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April 10, 2020 9:19 am

Privatize the gains
Socialize the losses
Mission accomplished
Keep your doctor
Moral hazard america again

April 10, 2020 9:26 am

This ‘ pandemic ‘ was just all too convenient for feckless corporations already teetering on the end of fiscal collapse.

April 10, 2020 9:34 am

Multiple layers of event timing should make one VERY suspicious.

April 10, 2020 9:43 am

Best way to describe the news guy, this quote from Upton Sinclair in the 1930’s:
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Neil M. Dunn
Neil M. Dunn
April 10, 2020 11:58 am

So clear. So true. He has my vote.

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
April 10, 2020 12:38 pm

I have to vent this, and this looks like the best place for it….
I am sooooo goddamn tired of hearing the media wine on about “all the businesses that will lose their employees, business etc. due to Covid 19” or “All these people will lose their homes due to Covid 19″…

Call me a cruel bastard all you like, BUT:

1. If your business is running on such a shoestring margin, that you don’t have enough savings to weather a 1 month storm, then YOU DESERVE TO CLOSE. Sorry, but a business that is running literally hand to mouth, is the same as these people that live paycheck to paycheck and EVERY extra dollar is spent on SHIT. If you cannot make enough of a margin in your business to put away some each and every month for a rainy day fund – in case of anything, then YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! It is a hobby, not a serious business. A business on that small of a margin SHOULD NOT HAVE OPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE. It is not, nor was it ever viable.

2. Same with these individuals that are bitching that they cannot make their rent or their mortgage because they have not had a paycheck in 3 weeks. Seriously? I don’t know if I am remembering an alternate universe (Mandela effect maybe) but when I was growing up, when I went to business school, and then when I went in to the real world, I seem to remember EVERY SINGLE financial planner saying that each family, or individual should have savings equal to at least 3 to 6 months of salary saved in case of an emergency. Like, oh I don’t know, an emergency such as THIS!

WTF is wrong with people? Now everyone needs a bailout, everyone is hungry, everyone is displaced. We have been doing this for 3 weeks…..WTF?

I don’t like the lock down part, and am deeply suspicious of the motives behind a lot of this, but frankly, at this point, I could give two shits less if all of these paycheck to paycheck people (with IPhone’s, Tattoos, Cadillac’s, etc. ) in the food lines lose everything. And, as far as the bailouts for the small, and large businesses, it is all bullshit. The small businesses that need the bailout are doing it wrong, and the large businesses getting the bailouts spent too much buying their own stock with borrowed money, and not saving. Oh, and outsourcing to the reason for this outbreak – China. Fuck them with a sideways chainsaw.

Cash is trash, well maybe in the warped reality of money printing and buy Stawks at any price. But in the real world, savings is king, and saving for a bad risk outcome is prudent and REQUIRED of any serious business / individual.

LET THEM ALL FAIL! Let the strong balance sheets, and prudent savers pick over the ashes of the stupid, short sighted and ill managed. THIS is how you create real recovery!

  Mad as Hell
April 10, 2020 1:33 pm

“If your business is running on such a shoestring margin, that you don’t have enough savings to weather a 1 month storm, then YOU DESERVE TO CLOSE.”

is anyone beneath the .01 not running on a shoestring?

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
April 10, 2020 5:16 pm

Plenty are. They just don’t make the newz. They are the silent thinking among us – probably many on this forum. There are many people that I know personally who earn a small salary (like $32,000 /yr small) that save money by living within their means. Used car, fix things themselves, do their own yard work, actually have NOT refinanced their home 8 times in 10 years etc. They were bitten hard in the 2008 debacle, and consider that a warning shot. Now, they have had 10 years to prepare and get their house in order.

The higher income people REFUSE to start a business in an environment where everything is so expensive that the risk cannot be mitigated, and / or EVERYTHING is at the whim of some government bureaucrat and not actual supply / demand. Those people just literally sit on their money and Only invest in things that make sense.

One in particular invested in a car repair shop run by a very smart and talented mechanic, he just needed some capital to expand. They are actually quite successful now, and they not only have been able to weather the halving of their daily customer base, but have also been able to retain their employees. Why? Because both the mechanic and his partners know how to run a REAL business. They PLAN for risk, and have funds set aside from profits in case of that eventuality. Also, car repair is still a business that has little Government involvement outside of the usual employment crap. It also seems that pansies and SJW types naturally stay away from that type of job, so you generally avoid all the silliness in the first place. No need to discriminate, they naturally self discriminate. Those people don’t like getting their hands dirty, or working with anything resembling real work. Most are real men / women that grew up in homes where logic is king, boys are boys, girls are girls and soy boyz / hipsters are to be avoided. Very few personnel issues that require any “I am entitled” shit.

In this day and age you must choose VERY wisely the type of business you get in to, and whether it is an occupation that has been invaded by SJW / HR drone / Government types. If it is….pass. And personal risk is higher now than EVER before, so plan accordingly.

  Mad as Hell
April 10, 2020 5:35 pm

Engineering business are very much like your Mechanics business. SJW types are really not interested in getting their hand dirty or using their minds to create solutions to everyday problems.

SJW are only good at creating problems, they can’t fix anything.

who knows, maybe there is a sliver lining to this, maybe all the dead wood that has been able to float for the last 10 years will finally sink, and clear the way for new innovations.

(I can still pretend things will get better)

  Mad as Hell
April 10, 2020 2:08 pm

If only the world ran on logic.

Sorry, not sorry.

  Mad as Hell
April 10, 2020 8:43 pm

“saving for a bad risk outcome is prudent and REQUIRED of any serious business”

doesn’t any business that is irresponsible and takes this approach, segregating money into an unproductive nonperforming status during the opportunity season, get pushed aside by businesses that are irresponsible and that go all-in during the opportunity season?

