The Black Privilege Complex

Submitted by RiNS

Guest Post by Deborah C. Tyler

The superiority complex is an ego-defensive, compensatory mental disorder that has been continuously researched in modern psychology for over one hundred years. A superiority complex can become established in the psychology of individuals who regard themselves as possessing some form of mental supremacy over others. The complex is a disorder of antisocial privilege in that the inflated self-image plays out in the social environment in relationships with perceived inferiors. The complex demands recognition of the claimed specialness and prevents the afflicted from entering into a mutually respectful relationship with anyone who challenges their self-image of superiority.

The black privilege complex that is currently dominating the attitudinal structure and political impetus of the leftwing is a form of moral superiority complex and a de facto mental illness. Unlike other forms of claimed superiority based in self-perceived talents such as intelligence, the moral superiority complex derives from ideology. Traditionally, moral superiority arises from the misuse of religion. The black privilege complex arises from the misuse of political ideology. Individuals evidencing black privilege complex have been duped into a disabling self-image of moral exceptionality that leads them to demand special privileges and exemption from responsibilities across the spectrum of life.

The attitudes, words and deeds associated with the contemporary black privilege complex constitute a moral hauteur that poisons social interactions with irrational, patronizing, intolerant, hostile, and in its most severe forms hateful and violent behaviors. The black privilege complex impedes the disturbed individual from being honest about themselves or showing respect for others who hold different opinions. Like all mental disorder, the black privilege complex narrows the scope and embitters the tone of life for the disordered person. Most black Americans have not succumbed to the mental imprisonment of the black privilege complex. They are trying to live happy, responsible and productive lives. Tragically, however, the exploitive ideology of the leftwing political, educational and media conglomerates advancing unique grievances and special rights for black people is increasingly taken up by young black people.

We will understand the psychodynamics of black privilege complex in light of three major psychological theories. The classical Adlerian inferiority/superiority fulcrum will explain how the black privilege complex impedes honesty about the problems of black America, including the collapse of sanctified marriage, the black abortion rate and the appalling black-on-black murder rate, while enabling the left to continually wail about the value of black lives. Illusory superiority social psychology theory helps explain how leftwing education and media joined specious narratives of “systemic” racism to the human tendency for self-aggrandizement, enabling the black privilege complex to become a pandemic, especially among the young. Lastly, the hatred spewed by anti-white extremists and crimes committed by “activists” in the most severe cases of black privilege complex may represent the clinical syndrome of delusions of grandeur infecting unproductive, decadent minds. Michelle Obama’s recent “Address to Grads” will serve as a case study of the destructiveness of enlisting young people into the waste and harmfulness of the black privilege complex.

Screen grab from Michelle Obama’s address to grads via YouTube

Over one hundred years ago, the great psychologist Alfred Adler began formulating the theory of an unconscious inferior/superiority fulcrum as a defining psychodynamic of mental disorder. Adler basically founded humanistic psychology in theorizing that people naturally strive for achievement and self-realization consistent with the common good. Mental disorder develops when the striving for humane and productive achievement is thwarted by conditions such as neglect or pampering during childhood. When this inclination to self-transcendent achievement is thwarted, an unconscious inferiority complex develops. Adler further theorized that the superiority complex secondarily develops as an unconscious attempt to overcome feelings of inferiority. Those who suffer from compensatory superiority exaggerate their own abilities, knowledge and achievement in an attempt to impress, dominate and control others. His theory further proposes that the superiority complex develops as an indirect, but inevitable result of failure to master achievable educational or occupational goals. Adler would say that one cause of the moral superiority assertion of the black privilege complex is a compensation for the moral erosion and underachievement of a segment of black American civilization.

The second psychological explanation of black privilege complex is found in illusory superiority theory. The tendency to overestimate our own intelligence and abilities is well understood. Illusory superiority takes the form of overestimating one’s abilities, power over others and of potential for gain in the absence of actual effort or achievement. The black privilege complex arose mainly as an interaction of the normal tendency to self-aggrandizement operating under the stimulus of decades of debilitating indoctrination that American society is hopelessly racist, and that as victims of racism, black people do not have an equal chance for achievement, and so deserve special privileges of opportunity and advancement without the necessity of earning them. Furthermore, rather than feeling gratitude, the black privilege complex includes the right to animosity, retaliation and reparation against American society.

