019 9:28 am
good a place as any to post link. Another Great piece by Pastor Baldwin

October 12, 2019 9:41 am

Great article and great comments by Galt and Credit.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 12, 2019 9:44 am

My 14 yr old grandson asked me to check this guy out. He talks about how the left hated this movie before it was even released.

  Mary Christine
October 12, 2019 10:53 am

MC, your grandson seems to be good stock. I admire the lucidity of some people as seen in this video.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 12, 2019 1:46 pm

I think it’s the gamer community that he hangs in. I think that is what scares the establishment about the gamers. They are not, as a rule, violent kids. They know it’s not real and can tell the difference. The ones who are screwed up are the ones who have no moral guidance from their parents, extended family and church.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
  Mary Christine
October 12, 2019 4:48 pm

The bad kids get hooked on Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption for X-box.

Pure poison to a young man’s mind.

Ask me how I know this.

  Mary Christine
October 12, 2019 2:22 pm

I hope my own son follows this logic. He has learned a lot this past year. He asked me how come women just want to get married and quit working. I told him to have my grandkids but am giving up that dream for a while. He wants to be a $$$millionaire by 30 and then marry.

Dream big and carry a good education. But…dream.

As we all have done, I imagine.

I had a crazy summer with old folks and tiny toddlers which skews my viewpoint. I imagine a 14 yr old with a troubled mother is more connected.

Nick and I are blessed here and we know it. We are thankful.

Perhaps the world indeed Turned while we were not watching.

  Mary Christine
October 12, 2019 7:16 pm

Thanks for posting the vid, MC. I’m trying to think now if I’ve ever seen anyone cram so many words per minute into a presentation and yet remain so articulately clear. In other words, there is a lot of content in that 15 minutes. A lot. I definitely got my money’s worth. ?

In regards to this kid, and the Blackpill video posted above by TC, it’s interesting how so many of us internet posters have noticed the exact same similarities with the Joker film.

The “Heck Off Commie” guy even mentioned “mansplaining” – something unrelated to the movie. Funny coincidence.

But what really hit home with me in this vid, is the affirmation of how the collectivists really do reject anything and everything that does not fit their narrative. They truly are the Borg to the point their very survival will not allow any contravening facts.

And that explains why Trump’s tweets are the perfect antidote to their worldview, why they’ve been so triggered, and why they believe the not-their-president must be removed by any means possible.
comment image

  Mary Christine
October 12, 2019 9:56 pm

That was well worth the time. An impressive young man.

October 12, 2019 9:52 am

While I will not be seeing this movie till on net for free(a good copy/not cam)any movie that gets people talking and thinking about the decay of our economic society/mental illness/the thin veneer of civility ect. can really only be a good thing.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 12, 2019 10:14 am

The money paragraphs:

Surely, if the collectivists had their way, they would cancel Joker in the same way the Democrats in congress now wish to cancel Donald Trump. Because both the movie and the president have revealed the mob as being mad like the Joker; and with the same lack of identity and accountability.

Hence, the grand confrontation of our time: How do crime fighters battle against those not moored to civilized society and who don’t believe in anything except their own will to power?

A great question, and I wish you, I, or someone had the answer to it. Other than removing the guard rails and letting them fall into their own sewers, I see no way they’re going to change, except for the worse.

A good essay, Doug, and I’ll post it tonight.

  Robert Gore
October 13, 2019 10:07 am

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Isaiah 63:19.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 12, 2019 10:34 am

Brilliant !

I see ‘chip’ pulled the same comment I saw-

“Honestly, who do these people think they are for telling me what shows I should watch? And why is it they can hate Trump, but I’m not allowed to laugh at his tweets?”

Haha….sometimes you just have to toss a rock, huh?

James Holmes and internet search of gov. mind control produces much;

’22’ said “Clearly military intelligence, DHS, and 17+ other agencies….”

I think the connections are clear….you just can’t see them.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–== The Land of the Plumed Serpent is looking for Apollyon

October 12, 2019 10:59 am

Everyone seems to be losing their minds so this movie should be a hit.

Not Sure
Not Sure
October 12, 2019 11:07 am

Always making me think, that’s what I appreciate about your musings.

Today I’m seeing a unifying subject that has laid hold of the patriots as well as the collectivists; everybody wants to see the system destroyed. And the scary part is the one who controls the destruction we’ll be the ones who do the rebuilding. The funny thing is the collectivists want the patriots to start the fireworks so they can point the finger at the gun owners as being the bad guys, but the patriots who are still law abiding won’t break any laws; things are still stable and no one wants to rock the boat. A true Mexican stand off. It reminds me of an eternal fight where both parties are afraid to throw the first punch, it turns into an awkward dance. Your enemy becomes your partner, how Joker like is that?

As this is all becoming its own form of insanity, I can’t close with anything to clarify what we are facing. It is what it is. The only conclusion I can come to is, the only beneficiaries to maintaining the status quo are the elite who do not want things to end, as they have totally gamed the system in their favor.

Maybe they are the ones pulling the strings of both dancers?

  Not Sure
October 12, 2019 10:10 pm

Not Sure –
Maybe they are the ones pulling the strings of both dancers?
I’ve believed that for a long time, but the elites are probably under-level. If the public knows you, you’re not a string-puller.

I think that one of these days someone is going to open up with a full belt of M60, or a SAW. Maybe more than one person. I wouldn’t guess from which side; an Antifa-type who finally loses it and the hate takes over, or someone on the conservative side who believes there is no more hope left. Or anyone from about any point on the chart. There’s too much going on and someone somewhere is going to pull the trigger, or trip the switch, for one of many reasons. These times we are living in have never ended well all throughout history, so I don’t expect it to here.

Not Sure
Not Sure
October 12, 2019 10:41 pm

Tick tock, who will draw the first blood?

