Gaslighted by the Ruling Class

Guest Post by Chris Hedges

Police take the knee. NASCAR and the U.S. Marine Corps ban the display of the Confederate flag. Nancy Pelosi uses a kente scarf as a political prop. Joe Biden, one of the driving forces behind militarized police, the massive expansion of mass incarceration and the doubling and tripling of sentences, speaks at George Floyd’s funeral. The National Football League apologizes for its insensitivity to racism, although no teams appear to be negotiating with Colin Kaepernick.

The mayor of Washington D.C., Muriel Bower, had the words “Black Lives Matter” painted in 35-foot-tall letters on a street near the White House but has also proposed a $45 million increase in the police budget and the construction of a $500 million new jail. The press, which does not confront corporate power and rarely covers the poor, rendering them and their communities invisible, engages in circular firing squads, sacking or admonishing editors and journalists for racially insensitive thoughtcrimes, to advertise its commitment to people of color.

Once again, we see proposed legislation to mandate police reform — more body cameras, consent decrees, revised use-of-force policies, banning chokeholds, civilian review boards, requiring officers to intervene when they see misconduct, banning no-knock search warrants, more training in de-escalation tactics, a requirement by law enforcement agencies to report use-of-force data, nationally enforced standards for police training and greater diversity — proposals made, and in several cases adopted in the wake of numerous other police murders, including those of Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Philando Castile. The Minneapolis Police Department, for example, established a duty to intervene requirement by police officers after the 2014 killing of Brown in Ferguson. This requirement did not save Floyd.

Police unions, often little more than white hate groups, continue to have the unassailable power to brush aside would-be reformers, including community review boards, mayors and police chiefs. These unions generously bankroll the campaigns of elected officials, including public prosecutors, who do their bidding. Police unions and associations have contributed $7 million to candidates running for office in New York state alone, including $600,000 to Andrew Cuomo during his gubernatorial campaigns.

It is, as Yogi Berra said, “déjà vu all over again.”

The public displays of solidarity are, as in the past, smoke and mirrors, a pantomime of faux anguish and empathy by bankrupt ruling elites, including most Black politicians groomed by the Democratic Party and out of touch with the daily humiliation, stress of economic misery and suffering that defines the lives of many of the protesters.

These elites have no intention of instituting anything more than cosmetic change. They refuse to ask the questions that matter because they do not want to hear the answers. They are systems managers. They use these symbolic gestures to gaslight the public and leave our failed democracy, from which they and their corporate benefactors benefit, untouched. What we are watching in this outpouring of televised solidarity with the victims of police violence is an example of what Bertram Gross calls “friendly fascism,” the “nice-guy mask” used to disguise the despotism of the ultra-rich and our corporate overseers. Whatever you think about Donald Trump, he is at least open about his racism, lust for state violence and commitment to white supremacy.

A Shot In the Dark, by Mr. Fish

The crisis we face is not, as the ruling elites want us to believe, limited to police violence. It is a class and generational revolt. It will not be solved with new police reforms, which always result, as Princeton professor Naomi Murakawa points out in her book “The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America,” in less accountable, larger and more lethal police forces.

The problem is an economic and political system that has by design created a nation of serfs and obscenely rich masters. The problem is deindustrialization, offshoring of manufacturing, automation and austerity programs that allow families to be priced out of our for-profit healthcare system and see nearly one in five children 12 and younger without enough to eat.

The problem is an electoral system that is legalized bribery designed to serve a tiny, unaccountable cabal of oligarchs that engage in legalized tax boycotts, deregulation, theft and financial fraud. The problem is that at least half of the working class and working poor, a figure growing exponentially as the pandemic swells the ranks of the unemployed, have been cast aside as human refuse and are being sacrificed on the altar of profit as the country reopens for business and the pandemic crashes in wave after wave on front line workers.