The third psychological condition related to the most severe forms of black privilege complex are the grandiose delusions. Delusional disorders with grandiose symptoms entered the diagnostic manual in 2000 with publication of the DSM-IV-TR. Delusions of grandeur include exaggerated beliefs of self-worth, power, knowledge and superiority of identity. The most extreme abuses associated with the black privilege include a claim of the moral right to anti-white hatred and to commit crimes for the cause. This privilege is protected when law enforcement refuses to investigate or prosecute murder and mayhem committed by violence-privileged rioters. The attacks against public art honoring America’s heroes who founded and protected this greatest of constitutional republics, committed by pontificating degenerates, is tolerated because they are feared, but also because of the widespread acceptance of their claims of moral superiority and privilege.

Michelle Obama’s 2008 declaration “For the first time in my adult life I am really proud of my country” reflects a ludicrous sense of superiority. She was saying, “finally, this worthless nation is good enough for me.” It is bitter that she was invited to make the address “Dear Class of 2020” because Mrs. Obama rigorously discriminated against white and rural children through her years as first lady, nor was she speaking to them when she supposedly addressed all graduates. Her anti-white bias continues as she opened her online address with the racist trope about “the rumbling of the age-old fault lines that our country was built on.”

Mrs. Obama gives an anti-commencement address, advancing the black privilege complex denigration of achievement, served with a side of psychological child abuse by saying “The truth is, when it comes to all those tidy stories of hard work and self-determination… for too many people in this country, no matter how hard they work, there are structural barriers against them…” Anger is the energy of the black privilege, so Michelle gins up as much as possible in the children who are so misled as to listen to her. “So, don’t ever let anyone tell you that you’re too angry…”

She adds the most miserable advice possible to teenagers in saying, “So if you hear people express bigoted views or talking down to ‘those people,’ it is up to you to call them out.” Did anybody talk down to you when you were 16? How about yesterday? Telling kids to “call out” anyone they think may be “talking down” is worse than poor advice, its malevolent. This destructive woman manipulates the young to lives of conflict, strife and disrespect in the service of black privileging and her own malignant power.

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July 15, 2020 2:57 pm
July 15, 2020 10:36 pm

walter williams has said basically the same thing,black kids who would succeed at a 2nd tier university are accepted into top tier schools b/c of aff. action & leave embittered & feeling like losers–

July 15, 2020 3:02 pm

Race matters.

July 15, 2020 3:15 pm

I’ve always wondered about having people say you need special treatment because your skin color isn’t white. And the non-white folks just agree? I wonder what the percentage is of people who say fuck you I’m just as good as anyone. I’ve been to many of the cities where the black folks are the main citizens and its the people there who make each city the way it is. Right now they are being used by Marxists(BLM) as a wedge to push an agenda. Its a bunch of crap straight out of Rules for Radicals.

Democratic Socialist
Democratic Socialist
July 15, 2020 3:21 pm

Whites must do something real to address inequality caused by racism. A 10% income tax surcharge on whites to be given to every African American would be a good start. Whites must pay their fair share to make ammends for 400 years of slavery.

  Democratic Socialist
July 15, 2020 6:17 pm

Come and take it.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Democratic Socialist
July 15, 2020 8:41 pm

Shove your “1619” crap back up your corn chute.

Common Cents
Common Cents
  Democratic Socialist
July 15, 2020 8:50 pm

@ Democratic Socialist – Why wait? Just give $100 to every black person you see. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Democratic Socialist
July 15, 2020 9:55 pm

I have no problem with reparations, as long as it is fairly done. The standard way to calculate reparations of to find out what condition the damaged party would be in if the damage had never occurred. In the case of black Americans, if their ancestors had never been sold off by their more commercially successful African brothers, they would now be living in a tin hut in sub-Saharan Africa with an annual net income of maybe $700 a year. Hmmm… Fair payment of slavery reparations would require each black American to pay White Americans maybe $200,000 each to settle things up.

Reparations? Bring it on!

  Democratic Socialist
July 15, 2020 11:24 pm

Doesn’t matter how much you make Whites give blacks, 90% of them will blow it all within a year. The only ones who will hold on to it and put it to use are the ones who are already successful and already have assets.