October 12, 2019 11:45 am

Sorry but Jack Nicholson will always be the “Joker” to me

EC the vulgar
EC the vulgar
October 12, 2019 7:24 pm

Nicholson’s got nothing on Cesar Romero

  EC the vulgar
October 14, 2019 12:00 pm

Doc Pangloss said the tv show Batman featured real actors – Cesar Romero, Frank Gorshin, Burgess Meredith – in supporting roles. Romero’s Joker was wild, the comic has also shown the Joker to be mad or gone mad after acquiring a reality-altering machine (it is pretty funny to see the batman in checkerboard pattern) .

Jokin’ Phoenix playing the Joker, is a natural for a guy who once pretended to retire from movie making to take up rap. Reversing the order sequence, hilarity to madness, where the Joker skips over laughter and emerges from madness to evil is as they say, a new twist; it isn’t biblical – “Laughter,” I said, “is madness.”

* The Spanish version says, “To laughter I said, thou are maddening.”

October 12, 2019 11:53 am


This is the very best review of the movie I have seen anywhere.

October 12, 2019 12:06 pm

Again I am humbled by your writing Doug. Your analysis of the movie has the ring of truth and confirms and congeals vague thoughts constant on my mind.

Last night I watched The Last Emperor on a cable movie channel.

“a 1987 epic biographical drama film, directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, about the life of Puyi, the last Emperor of China, whose autobiography was the basis for the screenplay written by Bertolucci and Mark Peploe.”

“Puyi’s life is depicted from his ascent to the throne as a small boy to his imprisonment and political rehabilitation by the Communist Party of China.”

The movie is a sweeping visual and theatrical telling of history. It won 9 Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

And today I make the connection of your post and the The Last Emperor, thinking of Yin and Yang. I imagine Puyi (the Manchurian Monarch) at the end of his life would most likely find agreement with your observations as witness to topsy turvy destructionist and revisionist tidal waves.

October 13, 2019 12:08 pm

Keyser- One of the hidden meanings of the yin and yang , and is said to be the original, was that it represents the path (in a circle around the (flat?) Earth) much as a clock would work. Which is contrary to the Earth spins around the sun and the moon orbits the Earth. That puts the sun and moon very close in proximity, does it not? The actual lighting of the day is achieved with ionizing and charging noble gasses is a theory as to how we have daylight in the construct. I guess that would mean the sun and moon/yin and yang was for entertainment purposes. The “man in the moon” was a nice touch.

October 12, 2019 12:40 pm

Wow Uncola, that first passage of Holy Scripture describes perfectly the Democrats and The Liberal Left and their psychotic hatred of President Trump. Well done!!!

October 12, 2019 2:43 pm

Actually that verse of Scripture is talking about “false teachers” or religious leaders. It is a continuation of the train of thought from Chapter Two. These false teachers are the opposition, satanic in nature, and all the explaining in the world will be for nothing except as said in Scripture God himself allows them to understand.

2 Timothy 24-26
And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Here is the NIV version, a bit easier to understand:
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

Democrats took God out of their party a very long time ago.

October 12, 2019 1:23 pm

LOL I think for a while there you were actually Mansplaining Feminism. It’s too bad that’s always a blanket term, because there’s Good Feminism and Bad Feminism. The good kind means your daughters, sisters, and mothers can fully maximize their God-given free will, and gives them a chance to develop their various skills and interests, out from under a fuckin burqa. At least until a Tranny joins the team. It even means they can avoid having their ‘nads sewn up with an old needle used for fixing camel blankets.
And it means I can develop a habit of independent thinking (in spite of a public school education) and a habit of going to first hand and original source documents to try to get at what the “truth” is. I don’t have to be satisfied with being told what to think by husband or father.
It means that after years as a Democrat, in an extended family of Democrats, I and my daughters can red-pill while the men in the family have not (yet) and we can go vote accordingly. Which benefits all the Incels here who want to take our votes away and presumably put us under burqas. Good luck with that btw, while red-pilling we’ve developed an unyielding commitment to 2A and stand your ground laws.
Bad, or toxic feminism uses a type of insecure female as a front for a self-serving MALE agenda. Which is a trick that is without parallel when it comes to being successful. Because of age-old emotional differences originating in physical differences it’s easy for men and women to set each other off, have resentments build, and because Life Is Hard, it’s easy to start thinking the Other Side has it SOOOO much easier. And, they’re just assholes.
Sounds like fertile ground for political exploitation doesn’t it? For a case in point let’s look at AOC. She’s not her own woman, we all know it, even AOC knows it. Chunk Ugly from the Young Turks is 1000% her puppetmaster. He “has all the answers” and wants to remake the world like most driven Liberal Men. And like most Liberal Men he realizes people feel warm and fuzzy voting for women. Just like people realized an untried black Senator from Illinois would make people feel warm and fuzzy voting for him, and boy did they. Remember people crying when Obama was elected – because they had brought in our first black president? They were crying for their own selves, how brave and beautiful they are, how virtuous. Look at me I voted for a black man. *sniffle* Same thing goes when it comes to voting for women. People feel good about it. So Cenk doesn’t run his own ugly ass for Congress, he holds auditions and tells a cute girl what to do, say, and think. Is AOC powerful? A feminist icon? I say no, it’s the oldest game in the books. She’s obeying a male because she’s empty on her own, and he’s driving her like cattle, using her like a tool.
So how about we all don’t get used and be tools ourselves? Everyone falling into all of these traps of division and base-brain resentment just makes Satan happy. Especially when the man v. woman thing blows up. That’s the first and foundational relationship which all other human relationships are built off of. Don’t be tools.

October 12, 2019 1:49 pm

@ Strang3r,

RE: good feminism versus bad feminism

Just want to point out that I did say “many modern women” which, by no means, means all.

@ to all of the other commenters:

I’m always humbled by the perspectives shared here. So good…

October 12, 2019 2:06 pm

DaUm 3r. Post more often.

October 12, 2019 3:07 pm

You just slid yourself right into the same mental bucket as the men in her family she exhibited open contempt for. Sew them balls back man and recognize when you’re encountering a Lilith.

October 12, 2019 3:00 pm

The good kind means your daughters, sisters, and mothers can fully maximize their God-given free will, and gives them a chance to develop their various skills and interests, out from under a fuckin burqa.

Which you were never at risk of.

