Ten Days After Maureen DIED …. She Let Me Unequivocally Know That She Is ALIVE!!

Some of you are going to think that I have gone off the deep end.  I assure you, I have not ….  thanks to about four ounces of steel.

It’s been exactly four weeks since Ms. Freud (Maureen) died.  My days have been filled with almost unbearable sadness, an occasional bout of sheer terror, but always ending with exuberant joy whose source is literally from Another World.

The sadness is always there, just below the surface, even though my face has been trained to hide the emotion from others – especially my mom, who can’t handle the truth due to her own mountain of sorrows.

My sorrow manifests itself strongest on Sunday mornings.  That’s the day when I sit in the dining room, pour a cup of coffee for both Ms. Freud and myself.  I then take the chair she used to sit in and place my hand on the armrest while imagining that I am holding her hand, and then I talk (out loud) with her. I use this poem  (which I posted here)  as the blueprint for our discussion.

The sadness accompanied with many tears smashes me in the face as soon as I read – While thinking of the many things, We didn’t get to say. I regret not telling her more often how much I loved her but, even worse, that there were too many occasions where I didn’t show my love with action.

Then the fountains of the great deep break forth when I read – For emptiness and memories,  Would take the place of me.   No!!!!!!  I WANT MORE THAN JUST MEMORIES!!!!!  I don’t want to subscribe to the Buddhist/Taoist idea that we all simply  “become one with the universe” — some kind of ethereal hodge-podge of our material body’s atoms merging with the light, the stars, the cosmos,  whatever — which of course  logically means that we eventually become one with Harvey Weinstein when his time on earth ends. And I don’t want to subscribe to Hindu ideas of coming back as a rat, or Harvey Weinstein (which may be one and the same). I WANT THE VERY ESSENCE, BEING AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF MAUREEN LESLIE VANDENBRANDE TO STILL BE IN EXISTENCE.  And then sometimes the terror comes.

It’s a terror worse than anything Dante’ could imagine.  What can be worse than the eternal tortures of being burned, eaten by worms, feeling the pain of thirst and starvation, and if the show South Park is to be believed – having Satan shove prickly razor sharp pineapples up your ass every morning for all eternity?  I’ll tell you.   What if the Materialists are right?

What if our lives truly exist in three short phases; we’re born, we live, we die?  After that … nothing. Absolutely. Nothing. Ms. Freud simply exists no more. Dead, forever and ever! My dad is dead, dead, dead. My mom will soon cease to exist forever more. Yes, those thoughts still pop into my head; what if the Materialists have it right, after all?  Nothing is more terrifying than that.  And all the explanations, justifications, and rationalizations by Materialists that life is, nevertheless,  worth living (why would it be???) despite life’s gloomy final ending, well … that’s nothing but pure unadulterated bullshit. If I was a Materialist, I would have already killed myself. Really. Fortunately, the story doesn’t end there.

The exuberant joy comes toward the end of the poem when I read; —  “And now at last you’re free. So won’t you come and take my hand And share my life with me?”   Free from dementia, which was getting worse by the month.  She suffered a stroke during the operation;  now she is free from whatever those side effects would have been. Her brain suffered oxygen deprivation via respiratory trauma during her recovery; now she is free from whatever those side effects would have been. She is free from getting cancer again. She is free from needing dialysis again. Free, free at last ….

I close each Sunday discussion with a prayer.  I thank God that Maureen and I had 80+ days together after the operation. I was able to tell her how much I loved her each and every day, and she was able to kiss me, hug me, smile at me with those kind compassionate eyes, and mouth the words “I love you”, and one time she even said it!!

And then I am thankful that she was granted the Gift Of Death.  That’s right, it was a gift!! Her mother died of Alzheimer’s and it’s a horrible death.  I am thankful that she died without pain, peacefully, surrounded by those she loved. I am thankful she didn’t have to suffer through multiple organ failures until death took its final toll.  I am eternally thankful that she knew me and other family members right up until the final moment … that I/we never had to answer that gut-wrenching question “So, who are you?”  Yes, I am thankful that she is free.