Fatman from Oz
Fatman from Oz
  Democratic Socialist
July 16, 2020 6:30 am

NO REPARATIONS WITHOUT REPATRIATION. A slogan straight out of KISS school.

July 15, 2020 3:39 pm

“the great psychologist Adler” is a JEW. . It is no secret that “behind every negro there is a jew”. This was evident during the civil-rights era of the 1950s and 1960s when almost every civil-rights “handler” was a leftist communist jew. These jews fomented the violence during the so-called peaceful, non-violent civil-rights demonstrations.
Yes, my anti-jewishness is showing-not “anti-semitism” because most western-based jews are NOT “semites” at all but are ashkenazic converts from eastern Europe.
It is JEWS who put the supremacist attitude into blacks, the jews being supremacists themselves. Blacks are too stupid to see that they have been and are still being used by the jews to destabilize white-run societies.
Obtain and read the jewish talmud to see what jews think of us “goy”…

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 15, 2020 5:32 pm

I am still waiting on someone, anyone to list the great civilizations that blacks have created. Can anyone help me with an answer?

  TN Patriot
July 15, 2020 7:15 pm

And Egypt doesn’t count either. They were not Negroid.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 15, 2020 7:50 pm

Exactly. I did the search and it returned Great civilizations of Africa. All were north Africa (Arab) and none were any time recent.

  TN Patriot
July 15, 2020 8:34 pm

Sillies, according to this website, all humanity and civilization comes from negroes and whites stole that history and reworked it. White people are albino negroes. Whites have only been in Europe for two hundred years, the rest of the time it was albino black people who apparently populated the place.

“The purpose of this article is to explain who and what White people, such as those in Europe, really are. In order to do that, we will disprove and dispel (by scientific means) all of the White peoples Myths and falsifications. To accomplish this goal two things must be made clear: 1) the number of White people in the world is very
small; World Wide there is only about 800 million to 1 Billion Whites (Albinos) actually, that is only about 10 % of the Worlds Human population. This is of course a great surprise to all Blacks who have been called “Minorities” by these Albinos. Blacks (those of Negroid and Caucasoid phenotype), are of course the “Original Humans” and number over 5 billion of the Worlds 8 billion people. The truth of this statement is “Self-evident” by this fact.”

July 15, 2020 5:34 pm

White privilege is trumped by Black Advantage and has been for 35 years.

July 15, 2020 5:36 pm

Wakanda comes to mind. Oh! that was make believe by a Jewish author.

Walter Johnson
Walter Johnson
July 15, 2020 10:05 pm

One unironically intended word… vibrainium.

July 15, 2020 7:17 pm

The unopposed Africanization of the United States is happening on Donald Trump’s watch. While the president tweets “Law & Order” almost once a day, his administration is doing nothing. His party has no plan for restoring order in the country either. In fact, Trump’s campaign has decided to join the NAACP and Black Lives Matter in calling Joe Biden “racist” for supporting the 1994 crime bill, which dramatically reduced violent crime in the country.

July 15, 2020 7:47 pm

comment image

July 15, 2020 8:22 pm

Sweet Jesus. How many times are you going to cut and paste that drivel? Want me to cut and paste my response to the first time you posted it? Here, my cut and paste of the original response to that silliness…..

The unopposed ‘Afrikanization’ happened with Obama, was placed firmly in place with Obama and, are you ready? The democrats.

Why interfere when your enemy is destroying himself? What are the optics in those black democrat run cities? You think potential voters are wanting to vote for democrats when they look at those
cities? All Trump has to do is let them destroy themselves.

The country isn’t in disorder, BTW, despite the histrionics of the author of that sterling bit of journalism. Nope, the country is scooting along, except for the big city democrat shit holes. Trump even said he wasn’t going to interfere in said cities after being told to piss off by the mayors of said cities. He offered help, they rejected it. But don’t let that fact affect or slow down your Trump bashing….

July 15, 2020 8:29 pm

How many times are you going to post your lies and distortions.
You just can’t stand anyone challenging your Trump Moonie syndrome.

July 15, 2020 8:50 pm

Hoo hah, you have a mind like a sprung steel trap. Closed. Now, go cut and paste that nonsense a couple of times more, you know you want to…..go ahead, it’ll make you feel better. I promise I won’t tell anyone, it’ll be our little secret….xoxo?