I and my daughters can red-pill while the men in the family have not (yet) and we can go vote accordingly.

Who are only that way because women who were never at risk of the “fuckin burqa” threw a century long tantrum and the doofus overly trusting men in general bent over backward trying to please their women when all the women really wanted was someone willing to say NO regardless of how many tantrums they threw.

Which benefits all the Incels here who want to take our votes away and presumably put us under burqas.

They want somewhere to escape from domineering feminine nonsense but they can’t go west or even online competitive games anymore.

Bad, or toxic feminism uses a type of insecure female as a front for a self-serving MALE agenda.

Baphomet is male and female… and you’re overcompensating.

October 12, 2019 3:25 pm


I would like to expound on the theme of Good vs. Bad Feminism. While Doug defends his thesis well… with deference to modern women, I want to jump right in, typical Maggie McGhee fashion and challenge the good/bad paradigm.

My cousin’s widow has taken to dressing her young kindergarten son in shirts declaring him a Feminist.

I see the chip on her shoulder and would warn her about it, but I think I dodged my own bullets nicely; so shall she.

My kid survived being dressed up like Sandy Duncan dressed up like Peter Pan. Huck will survive being a “feminist.”

God willing.

But, what the hell? Why, in her anger at her former dominating husband, do that to that child?

  M G
October 12, 2019 5:12 pm


Wouldn’t you call that bad feminism? What is the purpose of the question to 3r exactly? I think 3r is against bad feminism, no?

I will certainly listen to your response. Maybe I am misreading 3r.

October 12, 2019 7:32 pm

I am Anti-Feminism.

I do not like the idea of there being good/bad versions of what is not really a thing.

Are you aware of a Maculinist Movement, any Burn the Jockstrap bonfires?

Of course not. And no woman I know burned her bra either.

(Although this one dude took off to Juarez Mexico with half my swimsuit. 😉 )

  M G
October 12, 2019 11:44 pm


3r just came across to me as a person simply wanted to stand on her own 2 feet, contribute and had no time for whiny blue pilled men. I could have missed her message(?).

October 13, 2019 3:02 am

Stop.comment image
It’s for your own good wip.

  M G
October 13, 2019 1:54 pm


“My kid survived being dressed up like Sandy Duncan dressed up like Peter Pan. Huck will survive being a “feminist.”

HA! That made me smile!

I survived being dressed up like Mary Martin as Peter Pan in 1955.

October 13, 2019 7:52 pm

TBP is gonna have to step up on Throwback Thursdays and re-publish these old programs before they remake every damn one into some LBGTQ garbage.

October 14, 2019 12:50 pm

Seriously, if I come across it I will show you. The kid was a very pretty Peter Pan. I liked the costume so much he wore it three years in a row until he finally outgrew it.

He may be right about my sheltering him. But, he thought that was what Halloween was all about! Him getting all dressed up like Peter Pan!

I was only Wendy one year. I outgrew the tutu.

  M G
October 13, 2019 6:36 pm

Fwiw…this somehow summoned a call. Where is EC?

  M G
October 13, 2019 7:54 pm

Mourning what happened to one of my favorite songs. I wonder what depraved movie will ruin the Chakashas?

October 14, 2019 12:53 pm

I am glad I did my Pilates this morning so realize those breathing exercises are important.

Seriously, what the hell?

October 12, 2019 10:28 pm

Well, nicely done, 3r. Welcome to the Red Pill Nation.
I get what you’re sayin’. Though I can definitely see where M G is coming from.
Here in my splendidly isolated community, the women work right with the men. Have for about 150 years. They all (well, most…) scoff at any thought of ‘feminism’, one way or the other. A lot of rancher babes, hunters and wood-cutters.
In all my years supervising various crews and shops here and there, my expectation that women would work right along with the men pushed a few of their buttons. Sometimes pretty hard. But the good ones more than made up for it, and quickly tuned their sisters up to reality. In all those years I only had to get rid of one.

October 13, 2019 6:46 am

I think those of us living in isolated communities should thank lucky stars and hold on tight.

October 13, 2019 4:54 am

“Which benefits all the Incels here who want to take our votes away and presumably put us under burqas.”

Who specifically on this forum have you identified as incels?

Have you heard any incels who have even mentioned voting issues?

Some menfolk on the dissident right have questioned – with good reason IMO – the wisdom of the 19 amendment, but have in no way advocated that women be “put under burqas” or otherwise forbidden from wearing whatever they deem compatible with an elegant, wholesome display of their physical beauty.

FWIW, I for one believe that most men too should be barred from voting.

Our founding fathers obviously believed that the franchise should be limited to White men of demonstrated good character, preferably landowners and heads of households, whose personal fates and fortunes where inextricably enmeshed with those of the republic. Of course, in modern times, metrics other than land ownership, could be used to ascertain a man’s personal stake in the long-term welfare of his country.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 12:13 pm

I beg to differ. The more insane our culture gets, the more transparent the links to the Consciousness Revolution become. The 19th wasn’t the only disastrous Amendment. Perhaps not even the worst.

But it is abundantly clear that feminism has gutted alpha manhood, the dominant trait of humanity. I’d go so far as to say a Western male, regardless of creed or race, would have to be clinically INSANE to marry a Western woman. Why would you, when you can get women from most other countries who actually appreciate real men?

I just got back from my BIL’s wedding and I warned him about marrying an American woman. At least he somewhat listened to me all these years and married a young lady of Mexican descent. She comes from wonderful stock, a fiercely independent, 2nd Amendment loving family that makes me look centrist.

But she is still American, as her Apache-blooded aunt (by marriage) pointed out. 🙁

EC the vulgar
EC the vulgar
October 12, 2019 1:56 pm
  EC the vulgar
October 12, 2019 2:09 pm

That was frustrating as hell.

October 12, 2019 2:46 pm

I would have blown the Nuns up…finally get even for all that ruler knuckle wrapping and face slapping.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 12, 2019 3:51 pm


EC the vulgar
EC the vulgar
October 12, 2019 3:59 pm

That was a great Batman movie. Having shark repellent in your utility belt or Batcopter comes in handy.