But, I’ll tell you the main reason why I am thankful for the gift of death. She isn’t dead at all!  Sure, her body has returned to ashes.  But, we are not our bodies. We are not our minds. We are much, much more than that. Whatever it is that makes Ms. Freud Ms. Freud is still living.

And I have strong evidence.

————— –

Ms. Freud and I rarely had arguments, and even when we did, we never went to bed angry. We always resolved our issues …. except twice (in twelve years) when we both lost our heads. I don’t even remember what one of the arguments was about anymore … but, the other one is still as fresh as the day it occurred. She lost my keys about six months after we moved into the mansion!  I blamed her. She blamed me. The insults got nastier and nastier … and we went to bed mad at each other.  Over keys? What a stupid ignorant prick I was!! All because of about four ounces of steel!! I will regret my harsh words to her until the day I die.

There were ten keys on the two key rings. The problem was that I only had duplicates for four of them, while the other six were orphans.  And they were valuable. Two of the keys had to do with gaining access to the storage facility. Hence, I haven’t actually entered the storage locker in two and a half years.

I discovered they were lost the very next day when I needed my car keys.  I kept the keys in the kitchen, on the top shelf (a shelf so high Maureen could not reach them), in a small ceramic mixing bowl.  The only other things I kept in the bowl were my wallet and some pens.  I realized that when I came home from grocery shopping the day before that I left the keys in the door.  Obviously, at some point during the day/evening Maureen removed them and put them …. somewhere. But, where??  Due to her memory issues she could not remember.

What to do?  Did I mention those keys were really really important, and six of them had no duplicates?  I immediately undertook a systematic large scale effort to find them.  The apartment is 3500 square feet, 9 rooms plus 2 bathrooms, and several large closets. At first I looked at all the obvious places. No luck.  I then started over.  I tore each room apart.  One time Ms. Freud put a bottle of purple Fabuloso all-purpose cleaner in the fridge – maybe she thought it was kool-aid — so there’s no telling where the keys could be.

In the kitchen I checked every single drawer and shelf, I looked inside every bowl, I looked in the oven and fridge, I looked inside pots …. there wasn’t even one square inch I didn’t examine. The same held true for the remainder of the house.  In the bedrooms I looked under cushions, under the bed, inside the flower vases, while in the closets I checked every single pocket, every purse, etc. etc.  I never found them.  I concluded that maybe this one time Ms. Freud may have actually thrown them away.  They were gone forever.

About a year later in what was apparently a feeling of good fortune coming my way I decided to repeat that extensive search once again.  And once again, the results were identical.

Joy (Maureen’s daughter) and her husband, Craig, flew in from Chicago, and all three of us were together when Maureen died. They were here for about six days afterwards. We spent much of that time going through Maureen’s belongings – deciding what to keep, and what to discard.  I told them about the keys.  So, this is now the THIRD floor-to-ceiling search for the keys. If even possible, this search was even more extensive than the previous two searches I did by myself. We literally tore the place apart for five days leaving no “stone” unturned.  The results didn’t change.  No one found the original keys that were lost two and a half years ago (I did find another set of different keys I lost.)

A few days after Joy and Craig left I decided that I would have to go to the storage facility and ask them to cut the lock.  This kind of irritated me because they charge money for that service … plus I’d have to buy another $13 lock. I talk to Maureen several times during the day and I jokingly verbalized a complaint to her; “Well, Munchkin, when I see you again you better pay me twenty bucks!! Grrrr!”.  I was kind of half-serious, actually.  Heh.

Sooooo,  I go to the kitchen, reach inside the ceramic bowl, feel for my keys …. hmmmm, they seem a little heavy, ….pull them out, look at them, and receive the shock of my life. There in the palm of my hand, are the original ten keys on the two key rings that were lost two and a half years ago!!!!!