Trivia Expert
Trivia Expert
July 15, 2020 10:42 pm

Speaking of traps, XOXO in Spanish sounds like chocho which is another word for snapper.

  Trivia Expert
July 15, 2020 10:48 pm

EC, you little stinker you….snapper indeed. Why is a chocho a trap, BTW?

July 15, 2020 11:30 pm

A chocha is a trap bc men are betrayed by their evolutionary biology. The species would not have survived if men did not develop an irrational desire to protect chochas and their fruit by sacrificing their own lives. Conversely, the chochas had to be able to easily and quickly sever any emotional attachments when the invading tribe chopped their previous mans head off and carried them off as booty. Although it’s not exactly like that today, history rhymes so you see women initiating 70% of divorces and sad, lonely, unattractive men giving away their money to vapid e-thots.

July 15, 2020 8:52 pm

Gotta say, this ongoing feud is doing nothing for the site.

Feuds are fine for a few days. MyGirl and I had a doozy. But it was soon over, mostly, and remains so.

It seems to me that MyGirl is doing the stirring. I recommend she let sleeping Fleas lie. And I recommend the Flea quit rising to each provocation.

By the way, Orange Man has proven to be an incompetent lying oaf. Where is the wall? Why was H1B not cancelled per his promise? Why was the beast not locked up? Where are all the jobs? Obamacare not overturned? Etc.

It is sad that the best the US can do is to have a choice for president either a commie with dementia and an incompetent lying oaf without the balls to do what he promised.

July 15, 2020 9:09 pm

OK ole buddy, I’ll cut her some slack.

Trivia Expert
Trivia Expert
July 15, 2020 9:47 pm
July 15, 2020 9:13 pm

Llpoh, Get over yourself, you of all people telling someone to lay off. Flea is an adult, he can fend for himself and if you want to jump on the Orange Man Bad bandwagon, have at it, but don’t use that as an excuse to tell Flea or me to behave.

We haven’t really flung any real shit, not like what I’ve seen flung in the past and NOTHING compared to the shit you’ve flung. Flea gets nasty but he’s not really mean I tease him because I know he has a temper and will rise to the bait. I also firmly believe that this constant Orange Man Bad harangue does nothing to mitigate the conditions in this country and are more destructive and polarizing than anything the democrats can come up with.

Go reread what Kunstler had to say in his Position Statement article and read with comprehension. He nails my attitude towards Trump and explains why he is against the Trump bashers. Here, I’ll help with some quotes from the article.

“I suspect Mr. Trump might have accomplished more in the nation’s interest if he hadn’t been hounded, harried, and sabotaged by the ceaseless bad faith hostilities of his opponents since Nov 3, 2016.”


“There’s a lot to not love about Mr. Trump in his persona and manner. There’s a great deal more to fear about the prospect of Democratic Party control of government. Their enmity to free speech cannot be doubted after a decade of promoting cancel culture. Their appetite for coercion is at odds with the Bill of Rights. ”

and finally…..

“I’m not confident about Mr. Trump’s management of the nation’s financial quandaries, and especially the racking-up of epic new debt, but there’s plenty of evidence that the Democratic Party would do a lot worse in terms of spending money that doesn’t exist and destroying what’s left of the country’s productive capacity, along with what remains of the middle class. I believe anybody who has managed to stay sane through the travails of the past four years cannot fail to see that the clinically incompetent Joe Biden is an obvious stalking horse for something more sinister. I think we will learn what that is before much longer.”

July 15, 2020 9:55 pm


If you remember, a few people including myself and Stuck helped broker a stalemate between you and LLPOH. I think he’s attempting to do the same is all.

July 15, 2020 10:01 pm

I know that, Sweetie, I also know that he didn’t have to toss in yet another Orange Man Bad comment in order to do so.

Fact is, the temps here have been over 100 plus for weeks now. Yesterday was 108 and today a balmy 106. I kill time on the internet until it cools down enough to go outside and take care of chores. Last night it was 100 at 9pm.

July 15, 2020 10:14 pm

MyGirl – I always go for the two for one deal.

Trivia Expert
Trivia Expert
July 15, 2020 10:31 pm

God loves a peacemaker, LLPOH.