  EC the vulgar
October 13, 2019 8:00 pm

Isaac captures the movie sound of those days.

  EC the vulgar
October 12, 2019 2:34 pm

If I do not choose George and Gracie, Nick selects Batman.

We are obviously limited in viewing choices.

EC the vulgar
EC the vulgar
  EC the vulgar
October 12, 2019 3:58 pm

Your description of the movie as being one where the audience sees different versions sounds like a movie I don’t want to go see. The last thing I want to be reminded of when I go to watch a movie is reality. Surely Lee Harvey Oswald did not go to the Texas theater to be reminded of a limousine driving by.

Pennywise, Joker, you see one clown movie, you’ve seen them all. Why the sudden love affair with scary clowns? What kind of nomination category does a man in a mask qualify for? Tom Cruise’ Vanilla Sky was a dud.

A story that sells is, as HF revealed about jokes, a story the audience already knows. The Joker is a supporting cast member like the Penguin and the Riddler. L. Frank Baum’s sequels about the Tin Man and the Scarecrow didn’t do so well.

  EC the vulgar
October 12, 2019 8:58 pm

That was the last Batman movie I saw. RIPs Hollywood.

October 12, 2019 2:09 pm


October 12, 2019 3:03 pm

I hope it drives people insane.
There’s nothing funnier to me than all the twits out there going bananas over a fucking comic book movie.
If you go on a mass murder because you watched a movie, that’s just fucking funny. Like your whole life built up to that event and all you have to show for it is a crummy $8, no wait, $10, no waitaminute, $20 (What do movies cost anymore?) movie ticket. Good for youuuuu. You won the game. Collect your prize.

I hope this movie whips up the simps and drives them to higher levels of anxiety, or whatever. Because I get to enjoy the show.

When you think about how shitty most movies are, it’s kind of nice to see this reaction to what all the serious comic fans are saying is a great flick.

And if nothing happens, then I get to enjoy the authorities and the talking heads looking like total idiots over a fictional movie.

October 13, 2019 10:45 am

Sag Harbor cinema was charging 15 bucks ten years ago but that came with the extra pleasure of sitting behind Alan Alda and once Spielberg and his wife

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 12, 2019 3:30 pm

An exceptional piece. I feel I learned an awful lot by reading it.

  Harrington Richardson
October 12, 2019 7:39 pm

I am reminded of a great line in another dark movie…”Lost Boys”

The grandfather of the Corey Haim character has no television. However, he receives TV guide magazine. He informs his grandson “If you get TV guide you don’t need a TV.”

He also gets the Best Last Line, too. No spoiler.

October 12, 2019 3:37 pm

Interesting article, Doug, though I must admit I haven’t seen the inside of a movie theater in decades. I don’t think that will change very soon as I am in total agreement with Razor Fist below. Worth the 12 minutes.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
October 12, 2019 4:57 pm

Where’s Weinstein?

October 13, 2019 12:02 am

Doug, don’t know if you had a chance to watch this yet, but the subject matter is up your alley and something worthy of a post, IMO. He touches on your post around 4:00 but don’t skip to it. Despite his style, which I like, he is spot on.

Where have you gone John Wayne?
Jesus loves you more than you will know.

October 13, 2019 4:18 pm

@ Nkit,

Dang. That dude is as fast of a talker as the kid Mary Christine posted.

I get what the guy is saying: Starve the beast. But, for me, at least for now, it’s sort of a matter of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.

I also got the last two lines of your comment as a spin on Mrs. Robinson, which reminded me of this:

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates’ debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you’ve got to choose
Every way you look at it you lose

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
A nation turns its lonely eyes to you, wo wo wo
What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson
‘Joltin Joe’ has left and gone away, hey hey hey
Hey hey hey

October 13, 2019 10:46 am

I haven’t wasted my money in a decade as well Don’t really miss it all that much either to be honest All the zombies playing with their iPhones

EC the frustrated
EC the frustrated
October 12, 2019 7:32 pm

It’s a tragedy that Glitter’s instrumental has been used here. Marvel’s use of Sabbath’s Iron Man killed the song. Now I can’t find my favoritest video of the girl marching band in History of Rock and Roll 2, all I get are links to The Joker. Fuckers.

berry good
berry good
October 12, 2019 9:47 pm

a commenter on zero hedge called algo rhythm said; ‘Finally ZH reprints (steals) an article from an articulate master of the English Language.’

October 12, 2019 10:49 pm

Unc. –
Just done getting through the comments.
Yep, another gem.
You have a really nice ability to weave and connect unusual themes, almost like an unexpected spice or herb in a culinary delight. So often you reveal the modern manifestations of timeless truths in a fresh way. It is always a pleasure to read your work.

And, as usual, you’ve kicked up a pretty good comment section.

October 12, 2019 11:20 pm

Very nice of you to say, TS. I appreciate it very much.

October 12, 2019 11:00 pm

Has anybody questioned the ready acceptance of gendarmes guarding movie theaters? Soon enough, they will be deployed to every public venue. That’s very typical of a state under martial law. But if nobody cares, carry on.

October 12, 2019 11:12 pm

Had a cabinet maker visit today (custom cabinet makers are treasured in these parts… I lost my Mennonite to North Carolina) and he told me on a recent visit in Illinois, he got stopped by a “corrupt policeman” who gave him a ticket for going 85 and told him he no longer was required to prove his speed until the court date.

He sent in the money and avoids the state of Illinois, as most of us do.

Of course, I paid my illicit ticket with no argument from a month ago. In spite of the fact that I was just one of several traveling at the same speed. I was just the easier target for revenue generation.

October 12, 2019 11:22 pm

We’re under what I would call ‘soft’ martial law. As low a level as possible and still keep developing the acceptance. And on one fine day something will finally allow the shift to ‘hard’ martial law, all with the approval and blessings of those who it is supposed to ‘save’. The others will deserve to be shot/imprisoned. Big Bro will say so.
I actually thought that we would’ve been there, by now. That’s one reason why I am very leery of predicting’ when’. ‘What’ is pretty easy to figure out, but the timing is practically always a surprise, all through history. The season, yes, but not the time.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
October 13, 2019 6:34 am

Something or someone?

comment image

  22winmag - w/o tagline
October 13, 2019 11:16 am

Oh yea, I would like to see her get spanked again. There’s a mental image for ya.