I couldn’t believe it. In fact, I hardly did believe it! That’s why I waited about two weeks to write about it.  I needed to think long and hard about those keys.  Am I deluded?  Am I imagining things?  Were the keys always there?  Did someone else put them there without my knowledge?  Am I engaged in wishing thinking?  Am I just desperate to believe in Maureen’s continued existence? I needed to think, and I needed to interview people before I could come to the truth.

I did come to the truth, and the truth is this: Maureen loves me so much that after she died she stuck around to communicate with me … and in a manner in which only I, myself, would know without any shadow of a doubt that the message was from her.

There is no other explanation.

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You might object; “Wait a minute, Stucky! There are always other explanations!” I concede the point.  Let’s look at them.

#1 objection:  One of the nicer titles bestowed on me here on TBP is “King Shitflinger”. This is true. I am also known as a Thumb Whore — doing/saying/writing just about anything to get attention.  This is also true. In other words, I’m just writing another stir-the-pot article in order to gain attention, and/or get a discussion going.

#1 rebuttal: This is absolutely NOT true. Those of you who know me also know how deeply I loved (and still love) Maureen. I wouldn’t cheapen her memory by resorting to my cheap old parlor tricks.  To write something about her life/death/life-after-death would be to bring dishonor to her good name …. and shame and eternal condemnation to mine.   There is no way in hell I would besmirch Maureen’s memory with a bunch of bullshit lies.  This is perhaps the most truthful and sincere article I have ever written. Objection #1 has been obliterated.

#2 objection: Obviously, the keys were there the entire time!!

#2 rebuttal: This is but a variation of objection #1.  Not only were there three massive turn-the-house-upside-down searches … but, I literally have put my hand in that bowl thousands of times depositing or retrieving my keys.  One would think that over the course of two and a half years that I would have noticed the original keys there.  And don’t even suggest Maureen put them there while she was alive — that top shelf is waaaay to high for her to even reach. Objection #2 has been obliterated.

#3 objection: Obviously, someone else MUST have put those keys there!!

#3 rebuttal: This is a good objection. However, it falls far short of reality. There are only three people who had keys to the apartment.

—– I had keys.  I did not put them there (see objection #1). You are left with just two other people who could have put them there.

—– My landlord(s) had keys.  My first landlord (Murray and Helga) were loathe to enter my apartment without me being there.  I’m not sure if they ever entered the apartment in my absence. But, even if they did; 1) if they actually found keys they would have given them to me and, 2) they have no idea I kept the keys in the bowl in the kitchen.  The same holds true for the landlord who  bought the house with a minor exception.  I believe he’s been in the house twice without me being there. But, it was a quick in and out … plus, he has no idea I ever lost keys in the first place … plus he has no idea where I keep the keys … plus he’s only been my landlord for the past three months.

—— Ms. Freud’s daughter/son-in-law have keys.  Well, they live in Chicago.  They are never in the house without me being there.  They were there about a week after Maureen died but, they were looking for the keys. I talked to Joy a couple days ago.  Neither she nor Craig found any keys. Neither one of them have any idea whatsoever regarding the ceramic bowl hiding place.

—– You are now left with visitors.  I can count on one hand the number of times over the past two and a half years where we had visitors.  We liked each other, and our privacy.  Visitors don’t go looking for keys.  We are always present with visitors. Visitors have no idea whatsoever regarding the ceramic bowl hiding place.  I did have an honored guest a few weeks ago … our own beloved Hardscrabble Farmer.  Maybe he found the keys, and then slipped them into the ceramic bowl without my knowledge??

—– Objection #3 has just been obliterated.

#4 objection: What’s the big deal?  Found keys have nothing to do with Maureen being alive and having consciousness. 

#4 rebuttal: Let’s look at that objection logically.

—– Premise 1:  I did not put them there. No one else put them there.  In other words, per the evidence in rebuttal #3 we know that no corporeal human put the lost original keys in the ceramic bowl.

—– Premise 2:  The lost original keys were in the ceramic bowl.