The problem is the diversion of state resources, including over half all federal discretionary spending, to an unaccountable military machine that wages endless and futile wars overseas, the savage face of white supremacy beyond our border. This military machine perfects its brutal tactics and tools for control on people of color in the Middle East, as it did in other eras in Vietnam, Latin America and the Philippines. It passes on this knowledge, along with its surplus equipment, including sophisticated equipment for wholesale surveillance, drones, heavily armed SWAT teams, grenade launchers and armored vehicles, to police at home. Smashing down a door and terrorizing a family in a night police raid in Detroit looks no different from a night raid carried out against an Afghan family by Army Rangers in Kandahar.

Empires eventually consume themselves. Thucydides wrote of the Athenian empire that the tyranny it imposed on others it finally imposed on itself.

The entrenched racism in America has always meant that poor people of color are the first cast aside in society and disproportionately suffer from the most brutal forms of social control meted out by the police and the prison system. But there will not be, as Martin Luther King pointed out, racial justice until there is economic justice. And there will not be economic justice until we wrest power back from the hands of our corporate masters.

Until that happens, we will go through cycle after cycle of brutal police murders and cycle after cycle of the profuse apologies and promises of reform. We are trapped in an abusive relationship. When we finally have enough, when we cry out in pain and walk out, our abuser comes after us with flowers and apologies and promises to change. Back we go for more.

My hope is that this time around the gaslighting will not work. The protestors that have taken to the streets in some 750 cities are young, diverse, angry and savvy. Many were betrayed by the Democratic Party hierarchy who once again ganged up on Bernie Sanders to shove a corporate stooge down our throats, the calculation by the ruling elites being that as awful as Biden is, we will vote for him because he is not Trump. That this tactic failed in 2016 doesn’t seem to faze the oligarchs.

Many of those in the streets can’t find meaningful work, are often burdened by large sums of student debt and have realized that in this world of serfs and masters they don’t have much of a future. They understand that if these protests are to succeed, they must be led by people of color, those who suffer disproportionally from the inequities and violence meted out by the occupying forces of the corporate state. And they also know that social inequality is at the root of the evil we must vanquish.

The ruling elites will never willingly defund or abolish the police, which cost taxpayers $100 billion annually and often eat up half of city budgets, for the same reason they will never pay a minimum wage to the 2.3 million prisoners who work in our ever-expanding gulag. By defunding or abolishing the police, or by paying prison workers fair wages, the primary bulwark used to keep a subjugated population in check will be removed, or in the case of prisons make the system of neo-slavery financially unsustainable.

Rather, the elites, while assuring us that they feel our pain, will insist, as Biden is doing, that by throwing even more money at the police, and increasing police numbers on the streets of our cities, police will be accountable. This is true. But the police will be accountable not to us but the ruling class.

In 1994, then Senator Biden pushed through the Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act. It was supported by the Congressional Black Caucus, evidence of the growing disconnect between black political elites and those they should protect. The caucus has, in the face of the current crisis, once again called for the tired and toothless reforms that got us into this mess. “Black elected officials have become adept at mobilizing the tropes of Black identity without any of its political content,” notes Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor in the New York Times.

The bill authorized $30.2 billion over six years for police and prisons. Biden boasted that he “added back into the Federal statutes over 50 death penalties — 50 circumstances in which, if a person is convicted of a crime at a Federal level, they are eligible for the death penalty.” The bill, he bragged, authorized “over 70 increased — 70, seven zero — 70 increased penalties in new offenses covering violent crimes, drug trafficking, and gun crimes.” It also established the Community Oriented Policing Services or COPS Program that has handed more than $14 billion to state and local governments, most of the money used to hire more police. COPS also provided $1 billion to place police in schools, accelerating the criminalization of children.

The 1994 bill more than doubled the prison population. The United States now has 25 percent of the world’s prison population, although we are 4 percent of the world’s population. Half of the 2.3 million people in our prisons have never been charged with physically harming another person and 94 percent never had a jury trial, coerced to plea out in our dysfunctional judicial system.