October 13, 2019 12:10 pm

Yeah, vote harder next time. does it really matter the choices?

October 13, 2019 1:31 pm

They will be more numerous when the elite begin to feel threatened.

October 12, 2019 11:22 pm

Even though the officers seemed friendly, EC, it did feel a little banana republic to me. Sign of the times?

October 13, 2019 1:56 pm

The wolves circling the hen house.

October 12, 2019 11:23 pm

At least they’re not out on the streets causing trouble.

October 13, 2019 2:00 pm

Wait until you see them setting up random roadblocks or conducting stop and frisk operations. You might hear the phrase, ‘papers, please’.

October 13, 2019 5:29 pm

we don’t have random roadblocks and/or frisks here in america,that’s 4 the rest of the world–
here in murica we only allow dui checkpoints,safety stops & checks 4 insurance coverage–
what kind of reasonable person could object to that?

October 13, 2019 8:10 pm

Crime fighters turned into municipal tax enforcers. Now the hover-state is making sure you pay the vig to the insurance companies. Geico, Liberty and a host of others are busy making commercials to make you laugh as they pick your pocket. Add up all the insurance you pay for and tell me which is greater, insurance fees or taxes?

October 14, 2019 12:03 am

EC- This may interest you that in KY we pay TAX$$ on insurance premiums. Each county and municipality can charge a different rate with a cap at the max of 19.75% (if memory serves me). Last I looked I pay 10.5% on auto and homes and they don’t even provide the lube before you are bent over.

October 14, 2019 1:50 pm

I just looked up… Missouri is capped at 2%. Still? I had no idea it was taxed.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 8:32 pm

Only because people are still willing to pay their car registration, driver license fees, and tolls. Wait until this country explodes and then say the same thing.

October 12, 2019 11:12 pm

Is this not just another attempt to lay to rest capitalism in favor of a more equitable system. Authur Fleck is betrayed by a system from which oligarchs benefit greatly while the average Joe gets slighted. Authur (The Joker) has brain damage and is mentally ill, that is how I see it. Same leftist slant we have seen before.

Aurora was a FF. Period.

October 12, 2019 11:28 pm

That crossed my mind, too, BL. The system did appear to fail Arthur Fleck which, undoubtedly, caused many in the audience to pine silently in the darkness: “If only government was bigger, Arthur could have been saved. If only.

October 13, 2019 12:07 am

The whole point of letting the pirate class/oligarchs suck up all the wealth is to have the great unwashed condemn capitalism and embrace communism. Golden parachutes, insider trading etc.etc. have been used to stick a giant dagger in the back of our form of government and free trade. THAT IS THE POINT.

Arthur Fleck lost funding for his medication to treat his illness due to brain injury, he blamed the pirate class. Our government is a over inflated monstrosity now and the wealthy suck up the vast majority of the wealth, bigger government makes no difference Unc. Your point is a deception.

October 13, 2019 1:21 am

In my above reply, I was mimicking the words of those deceived. To make the point that government is their god.

October 13, 2019 10:45 am

Unc- Your point above was that the wealthy Thomas Wayne was out campaigning so that he (like Trump) could “make things better”. THAT is the deception you put forth.

The club makes things “better” for their buddies and themselves, that is why the top of the pyramid has 97% of all the wealth in the world and they keep selling the , “we’re rich and we’re here to help” BS.

Edit: AND the club is 100% responsible for the price of meds here in the US being sky high while the rest of the planet pays a fraction. Arthur could not afford the robbery for his meds while trillions are awarded to the wealthy in government and military contracts. Yeah, let’s blame the guy with brain damage.

October 13, 2019 12:13 pm

OK. Yeah. I see what you’re saying there now

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
October 13, 2019 6:40 am


Stuck in neutral on a hill?

The Beginning Of The End

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
October 13, 2019 6:38 am

Aurora is home to the Psyops brigade and Colorado is home to more active and retired spooks and spies than any other state except perhaps northern VA.

Colorado is also where fake serial killer Ted Bundy fake escaped from jail. If you believe that Psyop and his fake execution, well then that’s another successful Psyop.

  22winmag - w/o tagline
October 13, 2019 12:14 pm

Actually, 22, it was a successful psyop. They all are.

October 13, 2019 1:06 pm

ONLY because the (((media))) is part of the scam Doug. If nobody calls them out, the sheep still b-e-l-i-e-v-e.

October 13, 2019 6:03 pm


October 13, 2019 6:56 pm

Anybody calling them out is called a conspiracy theorist. Mk ultra is beyond the the believability of the sheepeople.

October 13, 2019 8:12 pm


Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 8:33 pm


  Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 10:51 pm

Careful, AOC, being a word nazi can become an addiction.

October 13, 2019 8:44 pm

I see dead sheepeople!
comment image

October 13, 2019 11:16 pm

I see operatives.

October 14, 2019 10:48 am


I see Agents!!

Morpheus said to NEO

“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.”

October 14, 2019 1:45 pm

Plato- Follow closely Plato and you will come to understand.

October 14, 2019 1:51 pm

Fight the system while trying to free the minds of our brothers and sisters from the web’s of deceit And denial they are stuck in.

22winmag - 25th Amendment for 2020!
22winmag - 25th Amendment for 2020!
October 15, 2019 2:10 am

For fuck’s sake people, the mainstream admits no-talent Navy-brat Jim Morrison’s daddy started the Vietnam war with his Gulf of Tonkin hoax.

Both facts went fully mainstream and nobody even cares.

22winmag - 25th Amendment for 2020!
22winmag - 25th Amendment for 2020!
October 15, 2019 2:07 am

The “fake media” sewage coming from Team Trump is so out of gas and it shows!

Nobody is listening anymore.

Even that Veritas expose on CNN is a distraction that will be forgotten tomorrow!