—– Conclusion: Therefore, the keys were put in the bowl by a non-corporeal (spiritual) being.

What other possible valid logical conclusion can there be??  If you have one, please share it with us.

I believe that non-corporeal entity was Maureen.  Other than perhaps God, no other being makes sense.  Only Maureen knew and understood the history behind The Lost Keys … and she knew only I, myself, would understand immediately what she did. She saw my grief, and wanted to comfort me; “I’m OK Nick. Don’t worry. Don’t be sad. I’ll see you again, my love.”  It may also have been her asking me for forgiveness for losing the keys (but, I have my doubts).  More likely is that she let me know that she forgives me …. because I do feel so much guilt and remorse for the way I treated her during The Lost Keys episode.

A quick word about the strength of Maureen’s communication.  It has been documented that the deceased communicate with the living in myriad ways; dreams, visions, smell, audibly, by moving things around, by manipulating lights and other electronic devices, just to name I few.  I am glad Maureen did not communicate in that manner.  The reason being that such communications, especially dreams and visions, can always be interpreted as chemical/biological reactions residing only in my brain, and nowhere else.  But, you can’t do that with four ounces of physical steel!!  And don’t forget, I did not find them.  They were placed in that bowl for me.  It’s the best possible “proof” she could give. Good luck explaining that away …..

Objection #4 has been obliterated.

#5 objection:  All you have is an “unexplained mystery”.  The world is replete with thousands of unexplained mysteries. It is presumptuous and premature to look for non-natural (i.e., supernatural) causes.

#5 rebuttal: I cannot obliterate this objection. I have provided substantial evidence that Maureen is still a conscious living being whose personality/ego exists outside the realm we, the living, inhabit. But, I can’t make you believe it.  Our impasse is no different than when Nicolaus Copernicus provided ample evidence that the planets revolve around the sun. Yet, the religious and political intelligentsia of the day branded him as a heretic.  For some folks no amount of evidence is ever enough. You are likely a Materialist; we’re born, we live, we die, and that’s all there is. You simply can’t conceive of reality outside of what science can measure and prove. Such objections can never be refuted, and the objector can never be convinced.  That’s OK with me. Everyone is entitled to their own views.  It’s your life … sad as it might be, imho.

I rest my case.

Please feel free to be 100% honest in your replies.  If you disagree with anything I wrote/believe … please do not concern yourself with hurting my feelings!!! I will not take it personally.  My own views on this type of thing is constantly evolving.  Who knows? Even though we disagree, I may very well learn something from you in the process.

To the few folks to whom I emailed the link to this article, I hope you respond. Be aware that you do NOT need to use your real name … you can use any alias you want or, even leave the name field blank which will post as “Anonymous”.   I hope my daughter-in-law and son-in-law write about their fascinating experience communicating with Maureen.

End of article.

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[A special note to TBP regulars:

I have written articles about; bridges, castles, cars, food, raccoons, American history, recipes, home improvement, Islam, the Boomer generation (both pro and con articles), Russian history, just to name a few. For the foreseeable future that’s coming to an end.

I’m going to become somewhat of a One Trick Pony.  I’m going to be writing mostly about religion (specifically, the afterlife) and science (specifically, the implications/lessons we can learn from Quantum Mechanics regarding life after death).

In both articles I wrote about my Dad’s death, and Maureen’s, I concluded by saying that I believe in life-after-death, and possibly even the Resurrection (as presented by Christianity).  I concluded such based on logic, philosophical ideas, as well as faith.  There’s nothing wrong with simply believing. Millions upon millions of people get along just fine in life by  simply believing … and never going any further than that.  I want to go further.  I want to explore why I believe. In short, I’m searching for evidence … evidence that demands a verdict (much like I presented in this article). Over time, I will share everything I learn.  Who knows?  With a little bit of luck I might even convince a Materialist to see the Light.