Biden proudly said in 1994 he represented a new Democratic Party that was tough on law and order. “Let me define the liberal wing of the Democratic Party,” he said at the time. “The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is now for 60 new death penalties. That is what is in this bill. The liberal wing of the Democratic Party has 70 enhanced penalties, and my friend from California, Senator Diane Feinstein, outlined every one of them. I gave her a list today. She asked what is in there to every one of them. The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is for 100,000 cops. The liberal wing of the democratic Party is for 125,000 new State prison cells.”

There is only one way to defeat these forces of occupation and the ruling elites they protect. It is not through voting. It will come from the streets, where tens of thousands of courageous men and women, facing arrest, indiscriminate police violence, economic despair and the threat of Covid-19, are fighting for not only an end to racism, but freedom.

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June 16, 2020 11:05 am

1. Abolish immunity for all public officials…
2. Outlaw public sector unions…

These two changes would solve all of the problems with not only police abuses, but abuses committed by all public officials.

Of course, these solutions will never happen with the status quo…

June 16, 2020 12:32 pm

The universities are going to be absolute bedlam this fall semester with the SJWs on the rampage according to the script up until November election. If you have kids in college and haven’t paid the tuition yet you may want to consider letting your kids take the fall semester off.

There is also high likelihood these universities will also pull the old “COVID Second Wave” bullshit and send everyone home again mid semester after taking your money.

June 16, 2020 3:00 pm

Actually, every school from Junior High on up.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
June 16, 2020 2:37 pm

Yep. It will take the votes of public officials to curb their immunity. It is like asking Congress to pass a term limit amendment – It just ain’t gonna happen.

June 16, 2020 11:25 am

I’ve been watching these “situations” since the Watts riots in 1965 and every iteration since then. This one is different in that two hours after a “peaceful demonstration” over Floyd’s death was taken over by radicals and went riot. It has not gone back since then even with the multiple funerals for Floyd. We now have chaz/chop/whatever and it is Woodstock during the day and Attica at night.

This entire narrative is the property of whoever is controlling the blm/Antifa effort. They are radicalized and are using tactics that I recognize from El Salvador/Nicaragua/Honduras during an earlier period of time. They have piles of bricks, white twenty plus year olds with both smart phones and hand helds guiding small groups of young black kids into mayhem and required destruction efforts. The local elected clowns refuse to do anything as it would sully their ties to the radicals. Just look at Seattle…..would you ever move there?

The media in all their glory are covering themselves failure as they promote and exacerbate the problems. The bottom line is that it is all hijacked by the radicals. The losers are the friends and family of the deceased…..George Floyd and the rest of the black community. This is the way it always happens. The “situation” is hijacked for political purposes and nothing ever gets done to fix it. They even resurrected fat Al Sharpton who got to pitch a double header speaking at two of the George events.

The real losers are peloisi, schumer and the dems in congress as they knelt win Kinte cloth of the tribe that was probably the single largest group to capture and sell others in Africa to the slavers……..

At what point does the congress of the United States fix the terrible social legislation that remanded black America to the ghettos and fed them welfare, section 8a housing vouchers and every other possible bribe like abortions to get their votes and stay in power? It all started with the “The Great Societies Programs of Lyndon Johnson….

Take it from there…..

June 16, 2020 11:39 am

Talk about a dog whistling, virtue signaling piece of shit article. He didn’t miss one stereotype, including the ‘diverse and savvy protesters’ whom he equates with noble truth seekers rather than the paid-to-incite violence street thugs they actually are. He bashes the democrats, yay, but never ever touches on who and what are behind all the upheavals. Guess he’s like the rest of the folk, no concept of history, seems he never quite grasped the communist manifesto and it’s goals and can’t seem to put two and two together to figure out the true agenda happening before his ideology fogged eyes.

William Williams
William Williams
June 16, 2020 12:19 pm

You are correct Mygirl.