October 12, 2019 11:24 pm

BREAKING: Project Veritas announces CNN Insider release

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
October 13, 2019 6:45 am


Limited Hangout! (telling us shit we already know)

Project Veritas is owned and operated by these smarmy motherfuckers, so whatever they are peddling is sure to be a day late and a dollar short!

Just beware of the Trumpscam architects, whose only strategy is pretending to attack each other and threatening to jail each other!
comment image
comment image

Sorry to break to to y’all. Project Veritas is controlled opposition, funded by the folks above. Sources matter. Distractions and Psyops matter.

October 12, 2019 11:47 pm

Everything happening in society today is just a cheap remake of the past. Read some Socrates, Plato , and Aristotle. They all knew, and warned, that democracy ends in disaster.

The “Beast” that “once was, now is not, and yet will come again”.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 12:34 pm

All governments end in disaster. I’m really weary of the square peg and round hole rationalization. As Thrasymachus argued with the very Stoics you mentioned, all governments revolve around the interest of the stronger, which just so happens to always end up being themselves.

Why do all governments end in disaster, you may ask? Because we’re humans and we’re fallen. No exceptions minus one.

THAT is why I flirt with the proposition of Cincinnatus. Choose a farmer to serve as temporary prelate and be done with it while we take out the trash.

Think our current trajectory of vacillating between Team Red and Team Blue is going to restore the glory that was Rome? Ok. Fine by me.

In the meantime, I’ll keep building my small farm to feed you all.

  Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 2:08 pm

It all went downhill after the Etruscan government caved in to diversity.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 2:44 pm


Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley
October 13, 2019 8:41 am

“From Constitution…To Algorithms”

This article was written by Daniel Taylor and originally published at Old Thinker News
A.I. driven social scores to supplant the Constitution?
Professor Larry Backer of Penn State University writes in a 2018 paper that resistance to social credit systems in the West could be dissolved when the masses are “socialized… as a collective” and “…the great culture management machinery of Western society develop a narrative in which such activity is naturalized within Western culture.”
A 2018 paper written by prominent law professor Larry Backer of Penn State discussed the ways in which a social credit system could be implemented in the West. Backer writes that the shift in law with this system will “…change the focus of public law from Constitution and rule of law to analytics and algorithm…”
In the paper, titled “Next Generation Law: Data Driven Governance and Accountability Based Regulatory Systems in the West, and Social Credit Regimes in China“, Backer describes moves to social credit in the West as “fractured”, but gives guidance on how societal norms could be steadily pushed to accept this system.
Backer proposes that the “great culture management machinery” of the West normalize the idea of social credit and sharing private data. Backer writes:
But is it possible to socialize the masses, or even mass democracy as a collective, to embrace this pattern of data disclosure beyond these immediately self-serving closed loop systems? Would it be possible for the state to develop systems for the enforcement of laws (criminal and regulatory) that depends on intelligence by inducing the masses to serve as positive contributors of data necessary for enforcement or regulation? The answer, in Western liberal democracies, may depend on the ability of the great culture management machinery of Western society– its television, movies and other related media–to develop a narrative in which such activity is naturalized within Western culture.
As Big Tech and artificial intelligence creep further into our lives, a grid of high tech surveillance has entangled us. As if to pacify resistance, these systems (Google Home, Apple watches, Amazon Alexa) offer “convenience” in the form of targeted ads, personalized content and other features.
In reality, this system is meant to determine whether or not you will be allowed to function in modern society.
The Trump admin is reportedly considering using this surveillance grid to monitor the population for signs of mental illness, triggering authorities to confiscate firearms from “dangerous individuals”.
In 2013, Old-Thinker News asked the question “Will Insurance Companies Use Smart Appliances to Monitor “Unhealthy” Habits?”
As this 2013 Wall Street Journal article stated, your insurance company:
…already knows whether you’ve been taking your meds, getting your teeth cleaned and going for regular medical checkups. Now some employers or their insurance companies are tracking what staffers eat, where they shop and how much weight they’re putting on — and taking action to keep them in line.
Artificial intelligence, programmed by power hungry individuals, is steadily taking over our society. It is already censoring political opinions. It will be making medical, education, and financial decisions. Humans are to be sidelined. The social credit system will be watching you closely for any deviant behavior. If you aren’t careful, you will become an outcast. Access to food, transportation and medical care will be denied.


For those too ignorant or too full of cognitive dissonance here is a short understanding for ya..

It is Saturday morning and I like to wake up early so I had set my iPhone alarm to wake me at 5am. (Apple now knows what time i woke). I grab my iPhone and head to the kitchen and turn the coffee maker on (it wirelessly informs several other kitchen appliances, Alexa and my iPhone denotes this too). I open the fridge (it sends a signal to other kitchen appliances and my iPhone) and to grab a few items. Yogurt, orange juice, some blueberries. When I shut the fridge door the RFID signal on the packages I took out were read by the fridge so it knows what was removed and at what time. Now apple and others know, with near certainty who was up, rummaging in the fridge and what they took out. (Ok I think you get the point of “breakfast in the new age” so let’s move on. )

I go to my closet and grab blue jeans a button down shoes belt. Each has an RFID from the retail location I purchased as does my cleaners who placed a very small RFID barcode on each garment for tracking purposes. Both these signals are tracked by my iPhone, wifi signals, kitchen appliances etc. The kitchen appliances are still snooping on me so they can sell my activity tracking information to other retailers. Seems if you purchased a microwave for hundreds of dollars you should get a huge discount if they informed you they were going to spy on you and sell your activity or at least offer a choice of no spying. Seems every single thing I buy, with MY hard earned money, is now making money OFF ME. But I digress.