July 15, 2020 11:07 pm

comment image

Trivia Expert
Trivia Expert
July 16, 2020 12:08 am

This is why nobody posts beefcake on FF. What women find sexy in men is disturbing to us males.

  Trivia Expert
July 16, 2020 12:31 am

That’s Richard Simmons on top, it’s called planking and anyone who finds that sexy IS deeply disturbed.

July 16, 2020 8:19 am

You are on FIRE! MG….

Two if by sea. Three if from within.
Two if by sea. Three if from within.
July 15, 2020 10:10 pm

The first few weeks into his presidency he “owned” the market. It was downhill from there.

Trivia Expert
Trivia Expert
  Two if by sea. Three if from within.
July 15, 2020 10:35 pm

The Democrats planned to deflate the market the same way they did when Bush II got into office. Of course, 9/11 conveniently saved Bush. Trump has found other ways to bully the fed into saving his ass without resorting to another 9/11.

However, I’m contradicting my own early assessment that 1/20 is the second 9/11. I’m no Einstein, I don’t have all the answers.

July 15, 2020 10:40 pm

name 3 people who are better than trump,who will run,and who are electable–

July 15, 2020 10:52 pm

name 3 people who are better than trump,who will run,and who are electable–

Excellent question, I would love to have an honest discussion here, a discussion and exchange of information and insights devoid of rancor and division. Those who bash Trump do so and yet never offer an alternative.

The chores are done, it’s still way too hot outside and I have a pot of chili cooking on the stove so I am here and all ‘ears’.

July 15, 2020 11:51 pm

The alternative is to abdicate from the system. And to protest mightily, and demand someone of substance. Doubt it will work, but Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton have all been abject failures.

July 15, 2020 11:58 pm

You’re idea of an honest discussion means slandering the source of every link someone posts of evidense while never providing proof of the slanderous accusations. Then you resort to slandering the one posting it. You’ve successfully cowed everyone but me. I’m the only one left who stands up to you.

Trivia Expert
Trivia Expert
July 16, 2020 12:05 am

She hasn’t cowed me.

  Trivia Expert
July 16, 2020 1:05 am

Please, he’s a sissy and a petulant child. He ‘stands’ up to me? By golly, what a man. Bravery is his middle name. Now, didn’t Llpoh tell you to quit? I’m not picking on you, you’re picking on me. Mom…make him stop.

July 16, 2020 1:22 am

See. That’s all you have. You Tranny’s are all bitter. You’re not a woman or I wouldn’t treat you like a man. You argue like a man because your chemistry shows through the operation.
In your haste to throw out more insults you didn’t even see the courteous reply I made at 12:57.
So now you can Piss off you stupid tranny.

July 16, 2020 1:58 am

Yo, stupid, I did reply to you, @ 1:18, go read below and then apologize you stupid twit. BTW: I argue like a man? You obviously think women are stupid and since I’m not stupid I must be a man. That there is some circular logic.

Now, go to bed, it’s late.

July 16, 2020 12:34 am

Tsk, now you’re disobeying Llpoh’s injunction to be nice. Llpoh, he started it….again. I’m going to tell Mom.

July 16, 2020 12:57 am

No ranchor in that. Replying to your statement.
You see me as harming Trump. I see you as sedating people with false hope of Trump being a bulwark.
I don’t think any President can stop or slow down whats happening.
We are broke Fiscally, morally, and mentally. There is nothing to save or fix.
If trump was who you claim, We would still have to murder 1/2 the population to ever return to anything remotely livable because the poison of Liberalism has seeped into even the conservative kids.
Liberals never quit. They retreat like rats, only to come back out later. They have to be killed. The ancient tradition of doing that was Just. Just because failure to remove the poison was an injustice to your progeny and because it’s a Biblical rule that a murder must be settled in the blood of the killer or the victims cry will be heard by God and demand Divine Justice.
Liberals are murderers. I would die of old age listing the many ways they murder just with disinformation and lies without even getting into the deaths caused by churning up bloody revolutions.
I don’t hate Trump. I wish he would do enough for me to have to apologize to T4C and Tampa and H&R.