I am open to the fact that white people and police departments make mistakes, including ones that are lethal to “POC”; and occasionally the mistakes aren’t actually mistakes, but deliberate. But this Hedges article is garbage – either due to the author’s ignorance of the real world, or his willful misrepresentations (aka “lying”).

We already have plenty of media outlets for this sort of distorted trash, and I don’t see why The Burning Platform has to be another.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
June 17, 2020 7:52 am

Yep! Correct and to the point! The last sentence says it all in a nutshell. Get rid of Freedom. What a pile of crap.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 16, 2020 12:23 pm

You know why they changed their name to chop? It’s a reference to the French Revolution’s guillotines. They said anyone who does not go along with their revolution will have their heads removed. Yeah, there is video of them actually saying that. I’m too lazy to find it, but Trunews had video of it in their broadcast from yesterday.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Mary Christine
June 16, 2020 2:42 pm

M C – Do you think they know who Robespierre was and his fate?

June 16, 2020 3:02 pm

BLM is the presentable public face …
ANIFA are the enforcers …

National Socialists and Brown Shirts

They are One and the Same.

June 16, 2020 3:40 pm

They are neither. They are Commie Bolshevik rabble.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
June 16, 2020 3:46 pm

Trotskyite-Maoist anarchists.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Auntie Kriest
June 17, 2020 7:54 am

Trotskyite-Maoist Chaos Tribe!

June 16, 2020 6:31 pm

BLM is a money laundering unit, while ANTIFA is the military wing, of the Democratic Communist Party. The really elite ones who do a lot of writing and yelling too much are the Democratic Bolsheviks, who share a common characteristic: their religion forbids the consumption of pork and shellfish

June 16, 2020 11:32 am

The communist Chris Hedges gets a post on TBP?

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
June 16, 2020 11:55 am

Mildly slanted, eh?

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
June 16, 2020 12:17 pm

Maybe Admin wants you to think about the more subtle points of Wrong the other side presents?
Why else would he post articles from carpetbagging investment advisors who think being a passport refugee will protect less affluent people from widespread economic and social problems?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 16, 2020 12:20 pm

It’s just to get a discussion going, and possibly some shit flinging.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 16, 2020 12:47 pm

Just an educated guess.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
June 16, 2020 2:44 pm

From the Irishman

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None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
June 17, 2020 7:56 am

When the author is Chris Hedges, it is easy to target him for shit flinging!

June 16, 2020 11:44 am

This is so cute. The ruling class will never let their serfs win this battle. The elite will burn it all down and have 90% of us killed off before they release control of their money or power.

It’s good to have a dream though… hopefully the dream doesn’t become a nightmare.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
June 16, 2020 2:57 pm

It is already a nightmare and will become The Beast System concrete actuality should The Evil Fuckers get their way. And it looks like they are well on their way to achieving the objective.

June 16, 2020 6:34 pm

They’re looting everything and soon those working will have no jobs and those retired will have no pension. They’re actually in the final stages of this.

June 16, 2020 9:18 pm

Right. After that they will demand compliance for food.

June 16, 2020 11:48 am

‘There is only one way to defeat these forces of occupation and the ruling elites they protect. It is not through voting.”

It’s by not voting. We committed non-voters are now more than 40% of the eligible voters nationwide. If we get 5% more from Bernie supporters who are tired of being made fools of and 5% of Trump voters who are still waiting for the wall, the end of chain migration and the end of pointless wars for Israel and Saudi Arabia, we’ll be at 50%-a critically important psychological milestone. Your vote denotes to THEM you’re happy with the slave ship. Strip THEM bare-ass of credibility.

June 16, 2020 12:17 pm

Eventually .gov will have so little legitimacy that people will be moved to act. Not voting is one vector to weaken its legitimacy. It does a fine job on its own, but people fear change.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
June 16, 2020 1:58 pm

Starve the bastards financially.