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 7, 2020 10:45 am

BELIEF. It is a powerful gift we’ve all been given.
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Weeds and Seeds
Weeds and Seeds
February 7, 2020 12:17 pm

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Mustard seeds look like cannabis seeds, eh?

February 7, 2020 1:52 pm

there was another possibility that you overlooked
for whatever reason , ex mortals are forbidden to communicate with living mortals
punishments for infringements must be very bad as punishment for mortals communicating with ex mortals is to be
death (as per torah / bible )
maybe it was not an ex mortal
may have been choice C something , someone else , following your own logic
such as it is

February 7, 2020 9:24 pm

I’m so glad this happened Stucky. Go back and read my post to you from before. She’s still herself, she’s just in a “other” place. Dimension as I understand it. Now you’re a believer, aren’t you? I wrote to you about crossing over which I did for a bit. Happy Trails.

February 8, 2020 8:40 am

Stucky, I considered posting this as a “stand-alone” post for consideration, but in reality I just want to share it with you and if someone else thinks it worth bumping, they will nudge it.

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My son recently introduced me to Alan Watts, who is a Zen guru without seeming to be one which proves he truly is one.

He has several wonderful lectures available and I’ve found ones I like better than others, but I have not found one that offended my basic belief system. As I’ve told a few here, my oldest cousin moved to Auroville in Pondicherry, India seeking Truth and Wisdom. She has visited more than once and, before my father died, he said to me, sadly, that he felt as if she was wandering around over there lost.

I think her life among all those fascinating people in an international community of philosophers is probably fascinating and she is free of all the bullshit we deal with here. She just gives piano lessons, English lessons, assists some other “teachers” and goes to classes of her choice. It’s not Nirvana, but for an intellectual like my cousin? It is probably Paradise.

Thing is? I mentioned that I was going to try and contact her with my mind. I was semi-joking. I do have an email addy (to annoy you know who) for her but won’t use it.

I think she got my message because when my son came to visit last week, he asked me if I listened to Alan Watts and then, get this! He said that the way the guy talks reminded him of my cousin from India.

So, did I make contact?

Perhaps We Wake Up When We Die

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 8, 2020 9:58 am

I read this almost as soon as it was posted and shared it with the rest of the family that evening. We’ve been discussing it among ourselves for two days now while I tried to find a way to respond to it.

First, since you brought me up in the story let me remove any doubt that I may have seen/touched/known about or moved those keys while I was visiting. I know you were half kidding, but when you are looking for an answer to a confounding problem, best to eliminate every potentiality.

Second, I believe you. 100%

My daughter asked me last night whether I thought something was possible- it was a multiverse type question particular to her current reading. I didn’t have a ready answer and it wasn’t something I’d ever really thought about so I ruminated on it for a bit before responding. I finally answered her by saying that at this age and after everything I’d seen and done, I was willing to consider just about any possibility.

When I was much younger I considered the Socratic paradox to be nothing more than humble bragging, long before that phrase came into fashion. I assumed he said it- and now I’m told it may have been Plato himself, further proving the point- to make himself seem self-effacing. Clearly he knew a great deal so claiming he knew nothing seemed a kind of bragging, but the older I get and the more I learn it becomes obvious that the Ecclesiastes warning about knowledge is in fact true. We do see through a glass darkly and at different stages of our lives certain aspects open up to vistas we could never have assumed but that have been self-evident all along. We think on things as we need to until such time that something comes along to completely alter our world view and then we consider things anew, things we can’t imagine ourselves ever giving a shred of credence to.

I don’t know what we are, human beings. I know we aren’t like any of the other domesticated mammals even though we are one ourselves. I know that our physical bodies are only an enclosure for the other aspects of our existential being, our souls or spirits, the coursing of electrical energy that flows through us while we breathe, the thoughts and images that course through our minds eye while we are awake and the supernatural world we each inhabit nightly when we enter the dream world, the place where I still, on occasion if I am lucky, visit with my long dead relatives as if they were as alive, to feel their embrace, listen to their voices, inhale their scent, and look back into their eyes. These episodes are no more a memory than a photograph is a sculpture. What we cannot recall with all our might in the waking world is as real in our dreams as the feel of the keys under my fingers while I type this response .