July 16, 2020 1:18 am

Well, that’s more like it and the Flea I know and respect. I don’t worship Trump but I do see him as a bulwark, a bulwark against the leftist dems whose only goal seems to be the total destruction of this country. Where this country goes remains to be seen, however I don’t see Trump grabbing guns or pursuing all the active Marxist goals that a dem in office would go for. Take a look at Virginia or any other blue state for a taste of what dems do when in power.
On a brighter note, it seems most parents are going to homeschool rather than send their kids off to the indoctrination centers aka: Schools. That right there is a very good thing.
Now, fellow redhead, I propose we bury the the hatchet (and not in each other’s head) and call a truce. Consider yourself hugged.

July 15, 2020 11:49 pm

Tampa – electable? Well, shit, I am not sure any reasonable person is electable, because all the normal folks have thrown in the towel. A normal sort may not be electable at all.

From the left, there may be many electable folks, and quite honestly many of them may be better than Trump, because he has failed monumentally to do the things he promised – and I cannot abide low character, and he has very low character indeed. And for me honesty is criteria #1. I just do not follow folks from the left so have no idea who might be honest. Maybe none, given what politicians are like.

The entire thing is a shitshow. If Trump had done what he said he would do, he would have romped it home for term two. If he had played hard ball with the looters, if he had pitched out the illegal immigrants, if he had prosecuted Clinton, if he had immediately fired Sessions and jammed that Russia crap up their asses, etc., he would now be totally in the driver’s seat. Instead he was a spineless jellyfish.

The issue is not is anyone better. The issue is is Trump a worthless lying pile of dog crap. Everyone should condemn lying piles of dog crap, instead of saying “but he is the best pile of dog crap out there”.

The people deserve what they are getting, because they are settling.

July 15, 2020 11:55 pm


July 16, 2020 12:35 am

Pfft. In the history of the Presidency has any president been treated like Trump has been treated from day one? Name one. Never have I seen such hatred, acrimony, lies and outright deceptions being cast against a sitting president. Russia gate? Impeachment?

A Sec. of State so hostile and venomous that she tears up a copy of the SOTU speech on live TV. He is constantly bombarded with the likes of the vile fossils and filth masquerading as representatives. Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, Waters and the rest of the communists will and are happily destroying the country in their spiteful desire to get Trump. And what was Trump’s crime? He wasn’t Hillary, he wasn’t supposed to be elected and he wasn’t a career politician.

How quickly you forget and how conveniently you ignore the entire DC cabal and their lies, entrapment, secret FISA court lies and all the intrigue and treachery authored and monitored by Obama and his henchmen against Trump. Did you forget the spying on the campaign, the lies that were used to create a ‘special prosecutor,’ one Mueller ( an utter and complete criminal and POS who lied to keep innocent men in prison for over twenty years) to examine the false story of Russian collusion, waste millions of dollars and months of time?

Has the treatment of General Flynn escaped your notice? How, even after an appeals court tells the POS judge to cease and desist, the SOB ignores the higher court, still to this day.

Did all the bastards and traitors in the FBI escape your notice?

I could go on but I realize I waste my time. Closed minds will never open, the group think is strong here, the need for a scapegoat so strong that rational thought has flown out the window. How many of you would have fared any better or done any better under the circumstances? The vast majority of the Trump bashers would have folded like cheap suits at a hint of what Trump has had to deal with from day one. Easy to condemn from the comfort of a recliner.

July 16, 2020 1:14 am

That Mygirl is mighty feisty, I must say. Look alive guys, she’s got the bloodlust.

July 16, 2020 12:08 am

trump has probably done more & kept more of his campaign promises than most presidents–
trump ain’t our problem,our fellow citizens are our problem–until one side wins decisively or we have a franco nothing will change–
prove me wrong–
turning in,i’ll check this tomorrow–

July 16, 2020 12:37 am

^^…what Tampa said….^^^

July 16, 2020 1:15 am

Flea says the same thing. Well, the second part.

July 16, 2020 1:56 am

Tampa – what were his core promises?
1) build the wall. Nope.
2) lock her up. Nope.
3) Obamacare. Nope.

I could abide him if he had tried. He controlled both houses for two years. No wall. No cancel Obamacare, etc.

He could have vetoed everything until he got his way. Nope.

He is an incompetent cowardly oaf.