June 16, 2020 3:05 pm

I am with you in not voting, but make no mistake they will rule w 1 vote if have to, and might make that one up.

Two if by sea. Three if from within.
Two if by sea. Three if from within.
June 16, 2020 11:53 am

A big sigh after reading the last chapter, especially. The people in the streets are not much of what was described.
End result being that the dooms-dayers aren’t all that much threatened realistically yet. Again, how many looters rolled out with deep freezers filled from the meat and poultry sections of the store?
And the author certainly gave Trump too much credit while lambasting him.
Never mind the loose goose in the streets.
Rather, be more wary of what the all powerful state is doing towards you.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson

Be aware that this communist filth, like all communist filth before them as well as every other political movement does not wish to fix or redress any system. It merely wishes to replace current elites with its own elites.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Harrington Richardson
June 16, 2020 2:58 pm

Tell it, Bro. H.R.

June 16, 2020 11:57 am

Hedges titles the article “Ruling class gaslighting” then spews out 5 pages of pukeworthy gaslighting.

June 16, 2020 12:04 pm

his face is enough to cause nausea.

June 16, 2020 12:18 pm

I had to look him up. You are not lying.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
June 16, 2020 1:37 pm

Ditto Paul Craig Roberts and Pat Buchanan.


PCR and Buchanan are now in your sights? Are they queer too?

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
June 16, 2020 6:37 pm

Pat is not gay and windbag hasn’t even met the guy to know anything about him other than what he’s read by Miles Maroon Mathis. He may be a TBP pony, but he is a one trick pony.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 16, 2020 12:19 pm

I almost stopped reading after this gem:
“stress of economic misery and suffering that defines the lives of many of the protesters.” No the protesters are privileged snotbags at the least and they are being are led by dangerous communists.

Then when I came to this one:
“Whatever you think about Donald Trump, he is at least open about his racism, lust for state violence and commitment to white supremacy.”

I hate it when I have to defend someone I really don’t like but Trump is nothing of the sort. He is a Kabbalah practicing Zionist supremacist. But that is not the same as a white supremacist. Hedges just called all of the Trump voters white supremacist racists who love state violence.

I should have listened to Fleabaggs and I wouldn’t have wasted any time reading any of this bullshit.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon Shit-poster
June 16, 2020 1:40 pm

Chris Hedges is junior varsity when compared with;
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Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson

Of course nothing in this fool’s ranting could ever be considered racist or hate speech.

June 16, 2020 3:17 pm

Hedges fancies himself as The Guru to the millennials. He got out and preached to them daily during Occupy Wall St. and they lapped it up. “Commitment to White Supremacy.” What a bunch of leftist-appeasing horseshit.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
June 16, 2020 4:40 pm

See, the problem with this article is Chris mixing in some truth and interesting anecdotes with the bullshit of “white supremacy abroad”, etc. It’s much less about racism and much more about an out of control police state on levels never before seen – surveillance, technology, financial backing. The white privilege meme is tired.

There’s little difference between our Empire or the British, Russian, Spanish, or Dutch Empires. Perhaps the faces and names of the players and victims have changed, and of course the technology, but human fallibility is behind it all. Was Genghis Khan a Mongoloid supremacist? Maybe. Is Jacob Zuma a Negroid supremacist? Probably. But who gives a shit? It’s typical tribalism and misses the entire point.

Instead of blaming the electoral college, which thankfully is one of the few things still intact if we are going to even pretend to be a Republic, try doing some root cause analysis, Chris. Or is that too much to ask?

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Articles of Confederation
June 16, 2020 5:18 pm

Like Negro Genetics.

William Williams
William Williams
  Articles of Confederation
June 16, 2020 8:23 pm

>>>try doing some root cause analysis, Chris. Or is that too much to ask?

Thank you for your suggestion, and query.

Mr. Hedges is very busy right now, generating further falsehoods and deceptions, but will get back to you as soon as possible.