After my daughter and I finished our conversation we watched a movie together, and one of the characters said something like this-

Everything in our life is determined by love, for good and bad, either by having it, or not experiencing it at all.

You were blessed.

It was a ruby that she wore
On a chain around her neck
In the shape of a heart
In the shape of a heart
It was a time I won’t forget
For the sorrow and regret
And the shape of a heart
And the shape of a heart

I guess I never knew
What she was talking about
I guess I never knew
What she was living without

People speak of love don’t know what they’re thinking of
Wait around for the one who fits just like a glove
Speak in terms of belief and belonging
Try to fit some name to their longing
People speak of love

There was a hole left in the wall
From some ancient fight
About the size of a fist
Or something thrown that had missed
And there were other holes as well
In the house where our nights fell
Far too many to repair
In the time that we were there

People speak of love don’t know what they’re thinking of
Reach out to each other through the push and shove
Speak in terms of a life and the learning
Try to think of a word for the burning

You keep it up
You try so hard
To keep a life from coming apart
And never know
What breaches and faults are concealed
In the shape of a heart
In the shape of a heart
In the shape of a heart

It was the ruby that she wore
On a stand beside the bed
In the hour before dawn
When I knew she was gone
And I held it in my hand
For a little while
Dropped it into the wall
I let it go and heard it fall

I guess I never knew
What she was talking about
I guess I never knew
What she was living without

People speak of love don’t know what they’re thinking of
Wait around for the one who fits just like a glove
Speak in terms of a life and the living
Try to find the word for forgiving

You keep it up
You try so hard
To keep a life from coming apart
And never know
The shallows and the unseen reefs
That are there from the start
In the shape of a heart

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 8, 2020 10:12 am

If I could stand before the Author and Finisher with a piece of my own crafting as fine as your response I would consider my own talent at expression as refined as much as it could possibly might get.

That was perfectly perfect and I am praying for peace for Stucky and a quick trip to a nice pleasant place in the countryside.

Six of one; a half-dozen of the other.

Home is the place you go when you are hurting and have no where else to go and they will always take you in.


That Robert Frost dude was clever but sometimes I think I say things better.

(could be hubris)

February 8, 2020 8:26 pm

I have no input other than I am glad you found your keys and made a wonderful connection to your beloved in the process.
But I wanted to take the time to thank you for another item repeated in your missive, one you have brought up before and has always Stucky with me. That is the dont go to bed angry bit. Of all your prolific wisdom this is the item I have adopted and try to put into practice most. Thank you, I cannot say for sure( I am sure) but I believe you have bestowed direct benefit to my marriage and brought additional love into my life.

February 8, 2020 11:45 pm

I am a Maureen. It’s an odd, old name that is rare enough that those who share it tend to bond, at least conversationally, instantly. “Oh you’re a Maureen? Me too! You spell it with a u too?” etc.

Maureens have several things in common, I have found:
we love one person forever
we take no nonsense when someone crosses our predetermined ‘line’
we’re direct
we tend to run fey

We would put those keys there.

February 9, 2020 12:11 am

Fey is a curious word choice. Nothing of Stuck’s description would ever make us picture his dearly departed as fey, or other worldly. Nor did he mention her being in a good mood right before she died.

February 14, 2020 10:44 am

It can also mean unpredictable.

February 14, 2020 10:55 am

What is in a name? Everything if it is the right Name.

Thank you for commenting.

I am from a long line of Marthas.

January 28, 2024 1:15 am

For my old friend and TBP mentor/protector amidst the shitflingers… heaven is just around the corner. Up Yonder.

Come rent the treehouse (Special all bills paid 1000 monthly) and rest easy for a while.

You can visit a couple times a week and use my basement music laundrotorium, although we plan to put a washer and dryer in the new utility room under the treehouse.