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
April 12, 2020 12:50 pm

Define “pushed aside”? If you mean can’t continue to make higher numbers for Wall Street quarter after quarter, well yes. If you mean borrow most of the money for TI improvements and startup costs, then simply spend the profits, and barely scrape to the next month, well yes.

However, if you are talking about a local business, that grows organically (not taking on bankster debt until the demand / resources dictate, and then just as much as can be paid off quickly through profits). Don’t hire too many, BUT the ones you do hire are so good that you WANT to pay them. Provide good service, value for the customer and only spend money on things that generate revenue – IE: 1 dollar spent will return 3, then no. I don’t think they get pushed aside.

First off, if you are starting ANY business – you need to make sure you have enough capital to do it correctly. A Coffee Bean franchise (local franchise in Calif and AZ) says that to open one, you need roughly $200,000 in capital. I did the numbers a few years back, and discovered that it actually would take about $700,000 in capital to do it RIGHT. If you don’t have the capital to do it right, then DON’T do it. Save that money and do something else to grow it. Sometimes the economy and numbers (Maff) is telling you in an unbiased and unemotional way that this is NOT the right time to start a business. Respect that. Just because the media and a couple of well connected cronies on “Shark tank” tell you to be an “entrepreneur” does not mean you should. THEY can get free money through their proximity to the FED, you can’t.

In the old days, before every hipster was an “entrepreneur” ONLY the best, brightest and smartest even WERE business owners. Thus they garnered respect, and deserved it. Now, it seems everyone is a “small business owner” or “entrepreneur”. Most just paid a lot of money for a different daily grind, and the status of saying – I own a business. In reality, the business and bank own THEM.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
  Mad as Hell
April 11, 2020 1:42 am

One YouTube personality I have often followed said something to the effect of “all right, you’re struggling now; you’re worried about whether you’ll be able to pay the rent, or put food on the table, or both. Fair enough, that’s a serious dilemma for anybody. But you could have saved. The trips you took, the videogame console you purchased, all those lattes you bought daily when you went to work. You could have saved.”

As painful as it is to know that there are people struggling, what this YouTuber says is true. One thing I’ve thought of in recent time is that it’s stunning that in the United States of America, a place where millions in Europe, Africa, and Asia wanted to reach for a better life (and this inevitably includes more money), where there has been such endless opportunity, people who could easily live in relative comfort are poor budgeters and lack the discipline to delay gratification. One may make a modest salary but with wisdom one can build up savings over time.

As for the businesses, I love what this CEO said.

April 10, 2020 12:45 pm

You can bet your ass they won’t be asking this guest back again. Ask Peter Schiff or Ann Coulter.

April 10, 2020 2:22 pm

You know as soon as they went to commercial break the host was screaming “Who’s the asshole who vetted this guy?”

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
April 10, 2020 12:48 pm

If he had mentioned how capitalism works whereby creative destruction is essential, it’d have been icing on the cake.

April 10, 2020 1:18 pm

Pensions are not wiped out ?
He doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about !
In 1973 I was an apprentice at Bethlehem Steel Corp. It was the third largest steel producer in the world and by 1984 it was hanging by a thread .
Men who trained me were the guys that machined the heat shields for the Apollo missions , the only place on this side of the world that could do it . This was the part that prevented our astronauts from being incinerated on re-entry .
Many of those “ STEEL MEN” retired with 40 plus years on the job and died a few years later from many chronic health issues . We were not working in a pie factory ! The real insult was their wives ended up with a whopping $85 bucks a month survivors benefit after the bankruptcy . I am alleged to receive something now that I’m 65 because I was vested with 11 years seniority . So far nothing but working on it .
Meanwhile the owner operator of the hedge fund that took all of the main plants over lives in the largest private estate in the country in the Hamptons !
Jump you fuckers !

April 10, 2020 2:14 pm


April 10, 2020 2:31 pm

Can’t we just show our hedge fund operator brethren a little love? I mean they are suffering through this pandemic, lock down, and economic crash just like everyone else!


Until there are grave consequences for engaging in Hyper-finance Krony Capitalism the haves and have-mores will continue to eat and drink, laugh, sing, dance and have a generally good time irrespective of the circumstances, while most of the World suffers under severe austerity or worse.

April 10, 2020 5:50 pm

ha, we got one who still believes we landed on the moon, and went on space dune buggy rides.

it’s a joke, this is an engineered virus, that was supposed to only attack the Asians, but the chinks were on this like glue, and came out with a variation that attacks euro-peons.

All the Virus genomes from NY are related to those found in EU, not Wuhan. This entire event backfired, because the Chi-coms are as good as we are in spy craft and bio terror.

Some neo-con think tank pushed the CIA to do this to china, and it backfired bigly.
why else do you think they have us locked down? they know what to expect, we are, as they say, planning on how to handle the blow back.

We have been sending germs to china since 2018, first chicken flu, then pig flu, now this.
Obama created the Pivot to China, it is his same crew that did this, and is still trying to get rid of Trump.

Obama, the CIA Manchurian who gave us:

Trannies in your kids bathroom and library, gay marriage, obama theft/care, destroyed Lybia and Syria, bailed out the bastards who created 2008 meltdown, and now this.

who do you think Fauci is loyal to?

It is Obama’s legacy that has created the world we live in, Trump is just managing the Bankruptcy portion of the plan.

April 10, 2020 2:38 pm

Everyone is familiar with BlackRock, mentioned in the video, right?

If you’re not, take a look at how the firm fits into what the Fed/Treasury is doing at the moment.




BlackRock Takes Command

April 10, 2020 4:33 pm

Not going to happen when they can rob you.