Anyway, I head out to the basement and every door has a sensor from my home security. It can track every door that opens and infrared movement. It tracks me via door openings going to the basement and the motion sensor follows my every move. I open my safe grab my gun and head to my vehicle. With the fridge, microwave, coffee maker, doors and motion sensors, iPhone, Alexa and numerous other things now tracking me, my car now gets involved. The hands free portion of my entertainment system recognizes me and my voice. The car starts and the little black box, gps, phone system are all on me like a bloodhound. I am tracked to every location I go, every traffic signal camera, and every light I stop at. Every song I listen too whether sad or upbeat is denoted, filed, logged. I pass near businesses and all my data is shared with them and to their own security cameras. Yet, Here I am thinking nobody knows where I am, where I am going, what I am listening to, what I am thinking, or what I am about to do. I was truly enjoying my weekend and looking forward to spending quality time with my wife and kids.

Over the past week, a stressful week at that, I needed some quite relaxing woods time. I had decided to go for aa short hike. I had brought my gun because it was coyote mating season and they can get aggressive. As I was driving down the nearly abandoned country road I see blue lights in my rear view mirror. I pull over. A loud speaker comes on and demands I throw the gun out of the car and step out slowly. I have done nothing wrong and do not understand and certainly do not want to scratch up my $7,500 .22 nearly rusted revolver. I have a permit and am not a threat. So I decided to open the door and the last thing I remember before being shot to death was loud banging.

The ensuing investigation and media narrative was they “knew” I had a stressful week and was planning on hurting, someone, or myself. That I had chosen to “die by cop” instead. Even though the sweet note I had left my wife and kids stating I was going hiking and will bring my revolver just in case because coyotes were in abundance since hunting was outlawed and how much I loved them and looked forward to picking them up in a few hours to go to the local town fair. Well, that was all but ignored and explained away. It did not fit the narrative that guns are evil and people that own them have them or even like them are borderline unstable at a minimum.

What nobody was asking is how did the officer “know” I had a gun? “Why” did the officer feel I was a threat at that time due to a stressful week? Amongst any other questions at all.

It did not matter, I was dead, my family lost, kids life changed forever and my reputation as a gun wielding mad man will forever follow my family and negatively affect them until they die. When others see this example, they will all, like rank and file, stiffen up and toe the line of compliance for surely they do not want a similar situational issue or outcome because they all deep down realize they are being tracked but they ignore it because Clash of Clans is just so addictive and gives you something to do for the 38 seconds you must be alone in public while waiting on friends to park their car.

Welcome to your new life and country controlled by algorithms vs the Constitution. Hope you really get a full mouthful of it, so much in fact it makes you sick. You deserve it all.

  Aldous Huxley
October 13, 2019 9:40 am

Do you know what, Aldous? I think you took too much peyote in the 1950s.

Yes, I’m onto you, Mr. Huxley. I came across a book which looked interesting and, was so-so.+

Jacob’s Hands is the fable, written in the 1940s. It didn’t quite overwhelm even when “discovered” by Sharon Stone. But, it is interesting, since it precedes the Doors of Perception experience.

I wonder if your mind is linear, Aldous. Can you perceive of alternate universes where no one is tracking anyone and the birds really are birds not cleverly disguised camera drones? Or did you accept your perception of the Brave New World as the only possible outcome to the sexual depravity and onslaught on family values that would accompany the rush to sample the mind-enhancing quality of psychedelic drugs and psychoanalysis?

I think it turned you into a cynic, Aldous!

  M G
October 13, 2019 1:19 pm

Will love seeing discussion on this. Glad it elevated.

  M G
October 14, 2019 12:43 pm

Someone thinks awfully highly of themselves

  Aldous Huxley
October 14, 2019 12:40 pm

Welcome to the Borg Smart world IOT

you’re either with them or you’re the enemy.

social credit system led to Dennis Leary living underground in “Demolition Man”

  Aldous Huxley
October 14, 2019 1:32 pm


Nice work! This is a reality for many already. Their willful denial and ignorance to how the technology works is an Orwellian “strength” and provides them with a herd-like comfort

October 13, 2019 10:09 am

I won’t bother to see this film, but going by DL’s excellent analysis, I arrive at the conclusion it’s mere art imitating a socio-engineered reality wherein relativism is real.

We’ve allowed our daughters to be turned into whores, our sons into homosexuals, our schools into indoctrination centers, our churches into temples of tolerance and our government into a corporate controlled crime cartel . There is no turning back now. This is how it ends.

As Douglas Murray acknowledges in The Death of Europe, “it’s over … we gave it away for nothing. ”

October 13, 2019 10:36 am

Flash- Excellent comment but just remember, it’s the club/elites/pirates who force us to give it away EVERY TIME. They benefit entirely.

SAME/SAME different day and you and I really have NO input in the situation.

October 13, 2019 11:07 am

Bullshit. No one forced anyone to do anything. We traded our nation, souls and our culture and transitions for pride, pensions and parties .We get what we allow and deservedly so.

October 13, 2019 11:27 am

REALLY Flash?? Did you or I have any input in the TRILLIONS of taxpayer$$ sent to Israel in the last 60 years? Did we have any say into TRILLIONS spent on phony banker wars?? Did we get a vote on the bank bailout that was again TRILLIONs ?? How about the 60 years of welfare giveaways no matter how many conservatives we voted in office, also trillions of $$. The club controls all three branches and we have duct tape over our mouths and our hands and feet are bound with shackles. You are mind controlled to blame yourself for the pirates cleaning out YOUR pocket fukwit.

October 13, 2019 11:33 am

Government is merely a mirror of society at large. Tolerance is not a strength. But you knew this already.

October 13, 2019 11:55 am

Government is a sting operation run by the mafias. Go back to sleep prisoner Flash.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 1:05 pm

Succinct and accurate. Americans need do nothing but look in the mirror. They surrendered God and critical thinking for the sedated comfort of their current ignorance and indenture.

  Articles of Confederation
October 13, 2019 2:18 pm

You elect a paper tiger and the machine hires the minions. That is government and it doesn’t reflect you or me. Government is like the old joke about the nobleman going to war. He left the key to his wife’s chastity belt in the care of his best friend. Not long after, his friend catches up to him on the road. “It’s the wrong key!”