July 16, 2020 3:01 am

“He is an incompetent cowardly oaf.”

Hardly, then again, what research have you done to see what all has happened regarding your accusations? Not too much, apparently.

You addressed Tampa, but I can also answer those questions.

Obamacare repeal was presented to the congress and…guess what? The entire package wasn’t repealed, but….the individual mandate was repealed. That essentially killed Obamacare but hey, let’s not pay any attention to that tiny factoid, ok?
Here’s a website that explains what happened with Obamacare and….oh by the way, it was John McCain who voted against the repeal of Obamacare, go figure. You do understand that checks and balances thingee in the Constitution, right? Obamacare was created in the congress, passed in secret and to repeal it requires a congressional action, not an executive one.

The wall is being built as we speak, and…the congress controls the purse strings, not the executive. More of that annoying checks and balances stuff. Money has been taken from the Pentagon for the wall since the dems refuse to provide the money for the wall.

Lock her up is a challenge with a corrupt FBI and State Dept. and DOJ. Part and parcel of Russiagate was a massive deflection away from Hill dog, Sessions recused himself, Comey got fired, Wray is a joke and the State Department lied and hid evidence. Let us not forget the FBI’s Rosenstein and McCabe, nor Strozy and his lover Page, or Ohr and his beloved wife and their roles. I do believe the expression is stonewalling.
Additionally there are lots of Clinton appointee judges who wouldn’t sign off on any indictments, perhaps because people who go against Hillary generally commit suicide in strange ways and Obama has been protecting Hillary because if she goes down, so goes he. The media is also complicit. Secrets exposed? Not if a media darling is in the cross hairs.

FBI Officials Wanted To Charge Hillary Clinton — Turns Out, They Should Have

July 16, 2020 9:54 am

He blew his goodwill when he won and then refused to dance with the Gal he brought to the Prom.
He had the total support of the right and he could have been the new Jackson or Franco. Even I would have started shooting every Dem I could get near if they had tried anything.
He squandered it. He could have simply done a Rayguns and said Go ahead, make my day. That’s what the Bully Pulpit is for.
I remained quiet for one year, hoping I was wrong about who he is. Meanwhile he demoralized his voters so that now they are parylized and unable to form a plan B.
Remember, we were one frayed nerve from outright rebellion if Mr.s Arkancide had stolen that election. Now they are reduced to standing in their front yards shaking their fist saying to the Useless eaters I’ll blow you to smithereens if you take one more inch.

July 16, 2020 12:00 pm

thanks,my gal,
i’ll start subcontracting my replies to you,i couldn’t have said it better myself–
however,don’t tell flea,he’s the jealous type & i think he’s secretly in love w/you–

July 16, 2020 7:06 am
July 15, 2020 7:25 pm

Whining and complaining TNB

Walter Johnson
Walter Johnson
July 15, 2020 10:01 pm

I suffered from a lot of this through much of my younger life, wasted it, really, trying to make those things so. Only after many years of frustrating effort at understanding did I arrive at an idea that I am just one of many and my performance in any endeavor is what actually matters. I have been able to shed a lot of the encrustations of the idea of unearned superiority to others in the last few years, but oh, to think of all the wasted years.

Trivia Expert
Trivia Expert
  Walter Johnson
July 15, 2020 10:39 pm
hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 16, 2020 7:18 am

“A superiority complex can become established in the psychology of individuals who regard themselves as possessing some form of mental supremacy over others.”

Here’s where they lose me. Is this statement meant to imply that there are no individuals who possess some form of mental supremacy over others? And that if you happen to be one of them and you are able to recognize that, you have a superiority complex?

Does this apply to everything? Say if someone is rather tall and they notice that they tower over most people, they have a superiority complex as well? We simply may not recognize reality because it may manifest itself as a complex?

Yes, there are variant within the species and some of them apply to mental aspects. To excel at some form, to possess a gift or a talent that others do not have, to be able to think or react quickly and efficiently- why are these things inherently negative in nature when they ought to be viewed as exemplary?

  hardscrabble farmer
July 16, 2020 8:39 am

Might an answer to your question be that in Mike’s Post Modern World gifts and talents are antithetical, to the soft bigotry of low expectations.

July 16, 2020 8:29 am

One hand out for his promised booty-In the other a raised machete