October 13, 2019 4:06 pm

None so blind…
If you participate in the joke long enough, you become the joke.

comment image

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 14, 2019 1:08 pm

“Government is merely a mirror of society at large”

Indeed. And what drives society ?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–==

October 14, 2019 1:44 pm

I would argue with parts of that except for the pensions part… The government is giving pensions away to everybody if they qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act. I think the enactment of that occurred under Bush, but the Administration was under Clinton, I think.

I just know that the definition of “disability” and the abuse of the SSDI “benefit” by the underclass to get children labelled with all sorts of syndromes (is that what ADD and ADHD are? syndromes?) and exposing them to sexual behaviors in their entertainment and education system (even curriculum!) which their minds are unprepared to conceptualize. So, a whole generation of children treated with anti-depressants and stimulants to alter their moods and re-focus their minds are getting a government check for a disability. Do you think there is a snowball’s chance in hell these young adults raised on government cheese plan to get cheese any other way?

Thus, UBI… Universal Basic Income. It’s only “fair.” Everyone gets a pension in the Brave New World.

  M G
October 14, 2019 1:54 pm

MG- VOTE for E. Warren, she says she will raise your SS benefit by $200 per month if elected that is $400 for you and Nick or $4800 per year in your household.

Bleeve Dat?? Make it 10K a year and I’ll play Brave New World, electronic money is the shit Mags. 🙂

  M G
October 14, 2019 1:59 pm

All politics is local. I was immersed eyebrow deep in local politics for about thirty years , which included a very active part in the local taxpayers watchdog group. Corruption was exposed and names named publicly on blogs and in local news editorials and nobody gave a FUCK thus nothing ever changed . Debt rose with the rate of corruption and local taxes skyrocket even though service are reduced. This apathy also extend to state levels, with by extension encompasses national office too.

Comparative to the big picture of graft in Federal government SSDI is less than meaningless. Like I said, if you want to know who destroyed our Republic just look in the mirror.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
October 14, 2019 6:10 pm

Yup. Americans use the excuse that they’re too busy working.

A few points here: 1) Why are they too busy working? Is it due to taxes, both hidden (inflation) and not, that they just ignore as a “cost of doing business” in Murica? 2) What happens when govt. fails, as all govts. eventually do? Chances are your job will go bye-bye. 3) From where do these politicians arise? Mars? Or do they come from the people blaming everyone but themselves?

Americans have become dependent, lazy thinkers. Either everything is a conspiracy, or everything is awesome. At best, they’re checker players. The East plays Chess, thinking 10+ moves ahead.


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
October 13, 2019 10:39 am

Comedian, Owen “Big Bear” Benjamin, has thrown off and defeated the politically correct stranglehold on real comedy by performing an end run around the subversive Hollywood Politburo. Please check him out.

October 13, 2019 7:12 pm

Thx for this riveting piece of prose. “Destructionism” reminds me too much of the “Samson Option”.

October 13, 2019 7:42 pm

You fucked me over, Uncola. I lived a pleasant life not knowing that Gary was a convicted pedo and I regret one of my favorite songs is now a theme song for a shitty political movie. I used to wake myself up each morning blasting Black Sabbbath’s Iron Man or Janis’ Cry Baby just before heading to school.

October 13, 2019 8:28 pm

Did you ever find the girl marching band version?

October 13, 2019 10:24 pm

I posted it here and, according to Yokes, if I had posting privs, I could find it. Right now, I’m lucky to find my ass. This ain’t it:

Jack MeHoff
Jack MeHoff
October 13, 2019 11:10 pm
October 13, 2019 11:53 pm

EC- Might I suggest a map and a guide dog? Did you use both your hands?

October 14, 2019 12:38 am

I was using a guide that Big Red gave me – “How to find your ass using this one simple trick.”

October 14, 2019 1:04 am

Big Red is the secret weapon the Russians saved to drive the few remaining sane Americans completely mad. I think they are “WINNING”.

October 14, 2019 9:51 pm

My ex dressed up in a home made version of that outfit.

Had I been a smarter man in my youth, she’d not be my ex.

October 14, 2019 3:07 pm

Uncola et al,

UNC mentioned Dave Chapelle recent Netflix stand up, “Sticks & Stones” so I figured this a good place to post this:

I wonder when the cancel culture rage will spotlight Chappelles “words” that apparently hurt so much the (fill in the blank pronoun) cancelled itself from the planet.

October 14, 2019 10:18 pm

Saw it, thought it was great; Joaquin Phoenix should be a slam dunk for Best Actor. I’m not sure of the social implications but it sure reflected much of what’s going on now. And I felt an undercurrent of tons of pent-up shit! Right about the now, people are frustrated. Where are the indictments…..or are you telling me we should stick a fork in it?
NAH! MAGA 2020

October 15, 2019 2:19 am

I agree, well worth the price of a ticket. You come away pondering the overlapping themes and layers of meaning as well as dazzled by the
great movie-making: wonderful screenplay and acting, directing, editing, soundtrack. At least where I was, the audience was large, and it was absolutely silent for the entire 2 hours and 15 minutes it took to tell the story. It is a tale of individual and social madness that is transfixing while challenging the viewer’s grasp of reality. It is not a romp in the park.

October 15, 2019 10:42 am
October 15, 2019 10:49 am

Apparently there is even a Joker Filter for instagram. The only way I know this, uhhnfortunately is from this article:

October 15, 2019 11:22 pm

Really? Two audiences? I read your article up to the point where it talked about ‘“Sticks and Stones”. I then went to youtube, found it, and listened for about 10 minutes till I said screw this nigga. It’s not for two audiences – it’s for one audience – the left. At that point I decided I’m not going to watch the Joker. And I decided not to finish this article.

October 16, 2019 12:48 am

Not too bright are you scuzzy.

October 16, 2019 3:45 am


You always write well. This is your best sh*t ever.

I can’t get half my family to recognize they are fantasizing about their notion of human nature. Even worse, they lie to themselves about the true nature of the most radical elements of their political ideology.

Spot on about Chappelle, cuz he doesn’t spare anybody…especially blacks. And more than most of the readers here would ever acknowledge, black people know the sh*t being pandered to them is total bullsh*t.

Mirrors have a funny way of forcing people to look at themselves and face reality.